Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 05, 1993, Image 216
E2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June S, 1993 $370, maple extension Sale Reports GOCHNAUER SALE A Public Sale of real estate and antiques was held May 22 for Henry B. Gochnauer, 1613 State St. East Peters burg. Lane. Co., Pa. There were 295 regis tered bidders at the sale. The 214 story frame house with a 3-car gar age was sold for $131,000 to William Candy of East Peters burg, Pa. Items sold included; grandfather clock $4900, oak bowed chi na closet with 4 claw feet $l4OO, oak bowed china closet with 2 claw feet $1123, jelly cup board $723, oak pedes tal table $630, old cor ner cupboard w/solid doors $750, cherry hutch $623, walnut Cape Cod dresser $375, grained dove-tailed blanket chest $l4OO, empire desk $950, Vic torian loveseat $4OO, walnut washstand $3lO, child’s rocking chair $270 and hall rack $4OO. Other items were: pineapple bedroom suite SS6O, Depression bedroom suite $495, hanging coal oil light $320, 2 coal oil lamps $230 & $270, hurricane lamp $330, 2 “Gone With the Wind” lamps $9OO & $4OO, 2 Rose ville planters $950,4 R. S. Pnissia dishes $lBO, $l9O, $2OO & $220, R. S. Prussia pitcher $3BO, red coal oil light $260, bamboo captain’s chair $235, cane rocking chair $240, Bietz lan tern $325, 2 cheese molds $175 & $2lO and Bavarian china sugar and creamer $230. Robert E. Martin, Jeffrey R. Martin and Randall Ranck woe the auctioneers. BECHTOLD ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate and antiques was held May 22 for the estate of Guyles Bech told, S3O Mount Pleas ant Rd„ Quarry ville, Pa. There were 217 regis tered bidders at the sale. The 11 Vi acres with a 2 story frame house with a detached two-car garage was sold for $121,000 to Levi Lapp of Quarryville, Pa. Also sold were: 1986 Dodge truck $4400, Sanborn air compressor $4lO, M.F. lawn tractor $330, 25th anniversary Train Collectors’ asso ciation engine & 6 cars $225, Lionel train cars and track $75, gray agate coffee pot $75, cast-iron dog $52.50, #l2 Griswald skillet $33 and two-quart tin pail $22.50. Roy and Eric Probst were the auctioneers. WEAVER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate and personal property was held May 22 for the estate of Har ry H. Weaver, 144 Val leyview Drive, Ephrata, Pa. The 390 foot frontage lot with a Holland stone dwelling, a 2 car garage and a garage in the basement was sold for $192,000 to Leroy R. and Gladys Burkholder, 134 Valley view Drive, Ephrata, Pa. Some (vices received woe: J.D. garden trac tor $4023, Ford tractor $1950, pedal toy tractor $l3O, gas lawn mower $3OO, field sprayer $173, air compressor $263,1983 Ford Crown Victoria $2OOO, 12 gauge Remington shot gun $165, Remington model 14 33-caliber $2BO, Remington game master $223, Reming ton game master with scope $225, quilts $lOO & $l3O each. Carnival glass bowl $llO, set of dishes-service for 12 $320, Empire chest of drawers $243, grand father clock $1630, rocker $230, set of 6 fiddle-back chairs $223, 3 pc. bedroom suite PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, JUNE 10 5:30 PM At Little Hep’s Auction In the Rt. 22 Marketplace (Ollies East) app. 8 miles East of Harrisburg (Paxtonla Exit off 1-81) Selling a nice selection of antiques, collecti bles and furniture including Roseville, Weller pottery, Adams Rose, Majolica, China, Assorted Glassware, Primitives, Prints, Early Paper, Comics, Tin, Railroad Paper, Sche dules, Booklets Etc., Trade Cards, Coins, Football Cards (Lots of Steelers), and Much More. FURNITURE: Lots of Quality Oak, Mahogany, Walnut Etc. Including a 10 Pc. Walnut QA Dining Room'Suite, Mahog. Case Victrola, Walnut China, Oak Rocker, Walnut Sideboard, Oak Chest of Drawers, 3 Pc. Oak Br Suite, Round Oak Claw Ft. Table w/Board, Plus Lots More. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cash or Approved Check. Preview Sale Day. We Buy Outright or Sell On Commission. One Piece or Entire Estate. Always Looking For Quality Items. Prompt and Courteous Service. Auctioneers: John and Tom Golden AU-2851/2584 (717) 540-0339 or 652-3525 table $3OO and toy Dedte tractor $4O. T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst were the auctioneers. There were 385 regis tered bidders attending the sale. COOPER SALE A Public Auction of antiques was held May 21 by Thomas E. and Debra L. Cooper, west of Buck, on Saint Fran cis Way, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices were: Miller milk bottle $33, butter scale $4O, cider press $9O, antique wooden wardrobe $2OO, Hoosier cabinet $473, oak desk $4O, English saddle $ll3, 20 gauge Westemfield pump gun $BO, Winchester 30-30 lever auction deer rifle $l5O, Chadwick Ken tucky rife $BOO, 1992 14 ft. horse trailer $3750, A.C. CA tractor $B3O and 1988 350 Ford crew-cap hauler bed truck $B6OO. The sale was con ducted by Lloyd Krcid er, Randal Kline and Roy Good. HOSLER SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held May 21 by Sam and Barb Hosier, 2 mile southeast of Port Royal, Pa. Blue Spring Hollow Road. Turbett Twp., Juniata Co. The #1 and #2 lots were sold for $30,500 and included 2.64 acres of wooded ridgeland with a 2 story frame building and small pole structure and also one acre bordering Blue Spring Hollow Road with a 2 story frame dwelling. Bryan D. lines was the auctioneer. BACON ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of an tiques and collectibles was held May 14 for the estate of Gladys B. Ba con, at the Chanceford Community Hall, CLIP & SAVE AUCTION ADVANCE NOTICE EQUIPMENT SALE SAT., JUNE 19th 9:00 A.M. Farm Equipment, Contractors Equipment, Lawn & Garden, Mowers, Cars, Trucks, Hay & Straw, Animals, Tools & Building Mater ials, Small Items. Twp. Items. Call Now To Consign. Auctioneer Dwight D. Miller at (717) 933-5736 Auction Site At Miller’s Auction Center 'A block East of Sq. In Bethel on old 22 turn right at Ist alley to auction. CLIP Jf THIS AD I Auctioneer Dwight D. Miller n. } AU. 2414-L (717) 933-5736 I CLIP & SAVE I Receiving Days Wed., 16th Thurs. 17th and Frl. 18th 9 AM to 5 PM CLIP & SAVE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION JUNE 11. 1993 9:00 A.M. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! TRACTORS - Ford 8N; JD G; JD 730; Farmall Super C w/3 pt., good condition; Farmall Cub with mower and snow blade; MF 285 w/Cab; Ford 800 w/Loader; M.M. G 705 LP Gas; Farmall Super C; JD 410 Loader-BH; JD 730 Diesel; Case 1030 Comfort King; Chevy C6O Dump Truck; IH Fleet Star 2010 Truck. FARM EQUIPMENT - Vicon OM2BI Discbine; NH 327 Spreader; JD 400 Rot ary Hoes: IH 163 4R Field Cult.; Gehl 350 Spreader; NH 258 Rake; Taylor Way Field Harrow; Nl 323 Picker; White 252 Disk; JD 640 Rake; Clark 6000 lb Fork Lift - gas; 12A Spreader: NH 455 Mower; NH 477 Haybine; NH 456 Mower; Nl 752 Crimper; NH 488 Haybine. EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY MISC. HARDWARE STORE CLOSE OUT ITEMS ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE RECEIVING DAYS - Monday thru Thurs day June 7 thru June 10 • 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. SALE ORDER 9:00 A.M. - Sale Starts 9:30 A.M. - Large Equipment 12 Noon - Farm Tractors 12 Noon - Lawn & Garden Equipment 1:00 P.M. - Shrubbery 2:00 P.M. - Lawn Furniture A. & C. Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., PO Box 186 New Holland, PA. 17557 (717) 355-7253 FAX# 355-9547 Alan Diffenbach Auct. ■ AU2258-L Brogue, York Co., Pa. There were some 600 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices received were: Ingcrsoll lawn riding mower $3950, dining room suite $4OOO, bow-front china closet $2700, slant front secretary $6OO, dry sink with hutch top $l4OO, Stella music box $4OOO, RCA Victor an tique phonograph with speaker $1450, set of 6 pressed-back cane-seat chairs $l4O each, set of oak straight-back chairs $75 each, hi-boy chest of drawers $llOO, paw foot round oak table $6OO, French Provincial bedroom suite $3OO, early American suite $6OO, N ippon, Limoges, Bavarian, etc. china $5O to $2OO each, gingerbread mantel clock $lOO, mantel marble-type clock $75, Tiffany-style lamp $6OO, leaded glass light PUBLIC AUCTION At Rudnlck's Sales, Route 213, Galena, MD. SATURDAY, JUNE 12th AT t:00 A.M. FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES FROM SEVERAL ES TATES, Cheeapeaka City, MD., Steveoavill*. MD, ind the EiUte of John Boyd of Client, MD TO INCLUDE; Ctmbelback Safe, Caned Sett * Bade Rocker, Bratt Scale, Carved Oriental Cheat, Glaat Table Lamp*, Chippendale Mirror, Chineae Style Chippen dale 7 Drawer Cheat, Mahogany Cheat on Cheat, Mahogany Dteatar, Mahogany Double bed. Round Stand with Rail, Maho gany Electric Watt Clock, Oriental Vtae, Mahogany Nile Stand, Bair Large Braaa Candlaaticka, Olaaa Front China Cabinet, Round Table A 2 Chain, Hobnail Lamp, Bind beck Chair, Oak Ball A Claw Table with 7 Chain, Mahogany Dining Room Set (6 Chain, TtUe, China Claeot, Buffet), Maple Hutch, Veneer Bedroom Sea (Cheat on Cheat, 3 Drawer Bureau), 2 Bedroom Seta, Lawn Furniture, Porch Reckon, Hand Toole A Garden Toole, Ltdden, Watde Freezer, Hotpoint Refrigerator Freezer, Beveled Mirror, 19tt Platform Rocker, 1920 Carved Leg Armchair*. Maple Folding Tablet, Sport Star Flaquee, Signed Bteeballe A Bat. Hcitey Rotevitte “Bluewiiteria" Jardiniere A Pedeatal. Hum mele, R.S. Germany, Silveiplale, Sterling. Oriental Iteme, Weller, Rotevitte, Decay*, Doll*, Oil Lampe, Cut Glaea Deprett ian Glaea, Litnogee, Pattern Cleat, Nippon. “1880 Btniater Floor Lamp,” It” Signed A Numbered Rev one Painted Handel Lamp, Child* Trunk, Mechanical Bank*-Spice A Mule Dated 1197,1180 Fire Wagon, Lg. 1810 Camera, Handel Floor Lamp Bate, Doll Furniture, Flow Blue Water Pitcher, Dick Tracy Windup Squad Car, German Steint, 19th Century Neteukee A Ivory, Large Grizzly Bear Trap, National Cteh Regiatcr, M/M Lamp, 19S1 Chevrolet Citation (Impeded). A Selection of Jewelry and Oriental Rug*...A Collection of Sebeatian Miniiturea. OUR NEXT FURNITURE A ANTIQUE SALE WILL BE SATURDAY, JUNE U, 1993 HARRY RUDNICK S SONS, INC. Stitt Manager, Auctioneers, Real Estate Broker Galena, MD 21535 Phone: 410-646-S6Ol SATURDAY. JUNE 19, 1993 1:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE - BRICK RANCHER Located at 48 Cherry Hill Road, Paradlae, PA. Taka Rt 30 east of Lancaster approxi mately 8 miles to ParadlstfTsllowshlp Bible Church, turn right on Singer Avenue to Cherry Hill Road. (Watch for auction sign) REAL ESTATE OFFERED 1:00 P.M. This large 1-'A Story brick rancher has a modern oak kitchen with cabinets by Fisher, plus a built-in stove & refrigerator included, also features a dining room, large living room, full modern bath, 2 bed rooms with closets & guest closet. The 2nd story has a large bedroom with plenty of storage. The full basement features a large finished family room with carpet, a laundry area with Maytag washer & dryer included, a shower & furnace area. The home also has carpeting, a large screened porch, oil fired hot water baseboard heat, sewer, well, cistern, storm windows & doors, plus a 2-car garage. All this with mature landscaping is located on a lot 100 ft. X 180 ft. M/L. This well maintained home is located in Paradise Township and deserves your attention. R.E. TERMS: * 10% DOWN DAY OF AUCTION, BALANCE ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 3, 1993. * TRANSFER TAXES PAID BY BUYER * R.E. TAXES PRO-RATED * ALL STATEMENTS MADE DAY OF AUCTION TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ALL PREVIOUS ADVERTISING. OWNER Douglas Meshey 48 Cherry Hill Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 ATTORNEY Linda Kling Wentz, Weaver & Kling 717-354-4456 MON PUNK AUCfHONBE/tS QOUON RE9SLER. AU-314-L -A2£iUSSSJ£-£ ALMS7H SSH U APPRAWERS * AUCTION SERVICE SINCE 1961 ★ WE want to be your auctioneer! For free confidential auction estimate call: 7171442-4279 or 487-7402 shade $3OO and 2 piece pine corner cupboard $3OOO. Bob and Tom Sc christ were the auction eers.