DMancmw Farming, Saturday, Juna 12,1993 MAH UOX MARKET F R SALE J © Holstein Feeder Steer 700-800 lb, 30 head all or part, good calves, Leb. Co. 717-865-3392. Four 7’/i H.P. Electric motors 3 phase 2 1750 rpm, 2 3500 rpm $lOO 00 each Salem Co., N.J. 1-609-769-4744. Crawler chains s'/. pitch 10” wide for track wheels $175.00, Lane. Co 215-445-5962 John Deere 720 D, very good condition, make offer, Berks County, 215-562-5970, call even ings only. Antiques - 1946 Mercury eight DL-X. Sedan $3,500 00 6 ea. Fordson's, 2 ea. Oliver 70’s with W.F., 3 ea 1954 Ford Victoria's, Bucks Co 215-847-5907. IH 91 S.P. Combine BV4 solid-kept inside $l5OO - Cumb. Co. 717-249-4996. Echo Model DM-9 Back pack Blower/Sprayer Less than one year old Like new! $325.00, Lane. Co. Call 872-6970 1979 F-350 Truck with 10’ wooden cattle rack New rear rubber. Four speed, good condition, some rust. Tioga County. 717-724-1344. Gutter Shuttle for cleaning gutters, used one year, Levi E. Click, 418 Furnace Rd„ Quarryville, Pa 17566. NH326 late model heavy duty twin baler with throw er, all hydraulic controls, like new condition, applica tor to apply hay preserva tive on high moisture hay. Indiana Co. 814-749-0879 Purebred holstein bulls (10-20 mos.), from dams w/ records to 28,000 m. 1 IOOf. Wormed and priced to sell, possible delivery. Franklin Co. 717-597-3770 or 328-5487 or 328-3530. 2 seated Mennonite Car riage with hydraulic brakes in fair condition. I.H. 40 hp no. 2400 3 cylinder tractor in good condition, Lanc.Co. 717-859-2374. 16 ft. truck bed, good cond Dauphin Co 365-3898 30 pair old barn door hing es, 40 pcs used 2x12x16 Fairbanks platform scales 18001 b. JohnS King, RD2 Box 64-1 Honey Brook, PA 19344. Hardy water lilies, Royal Paulaunea trees, hardy Japanese bamboo, cypress trees, perenial plants. Ephrata, Pa 717-738-2091. __ SOYBEAN ROASTING ON YOUR FARM Hi FULL-FAT ROASTED SOYBEANS For Maximum Feeding Value • High energy, by-pass protein and palatabihty • Toxic enzymes and molds destroyed • Peak performance with retained oil and lecithin • Improved Total Digestable Nutnants • Ultimate rich peanutty flavor and aroma • Dried as roasted • Roast own grown beans - Avoid trucking and docking • Economical and efficient for lower feed costs • Ready for use or storage Custom Roasting In PA and Surrounding States David N. Groff RD 3 Lewlsburg, PA (717) S6B-1420 Horst Grain Roasting Raast-M-Matic 3040 Panns Grove Rd. Grain Roasting Unsold Unlv., PA 19352 Sales-Servlca (Chaster Co.) Custom Work (215) 069-8834 Roast*Cool Unit Available 1955 International P V. a good one to restore 200 extra parts, wanted cultiva tor for B 1 1 2 AC 717-865-2266, 6 AM-12 noon, Leb Co Restored authentic box wagon, excellent condition. $975 00, firm Pony cart and harness, $lOO.OO firm Lehigh County, 215-298-3156 John Deere 622 Utility vehi cle, hydraulic dump, lights, excellent cond $3lOO 00 Atlantic Co , N J 609-561-2332 Spring wagon tractors IH 560 WDR9 500 caes steel and pulleys available, want pulley for 560, Aaron King, 155 Herr Rd, Ronks, Pa 17572 50 lb bag P L. Roher grass seed covers 10,000 sq ft $lO5 00, also part bag $2O 00 for 10 lb Lane Co 717-733-1314. Backhoe JD-300 Gas, good condition, $5500 or best offer, York Co. after 8 pm 717-993-3350 Grimm Hay Tedder Straw cutter for M F. 410 com bine, Lehigh Co 215-298-2993. Farquoir Threashmg machine, barn kept, $4OO 00, Lehigh Co 215-799-2824 JD #5 Mower $5O 00; IH Parallel Bar Rake; $550 00, Nl Crimper $5O 00, Oliver 70 parts 215-863-7246 Northampton Co. Antique Amos and Andy Taxi, 82 Mercury Cougar station wagon parts 5-15" wagon wheels will fit Jeep, York Co. 717-764-9218. 2 Reg Appaloosa Mare sol id, has been shown, must sell, 412-947-4850, Beaver Co. Truck camper, includes jacks, oven, stove, sink, table, benches. Nice inter ior, $350.00, Call (717) 442-4323, Lane. Co. Nubian Billy Goat, born 3-31-93, blond spotted, very nice, Lane. Co. (717) 687-6634. 1970 292 C5O Chevy Box van, new tires, new steel brake lines, good condition, 4 spd. $1600.00, firm, Hunt Co 814-447-3490. Central Tractor high pres sure washer, excellent con dition, $150.00, call after 6 00 p.m. Montg. Co. 215-754-7593. 6 cage Rabbit racks gal vanized and stainless steel construction-good @ $100.00; sling type manure spreader, fair $200.00 (215) 367-6047, Berks County. Schnupp’s Grain Roasting, Inc. RD 6 Lebanon, PA 1-800-452-4004 717-865-66} 1 Ford 4500 Diesel Backhoe Loader Hydrostatic-shift Dodge Van 1 ton extended body back side door panel, interior, Berks Co. 215-926-3284. Male Llama, six years, proven sire, easy keeper, $5OO 0.b.0., Lycoming 717-546-6453. Jetskis (3) Kawasaki 300, 440, 550, one wedge set and cart. All excellent con dition, Carroll County, Md (410) 876-1746 leave message. 1988 GMC 2500 4x4 AT. O.D. 92K. Excellent 1985 Chevy, one ton dual wheel utility truck, 47K, Washing ton Co. 1-301-842-2849. JD 2520 60 HP gas N F. $4OOO firm. Good shape, must see; JD 3 pt Corn Planter, $325 Lehigh Co. 215-285-4054. Morgan Horse, 4 yr, good trotter, also 2 yr. Morgan Colt, also 20 sprinklers for 3 in irrigation pipe. Clinton Co. Jacob Z. Smoker, RR 2, Box 127, Logantown, PA 17747. Horse Drawn Trolley, Team or Mult. Hitch, Hyd & Mech. Brakes, seats 22, 6 50x16 rubber Bed. Co. 814-784-3385 1977 Ford 10 wheeler dump, runs good, tires good. Box needs some work. Make a reasonable offer Come hear it, run it 717-752-4068, Columbia Co. 1975 Buick Le-Sabre Conv One owner, always gar aged $6,500 00 Woods C-80 3 Pt, Cadet 72", 3 Pt, Dixie Cutter 3 Pt, Mower's Bucks Co 215-847-5907. Arabians Show/Broodmare Bay. Futunty Grey Filly, mature 15.3 H 10,000. 0.b.0. Morgans, Black/Bay yearlings, up dressage prospects. York (717) 235-2950. AC Dl9 Tractor, good cond., David S. Fisher, 5303 Hickory Hill Rd., Oxford, Pa 19363. 717-768-3729. Ask tor Aaron. 30 cows, freshening from June 1 - Oct I,lst calf heif ers with 20,000 lb. records, avg,, 4% test, very good udders, Lane Co. 717-354-4374. 2 large NH Spreader tanks, could be made into liquid spreaders, used aluminum roofing 4’xl6'; JD disc cheap. Lebanon Co. 717-949-3778. ROLLING 0N...1N THE 90 s MEETS THE CHALLENGE LANDSCAPE SEEDERS crush clods, deposit and cover the seeds in one operation. Seeds are precisely deposited in the top V*" of a firmed clod-free seedbed. THis labor-saving 5’4” model is extremely maneuverable for working close to buildings and fences. Stop in and ask about Bnl lion’s 5'4” Landscape Seeder or the new 8' Model. I PENNSYLVANIA I Adamstown ADAMSTOWN EQUIP. INC. Altoona & Craaaon HINES EQUIPMENT CO Bechtalavllla MILLER EQUIP. CO. Berwick CH RINEHIMER & SONS Carlisle GUTSHALL’S, INC. Private collector selling wildlife art prints, Ned Smith's Penna. Duck Stamp prints and others, call for details. Lancaster Co. (717) 627-0993.- Good work, horse Sorrel over 16 hands, Samuel Petersheim, 117 Christiana Pike, Christiana, Lane. Co. V 4 mile west of Christiana along 372. 16 foot oak hay wagon box only $4OO or best'offer, Windy View Farm, Wayne County. 717-729-7865. Cute Fox Terrier puppies, six weeks -old, three female, one male. Shots and wormed, s6b each. (717) 656-9701, Lane. Co. M-M Star 4 Tractor $1,300 00, 10' transpart disk $1,000,2 row plaqnter Int. $375.00, #1250 J.D. 3B 16” $900.00 Berks 215-777-7586. MAILBOX MARKET AD EOBM Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale CONTACT YOUR BRILLION DEALER FOR DETAILS Lancitttr Needmora Qutrryvlllt f LANDIS CLUGSTON GRUMELU FARM BROTHERS, INC FARM EQUIPMENT SERVICE Dover GEORGE N. GROSS, INC. Lebanon UMBERGER'S OF FONTANA Easton GEORGE V. SEIPLE Loyaville GUTSHAITS, INC Elizabethtown MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT CO. Lynnport KERMIT K. KISTLER, INC. Intereourt* Maxatawny C.B HOOBER N H FLICKER & & SON SONS, INC. 5 yr old standardbred trot ter, 17 hands, needs work, DeWatt 710 8” Radial Arm Saw, air motor, Levi Lapp, 524 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Quarryville, PA. Lane. Co. Ford Pull type combine with auger, fair condition, $350 or offer, Northampton Co. Call after 4 p.m. 215-262-8268. Oliver 77 and 70 tractors; I.H. Hay baler; TFd Wis consin engine; N.l. wheel rake; 18'4”x38, 14'9”x28, 1 3'6 ”x 2 8 tires; 814-627-5149, Huntingdon Co. NH 1495 haybine gas in good shape, $4700, Cumb. Co. 717-423-6188. Ear Corn $7O ton, delivery available; AKC Pomera nian Pups, $125, Juniata CO. 717-589-7676. Please NO PHONE CALLS Check One: Notice For Built In Strength Where It Counts Buy ISLP 642 New Holland ABC GROFF, INC. Oakland Mills PEOPLES SALES & SERVICE Oley PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT, INC MF3OO Combine, also #24 2 row corn head, quick attach factory cab, gaso line, shed kept, 717-799-5576, Columbia Co. Large engine Lathe $1,500, Baxter Whitney 15" Table Saw $6OO, large shop built wood, Lathe $3OO. Berks 215-856-7856. Electric Chicken Brooder 3 tier each tier holds 25 chicks to 4 weeks of age, $lOO.OO, Essex 201-992-0673. 1978 Chevy 4x4 Stripping for parts. 8 ft. bed, exc. con dition, 4 speed trans, 373 rears, 305 transfer case. Warren Co. 1-908-637-4028. 4000 lb. lift. Lift LP gas fork lift, 200 hrs. on new engine clutch tires, rebuilt trans. No reasonable iffer refysed 215-944-7475. Wanted TURF-MAKER Is the Ideal seeder for professional landscapers, turf and sod raisers. Crush clods, deposit and cover the seeds in one operation Get thick, even stands of grass, consistently, with savings of up to 50%. Stop in and ask about Bullion's 10' Turf-Maker. (Also available as pull-type) Tamaqua CHARLES SNYDER, INC Wataontown DEERFIELD AG S TURF CENTER. INC. Weat Grove SG. LEWIS & SON, INC. Dorset Ram registered proven, 4 yr. old, Produced very nice lambs, slqoqa York C0.717-259-0553' wanted, Capper for e< V.W. Truck. Feed Bin 6 ton with auger" fully assembled, never used, $650, Bucks Co 215-847-8126. 1956 70 LP 3 Pth Finders $3750, good metal, runs good, 1980 Olds Cutlas ■Supreme, runs good $ 1150, Adams 717-624-8631. 4 nice heifers (Holstein grade) due July & August also straw for sale, Cum berland Co. (7l?i 766-3022. 1 Singer Treadle sewing machine $lOO.OO, N.H. 401 Crimper, $500.00 I.H.C #25 7 ft. mower $125.00 fits HMAB etc. Berks Co 215-286-9682. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PHASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMI Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed ‘one’ free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phone number must le area coi 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following Wash's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Mark* eta that do not meet these requirements. ** Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markals P.O. B.ox 609 1 E. Main SL Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phono Call Plaasal 20 MARYLAND Frederick CERESVILLE FORD NEW HOLLAND NEW JERSEY Bridgeton LESLIE FOGG Elmer POLE TAVERN EQUIP. SALES CORP Mall To: Columbus REED BROTHERS EQUIPMENT Fairfield CALDWELL TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT
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