Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 05, 1993, Image 62
B22*Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 5, 1993 J&D Manufacturing Supplies All Your Ventilation Needs From Alley Fans To Tunnel and Circulation, To Custom Ventilation Systems. Che ✓ Check with your N-TECH Dealer for the most complete line of high quality, performance-proven liquid manure equipment available. NTH, Inc. Barron, Wisconsin 54812 (715)537-9207 4 COMPANIES PROVIDING YOU THE BEST PRODUCTS AVAILABLE! THE 40RCE HANSON • J&D MANUFACTURING • METRO • N-TECH AIR CIRCULATION AT IT'S BEST NEW 1993 CONVEX SHAPE DESIGN Aldtaki ■ —..ila * - vungMi mu mpiy uhhookm mw pww opwi tor aaay iemi. Special Pataniad Daalgn allows mora air flow and a nwoli wldar air pallam. ■" ~■■ -- —— —■ IdMt for miwll budding*,nunwlM and calf bara. Partoct for all madkrtn alz* agricultural bonding* uJO. I m v Wun Km OMMIQC. Baat aH around circulating lan for any building and any alz* animal*. Avajiabi* in 3 phaaa. y BARNSTORMER 11200 - CFM: A giant of a fan for largar building* and bigger animal*. Single *p**d only. AvaNan* In 3 phaa*. Trail'r Type Lagoon Pumps Prop Agitators 3 Point Hitch Pumps High Pressure Manure Irrigation Pumps Hydraulic Submersible Pumps Side Mount Pumps Slurry Tankers Vacuum Tankers Replacement Parts and Rebuilds for Nesseth, Badger and Butler Pumps BARNSTORMER AW PATTERN Floor to oaMng mixing and departing under, over and around your livestock lor maximum banaflta fftM I UAMQnN * Smtth-Klt It A Trademark I Of Hanton Silo Company vi N« Affiliated With -* do A.O. Smith Harvestore Ask The Experts. Over 75 Tears Experience! METKO METKO 1560 POWER BLEND® TMR MIXER DEALERS THROUGHOUT PA, VA, MD, W.V. LOCAL WAREHOUSE # 301-223-5151 8 AM to 5 PM M-F CALL FOR THE DEALER NEAREST YOU or CONTACT: KRIS KNUDSEN AREA MANAGER 717-653-0385 FAX 717-653-0243 SMITH-KIT CONVERT YOUR BOTTOM UNLOADING STRUCTURE WITH THIS ECONOMICAL TOP UNLOADING KIT ♦ Eliminates high cost maintenance! ♦ Greatly Improves teed quality I ♦ Feeds livestock up to three times tester! ♦ Eliminates bottom unloader problems & expensel ♦ Factory Certified Installation! CONVEYING - FEEDING EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS A TMR MIXER WITH A “REEL DIFFERENCE" METKO 1560 BUILT FOR TODAY... AND TOMORROW From Bottom To Top Hanson Does It Best!