822-Lancastar Firming, Saturday, May 22, 1993 Sale Reports SPITLER ESTATE SALE A Public Estate Sale was held May 8 for the estate of Caroline G. Spitler, 1 mile north of Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. at Juniata Markets, Rts. 75 & old 22. Some prices included: blanket chest with origin al decorated front decor $12,500, oak kitchen ca binet $775, 3-piece oak bedroom suite $llOO, oak dresser $5OO, S-pound Mother’s Brand peanut can $2700, 10-pound Mother's Brand peanut can $4600, Coke advertising calen dar $3OO and 1922 sales bill $lOO. Long’s Auction Ser vice conducted the sale. HABECKER SALE A Public Auction of antiques and bam-related items was held May 8 by Charles and Anna May Habecker, 359 Habecker Church Rd., Manor Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. There were 239 register ed bidders at the sale. Some items sold were: walnut farm table $2700, Sheraton blanket chest with 3 drawers $2OOO, one-door red stained milk cupboard $2OOO, one-piece architectural comer cupboard $1350, walnut Dutch cupboard base $lOOO, blanket chest $BOO, oak chest of drawers $375, oak exten sion table $300,3 mortis ed porch benches $2OO, $270 & $360 and wood en dry measure $270. Also sold were: Shera ton chest of drawers $3OO, spool cabinet $250, quilt rack $l9O, Penn Dairies milk bottle $3lO, blue-check linen $135, 2 sewing birds $llO & $l3O, beehive basket $lOO, miniature German sewing machine $75, 2 Shank’s baking powder tins $l5O & $250, Mickey Mouse Are engine $lOO, dough tray $l4O, dinner bell with tower $275, Columbian cook stove $440, wooden bag wagon $4lO, meat bench $lBO, and prinled feed bags $2O to $4B each. Jay M. Witman and Luke R. Witman of J. Omar Landis Auction Service conducted the sale. Orr-Shoot-T Actually Kills 1 Small Suckers Best Time To Spray Is At The Early Button Stage Offf SIHWIT Apply With A Power Or Hand Sprayer M p/ 4 to 2 Gallons in ■ I 48 Gallons Of Water Per Acre Available From: —- ——gjr i Lebanon /gricoip J (800) 637-5190 GERHART & HENRY SALE A Public Sale of per sonal property was held May 1 by Judith Ger hart and Lucille Henry, Executrices at the Kauffman Community Center, 3 miles north of Greencastle, Franklin Co., Pa. There were 256 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices included; small bed room chair $125, wal nut chest of drawers $l7O, cherry chest of drawers $l9O, corner cupboard $760, black decorated chair $420, child’s cabinet $lBO, walnut case Grand father clock $2250, 1978 Pontiac auto $ll5O and small Cones toga type wagon (wooden wheels) $9lO. J. Robert Meyers was the auctioneer. SHENK SALE A Public Auction of household goods and antiques plus coins was held May 6 by Mary E. Shenk, 2 miles south east of Millersville, Lane. Co., Pa., 1097 Long Lane Rd. Some prices includ ed: oak china closet & bookcase combination $l2OO, oak washstand $320, 6'bamboo plank bottom chairs $540, dovetailed blanket chest $2OO, 1841 coverlet $625, linen tablecloth $223, Hubley doorstop $ll5, dinner set $l5O, 1861 2'A dollar gold piece $2OO. 1909 214 dollar gold piece $220, 1911 24 dollar gold piece $240 and 1908 2'A dollar gold piece $l6O. Robert E. and Jeffrey R. Marlin were the auc tioneers with Randall Ranck, App. BAUDER SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held May 8 by Denise L. Bauder, Koons Rd., Milford Twp., Quakertown, Bucks Co., Pa. The 13.5*acres of open land along Koons Road was sold for $49,000. Homing Farm Agen cy, Inc. conducted the sale. ZIMMERMAN SALE A Public Auction of real estate and antiques was held May 8 by Elmer D. and B. Elizabeth Zim merman, Intercourse, Lane. Co., Pa. The 1 acre lot zoned commercial with a 2/j -story brick house and a 2-story frame house was sold for $570,000 to Elmer Tho mas of Lancaster, Pa. Other prices were; Kurtz Grandfather clock $6500, old Grandfather clock $lB5O, schoolmas ter’s desk $575, old ban jo clock w/broken glass $lOOO, old muzzle-load er rifle w/bayonet $1650, bar quilt $1?S0, small Henry Lapp table $3OO, dining room table & 6 chairs $550, old hanging light $2OO, and flow-blue plates $250 each. Also sold were: small flow-blue pitcher $llO, flow-blue vegetable dish $2lO, flow-blue Inter course plate $lO3, 250-year book on the town of Paradise $lOO, 200-year book on village of Intercourse $345, Wallace Nutting picture $lOO, old banjo with no strings $340, 1833 $1 gold piece $310,1907 $5 gold piece $lB5, and 1912 $2 'A gold piece $lB5. Robert E. Martin and Jeffrey R. Martin were the auctioneers. There were 363 registered bid ders at the sale. ANCHOR SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held May 7 by Charles J. and Nancy R. Anchor, R.D. 1, Mil ton, Pa. The 70-acre farm with a 2-story Colonial brick home and a bam was sold for $150,000. Massinger & Court ney were the auction eers. OLIVER SALE A Public Auction of Round Top Farm’s herd was held May 7 by Ronald and Judy Oli ver, R.D. 3, Meshop pen, Pa. in Susquehanna County. The top prices for re gistered and grade Hol steins was $l5OO, $l4OO & $l2OO. Small calves sold for $7BO & $BOO. Wayne E. Weaver was the auctioneer and sales manager. TROUP SALE A Public Auction of personal property was held May 6 by Elwood and Jane Troup, south west of Middleburg on Route 235, Beaver Springs, Pa. Some prices received were: A.C. G tractor $2600, 8 h.p. rotolillcr $450, field sprayer $325, attachments for tractor $5OO, irrigation pump $450, Dodge Vans $B5O & $lOOO and dining room suite $775, also M.F. garden tractor $7OO. Massinger & Court ney were the auction eers. KRAYBILL MENNONITE SCHOOL SALE The 16’h Annual Benefit Auction for the Kraybill Mennonite School was held May 7 and May 8, 2'A miles southwest of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. According to Dave Reist, chairman of the events, $62,000 was raised from the 2 auc tions. There were 370 registered bidders at the Saturday sale to buy 43 works of art, 45 quilts and wall-hangings and 9 loads of mulch. Some items sold were: Florin Feed truck $7OO, Greiner Indus tries truck with a crane $l6O, Engle Business Equipment tnjck $l5O. 1958 Hazel Reist water color of Donegal Pres byterian Church, home of the Witness Tree $275, Marti Brandt wa tercolor illustrating a Psalm $215 and Arlene Stauffer oil painting on a saw blade $l3O. Prices for limited edi tion prints were: David Brumbach’s “Christo pher Marshall House” $260, Tom Hcrmansad er’s Star Barn $l4O, Hans Heir House $l7O, Ned Smith’s Millers burg Ferry $340 and un specified P. Buckley Moss print $l3O. Quilts sold as fol lows: Hearts & Roses $BOO, Romas stripe pat tern $BOO, combination Lone Star/Log Cabin $650, Giant Dahlia $650, Bridal Wreath $625, Country Bride $6OO, Lone Star $525, President’s Wreath HERNIA? No hernia is unrepairable, even after sev eral previous failed attempts. We special ize in outpatient hernia repairs, and most patients are able to return to full work with in several days. PLEASE CALL COLLECT OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION MID ATLANTIC SURGICAL SERVICES 217 Harrisburg Ave., Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 295*5454 MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED $3OO, and handmade oval braided wool rugs $l6O to $2lO. Two Wilton Arme tale replicas of the school $l9O & $2OO. GMC dump truck $1650, mulch $B5 to $2lO per load, rotary mower $325, shovels $32 each, brooms $2O each, and pork barbecue $8.50 per quart. The auctioneers were All American Auction eers, Raymond Miller, Jim Hershey, Mark Dif fenderfer, Abe Shaffner and Harold Keller. YINGER SALE A Public Sale of gar den tractors and collec tibles was held May 1 by Dale and Bea Yin ger, >it the Lisburn Community Fire Co., 1800 Main St., Lisburn, Pa. Some prices were: Garden Master tractor $750, Cub Cadet tractor $530, White tractor $340, Simplicity tractor $375, child’s Cub Cadet pedal tractor $2OO, car manuals $l2 to $22, I.H. thermometer $7O, Sealtest ice cream sign $2O, Sinclair oil can $4O, 3 bank bags $32, Int. tire gauge $l7, Int Farmall toy tractor (made into a light) $65. 1982 Cub Cadet toy tractor $47, Remington 308 gun $475, and AAA sign $5O. Little IKE Eichelbcr ger was the auctioneer. WAGMAN & DROUSE SALE A Public Auction of antiques was held May 1 by Mrs. Pauline Wag man and Emma Krouse and others in the Chanceford Communi ty Center, 8 miles southeast of Red Lion, York, Pa. Some prices were: 3 pc. marble-top bedroom suite $3950, pie safe $550, slant front desk & bookcase combination $750, small oak combi nation secretary & bookcase $350, antique parlor suite $3OO, oak bureaus and waShstands $2OO avg., 1984 Chev. Cavalier 2 dr. $3575,25 Winross trucks $6O avg., and .999 sterling silver commerative coins $5 to $lO each. Bob and Tom Sech rist were the auctioneers. PREWITT ESTATE SALE A Public Estate Auc tion of engines and per sonal property was held May 8 for the estate of Reese R. Prewitt, 5202 Forge Rd., Lower Ox ford Twp., Chester Co., Pa. There were 228 re gistered bidders at the sale. Some prices were: Pairbank gas engine $5OO, Craftsman 12” planer $475, 1HC3105 h.p. gas engine $375, Maytag washer engine $3OO, pine comer cup board $290, cedar wardrobe $230, oak high chest $2lO, 28 gauge single shot gun $lBO, glass butler chums $5O to $95 each. Lone Ranger pocket knife $27, coffee mill $2l and brass bells $4 to $26 each. Jeffrey E. and Harry W. Whiteside were the auctioneers. SCHWARTZ ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate and antiques was held May 1 for the estate of Mary K. Schwartz, 30 S. Main St., York, New Salem Borough, York, Co., Pa. There were 384 regis tered bidders attending the sale. The brick house, summer house, barn and garage with 75 feet on S. Main St was sold for $77,000. Some prices included: large Oriental rug $7lOO, F. B. Cook York, Pa. Grand fathers clock $6lOO, Carnival punch bowl set $lOOO, 6 Gone-With- Wind lamps $550 to $lOOO, mantel clocks $lB5 to $330 each, 6 plank bottom chairs $975 and 60 shares Codorus Valley Ban ; corp, Inc. bank stock (sold in blocks of ten) $38.50 to $5O each. C. C. Miller Sons were the auctioneers. Gasoiine/Dlesel Fuel Storage Tanks Decisions? Tank Removal Disposal Closures and Assessments Bunting Construction Services (717) 293-8536 Certified Installers #2863 Need Your Farm Buildings Painted? Let us give you a price! Write: Daniel’s Painting 637-A Georgetown Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 (or leave message) (717) 687-8262 Spray on and Brush in Painting MISCHECK SALE A Public Sale of per sonal property was held May 1 for Robert Mis check, Oakly, east of Sunbury, Pa. Some prices were: round drum table w/ drawer $6O, German paper Santa Claus $3O, pair of table lamps $45 ea., cedar chest $BO, refrigerator $2OO, knee hole desk $55 and microwave Sc oven unit $250. Hassinger and Court ney were the auctioneers. REBER SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held May 1 by Ruth J. Reber and the late Robert E. Reber, Degler Lane, Upper Tulpehocken Twp., Berks Co., Pa. The 45 acre farmette with a house (no mod em facilities) and a small bam was sold for $97,500. Dennis F. Wagner was the auctioneer. GOLDEN CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Auction of antiques was held April 25 at Little Haps Action Auction, in the Rt. 22 Marketplace (Ollies East) 8 miles east of Harrisburg, Pa. Some items sold were: Shirley Temple Dept. Store Display $lBOO, mahogany sec retary $425, 300 dolls $l5 to $5OO each, pho nograph with brass hom $475, flint glass lamp $550, pair marble candle holders $3lO, pair auto vases (vase line glass) $lOO, End of Day basket $55, old sewing bird $225, child’s Lincoln rocker $135, Vaseline hobnail water set $lB5 and Gone-With-Wind lamp $290. John and Tom Gol den were the auctioneers.
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