Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 22, 1993, Image 55
7 xl4’ overhead door, solid wood, full hardware $25.00 or best offer. Phone 717-464-3883, Lancaster County g yr. old pony with cart and harness. Rides, drives, 12 hands. Lots of pep. 215-445-5898. Lane. Co. Blchon Prise Male 5 moths, AKC $150.00; Calm Terrier male, AKC 8 months $lOO.OO or will trade for Westies, Berks Co. 717-933-8962. White New Zealand Rab bits for pets, Breeding stock or meat. Lebanon Co. 717-274-3902 after 3 p.m. D2O Ferguson rake 3 pt. 6 bar new teeth field, ready ph. 717-244-1017 or write John W. Gross, R#l, Box 270, Felton, PA 17322, York Co /\ s s f x - - *■ NORTH AMERICA'S II V-TANK SPREADER The Gehl Scavenger® II is the "original" V-Tank spreader and still the best. It delivers outstanding performance in all types of manure, from liquid to semi-solid to pen-packed or even frozen manure. Xr s < ******* GUTSHALL’S, INC. RD 2 Rta MOW Loyavlllo, PA and TSOI Spring Rd. Carttala, PA MILLER-LAKE RR 02, Box 273 A Ballavllla, PA A.L HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ava. Quarryvilla, PA Hesston C 450 10 pt. sp, Dining room table, 8 oane windrower no condition backed chairs, server, light rolls or cob very good sd breakfast-must see, machine. Union Co, light oak. (717) 467-3540 717-524-2410. Seh Co 10 ft Slide-In camper for Pickup sleeps 6 $350.00. York County, B-Allis Chal mers with woods Belly Mower. Call'evenings 717-993-2439, York County. Essick 2 ton vibratory Blacktop roller $lOOO.OO 215-644-7727, Chester County. Elevator N.H. 36 ft. excel lent condition $1200.00; Hey rake, steel wheels, good condition, $100.00; Centre County, Call eves. 8-10 p.m. 814-364-1661. Chinchilla Family for sale, male female 2 female babies breeder cage included $200.00 or best offer. Lancaster County 717-285-5885. G b Lm ,y- * m Patented square-tube auger - Hydraulically powers up and down to break up solid material. m Variflo discharge - Spreads smoothly and evenly for complete application control. m a Five models - From 192 to 596 bushel heaped capacities to match your operation. mm 10-Year warranty - Against rust-through on the tank for peace of mind. m Options include - Truck-mounted units and hydraulic lids. Stretch your equipment purchase dollars with Gehl Finance. Talk to your participating Gehl dealer about our current programs Waiver of finance - on all GeM equipment until LOW APR* 0% for 18 months September 1,1993 —OR—?*?!!? ! or ?? mon *? B Then standard rate 6*9% for 48 months financing 9.9% for up s>n p«ot* to 36 months after that UR VAOII REBATES •Ceram resinctions may apply See your participating Cehl dealer for complete details Cehl Company reserves the nghi lo imerpret modify or cancel these programs at any time without prior notice zw*- r i 1 v' .< . " . Available From Your Local Participating Dealer MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RR 01 SlauMar Rd. BaehMavllla, PA HINES EQUIPMENT PO Bex I, Rl. 22 Craaaen, PA ' RR 03, Bex 580, AHeona (Ballwoed) LEHIGH AG EQ. INC. aaiO RuppMlla Rd AhMmm, PA laiot 8 bred reg. Heifers. Due June thru Sept • Sire by Ever Ready, Dale, Belltroy & Buckeye. Call for Pedi grees. Adams County 717-359-7456. Approximately 26 or 27 milk cans. Asking $14.00 per can to take all of them. Phone: Chester County, Coatesville area, (215) 383-0561. 14* Briltlon Hydraulic spring tooth $BOO.OO-2000 new 100 lb. Burlap bags at 40c each. 609-298-3976, Burl. Co.. N.J. Side mount mower for Allis Chalmers tractor, excellent condition, $225, New Idea Hay Crimper, $125. Leba non County, 717-949-3546. v * - -i 4 v STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1066 Lincoln Way Weal Chambaraburg, PA ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RR 02, Bex 24A Now Ringgold, PA ICKES FARM SUPPLY Farmall Cub one bottom Pottie Chairs like new, plow and disc, very good $15.00; upright Piano • condition. Harford County, Best offer, Berks County Maryland (410) 557-0228. 215-926-3684. 36 Ft Hay and com eleva tor. Kept inside, excellent condition. Frederick Co. (301) 271-7401. FarmaU-1940 Model H runs excellent, paint faded, $l,OOO AA Co., MD (410) 741-1652. 489 New Holland Haybine $750.00, rear mount belt pulley $175.00; badger manure spreader $500.00, best offer. Juniata Co. 717-734-3592. JO 24T Baler. $175.00; bal er motor mount and belt $140.00, baler steel wheels $40.00, $340.00 for ALL Riding Helmet black velvet Lexington, ASTM/SEI certi fied, quick release snap. Size 714 . Like new. $4O, E- Town, Lancaster County, 367-3455. <£ v CHOP IT DOWN * # f % ' „ ' L-fsfl Gehl forage harvesters get the job done faster with these performance features: ♦v* %j K * 4 Rt. 1 Hwy MO Waat Oatarburg, PA Int. 2-horse corn planter with seat and lever, 30 or 35 foot hay or com eleva tor, Snyder Co. Will deliver plus mileage. 717-374-4246. JO 350 Dozer gas VQ, $4,500; JO 3508 Dozer 6-way Diesel, VQ, $8,900; JD 300 Backhoe Diesel $6500. 717-275-4252. Stauffer Transplanters, 1 ready, other needs barrels, JO KBA Disk, Straw, walnut trees standing; locust posts, wanted: 3 hd. Fed dercattle. Lane. Co. 717-684-5352. IH Super C with sickle mower, runs good, needs paint, 90% rubber, $l2OO. IH hay conditioner, excel lent, $lOO. Dauphin (717) 362-4233. ■>s s . '< ' •* ■* >< " ’VSN ' Vk, m Exclusive Auto-Max Load-Sensing System - Increase capacity by up to 20%. Lets you operate at top capacity without the fear of downtime due to overloading. mm Metal-Stop Metal Detector - Prevents machine damage and hardware disease. tm In-head Hydraulic Knife Sharpener - Lets you sharpen knives in the field. mm Patented One-Sided Cutterbar Adjustment - Makes adjusting the cutterbar quick and easy, w Three Models To Choose From - Including the largest capacity pull-type forage harvester on the market. k<V UMBERGER’S OF FONTANA RR 04 (Fontana) Lebanon, PA BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothavllla Station Rd. Lltitz, PA LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO., INC. 700 E. Linden SI. Richland, PA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 22,1993-819 John Door* throe piece front end weights for 2 cyl tractor, Bedford Co. (814) 766-3386. NH 499 Hydroewing Hay bine 12' excellent condi tion, like new, $7,500. Lycoming County. 717-5466511. Custom made shelving cabinets, Penn. Dutch open cupboard, corner Dutch cabinet, tape recor ders, 35mm eamera/35mm lens, Lancaster Co. (717) 7861695. Lot 1.19 acres near Allen town, Pa, $32,000 perked. 5+ acr existing water & waste systems. Trout Stream $59,000, located Lehigh County, 2169662533. McCormick #9 mower on rubber, JD Big 4 on steel, both excellent cond. Col. Co. 717-683-5155. I v ' >r' UY flip f 99 * htM ““OtJ. i I ***" ,0 "m* „ 2072* © m 2 6«hl Comi D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. Main Location SI 49 Cap Stlna Rd. Fradarick, MD Taylorsville, Md. (Bob's Welding) HOUGHTAUNG GARAGE RR 02 Mlddlebury Canter, PA TOM DUNLAP Rt. 220 - Main St. Jereoy Show, PA Forklift Forks, 3 and 4 ft. long. Also telephone poles, lengths to 30 ft $l.OO per foot, negotiable. Lebanon 717-9366065. John Deere AR W/F $3OOO, 530, $3200, 630, W/F $4500. 720-D, W/F $4500. 730-D, W/F $4BOO, 717-597-4296 7-10 P.M. JO 2520 60 hp gas N.F. $4000; Ford 9' 3 pt Disk $575; JO 2 row com planter $325. Lehigh Co. 215-2664054. Backhoe JD-300 gas aver age fond. $5500 or best offer, York Co. after 7 pm. 1-717-9963350. 14x18 Walk-in cooler, good condition, complete with compressor and con denser, Juniata Co. 717-4368191. Good used open buggy with hydraulic brakes and 12 volt lights $BOO.OO. Elam E. Boiler, 689 Vintage Rd, Christiana, PA 17509. 1979 AMCc (2) run one with 40K miles, side dam age, both $285. Dau. Co. 717-545-2086. Kalamazoo cook stove with warming closet and water tank. Very good condition Call 717-426-1567 even ings or early mornings Lancaster County. Pull type combine IH 82 power take off driven, 7 ft. cut tank capacity 35 bu Chester Co. Telephone 215-827-7814. s v * Chestnut Beams hand hewn, horse trailer double, cultipacker 8 Ft, seed sow er tractor mounted, Harford Co.. MD. (410) 692-5048. 1950 Dodge Cp. Good 'shape. Runs good. ■lnspected, Barn kept iMontg. Co. 215-822-9287. 'Clark 5,000 lb Forklift 5,500 lb Pallet Jack JD pressure washer, rear wheel weights for IH IH 46 baler, Digital Scales, Bucks Co. 215-257-7678 Centerville 9 ton tri-axle tag-along $l5OO 00, MF mower sickle bar, belt drive, 3 pt hitch $550 00 Grant Co. 304-749-8483 Nubian Goats purebred registered show quality CAE negative yearling milkers, excellent blood lines (717) 292-3294, York Co. Registered Suffolk ewes, nice selection of varying ages, freezer lambs, kids, call 717-867-1727 anytime Lebanon Co. 500 bales clean wheat straw 70c a bale, you haul, Baltimore Co., Md 410-357-4214. Speedex Lawn-Garden Tractors plow, cultivators, disc, blade, mower deck Elec, start B&S. 16" traction tread. Cecil 410-398-7680. Turbo 90 centrifuged pump. JD 810 A moldboard plow 3 pth. Straw spreader JO 6600/20 combine. MF 33 grain drill 17-7. Lane. Co. 717-872-9194. Pygmy goat kids. Very affectionate. Bucks, wethers, and does, $35 to 's7s. Lancaster Co. 717-548-3958 after 7 p.m. Reg. Term. Walker horses, 5 yr. old mare and two year lings, 488-7880. Four horse tagalong trailer loaded, 1986, like new, gar age kept, used once a year, ibrown & tan bus, windows IDiv. stalls $4,595, Berks Co. 215-845-3707. |One pair 14.9-28 tires, rims, tubes, calcium 50% tread, off 2240 JD $300.00 Carroll County, MD 410-374-2956 Allis Chalmers Roto Baler, Carbon County, 717-386-2099 after 6 00 p.m. Ford 501 Sickle Bar mower tor parts, make offer, Bed ford ' County, *l4-793-9574 Two Charlois cross bulls, one year old, can have pick 'out of five York Co (717) ‘252-1170