Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 05, 1993, Image 222

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    E34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 5,1993
Public Auction Register
Closing Dale Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
THURS. JUN. 10 - 6PM, Howard & Ellen Kern. Dale
Country Real Estate. L. Putt, Auct.
Located From Harrisburg
Take Rts. 11 & 15 North.
Just North Of Liverpool
Take Rt. 104 North Approx
imately 5 Miles To Fullers
Store On Left. Turn Left At
Store And Travel 1/2 Mile
To Auction. Signs Posted.
Owner, Mary Carey. Ken
neth E. Hassinger & Neil A.
Courtney, Aucts.
THURS. JUN. 10- 6;3OPM
Malwell Farms Machinery
Auction. Rt. 247, Canan
daigua, NY. Keith Malchoff
family. Roy Teitsworth,
Inc., aucts.
Farm Machinery auction,
Springwater (Livingston
Co.) New York. Pirrung
FRI. JUN. 11 - 9AM Farm
Equip. & Supplies, A&C
Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100
W. Jackson St., New Hol
land. Alan Diffenbach, auct.
FRI. JUN. 11 - 9AM, Valu
able Drug Store Items,
Apothecary Bottles, Adver
tising Items. Located At
Springetts Fire Co. Social
Hall, 3013 E. Market Street,
York, Pa. Brian L. Gilbert &
Jacob A Gilbert, Aucts.
FRI. JUN. 11 - 9AM & SAT.
JUN. 12 -11 AM 39 M/L
acre farm, 3 tracts, 5 apart
ment units, construction
equipment, front end load
er, backhoe, trucks, petti
bone. 130 West Queen St.
(Mt. Airy Road),
Schoeneck, Lane Co, PA
By William W Gerhart
Estate. Horst Aucts.
FRI. JUN 11 - 9:3OAM, Full
Line Of Wood Working
Tools, Market Wagon,
Household Goods, Anti
ques, Old Quilts, 2 Wheel
Cart. Located At The Farm
In Quarryville, Pa. For The
Aquilla King Estate, Execu
tors Isaac King & Levi King
From Route 372 in Ouarry
ville, Go North At Intersec
tion Of Route 472 Ana 372
Onto Lime Street, Ist
Farm. Steve & Steve Jr
Petersheim, Aucts
FRI. JUN. 11 - V3OPM,
State Graded Feeder Pig
Sale. Located At Carlisle
Livestock Market, Inc, Exit
13, South Off 1-81, Left
Onto Alexander Spring
Road 717-249-4511.
FRI. JUN 11 - SPM Real
estate and household
goods, 23 Pfautz Ave,
Lititz, Pa. Betty Jane
Kroeck Est. E.M. Murry
Assoc., aucts.
FRI. JUN 11 - 6PM, Anti
ques, Collectables, Furni
ture Located Hummel
stown Fire Hall, East Main
St., Hummelstown, Pa Ken
Fleck, Auct.
FRI JUN 11 -730 PM, Mt
Rock Farm Monthly Dairy
Cow Sale. Located South
Of Carlisle, Pa, Off 1-81 At
Plainfield Exit To Rt 11,
South 2 Miles To Cumber
land Golt Course, Turn
Right - Go 1 Mile To Clay
Fid., Left To Stop Sign, Left
To 2nd Farm On Left Own
ers, Bill & Cynthia McKee
han Rick Foreman, Auct.
SAT JUN 12, Third Annu
al Central Berks Co Spring
Farm Toy & Toy Truck
Show Located Leesport
Market & Auction, Lees
port. Pa. (Rt. 61 Approx. 10
Mi. N. Of Reading).
SAT. JUN. 12 - BAM, Farm
Equipment, Ford Pick-Up
Truck, Collection Of Pocket
Knives, Collector's Decan
ters, Beer Advertising
Items, Guns & Tools
Located On Corner Of
Maple Grove Road &
Alleghenyville Rd , (One
Half Mile North Of Maple
Grove Race Track), R.D.
#3, Near Alleghenyville,
Berks County, Pa. Watch
For Sale Arrows Terms By,
SAT. JUN. 12 - B:3OAM
Antique car, modern
household goods, tools,
mowers, like new ranch
home. South of Loganville
(Old Susquehanna Trail) 1
Mile, tqm east onto Ridge
view Road, go to Estaire
Avenue & turn right, follow
to 1574. Estate of Eva M.
Krout. Rentzel's Auction
After many years at the same
location, Keehn’s have decided to sell
everything to the bare walls. The Inven
tory of paint & hardware is large, varied
& current. A must attend auction for the
contractor, builder, do-it-yourselfer,
etc. We will divide the Inventory to sell
hardware & paint both days. Large vari
ety of high quality lumber sells June 19.
SAT., JUNE 19. 1993 and
SAT., JUNE 26, 1993
At 9 AM Both Days
Power equipment & large items
sell 12 Noon both days
LOCATION: Just off Route 73
between Reading & Boyertown, along
Main St. In Berks Co., Oley, Pa.
Selling June 19: All new hardware, nails in
bulk (boxes & loose), stove, carriage &
machine bolts, nuts, washers, sheet metal,
wood lag drywall & deck screws. Hooks 7
eyes, pulleys, hasps, hinges, stove parts for
Alaska & Franco Beige & B&G stoves, stove
pipe. Coal hods, shovels. Hearth rugs, chain,
copper & PVC pipe. Large selection of pipe
fittings, plumbing supplies, electrical boxes,
fittings, switches, recepticles, wire etc. New
hand & power tools, masonry, wood & metal
drill bits, wood, masonry & metal saw blades,
router bits, sandpaper, sanding discs & belts.
All current stock; Servistar paints, paint tint
ing machines. Red Devil model S6OO paint
shaker, paint thinner remover, paint applica
tion supplies, screening & repair supplies, roof
& foundation coating & applicators, single &
double strength glass, plexiglass & much
more. Large amounts of antique hardware
hinges, latches, knobs & parts. Power shop
equipment selling 12 noon. Unipoint 10 in.
radial arm saw w/16 ft. ruled table, industrial
type stationary 3 HP 220 volts, speed marval 8
in. jointer, 3 HP 220 volt. Parks 12 in. planer
model 112 5 HP 220 volt, Grizzley 12 in. tilt
ing arbor table saw w/parallel guide 2 HP
110/220 volt, Hutchinson 3 A in. dia. spindle
shaper w/precision spindle & reversing switch
IVi HP 220 volt. Craftsman'/ in. drill press,
speed marvel 16 in. bandsaw full ball baering
A HP 220 volt, mortise machine w/various
bits 110 volts, 'A in. spindle shaper 1 HP 110
volt. Double headed pedestal grinder VA xlO
in. wheels. Walker turner 12 in. radial arm saw
3 HP 220 volt, sanders, router, jig saw, skill
saw, blades, etc. Large selection ot 'A & A in.
shaper cutters, lots of misc. hand tools, lots of
antifreeze in gallons, millwork, 2 racks of
brand new Anderson double hung window
casings w/side jambs, pulleys, sills & weight
boxes made of cypress, LT 62 4 cyl. gas tow
motor forklift good running condition. Many
more articles.
Selling June 26: At 9 AM. In addition to a
large variety of hardware & paint, will be sell
ing a Ford 8N tractor w/new tires low hrs. w/
Massey Ferguson front-end loader w/standard
& snow buckets. Clark CHY 60 solid tire 6
cyl. gas forklift in exc. condition. 1955 Ford
F 350 V 8,4 speed, 12 ft. platform dump body
truck in exc. condition. Kellogg upright air
compressor w/40 gal. tank 150P51 110/220
volt good working condition. Hardware bins,
display racks, etc. These will be 2 big days to
buy new hardware, tools, paipts & related
TERMS: Cash or PA check.
David S. Allgyer, Auct.
#AU-000009-L RD 2 Oley, PA
Kenneth Heffner, Auct. #AU-002858-L
SAT. JUN. 12 -8.30 AM,
Household, Antiques, Col
lectibles, Old Doctor's
Equipment, Furniture,
Tools. Located Main Street,
Straustown, From 1-78 Exit
7. Take 183 S. To Blinker
Light. Turn Right & Pro
ceed Through Town To
Sale On Right. Sale
Ordered By, Frank Rother
mel, M.D Les Longeneck
er, Auct.
SAT. JUN. 12 • B:3OAM
Antiques, furniture,
appliances, toys, collecti
bles, lawn equip, tools.
From the home of Mrs.
Charlotte Zinn Swagert of
Airville, Held within
Chanceford Community
Hall, Broque, PA. Rt 74
Southeast from Red Lion
approx. 8 miles to Brogue
Post Office. Turn right and
go’/, mi. to hall on left Bob
& Tom Sechrist, aucts.
SAT. JUN. 12 - 9AM At
Rudnick's Sales, Route
213, Galena, Md. Furniture
and antiques. Harry Rud
nich & Sons, aucts.
SAT. JUN 12-9 AM 5 bay
garage and car lot for
lease. Farm equip, dozers,
trucks, guns, cars, garage
equip, etc. Located V 4 mile
Dim to Retirement, the Owner of San-
Dee’s Place will be seling his entire
Inventory of Hunting, Fishing, Archery
and Other Sporting Equipment on
Beginning at 9:00 A.M. Both Days
LOCATION: From the East End of
Duncannon, Follow Rt 849 West 7.5 Miles to
Sale Location or from Newport Follow Rt 849
East 2.3 Miles to Sale Location. Watch for Sale
Sign Day of Sale.
The following Gone ere New end will
be sold on June 12th at 12:00 Noon:
Rem. M#7oo*3oo Win. Mag; Rem.
M#7oo-30/06; Rem. M#7600-30/06; Rem.
M#7600-243 Win.; (2) Rem. M#B7o Pump
Guns-20 Ga„ 28” Mod.; Win. M#7o-30/06;
Rem. M#7600-30/06 Carbine; Rem.
M#7oo-270 Cal. Stainless; Rem. M#7600
300 Stainless; H&R 410 Ga. Single Barrel
The following Guns and Pistols will
be sold on June 19th at 12:00 Noon:
(Some New, Mostly Used.)
Rem. M#lloo- 12 Ga. 3” Mag;
M#7600-243 Win. Ruger 6MM W/3-9 Leo
pold Scope; New England 243 Heavy Bar
rel W/Scope; Enfield 30/06 W/3-9 World
Class Scope; H& R 410 SB Shotgun; J.C.
Higgins 12 Ga. Pump; J.C. Higgins 12 Ga.
Semi. Shotgun; Norinco 22 Cal. Pump;
Win. M#l2o Slug Barrel; Win; M#l3oo
Water Fowl Barrel; Rem. Slug Barrel;
Ruger 44 Cal. Redhawk W/Scope; 1861
Navy Arms Blk. Powder in 44 Cal.; Ruger
9MM P-89 Stainless (New); Amt 380
Backup (New); (2) Jennings 22 Cal. Stain
less (New); Used but never fired Colt King
Cobra 357 Mag. Stainless.
A Mixture of the Following Items will
be Sold on Both Days.
Various PSE Top Of The Line Com
pound Bows; Easton Arrow Shafts and
Accessories; other Archery Accessories
including Tips & Knocks, Arm Guards,
Quivers, Strings, etc.; Reloading Equip
ment of all kinds to include a large selec
tion of Bullets, Powder, Primers, Shell Hol
ders; Brass, etc.; Blk Powder Accessories,
Powder, Molds, Round Balls, etc.; Gun
Cleaning Supplies; Lots of Fishing Sup
plies, New Reels, Rod & Reel Combos,
Lures, Line, Creels, Mini Nets & Buckets,
Tackle Boxes & Tackle, etc.; Crossman
Pellet Guns; Spotting Scope; Spot Lights;
Buck, Almar & Western Knives; Turkey
Calls (Tuscarora, D.D. Adams and
Others): Decoys; Ear Protectors: Rain
suits, Ponchos & Safety Vests; Fanny
Packs; Camo Paint; Holsters: Odor Elimi
nator; Targets; lee Shoes; Various
Scopes; Lens Covers; Flashlights; Pach
mayr Grips; Speed Loaders; Mounts; Ring
Bases; Quick Sites and Many Other Items
Not Listed.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a very
small list of items to be sold. If you’re
an Outdoorsman, this is the Sale for
you! So come early both days, and plan
to spend the day.
I.D. Required for Bidder’s Number.
Not Responsible for Accidents.
Lunch Stand Reserved.
No Out-Of-State Checks.
PHONE 567-6730
Ed Shull, Auctioneer
License «1935 L
Phone 789-4100
South West of New Berlin,
PA along road from New
Berlin to Mlddleburg. Mr. &
Mrs. Bob Royer Ken
Smith, auct.
SAT. JUN. 12-9 AM, Sport
ing Goods Business Liqui
dation. Located From The
East End Of Ouncannon,
Follow Rt. 849 West 7.5
Miles To Sale Location Or
From Newport Follow Rt.
849 East 2.3 Miles To Sale
Location. Watch For Sale
Sign Day Of Sale. Owner,
William R. Kimmich. Ed
Shull, Auct.
143 ACRES M/L -
MON., JUNE 14, 1993
2:00 P.M.
Both Tracts Located In Northumbarland Coun
ty at R.D. #1 Domalte, PA. Approximately 50 ml.
North of Harrisburg.
TRACT I: Fran the Mandate Junction of Routes 147
& 225 go Noth on Rt. 225 5.2 mi. to Creek Rd. Turn right
then past Domtife Post Office 1.7 mi. to Property on
Property consists of 93 Acres in High State of Cultiva
tion and SO Acres of Woodland. This Property Borders
Slate Game Lands and has Many Desirable Features.
TRACT 2: From Tract 1 Continue .6 mi. to Stop Sign.
Turn Left then go .2 mi. to Stop S ign. Turn Left Then go. 1
mi. to Coal Breaker. Turn Right Then go .6 mi. to Stop
Sign. Turn Right Property 100 Yards on Right
Property consists of 24 Acres in High State of Cultiva
tion. Nice Country Location can Continue in Agriculture
or has Many Other Possibilities.
Terms: 10% down day of sale • Balance 45 days.
Tracts Sold Separately. Auction for both tracts and
equipment held at Tract 1. To Inspect property call
717-425-3899 or 717-357-1880.
Massey Ferguson Diesel #750 Combine with 6 Row
Com Head and 14 Ft Grain Head w/Table Height control.
Combine used last year and is in good repair. 10' Famum
Pasture Renovator w/Seeder.
Sate by
Attorney: Roger Wloat
Auctlonaara: 2897-L
Harold “Aba" Shaffnar 717-053- EGB9
Mark Dlftendorfor 717-307-1880
Tuesday Eve., June Bth, 1993
at 5:30 P.M.
Location: Site of former Twin Valley
Furniture Store along Rt. 23, midway
between Morgantown and Churchtown,
Lancaster County.
ITEMS INCLUDE: Nathan Hale solid
oak dining room suite with trestle base ext.
table 6 side, 2 arm chairs, server, corner
cabinet and buffet hutch with beveled
leaded glass; solid pine arm chairs; pine
ext. table with 6 side chairs; oak lingerie
chest with jewelry compartment: oak
entertainment centers; E.R. Buck sm.
Maple drop leaf table with 2 chairs, Maple
hutch with glass doors, 2 dry sinks; Leis
ter pine round ext. table with 3 chairs,
stack pine bookcases; S. Bent ladder
back chairs, arm chairs, pine bar stool, oak
tables; some Lloyd outdoor turn.; oak cor
ner curio cabinet vyith mirror; door; oval
ext. table with 6 pressed back chairs; other
tables and chairs; cherry, oak and pine
headboards in various sizes, various size
wall mirrors; dark pine armoire; cherry wall
curio cabinet; several bookcases; solid
pine room divider/bookcase; oak single
dresser; Ig. china/curio comb.; bookcase/
desk combo; single solid brass bed; single
box springs; new queen mattress; match
ing wood frame rocker and chair; winged
chair and ottoman; 2 living room chairs; 2
matching occasional chairs; V & F oak
frame love seat; country oak arm chair;
various wooden end tables; matching cof
fee table and end tables; various maga
zine racks; hurricane lamps; other lamps;
mirrors; pictures; chairs; clocks; solid
maple deacons bench; carpet tubes and
custom carpet wall racks and other items.
'Special Mention: Beautiful 1931 Kala
mazoo cookstove; Prizer cookstove
(needs work). New Ertl banks, miniature
and large tractors, trucks: old IH toy tractor
with loader, etc.
TERMS: Payment day of sale, cash or
guaranteed funds. No out of state
Alvin Horning AU-0433-L
Main Street, Morgantown