Allis Chambers WC $250.00, Monroe Co. (717) i^^ - * 4 *^* - 628-0676, oaH after 5 p.m. Ferguson-30 mechanically lound, new paint job, ail new tires $2500.00 Schuy lkill Co. 717-682-8277, Straw $l.OO bate. Bedding or mulch. Moped ueed Hole. Wanted, baekhoa attach ment for Caee 1737 Skid Loader. Dauphin. 717-362-4344. Ferguson 30 Tractor rebuilt engine; 5 (t 3 blade mower; »row cultivator, Montgom ery Co.; (215) 584-4934. Small grain orger 10'x4'D J 4 HP elect motor Dauphin Co. (717) 566-0731, please call after 7 p.m. Two Point Equipment Plow Disc and scyde bar mower, $l5O, Ocean County, SOB-928-0619, call evenings. 1986 Honda 200 S three wheeler-good condition, $450; Wanted: Good used tractor 25-40 HP. Call after 6 p.m. Adams County, (717) 259-9696. 11 ft. JD Disc Moblloe $200.00 4 row rolling culti vators $200.00 494 JD Plantar $200.00 or bo, New Castle County, 302-368-5334. Mussey-Harrnis 35 self propelled combine 8' cut ■good condition, $650. 215-683-3827. • Introducing The New Makita 2 Cycle Gas Trimmers, Brush Cutters And Chainsaws. Satisfaction Guaranteed! • Sale On Maruyama Trimmers and Brush Cutters. We Service What We Sell. • Air Systems Installed And Serviced. House and Barn Plumbing. Air Water Pumps Sales and Service. Check Our Prices. • Distributor For Ideal Stainless Steel Hose Clamps and IXL Anti Friction Metal Conditioner .-Spring Garden Plumblng-i 339 Spring Garden Rd. Kinzer, PA 17535 1 (717) 442-9622 7:00 AM 1 1937 F-20 N/T $700.00; 1937 F-12 restored on full steel $500.00; F&H round spoke wheels for F-20 $200.00 or.; F-20 parts (609) 455-4493, John Lowe, Bridgeton, NJ. Pony Saddle $80.00; anti que rug. Loom 1974 mount: Carlo 350C1 $5OO • 1979 Chrysler 318 Cl 21,080 miles. Newport $779 - Chester 215-932-2453. Antique wooden com shelt er, marked Hench and Drumgold, York, Pa, Improved No. 4 b/o, call 410-239-4277. Carroll Co., Md. XL 175 Husky Loader on trailer. Continuous turn grapple and saw kit. $13500-. Schuylkill County. Call evenings (717) 345-8426. 1978 Chev. 4x4 pick-up truck. $1500.00 Fred Co. 301-371-7704. 10'x60' aermotor windmill for pumping water and 12 thousand gallon air tank. Lane. Co. after 6 p.m. Call 717-354-5554. 76 Travel Trailer 24' sleeps 8 full bath every thing works air Farmall 340 Tricycle Fast hitch motor overhauled, Berks Co. 215-670-1260 6,600 gal aluminum tank trailer 3 compartment. Road ready $2,700.00 Lane. Co. 717-367-3036. 4 Horse gooseneck trailer with dressing room $2,000.00. A.Q.H.A. Incen tive fund horses, weanlings thru 4 yr. old, Berks County 215-967-6887. 40'x4* Moore Rain Irrig. Pipe Nelson PI 00 Guns 3'x4‘ Gun Mounts 500 QPM 4x3 Marlow PTO Pump Cumb. 609-825-4603. 1968 Jaap CJS 78000 origi nal miles. Very good oond. $1260.00; VI chain block $25.00; 55 gal square oil tank with hand pump $lOO.OO, Schuylkill 386-3143. Reg. Polled Oberhasli Bums kids $150.00 each obo. Call after 5 p.m. (215) 285-4421 Lehigh County. 10 RN Age Potatoe planter, needs fertilizer belts, good condition, $350. Northamp ton Co. 215-262-9745. Red Grove Hay Wagon w/7T Zimmerman Gear, 16', rear gate, $650 obo. South Franklin Co. 717-328-9220. International Harvester FD-1 Power Forage Feeder wagon, good condition. New Holland Hayliner 270, Harford County, MD. 1-410-452-8677. Com binder built by I and J Manufacturing, with alumi num loader, used one year excellent condition, 717-464-4835, Lancaster Co. Irrigation plpa 3"x2o’ 2*x2o' long, 75 pipes, 20 sprinkler heads, offer for 309 Plantar $350.00 908-638-4501, Hunferdon, N.J. Portabto 4‘ Pan w/angina, Ilka naw, $590.00 Hotafeln Haifara A.I. aired. Amoa Zook, 3438-B Harvest Oriva, Gordonvllie, PA. 17529. 609 tobacco plants for safe, John Q. King, 486 Mule Shade Rd., Kirkwood, Pa. Lane. Co. NH 716 Silage wagon with 12 ton gear like new. No Sunday calls, 717-367-0799. Lane. Co. Dry locust posts, Amoa S. Lapp, 521 Weaver Rd., Straaburg, Pa. Lane. Co. 1939 Styled John Deere B New paint completely serv iced $1050.00; AKC Sprin ger Spaniel pups $125.00. Call after 6 p.m., Berks Co. 215-693-8300. Two Pygmy Milking goats $lOO. each. Three Baby Billys $3O. each. Four weeks old. Lane. Co 717-354-8878. John Deera 338 square baler, like new, can deliver, used very little. Wayne County 606-348-4513. Good for Horse farmesr: NH26B PTO Baler w/ wagon chute, shed kept, ties well, field ready, $l2OO. Reasonable deliv ery. Carroll County 410-848-0711. Reg. Pygmy Goat Doe, Carmel color 2V4 months old, $2OO, call 445-7480 or 443-1286 (Somerset). MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) * For Sale • 17 BOTt X frLd tr “iH ,0 720 h Uncister Farming, Sstunjay. May 22, 1993-821 3-16 semi-mount A.S.R., original Ford Loader lor 8 Tt-rlnr ~ AK UB aagur- co - SftaTMtt ———— 717-266-5448. Tobacco Bdby raccoons and skunks Mechanical Transplanter, zTPJZfZZ? also Naw Idea Tdbacco 717 - 637 -” 06 - ESs«*f • f ■ Huymrd. 216 ft lata modal silage 592 S. KinzerAvs., New wagons with roofs, blower Holland. Pa 17557. and 2 row wide chopper Consignments to sell June 5, 1993, ML Tabor Park, Rocky Ridge, Md. Freder ick Co. 301-271-2648 to Benefit Church Sunday School. Gravely walk behinds or riders, whole or parts, attachments, any condi tion. Gravely only. Balto. Md. 1-410-592-6848. 4825 Sweet Air Rd., Balto, Md 21013. Full set of spring tooth type cultivators for Allis G, also CA and WD parts for sale. Schuylkill. 717-754-7186. Scottish Terrier Puppy, Male reasonable, prefer Amish raised. Centre Co. 814-355-2623, Brooks, RD 3 Box 482, Bellefonte, Pa 16823. Dirt Bike for farm use, will consider three or four wheeler. Lebanon Co. 717-273-5293. Turkey Crates wanted in good condition to transport Targe turkeys. Lane. Co. 717-653-4931. One 15.5-38 or pair of 16.9-38 tractor tires 50% tread. Lab. Co. Please Call (717) 865-0006. Someone to shear 5 sheep, Safe Harbor, Lane. Co. 872-2300. Fast Hitch Caulautor for International 2 row Caulau tor. Call (717) 374-0237. Railroad Use in good cond. Lane. Co. 717-284-2419. Two point hitch conversion to three point hitch for sale. Two row mounted Interna tional com picker, make offer. Cumb. Co. 717-532-3389. Parts for MF 35 tractor, also John Deere Cab wln dows for sale. 215-683-7214. Brake press, 10 to 50 ton in good oond. For sale 1971 Mercedes 2200 $lOOO. Adams Co. 717-632-5937. mailbox markets. Please NO PHONE CALLS Check One: Notice Kinder mixer. 'l7-334-1624. International 6 cyl. motor must be good running, also needed 1400-24 grader tires. Adams Co anytime 717-334-4802. Mature graduate student needs to rent small house or apartment near Penn State for self, 2 dogs & canoe. Wendy 401-364-6041. Rototiller, rear tine type in good cond. Also wood chip per needed. Monmouth Co. NJ 609-259-1102 leave message. Parts for JD 24T thrower (No. 2 ejector) or will buy entire unit for parts. St. Marys Co. Md. 301-475-2502. JD MT, small pull type PTO combine both fair working cond. Chester Co. 215-593-5600. Grill for Farmalt Model A, also want m complete Par mall Model A tractor. Cumb. Co. 717-423-5950. 1 or 2 ton metal feed bin. Lane. Co. Samuel M. Hoov er, 898 Reading Rd„ East Earl, Pa. 17519. Land one or two acres near railroad in Ouncannon area for camper or with small house. Providence Co. 401-568-5843. Farmall cub square tubing that cultivator hangs on, also rear cult part needed. Franklin Co. 717-530-9109. Hot dog machine or hot dog vending cart also coin changing machine bills to coins. Bucks Co. 215-257-9286. Mice & rats wanted (not wild) any size (pink to largest) breeders & feeders 100 lots ok. Adams Co. 717-528-7378. We need used milking equipment, claws, shells, pulsators, pipelines, bucket milkers, receiver groups,' etc. We pick up call E-Zee. 717-768-7599. Wanted 12 Window sashes wlth whhout glass, from old farm house? 28x29 five, 2514x29 one. York Co. 717-235-3197 call after 3:30 p.m. Dl2, Dl4, AC tractor for parts need good transmis sion. Hanover Co., Mecha nicsville, Va. 804-779-3219. 3 pt hitch for WO 45 AC. 215-285-6313. Case Int. 1680 or 1660 combine w/6 row narrow com head & 16' Ilex grain head. Cumber. Co. 717-776-3690. Overhead door 9’ high x 12-14' wide. N. Chester Co. Call Bruce 215-469-0151 willing to take down. tracks for IH T 6 crawler call 717-966-1176. Union Co. Ivan Oberhottzer, R 3 Mifflinburg, Pa. 17845. AC HD7Q trackloader parts or whole machine for parts, reasonable price. Lehigh Co. 215-966-3819 anytime. Powermatic table saw, wood lathe, Maksita band saw, high pressure spray er, yard vac. on wheels. J. Waring Stinchoomb, 2613 Brooks Drive, Suittand, Md. 20746. Wanted large pony or small horse for beginner in 4-H, good home on small family farm. Berks Co. 215-582-4152. Angus bull, reasonably priced, prefer local. York Co. 717-292-5250. Isuzu motor, prefer 2.3 liter motor in good cond. or any Isuzu motor to fit In 1986 Trooper. 717-326-6573. Christian family starting new form needs; tractor, & attachments for planting, spreading & haymaking, cashless, good mechanic. 11l haul. 215-363-7095. va 1 ; rox r/AMK i r NOTICE Hampshire Boars, Gilts to be sold at New Holland Sales Stable, May 26,1:30 P.M. Info; Four Oaks Farm (717) 528-8831. Free for Hauling. Liquid hog Manure, Gideon Fisher, 1 mile west of Inter course, along 340. Horse boarding in Pyleevil le, full care $175.00 a month, call 410-452-5128. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM! Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed ‘one’ free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Mark* ets that do not meet these requirements. M Mall To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Maifcala P.O. Bex SOS 1 E. Main 8L Ephrata, PA 17822 No Phono Can Plaaaal
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