Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 05, 1993, Image 167
If ALSO CUTS ■MANHOURS. Hesston 1160 Mower Conditioner ALSO IN STOCK: Models 1150, 1130 & 1120 When you're doing high-capacity haying, our Hesston 1160 Hydro Swing Mower Conditioner gets right down to business. w We built It with a center-pivot design that gives you all the benefits of a self-propelled without the extra expense. And It's made for consistent, even cutting. Once you've entered your fields, the 1160's fully engaged 110' conditioner goes to work for fast dry bg and even, well-conditioned windrows. You can even adjust the forming shields to produce every- Iningfrom a swath to Hesston's unique fluffy windrow. Whatever the crop conditions, the 1160 tailors Itself so you can harvest the highest quality hay and save lots of time In the process. See your AGCO/Hesston dealer listed here and ask about our flexible financing plans on the 1160 Or on our wide selection of other equipment, all backed by the AGCO Warranty Program. Ahesston fAOCial THE HUME LINE m. ALLIS AGCO BRANCH RIB. 309 « 100 New Tripoli, PA (215) 767-7611 Mon.-Frl. 7:30 AM-5:00 PM Sat. 7:30 AMM2:3O PM TRACTORS Case IH 1394 D, 4WH, Only 1335 Hours w/ Terrain King Boom Mower Farm all M, Excellent! Ford S6IOD w/Cab 4WH 600 Hrs., AC 7030 D w/Cab AC Dl9 3 Pt Hitch AC WD MF 11 SOD w/Cab MF 65, Excellent JD 1020 w/Loader JD 60 JD 48 w/loader & 72* bucket White 1855 D Case 500 Zetor 6245 D w/Leon 690 Loader, Hours ATTFMTIOM Double Savings On Used Tractors, Combines And Implements. Extra Special Discounts For Cash Or Low Finance Available (Free Delivery Within 100 Miles) I ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE % Mile West OH Rt. 501 On School Rd., Bethel, Pa. m newTdea COMBMES (1978) AC Gleaner M 2 Dw/Cab Air, 15' Grain & 630 Com Heads AC Gleaner E w/Cab, 10' Grain And 238 Com Heads Like New! JD 6600 D w/Cab & Air, 13' Grain & 630 Com Heads JD 4400 D Combine w/13' Grain And 438 Com Head JO 3300 w/Cab, 12' Grain Head Nl 323 1-Row Picker, Excellent! AC 630 Corn Head For N Or R Series Combines JD 334 3-Row Com Head (2) JD 235 2-Row Corn Head Only 1003 MSC. (2) Weaverline 330 Silage Cart Qehl Grinder/Mixer M4W 2000 Bu. Grain Dryer 717-933-4114 Trumbaueravllle to Finland Rd. Quakertown, PA (215) 536-1935 or 536-7523 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 AM-5:00 PM 6:00 PM-9 PM Sat. 7:30 AM-4;00 PM Ljnca,t>f ftnrtnfl, Saturday, Junt 5.1993-031 mm farm equipment * 3 LOCATIONS * PLANTING & TILLAGE MF 11* Disc Harrow, Puli Type JO 9' Disc Harrow. Pull Type AC 2000 6-Bottom Plow, On Land JD SB Spring Trip Plow (2) MF 4B 3 Pt. Plow JD 1000 12' Disc w/Trans. Harrow AC 600 Air Champ Planter 6-30‘ Rows AC 600 Planters, 4-30' & 4-38' Rows AC 600 Planter, 6-30’ Row, Demo AC 333 Planter. 4-30' Row JD 1209 Haybme (2) NH 489 Haybine (2) HESSTON 1014 Hay Conditioner JD 346 Wire Baler IH 2400 Round Baler NH 273 Baler w/Kicker NH 320 Baler w/Wire Tie Gehl 5' Disk Mower, 3 Pt NH 1010 Automatic Bale Wagon TRACTORS TILLAGE • Cm* IH MS, Cab • Int 2-BoL Trallar $20,5001 Plow • (2) Caaa IH 7120, • Ford S-Bottom Plow MFD- $32,0001 • Caaa 16 H Ratal • Caaa SC Tractor Plow, 5 Bottom • Caaa 930, Maehanlca *IH 710 5-Bottom Special $3,000 Plow • Caaa 430 * JD 2500 6x15 Plow • Caaa 530 w/Loadar • JO sxlo Plow • Caaa 1070 ' JD 1120 Dlak •Caaa 1370 • IH 2500 A Tractor w/Loadar Whit# 2-105 David Brown 990 w/Loader David Brown 990 Int, 340 w/Loadar Int. 656 Int. 686 Int. 884 Int. 866 Int. 1086 Farmall M Farmall 300 Farmall 350 Ford 8N Layland 272 LOADERS Caaa 530 Backhoa Cbm 18358 CaM 1635 C Cbm 1835 Gaa Cbm 1830 CaM 1845 Dloml HAY TOOLS • BUah Hog 15 Ft. Dlak • Farmhand 14' Cultlpaekar • Landoll Conaartll, 7-Tooth • Krouaa IS Ft. Dlak HARVESTING EQUIPMENT • HoMton 2000-100 Harvaatar • Nl 702 Uni • Nl 717 Comblna NImI • Nl 844 N • Nl 813 Flax • Nl 315 Similar • Nl 324 Similar - Nl 727 Huaking Bad • Nl 787 Supar Choppar • Nl 323 1-Row Corn pickar • Nl 325 12 Raw Huaking Bad • IH 120 Foraga Box • Badgar Foraga Box • JD 3800 Harvaatar HAY EQUIPMENT • Haaaton 11S0 Mowar Mk. I AGCO | Lobachsville, Oley, PA (215) 987-6221 or 987-6257 Mon.-Frl. 7:30 AM-5:00 PM Sat. 7:30 AM-12:30 PM FORAGE HARVESTERS Nl 767 Self-Propelled w/702 Power Unit And 238 Com Head NH 28 Forage Blower Gehl 660 Forage Blower AC 63 Forage Blower NH 717 Harvester w/Pickup And Comheads JD 35 Harvester w/Pickup And Comheads (2) Farm Hand Grain Bodies, 135 Bu. w/ Running Gear NH 717 Super Harvester w/IR Com Head & Pickup, Excellent NH #6 Forage Wagon MANURE SPREADERS NH 791, 360 Bu NH 518, 217 Bu. Nl 213, 177 Bu. Nl 218, 260 Bu. Nl 214, 220 Bu. NH 368 Tank Spreader • NH 479 Hayblna • HI 404 Raka • Poquaa Hay Tadder • (2) Haaaton 1014’a, Plua 2 Windrowar • Haaaton 1090 Wind- rowar • Haaaton 1091 Wind- rower • Caaa 650 Windrowar • IH 445 Squara Balar • NH 7$ Balar • IH 1190 Mowar Cond. • Farmaalar Tumbla Mixar * Kverneland Bala • NH 36 ft. Elavalor • Gahl 99 Blowar • Nl 620 Blowar • Automatic Roller Mill • Nl 214 Spreader • Nl 219 Spreader • Nl 224 Spreader • Nl 245 Spreader • Nl 353 Spreader • Nl 362 Spreader • HM 1674 Spreader • Gahl 250 Spreader • 500 Gal. Century Sprayer • (4) Weaverllne Carta, 30 Buahal • IH 510 Ml! • JD 6300 Drill- Soybean Special! DEUTZ ALLIS IRANCH