Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 05, 1993, Image 174
Wanted Standing Timber Oak - Ash - Poplar In Bucks - Barka - Lahjgh - Northampton Montgomery Counties And All New Jersey Veneer or Sawloga ISyyaSILEASIL 215-579-1975 COLLECTOR TRACTORS FOR SALE 1938 JD D, Unstyled, Running Condition, Fenders, Front Spokes PTO, Drawbar, Good Tin, Last Year Of The Unstyled. $2,900 JD A - Styled - Gooc Tin - 1947 $1,250 JD MT - 1949 - Average $1,850 JD H - Good Tin Runs - 1941 $1,900 Farmall Super H - To Restore - 195451,900 Oliver 66 w/Wide Front - 1953 $2,000 Oliver 0046 Crawler Loader - As Is $2,500 JD G- Single Front- Runs - 1952 . .$2,500 JD A WF - ? Pi. - Fenders - 1950.52,600 J D Styled D - Runs Good 1941 $2,900 tD Unstyled D Runs Good - 1938 ..$2,900 JD D Styled - 1939 *To Restore $2,900 JP R - Good Tin - Stuck - 1954 $2,900 iu A - Unstyled - 1936 • Runs G00d52,900 W G7OSLP- Cab- i 650 Hours $2,900 JD ? Unstyled - 1937 - Runs G00d53,200 JD ri • '. > < it-'d - Runs G00d53,200 JD B U,iw al 193--! - Nice $3,400 JD A - UnstyLd ■ 1935 - Runs $3,400 JD G • 1948 - Styi d $3,650 JD 720 Diesel Try 1957 $3,800 JD AR - 1951 - Running .$3,900 JD GW - 1951 - Good $3,900 JD 720 Diesel Standard - 1957 $3,900 JD Unstyled A - On Steel - Runs - 1937 $3 900 JD B - Unstyled - 1937 - Nice $3^900 JD 730- Standard - 1959 $4,700 JD 60 High Crop- Poor - 1954? $4,800 JD 530- 3 Pt.- Nicely Redone - 196054,900 JD 730- LP- WF- 3 Pt.- Fenders - 1960 MF 98 - GM Diesel - Runs Good JD Unstyled G - 1938 - Good JD R - 1949 - Overhauled - Nice. JD R - 1951 - Overhauled - Nice. JD A High Crop- Poor - 1950? JD G - Unstyled G - 1941 JD 320 Utility - i Owner 1957.. JD 80 Diesel - Runs Good - 1955, JD 820 - Runs Good - 1957 JD 620 Standard- Nicely Redone - 1957 ID 320 - Very Nice Original 1957 JD 830 - Direct Ele. - 1959 JD 830 - 1959 - Nicely Redone. JD 330 S - Runs Good - 1959.... JD 720 High Crop - 1957 JD 730 High Crop- Very Nice - 1958 Ferguson 35 “New” 1956 JD R I Am Rebuilding My Collection, WUI Buy Clean Or Odd John Deere’s. Buy-Sell-Trade. Lots Of Older Sales Literature, Toys And Pedal Tractors For Sale. Lots Of Owners Manuals/Parts Book — Call. LLOYD WENGER 251 S. Race St. Myerstown, Pa. 17067 717-866-2130 Days 717-866-7147 Evenings JD 2800 moldboard plow, 7 bottom, on-the-go variable width, auto reset. $7,800 500 gallon Krause pull-between tank caddy (for disc, field cultivator or landsman) $1,400 Mlddlaburg, PA (717) 837-0724 .$4,900 .$5,000 .$5,250 .$5,300 .$5,300 .$5,500 .$5,500 .$5,900 .$5,900 .$5,900 .$5,900 ...$5,900 ~.$7,500 ~.$7,900 ...$8,500 $12,500 .$13,500 - Under 1 Hour - 524,500 .Coming In i^2iehzmeb Wj[_ Small Tractor Needs r , PRODUCTS IN STOCK JbfcL HE Qnf. PUCE I<sL I • Headlocks 250 31 Dl# “'> 2WO $6,295 AHUk -Water Bowls HL 310 36 4WD $8,900 9HHSB . Hav Feeders IffTl 420 57 D ""'’ 4WD $ 11 ' 895 " Y 572 65..... Olsml, 4WD w/Cab.. $ 15,600 WtlUCUst 9HRBH * Feeing SuHfell 323 « 4WD w/Cb..517,995 « SUSPENDED COMFORT STALLS SPECIAL PRICING ON NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT IN STOCK New 20* Volume*, Complete, In Stock Jamesway VII 18, 16, 14 & 12’ Silo Unloaders Jamesway Vll6’ Used 988 Patz 16’ Unloader J-Star 8’ Manure Pump, Demo, For Sale or Rent Oliver 14’ Disk, Nice $7OO Belarus 420 Backhoe Loader 30 Hrs., Nice Cozy Cow • Cow Mats In Stock 4Vi Ton Fiberdome Feed Bin 6 Light Galvanized Windows In Stock 3 Light Galvanized Windows In Stock Heavy Duty Free Stalls Energy Free Waterers -1 & 2 Hole Used Agri-Metal 8 HP Bedding Chopper Used Uebler 810 30 Bu. Feed Cart 14’ Badger Fade Drive 20’ Badger Ring Drive wmm woo® mmm 5 YEAR AXLE, HUB AND UNDER CARRIAGE WARRANTY Exterior finish: epoxy primer end • Unique shape of lank ottering urethane paint. greater reslatanee to stress Available with Inside epoxy related tractors, coating Including a 10 year Low profile tank lor maximum warranty agalnal rust out. visibility and stability. Size of Tank: ■ V" shape bottom for more 2350 - 2700 • 3150 • 3600 - complete clean out. 4250 - 4800 and 5350 US • Pump bearing housing gallons. aassmbly built with tapered We also manufacture truck roller bearings in oil bath mount models protected by 3 greasable seals. • Available in 6 versions for inground or above ground tanks as well as lagoon storage areas • Excels as a stationary PT O driven pump to agitate ana transfer manure with straw and hay • Agitation-up to 18,000 G.P.M. with moveable propeller • We Salute Dairy Farm Families For Your Dedication To The Industry - All Of Us At Snook’s Equipment Thank You For Support Of Your Business SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT SSSSL """SSf M Your Complete Liquid Menure Equipment Dom To Bartli 925 100 ••• 4WD W/Cab $ 21 .200 mujcu'ranu Tractor* 1 full year manufacturers warranty tenter Of ® Attention “y 'fcSTOCKj^ Power ' Cen-Trak Linloader S.I. FEEDERS WITH. FLOTATION TIRES TO MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION MODEL SHOWN 4800 US GALLONS WITH 28LX26 FLOTATION TIRES LIQUID MANURE PUMPS Belarus Call Us For Your BIG To SPREADER TANKS 1500-5000 Gal. Haavy Duty Undercarriage w/5 Year Warranty 10 Yaar Tank Warranty Available With Rear Slinger Or Front Mount Pump VACUUM TANK • 1500 to 5000 Gal. • Commercial Duty Shut-Off • 10 Year Tank Warranty And Vac Pump • 4 Shank Rear Injector ■ 28 Ply Flotation Tiros Dealer For 18 Years! FOUR vnumuax Ml MMI —— mut— ■a»— Make it the NUVMIIUIV9 best in the JMP world! Tf . IN ■ stock MiraFountMjfaAAjAA ir One & Two Hole in Stock teady For Delivery WE SHIP m