E26*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Junt 5,1993 Sale Reports KARSCHNER SALE A Public Auction of real estate, antiques and machinery was held May 15 by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Karsch ner, 1 mile north of Hughcsvillc on Pa. Rt. 220. There were 268 re gistered bidders at the sale. The 32-acrc farmette with a house, bank bam and two-car garage was sold for 5125,000. Some other prices were: M.H. 44 tractor S2lOO, N.l. manure spreader 51325, N.H. #66 baler 5425, iron kettles $4O to Sl7O each, roll-top desk $9OO, meat grinder $l2O, Coates spool ca binet $375, blanket chest $lOO, 20 gal. crock $25, milk bottles $2O to $l3O each, quills $5O to $l5O each, small wooden barrel with lid $27.50, granite bucket $2O, 8 ft. Visual gas pump $6OO, egg basket $23, lantern $12.50, grain cradle $3O, fold ing brass rule $7O and hat rack $2l. Wayne Arthur man aged the sale. STAUFFER SALE A Public Sale of 300 milk bottles was held May 15 by H.E. Stauf fer at the Brickcrvillc Fire Hall off Rt. 322, west of Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. There were bidders attending from 4 slates. Some prices were: Cloister Dairies $8 to $3O, Triple G Farms, Denver 1 pint $52, Wal nut Level Dairy, Man heim 1 pint $l5O, F.M. Stauffer 1 pint $65, Graybills Lmtz 1 qt. $l2O, E.W. Huber, Marticville 1 qt. $lOO, MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale Cream Top, Lancaster $4O, H.S. Landis Cedar Lawn, Parkesburg $45, Hershey Chocolate pints $24 to $45, Moun tain Valley, Manhcim 1 qt. $ll5, Graybill Dairy pitchers $55 each, Spruce Villa, Lililz, $6O, Penn Supreme $7 to $2B, New York bot tles $7 to $25 and White Oak Farms, Terre Hill $22 to $47. Paul & Michael Sny der were the auction eers. WAGGONER SALE A Public Sale of real estate and farm equip ment was held May 15 by Robert and Judy Waggoner, 125 North Middlesex Road, Car lisle, Cumberland Co., Pa. The 7.4 acres with a frame dwelling, garage and pole building were sold for $115,000 to Kenneth Shughart of Mcchanicsburg, Pa. Some prices received were: J.D. 1010 crawler $4600, Farmall 460 tractor $2750, Oliver 880 tractor $2475, Fer guson 20 tractor $1725, M.F. #l2 baler $650,10 ft. Pittsburgh transport disc $650 and 79 Morliz stock or horse trailer $l3OO. Rick Fireman was the auctioneer. KEHRESSALE A Machinery Auc tion was held May 14 by Roland (Joe) and Jean Kchres on Rl. 414 four miles from Liberty, Pa. The Ford TW 10 die sel tractor was sold for $lO,OOO and the Ford 6600 diesel tractor brought $6OOO. Gordon Wood & Sons conducted the mailbox markets, Please NO PHONE CALLS Check One: Notice 18 sale. DONNELLY ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of antiques and farm ma chinery was held May 15 for the estate of John Donnelly, 1 mile west of Water Street, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Some items sold were: oil painting $1950, oak table $4OO, electric organ $250, schoolmaster’s desk $4BO, toy horse & wa gon $3BO, dough tray (no legs) $2BO, hunting licenses $B5 to $240,- 1923 fishing license $l6O, copper kettle $230, oak bookcase $420, marble-top stand $375, Lionel train $BOO, Int. 444 tractor $2700, J.D. 4020 tractor $7lOO, Farmall M (as is) $7OO, Farmall C (not running) $575, elevator $5OO and mixer-grinder $lO5O. Mark Click and Dale Gibboney were the auc tioneers. FROWNFELTER SALE A Public Auction of and collecti bles was held May 15 by Clair and Jane Frownfelter, Clouser Hollow Road, New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa. Some prices received were: 1 horse sleigh $750, early ice box $4OO, two 1930’s Scars catalogs $5O, Drum mond cigar cutter $llO, oak washstand $195, square oak extension ta ble $375, flax wheel $235, oak office swivel chair $2OO, Clark’s spoolholdcr $260, Lion el train 027 gauge en gine 259 E $345, Lionel O gauge train set with engine #2056 $225, Cowden-Wilcox jug w/ blue flowers $395, Remington 760 270 cal. gun $370 and Reming- Wanted ion 870 pump 12 gauge $2OO. Nevin Fahnestock’s Auction Service con ducted the sale. KIMENHOUR SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery was held May IS by Bessie Kimenhour for the estate of Harold Kimen hour, Clay Ridge Road, Oltsville, Pa. Some prices includ ed: 1977 Ford #2600 tractor $4BOO, N.H. 'h h.p. #7911 hit & miss gas engine $4300, Woods brush hog $975, salesman’s sampler blanket chest $l9O, clown playing Cilstone $1350, 20 arrowheads $42.50, Russian peasant girl in needlepoint $65, John Wayne picture $55, 40 milk bottles up to $lBO ea., Brown & Sharpe 20 oz. scales $2lO, 3 Ford oval signs $lBO each, lightening rod $47.50 and cabbage cutter $52.50. Arthur Hanna was the auctioneer. UMBLE ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held May 15 for the estate of Robert L. Umblc, south of Honey Brook on Wal nut Street. The 27 acres with a frame house, frame bam and 3 car garage with woodworking shop were sold for $236,000. Elton and Rodney Homing were the auc tioneers. HUBER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held May 10 for the estate of Clayton R. Huber, 1006 Main St., Akron, Lane. Co., Pa. The 2/4 story dwell ing on a lot was sold for $56,600 to Edward L. Miller, 1010 Main St., FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMI Requirement*: 1) Subscribers allowed "one’ free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** Th* Lancaster Farming staff ha* the right to reject any Mailbox Mark et* that do not meat the** requirements. M Mall To; Lancaster Farming Mailbox Market* P.O. Bex 609 1 E. Main SL Ephrate, PA 17522 No Phono Call Ptoaaal Akron. Pa Horst Auctioneers managed the sale. FASNACHT SALE A Public Sale of an tiques and household goods was held May IS at Horst Auction Cen ter, 50 Durlach Road, Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 230 regis tered bidders attending the sale for Romaine Fasnacht of Ephrata. Some items sold were: 3 dry sinks $350, $475 & $6OO, grained wardrobe $9OO, large brass kettle $335, blanket chest $425, set of 6 arrow-back chairs $4OO, miniature drop leaf table $230, leaded glass hanging light $350, Ned Smith wild life print $350, sewing bird for quilting $lB5, pair of spatter acorn plates $470, stick spat ter plate $llO and 2 spatter cups Sl4O. Glassware included: Mount Joy Red Rose Dairy milk bottle $l7O, I.J. Rupp Dairy milk bottle $125, 5 Bombcr gcr’s Distillery whiskey shot glases $155 ea., Rohrcr’s Whiskey bot tle 5125, Grove Gin bottle $135, 2 King’s Rose soup bowls Sl7O and 6 shaving mugs S3O to 5135. The auction was con ducted by T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Tho mas A. Horst. ' ADER SALE A Public Sale of a Lancaster Farming Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $19.75 per year or $37.50 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $30.00 per year, $58.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. * CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thurs day 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancas ter Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING □ $19.75- 1 YEAR □ $37.50- 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP + 4 wooded lot was held May 15 by Herbert F. Ader and Lorcna B. Adcr along the north side of Walnut Street, Terre Hill, Lane. Co., Pa. The former Congre gational Church Picnic Grove with 224 ft, frontage on Walnut St., and 270 ft. depth with a stand of large mature trees was sold for $ll,OOO. T. Glenn, Timothy, Thomas A. Horst were the auctioneers. GOCHNAUER SALE A Public Sale of an tiques and household goods was held May IS for Henry B. Goch nauer, 1615 State St., East Petersburg, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 367 registered bidders at the sale. Some items sold were: 1985 Plymouth four-door $4700, 1846 Gochnauer coverlet $4250, 2 Flow Blue platters with deer scenes $lOOO & $B5O, Flow Blue teapot $2750, turkey platter $4OO, Flow Blue sugar bowl (chipped) $525, Flow Blue cup and saucer $l4O & $l9O, Flow Blue vegetable dish $350, 3 R.S. Prus sia fruit dishes $lOO, $l7O & $2OO, 7 piece water set $360 and 11 piece Nippon tea set $550. Other items sold • RENEWALS (Check Appropriate Boxes) COUNTY NON-REFUNDABLE were: 7 piece toilet set $4OO, 3 tin cheese molds $125, $2lO, & $220, Hubley cat $135, toy Oliver 77 tractor $lBO, dovetail coffee grinder $260, large pewter pitcher $3BO, small blue agate pitcher $ 150, hooked rugs $ 130 to $l9O, large Bohem ian vase $2OO, cruet $145, .222 rifle with scope $l9O, Troy bill rototiller $B6O, Simpli city riding mower $9OO and Echo trimmer $llO. Robert E. Martin and Jeffrey R. Martin were the auctioneers. SCHROEDEL SALE A Public Auction of jewelry and antique fur niture was held May 29 by Cordelia Y. Schroedel, 15 Vine Street, Danville, Pa. Some prices were: 3 pc. wicker set $5OO, diamond ring $2200, diamond bracelet $9OO, 1-drawer stand $lO5, stands $3O to $l5O each, diningroom suite $1025, oak bookcase $1950, drop-front sec retary $550, table with carvings $l9O, end tables $l3O each, pair crystal lamps from buf fet $3OO, wall table $l5O and various figur ines $lO to $l5O each. George J. Henry and George R. Henry were the auctioneers. □ $30.00-1 YEAR □ $58.00- 2 YEARS STATE I J
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