Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 12, 1993, Image 32
A&Unctsttr Firming'. Saturday, Juna 12,1993 REDUCING YOUR SCO CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Knocking down somatic cell counts can earn bonuses for many dairymen and with the new regulations starting in July could be trouble for some. Don’t let quality premiums slip away by ignoring little things. You can improve your cash flow by harvesting the quality premiums. On the Pennsylvania DHIA report, cows are ranked from highest to lowest. Any cow showing up on the top of the list could be milk last. That way you don’t take any risk of infections downthe lineto other cows. If you do have high cows there are follow up procedures to specifically identify the prob lem. IN STOCK NC+ SWEETLEAF A Forage Breakthrough This versatile sorgo/sudan grass cross outshin competition with: High Palatability/ Low Risk due to ext: sweetness and low prussic acid Fast Emergence/R* growth Plants e< handles temperatui extremes and reccr fast after cutting. Top Yields/Conver- sion Finer stt with more leaves an tillers produce highf tonnage and TDN • Better Coverage seed size for more acres per bag SWEETLEAF fits any intensive management program like a glove. See us today for complete details. W America’s >r down to earth seed company -ALSO;- SHORT SEASON SOYBEAN ft CORN INSTOCK For More Information Contact: • District Manager, Rod Dodds 717*436-5514 • Territory Salee Manager, Elvin Hureh 717-733-353$ • Territory Seles Menager, Samuel E. Knouee 717-463-2385 • Arthur Aukar 717-665-6627 • John Aukar 717-933-5224 • Jeffrey Boiger 215-381-3785 • Wayne R. Utzenberger 215-847-5563 • Clarence Mull 717-865-2037 • Robert Rineer 717-284-4658 Efforts to keep the SCO low can start before you DHIA sample are taken and the cows are milked. By making sure your cows aren’t dirty. Envi ronmental practices can also help to eliminate problems before they get started such as clean cows, clean dry bed ding. Proper disposal of ma nure instead of letting it accu mulate. With cows in a clean, dry environment and also the most importantly the milking time sanitation. Cows should be washed with disinfectant and water with one disposable pa- (Turn to Pago A 37) No. of Cows lb milk/day lb milk, day YOUR HERD SCO reduced by hart: XIJSX36SXS * 100 » S #eow* nukpncaiewl $ SCCreducadbyVc XUX3SSXS +lOO - S_ fem milkpncwcwt $ LEACOCK SHOE STORE 64 Old Leacock Rd., Ronks, PA (Between Route 340 & Route 30) 717-768-7440 10% OFF our already low marked prices on ALL MENS WORK SHOES Including Brand Names Such As: • Wolverine • Lake of The Wood* • Georgia • • North Lake • Herman • Morel Survivora (Special on In stock Items only good thru Saturday, June 19, 1993) NOTICE: FARMERS!! We have a barnyard acid resistant, triple tan leather shoe with a one year guaranteed sole! Hours: Closed Sunday, Saturday • AM to 4 PM Mon.-Wed. A Thura.: S AM to S PM Tues. A Frl.: • AM to I PM <6UigcknocK Jll MORTISE & TENON ‘NEW & RESTORATION FROM DESIGN TO COMPLETION, OUR GOAL IS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. WE OBTAIN THAT BY QUALITY CONSTRUCTION WITH COMPETITIVE PRICES. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION ’» • f i t r 7 r» \ WhAt can you save by REDUCING YOUR SCC ?? reduced by Vi reduced by V* Average Production by SCC Code (raw data, PA DHIA, 1985) avg test day milk 60.8 57.5 . 54.6 51.2 code 0 1 2 3 DESIGN • BUILD • CONTRACTORS % cows involved 4.6 11.0 18.0 21.0 itlartin Concrete Subsidiary of Martin Paving, Inc. CONCRETE vr „ Mon. Thru Sat. No Waste - We Mix Any Amount Delivcrv You N«d - Mixes Can Be p.o. Box 44« Changed Right On The lob Ephrata> pA STATE approved dust OIL Ephrata: (717) 733-7915 FOR BARN YARDS. Litite: (717) 623-2494 FARM LANES, BTC. Lebanon: (717) 272-7541 ALL STEEL * COMMERCIAL * LIGHT INDUSTRIAL * AGRICULTURE (215) 445-7897 SCC milk less/day code per cow per day •Trends of SCC codes for each cow and for the herd can be monitored through use of ARIS services, or summary sheets available through your DHIA supervisor or the state extension dairyman. The SCC on the DHIA report does not indicate which quarters are infected. Usually only one or two quarters are involved. Infected quarters should be identified by the California Mastitis Test. •For every cow with an SCC score of 7, it takes 16 or more cows with a score of 3to lower the herd average cell count to score 4, 337 Panorama Dr. Denver, PA 17517 48.2 47.2 47.5 47.3 45.4 40.1 SCC range ml (thousands) no samp'e 0-17 18-35 36-70 71-141 142-282 1.51 b 3.0 lb 4.5 lb 6.01 b 7.5 lb 9.01 b 10.5 lb 283-565 566-1130 1131-2261 2262-4523 over 4523 EQUESTRIAN * RIDING ARENAS * STABLES, ETC. rye 17.0 11.0 . 7.6 4.4 2.0 0.6