Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 05, 1993, Image 220
E32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 5,1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. JUN. 5-10 AM, Bene fit Auction For Bowmansvil le Youth Hostile. Located At Bowmansville Memorial Field. HH Goods, Wmross Trucks, & Collectibles. Leßoy S. Horst, Aucts. SAT. JUN. 5 -10 AM. Farm Sale. Located At 2833 New Franklin Rd., Chambers burg, Pa., Franklin Co., 3 Miles S.E. Of Chambers burg, Pa. Off Route 316. Owner, Russell Wilkison. Marvin G. Amsley, Auct. SAT. JUN. 5 -10 AM Valu able real estate, antiques, household goods, furniture, tools, self-propelled mow er. 13 Queen Rd., Inter course, Leacock Twp., Pa By Fannie Buckwalter. Mill er & Siegrist, aucts. SAT. JUN. 5- 10AM Coins, jewelry, collectibles. Loca tion: Brickerville Fire Co. just of» Rt. 322 West of Ephrata in the village of Brickerville, Pa. Lane. Co. Terms by Alrene H Min nich Estate. Aaron E. Mar tin, auct. SAT. JUN. 5 -10 AM, Out standing Hummel Collec tion. Located At The Horst Auction Center At The Cor ner Of Rt. 322 & Ourlach Rd. (Approx. 2V5 Miles West Of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster County, Pa. Sale For, Margaret Burris. SAT. JUN. 5 -10 AM, Real Estate & Personal Proper ty. Located At Farm On Witmer Rd., From 1-81 To Exit 10 (King St.), Turn Right. Watch For Sale Signs At Airport Road Near K-Mart. Signs Will Lead To. The Sale Site. Bennie Shatzer Estate. Robert R. Foust, Auct. SAT. JUN. 5-10 AM, Going Out Of Business Auction. Located Mam St, Port Alle gany, Pa. Rt. 6, Watch For Auction Arrows, 18 Miles From Coudersport, Pa., 26 Miles From Clean, N.Y. 26 Miles From Bradford, Pa Si Pepperman, Auct. SAT JUN. 5 -1030 AM, Farm Tractors, Lawn & Garden, Farm Machinery, Consignments Located At Marshall’s Farm Equip- REAL ESTATE AUCTION CUSTOM BUTCHER SHOP AUCTION REAL ESTATE PLUS COMPLETE CONTENTS J & B MEAT PLANT. PLUS MOBILE HOME FRIDAY NIGHT JUNE 18, 1993 - 6:00 p.m. LOCATED RT. 267,10 Miles N. of Lawton, Pa. or 2 Miles S. of St. Joseph, PA. only 15 miles from Triple City, N.Y. Population of 150,000 ±. Susquehanna Co. REAL ESTATE: consists of approx. 5.7 ± acres including a 42’ x 69' cinderblock building w/retail area, kill floor & small office. 18' x 50' holding pens, and a 1974 12' x 65’ 2 bedroom trailer. Drilled well. REAL ESTATE INSPECTION: WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 - 4:00 TO 6:00 FRIDAY JUNE 11 - 4:00 TO 6:00 Cinderblock building consists of 12' x 18' freezing unit, 3 cooling units. Retail area includes cutting table, wrapping table, bansaw, grinder, pacmobile, slicer, patty machine, cuber, scales, showcase, lugs, freezing baskets, dual sink, plus other supplies. Kill floor area includes one ton hoist, 700 lb. capacity scales, splitting saw, steriliz er, plus much more. ’ "Complete contents and real estate to be offered as a complete package. Owner will stay open and help the new owner get started. This would make an excellent operation for anyone with butchering or meat cutting experience. Be your own boss.** TERMS: 10% down upon conclusion of the bidding, balance on delivery of the deed within 45 days. Any other terms or conditions will be announced sale day. Sold as a package. OWNERS: SHIRLEY & BILL STEWART Shamrock Auction Service AUII6 Auctioneer: Jerry Burke Member CAI, NAA, PAA, NYA 1-717-833*5913 FAX 1-717-833-2186 VHf * i-0An.4AA.0409 * ment, Rt 96 Candor, N Y Goodrich Auction Service Inc. SUN. JUN. 6- 12;30PM7th Annual Toy Tractor and Equipt. Auction, at the Penns Cave Grounds Rt. 192 E. Centre Hall, Pa. Nit tany Antique Machinery Assn. Info, or consign 814-422-8406. SUN. JUN. 6 - 2PM 25+/- Acre Mountain Resort in 2 Parcels. US Rte. 6, Denton Summit, Sweden Twp., Potter Co., Pa. Kenneth A. Geyer, auct. PUBLIC AUCTION Antiques - Collectables - Furniture FRIDAY, JUNE 11 - 6:00 p.m. Hummelstown Fire Hall, East Main St. HUMMELSTOWN, PA. Mill’s 5 cent “Manhattan” Slot Machine, Wil liams Shuffleboard Bowling Machine, “Inde pendent” Talking Machine, Sm. Empire Book case, Nice Record Cabinet with inlaid door, wood wall hanging Barbers Cabinet, Arrow Back Rocker, many nice rockers and chairs, Keystone Kitchen Cabinet and others, Oliver #5 Typewriter, old Oak & Cane Wheelchair, nice Pine Drysink, old GE Refrigerator, WWI fighting knife, Bayonet, Jap Bone Handle Knife, old parade helmet, old pens, many old pocket knives, old Mickey Mouse pocket knife, old Firemans Helmet, Piedmont Porce lain Chairs, Conn. Ogee Clock, Depression, Pigeon Blood, many old toys to include cast iron racers. Gibbs Horse Cart, Marx Toyland Dairy, Lehmann Coon Jigger, real nice large Buttocks Basket, plus many more neat items to numerous to mention. Terms: Cash or Approved Check, No Out- Of-State checks Phone (717) 939-8441 or FAX (717) 939-0064 Food Available /iFlcck Auctioneering Complttt motion servlet 496 Second Street Hlghsplre, PA 17034 (717) 939-8441 MON. JUN. 7 - 9:3OAM, Valuable Restaurant Equipment. Located At 2148 White Street, York, Pa. Off Carlisle Road Opposite Delco Plaza In The Commerce Center. Trustee, Steven M. Carr. Gilbert & Gilbert, Aucts. MON. JUN 7-10 AM Valu able real estate, antique & modem automobiles, auto motive tools & parts. Huber Motor Co., Ephrata. Located at 223 N. State St., Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. By Clayton R. Huber Estate. Horst aucts. MON. JUN. 7 - 6:30 PM Wholesale Furniture, A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, New Hol land. Alan Diffenbach, auct. MON. JUN. 7 - BPM Lum berton Township Vehicle Auction, in the Municipal Complex, 34 Municipal Drive, Lumberton, N.J. TUES. JUN. 8 - 9AM Road tractorsA pickups, 35 trail ers, forklifts & pallet jacks, scaffolding & ladders, bridge cranes & material handling equip., wood shop equip. & inventory, fabrica tion shop, welders, ace out- Anothar _Jk£iL_ Public Auction Absolute Auction SELLING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER NO RESERVES APPROX. 4 ACRE SALVAGE YARD WITH IMPROVEMENTS TUES. EVE., JUNE 8, 1993 AT 6 PM Located at R.D. 2, Box 512, Strickler stown Loop, Newmanstown, PA, Millcreek Twp, Lebanon Co. 1 ml W of Newmanstown on Rt. 419 turn left onto Kleinfeltersville Rd. Go 1 block, turn left onto Strlcklerstown Rd. About 1 mi turn right onto the Loop. Proper ty on left. REAL ESTATE FEATURES: Approx. 4 acre salvage yard with improvements being a IV4 story frame house, 34x47’ 2 story shop building, 29x38’ 2 bay garage. Property has great potential in the salvage yard business. TERMS: 15% down day of auction, balance within 30 days Atty: Phillip Feather Auction For Terrence D. Frattaroli 717-867-4722 or 717-867-5173 Auction Conducted By The J. Omar Landis Auct Serv Jay M. Wltman AU001127-L 1605 Apple Street Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-7900. 665-5735 PUBLIC AUCTION HAIR DRE&ERS EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE (By Jeff Co.) MONDAY. JUNE 14th 1993 at 10:00 A.M. at 515 SHOEMAKER ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA, PA. CONTENTS OF 12 COMPLETE HAIR SALONS TO BE SOLD FROM THIS MODERN WAREHOUSE SUCH AS: 50 Hydraulic Chairs, 75 Stations with mirrors, 50 Electric Hairdryer Chairs, 12 Reception Desks, 20 Shampoo Bowls and sinks, 20 Shampoo Chairs, 2 Sets of Automatic Washers and Dryers, 24 Reception Chairs, 12 Desks and Chairs, 1 Year Old Gas Fired Heating System, Shelving, 3-80 Gallon Hot Water heaters, Plus a Lot of Miscellaneous Perms and supplies, Etc, found around a Beauty Par lor. ALSO: Fire Extinguishers and much more. INSPECTION 1 HOUR PRIOR TO SALE TIME. All must be sold You may buy one piece, or as many as you wish. This Equip ment is color co-ordinated in bright Blue and White. BE PREPARED FOR INSTANT REMOVAL. Sale is Located on Shoemaker Road, Off Henderson Road, Opposite the Car Wash (Between Upper Gulph Road and Rt #202. TERMS - Cash or approved check on day of sale. REMOVAL same day. Bring your Trucks! Bonnie Brae AUCTION CENTER (215) 948-8050 FAX: (215) 948-6959 2 Bonnie Brae Road, Spring City, PA 19475 Auctioneer: Richard F. Moyer PA Lie. AU006421 fits & supplies, mlsc. equip., small power tools, garage & maintenance equip, transits, office equip & fum. Exit interstate 81 at Exit 1 at the Maiyland/Pa. line onto Pa. Rt. 163 east into State Line turning left on US Rt. 11, north to auc tion site. J.G. Cochran, aucts. PUBLIC AUCTIO M.F. BACKHOE « MOD. 65 TRACTOR, DUMP TRUCK * JEEP WAGONEER, KUBOTA DIESEL 87100 TRACTOR. ROTATILLER. FARM EQUIP., CRAFTSMAN LATHE/RADIAL ARM SAW, COMM. WELDER/AIR COMPRESSOR. SADDLES/ HORSE RIDING ITEMS. TRANSIT. YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE, COMPUTER/ ELEC. EQUIP., MODERN HOUSEHOLD. ANTIQUES-SELF PLAYER PIANO/PENNY SCALE. MUSIC INSTRUMENTS AND ASST. TOOLS 9 A.M. SAT., JUNE 12, 1993 Location: 4 Ml. West of Schuylkill Haven, 5 Ml. East of Pine Grove, 1 Ml. South of Rt. 443 & Village of Frledens berg (Turn at Friedensberg Fire House/ Rt. 443 y Off Schuylkill Mt. Road, Wayne TWp., Schuylkill Co.. Pa. WATCH FOR SIGNS. TRACTORS/MISC. EQUIP.; KUBOTA DIESEL B 7100 HST riding tractor (3 pt.-pto-turf tires) w/bell mt. mower (exc. cond.), MF 204 Front-End Loader/backhoe (rebuilt engine 715 hrs.), MF 65 Tractor (restored to original cond.-exc. cond.), WOODS C 114 Mower deck-pto, 6’ 3 pt. stone rake & back blade, 1971 Jeep Wagoneer-4 wh. & 1959 Ford Dump Truck (17,000 GVW)-both run/need inspection, 1981 YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE (like new)-80 cc, Greenthumb 3 hp rototiller, NI Mod. 17 Manure Spreader (needs work), Jacobsen garden trailer, AIRCO 225 AMP Stinger Welder, Worthington IVi Hp Air Compressor, Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw (like new) & Woodworking Lathe, Berger Survey Transit-Mod. 200, Elec, utility pump, anvil, wheelbarrow, 8’ work tables, 90,000 BTU space heater, Milwaukee comm, polisher. Craftsman circular saw, elec, chain saw, metal detector, asst, hand/garden tools, asst, wrenches/tool boxes, etc., copper tubing, tap & die set, metal shelving, asst, plywood/ lumber/building supplies, 4” drain line, 275 gal. skid tank, 75 gal. fuel tank, steel pasture gate, rotary mowers, step ladder, SCM 142 Copier, sprayer, hedge trimmer, weed eater, wet vac, Coleman lantern, DRAFTING TABLES, asst, hardware etc. ANTIQUES/HOUSEHOLD/ ELECTRONIC ITEMS: Re-conditioned self player piano w/rolls (exc. cond.), 1 Penny Scale, desk chairs, steamer trunk, mantel clock, etc. MODERN FURNITURE-9 Pc. Mod. din. room suite (exc. cond) Mod. Twin/ Bunk bedrm. Mod. 5 Pc. King size bcdrm, Dbl. Bedrm. set, formica dinette set. Mod. Sofa’s/Occ. chairs, file cabinets/desks/chairs, picnic tables, asst books, crib, air conditioner, sewing machines, end/coffee tables, table/ floor lights, luggage, asst, linen/blankets, xmas decor, asst, fishing items, costume jew erly, asst, dishes/glassware/pots & pans etc., vacuum cleaner, meat grinder, asst, bicycles, fans, bar stools, golf clubs, wood desks, metal ice chest, ping pong table, camera equip., steel drs., Ducane gas grill. Magmas Chord organ, Boosey Haekes & Bundy Clarinets, Kenmore Chest Freezer, Atair Telegames w/50 car tridges, TRS 80 computer w/printer-disc drive (operational). Realistic stereo tumer/cassette/ Lab 220 turntable, Sony TV’s (color) Answer ing machines, CB’s, VHS monitor, Amplifiers w/Mic speakers, ATR Inverter, Elec, wire, mod. airplane w/engine, wall clocks, paging speakers, telephones etc. HORSE EQUIP.; Adull/youth cut back saddles, asst, bridles/bits/blankets/hoods/ cooler blankets, etc., saddle/bridle racks, asst, clippers/grooming brushes/tack hooks/hoof kits, saddle suits/westem clothes, derby hats, leg action trainer, bandage/wraps, custom tack trunks, silks etc. MUCH MORE. AUCT. NOTE: ALL ITEMS IN LIKE NEW CONDITION-THIS A VERY LARGE AUCTION, COME EARLY. OWNER SOLD HOME. Sale by: MR./MRS. EARL STOYER Doug/Tim Houser Aucts. AU-000446L 215-799-2396 or 717-386-2191