ElB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 5,1993 * «IS> * * Don’t Let Pastures Go To Head Timothy J. Fritz Montgomery Co. Extension Agent During the spring months, pas ture growth is very rapid and diffi cult to manage. Typically, production is at least twice as much in the spring than summer production. Consequent ly, stocking rates must be twice as high in the spring months to pre vent pastures from becoming too mature. Your goal with cool season grass legume pastures should be to have the crop grazed when it is six to eight inches high in an intensive system. Once the grass starts to get taller than eight inches, quality starts to decline. If the pasture grasses go to head, the pasture should be clipped to maintain quality and active growth. If you are understocked in the spring, instead of trying to graze everything, make hay or haylage off part of your grazing land. Tall grasses are the easiest to harvest for hay or haylage. In particular, if you have predominately timothy or smooth bromegrass pastures/ hayfields, they should be consid ered for haying. Timothy and smooth bromegrass should not be grazed during stem elongation. The growing point is exposed at this time and stand life will be reduced. Ideas To Help Reduce Mud And Erosion On Lanes Wet soil in the springtime can cause problems on farms using lane systems. • Agricultural • Commercial • Residential • Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos • Manure Storage, Etc. LET OUR EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU ESTABUSHED SINCE 1979!. WE ORIGINATED THE CONCRETE SYSTEM! Sizes And Layouts To Your Specifications We Work Hard For Customer Satisfaction! in particular, daily faims with cows moving to and from the bam twice a day can have a real mud problem. Mud not only slows down milking due to extra cow prep time, but also increases environmental mastitis and ero sion on lanes. Some techniques that can reduce mud and erosion on lanes are: • Avoid low ground. • Avoid running lanes down slope. Try to follow the contour if possible. If you must go down a long slope, put in small diversions to channel water off the lane. • Have more than one major lane/exit from bam. • Mound your lanes. In south eastern Pennsylvania, with all the development pressure, clean fill can be found very easily. You may also be able to plow a mound in for a lane way. Avoid fill with rocks due to possible foot injuries. If you are mounding lanes, some culverts may be needed. • Wood chips can be put on heavy traveled lanes. Many land scapers and tree trimming/ removal companies have lots of wood chips. If you negotiate right, you might even be able to get paid a tipping fee. • Crushed stone can also be put on lanes. Avoid sizes that will cause foot problems. A course material covered with a fine material will probably work well. • Close to the bam, if the prob lem is severe and herd size is large enough to justify cost, consider a paved or a grooved concrete main lane. Commodity Bins And Trench Silos Authorized Dealer For KEYSTONE CONCRETE PRODUCTS • Hog & • Trench Cattle Silo Slats Walls • H-Bunks • J-Bunks Consider Low Alkaloid Varieties Of Reed Canarygrass In Montgomery County, many soils are wet in die spring and fall months and drought in the sum mer months. Reed canarygrass mixed with both red and ladino clovers should be considered by the grazer on these soil types. Reed canarygrass, once estab lished, is high yielding and highly tolerant to wet and doughty soils. In addition, its persistence is very high. Reed canarygrass does, howev er, have low seeding vigor and does not establish well with com petition. Palation and Ventor are two high-yielding, low-alkaloid varieties that should perform well. Varieties with high alkaloids have reduced palatability as its growth matures. For more information. “Agro nomy Facts 26, Reed Canary grass,” is available from the exten sion office. Frost Seeding Of Clovers Look Good So Far I have looked at several frost seedings of clovers spun on in late February and early March. All of the seedings appear to be coming along very nicely. One caution, however, to assure continued survival of the see dlings is to make sure the grasses do not shade the clovers excessively. In other words, don’t let the grasses in an intensive system get much taller than six inches and allow the animals to graze the grass a little shorter (maybe to I.S inches). INC. 430 Concrete Ave., Leola, PA 717-656-2016 I . te/c<g j MARKET - „ FOR SALE 40' Howard rototiller 3 point hitch p.t.o. for small tractor up to 30 h.p., good condi tion, $550. Burlington County, 609-654-4337. Oliver 2 bottom rollover plow. $950.00. 7 row John Blue No-till tool Bar nitro gen injector. $l4OO 0.b.0. Lane. Co. 717-653-4598. 1969 Mercury Montego, like new, 307 engine, two door, 54K miles, phone 717-677-4835, Adams County. John Deere Loose hay loader that is towed behind wagon $250, Frederick Co., Md. 301-447-2635. Case 4550 Loader Cab, 4 way basket 200 hr 199? price to sell 410-658-3457, Cedi, Md. Pure maple syrup $30.00 gal. $16.00 V 4 gal, $9.50 qt. Postage paid Hoffman Farm, RR 2, Box 310, Wellsville, NY 14895. Approx. 3 acres wood lot with double wide mobile home and other buildings. Between Campbelltown and Lawn $65,000 (717) 367-8195, Lane. Co. Bee Supplies & Equip Medication for Mite & AFB Glass ware. Honey for stand operators, call Rain bow Apiaries, Lane. Co. 215-445-6674. 21 foot six ring grain bin disassembled. 301-791-6963, no Sunday calls. Wash. Co. Asking $375.00. Milking machine - surge on wheels; setup for goats; dear lines, silicone infla tions, two pails; extra parts, supplies, $4OO. York Co. (717) 292-3294. Horses for sale, Geld Show Quality - 3-4 yrs, broke, good home only!! Arab/TB 410-378-4037, Cedi Co., Md. Horses Bd also. 2-way radios for farm or business, GE VHP Base Station and 2 mobiles with accessories $650 even ings, weekends, Adams (717) 359-5658. New 5-room log house, located In excellent huntlng-flshlng area of Franklin Co near Pa. Turn pike, priced at Building Cost (717) 532-4882. 1986 Pontiac Parisienne, 8 passenger wagon, Loaded; air pwr-wnd stereo cassette wood grain, roof rack, very nice condition. Berks 944-0946. John Ibere 14T Hay Baler, 1963 Ford Galaxie Conver tible, Adams County. 717-642-5230. Fresh Gumsy family cow young nice milker for hand milking, Lane. Co. Phone 215-445-4825. Antique Store make Ver ona $850.00 or best offer, call anytime (717) 354-8507, Lane. Co. Danuser post hole diggerr, 3 point $630.00, York Co. (717) 428-1258. Harley Davison motor cycle “77" Sporter 1,000 cc. good condition, 53.000 or best offer, Hopewell County, call 717-244-9331. MF-1045 Compact Diesel tractor 35 HP, 2 wd w/ loader, 166 H. 12.4-28 tires, power steering, York Co. 717-252-2251. Wood stove, "Buck Stove” you remove from fireplace and haul. $lOO.OO 0.b.0. Franklin Co. 717-597-8656 Antique wooden pipe, 717-993-2835. 3 30”. 'A Hp. Dayton barn fans, 1 yr. old good cond. used elect, stove works good. Lane. Co. 717-684-5476. JD6S blower, exhaust fans, grain elevator, chicken feeders, bumper for 84 Ford pick-up, corn silage, wanted: old silo staves, Chester Co 215-932-8999. 85 Nissan pickup. Passen ger door damaged. Runs great. Won't pass insp. Must sell cheap. Berks Co. (215) 856-1738 (day). 5,500 watt portable diesel generator 120 to 240 volts, great for irrigation, pump used 400 hours, Cumber*, land Co. 717-776-3864. Red Leg Partridge hatching eggs. Blue, Black, Cameo, Oaten Peafowl. Colored Ewes, spotted ram and lambs. Perry Co. 717-444-3528. John Deere 1010 with load er $2500.00, model N John Deere Manure Spreader, ear com can deliver pickup loads. Lane. Co. (717) 354-9723. 109 Cub Cadet Lawn Trac tor 10 HP hydrostatic with mower and snow blade, $1,000.00 or bo. Lane. Co. (717) 626-4942. JD 400 rotory hoe Farmall cub with mower and blade $1995.00, wide front for MF. 40-50-65-165, Lancas ter Co. 215-445-6024. Wheat straw 2.00 per bale, ear corn. Phone (215) 367-9051, Montgomery County. Wide front end to fit *H" or *M" Farmall. Also set of fen ders. Phone: (717) 362-8237, Dauphin Co. Massey Ferguson model MF-620 Snow blower attachment for large gar den tractor. Excellent con dition, new belts. Columbia Co., Pa (717) 672-2638. Gravely attachments of all types. Used tractors and tractor parts. 30' & 40' mower decks rebuilt. Cecil 410-398-7680. Lincoln Cont. Conv. 1959, excellent low mileage origi nal. Buick Roadmaster Conv. 1957 original 50,000 mile Car. 717-561-1841. 1000 Bu. oats, no mold 2.00 bu., also 300 bales 2nd cutting Alfalfa 2.25 bale, call 717-432-4231, York Co. Meat slioer hand operated, 1 broom maker machine 1 anvil 160 lb, call after 7 p.m. No Sunday 717-933-8530 or write Box 206, Womels dorf, PA 19567. Berks Co. Leader tractor, runs, needs restoration, $500.00. JD #45 loader, trip bucket, snow scoop, excellent $375.00, Howard Co. 410-489-4993. 42 foot Timpte Insulated Trailer, Reefer Floor, Spud Wagon $4BOO 717-354-5677, New Hollfa.'id. 955 K cat track loader S/N 85J875 good condition, Lane. Co. (215) 445-7547. Tomato Transplants avail able for late planting June 10-20, Mt Pride, 96 CT Plug Tray, Lancaster Co. 717-872-8318. Two 1,200 bu wire com cribs with foundations $250.00 each, 2 row cult, for Farmall H $1125.00, 1-410-357-4073, Balto. Co. Md. Case 14 Horse Kaler engine 3 yr old Hydostatic, very good cond. Riding Mower cost $6,000, will sell for $3,500, 609-296-4612. 8 Hp Sears Riding Mower, $250.00; Rubber hose, good for irrigation; oak and walnut moldings, chairrail case and base, Schuylkill (717) 386-2872. J. Deere #3O Combine P.T.O. $300.00, Lehigh Co. 215-756-6541. AKC Cocker Spaniel Female, black, spade, all shots. 1 yr. old. $l5O 00. Call late evenings, 814-749-9828. Hay rack for top of truck cab was on IH truck $95.00, Lititz 717-626-0435, Lane. Co. Cleaned Buckwheat, ready to sow, 8.00 for 50 lb, phono 717-766-3375, Cumb County, call after 9 p.m. Yearling Morgan colt 2 white back feet, 1 HC 8-16 tractor with model A Ford Motor, Maytag Meat Grin der. Ben J. Kmsinger, RR 01, Box 234 A, Meyersdale, Pa 15552 John Deere A 1949, good condition, SI2QO, Gehl 99 1 Blowersloo, Somerset Co.-; 814-926-2389. Scott Reel Mower, Chand ler printing press, cypress lumber, Bolens walk after tractor, 1918 style $540 00, antique car parts, 215-256-9925, Montg Co Barbados Lambs, very hardy ewes and rams $40.00 each or 2 for $75.00, Bucks Cty, 215-822-1639. New Holland 271 kick baler for sale $875.00; (717) 249-7960, Cumberland Co Beacon automatic poultry pan feeders, make offer, Columbia Co. 717-799-5411. J D 24T Hay Baler with No. 2 Ejector v.g. working con dition, $BOO 00, Juniata Co. (717) 436-5823. Tires, two, 23.1x26 on 8-lug wheels 7570 rubber One pair snap-on dual wheels, rims only, 16 9x38 Lebanon Co. 717-865-4932. JD 24T Baler with thrower will demonstrate, barn kept $995.00, Bucks Co. 215-968-2649, anytime Two mature bar head geese, austrailian crested doves, also ring neck Doves. Phond 717-734-3625 evenings cr let message, Juniata County. John Deere 1944 Model D Hood, fenders, Grill excel lent shape. Hand start engine completely rebuilt, Cumberland County 717-243-0800, after 6 pm, 200 bale oats straw, 1000 bale wheat straw, $BO per ton Clinton Co. 717-769-6520. 10'x50' Mobile Home, good camp or storage, $500.00, also NH 451 sickle bar mower 3 point, $500.00. Juniata Co. (717) 527-4870. __ Steel desk. Six drawer, S long, 30' deep, $5O, Threa bird cages & related bird items, $150.00 Berks Co.
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