Societies "I York Society 11 York County Farm Women Society 11 Potosi met at the home of Sandy Keiser with 15 members attending. Members were served a luncheon at noon by the hostess. The meeting began with scripture, prayer, and flag salute. Secretary Charlotte Dubbs read a story on dandelions written by her daught er, Joyce Bupp followed by roll call response “Something I remember about the dandelion.” The treasurer distributed 10 Spring Rally tickets to members who ordered them. All members are to wear hats. June IS the socie ty will entertain Group 34 for lunch at Hometown Lutheran Church at 12:00 o’clock. The tickets for the County quilt Lancaster Society 20 20 members and 3 visitors of e . tIM( , h i --.wino T uin She mentioned that the gathering Lancaster Farm for Farm Women’s Day will be at enjoyed a tour of the Lancaster h , als y County Wmcry on Thursday May County * of a 2nd vice MtheS r/wilSw Va*iw th fm President. From the three chariUes gathered at Willow Valley for jj sted f or t h e County Farm lunch. Dunngdns time die presi- #2O voted for y C hrist ttenu Nancy Axe conducted a in Scven mem . bers will be attending the Spring tunc they were Fcmmoeo of the n «■ * , __ w AU yard sale at Nancy’s home in RjUy m Hagerstown, Md. on May Strasburg on Saturday Tunet S iiilcaster Farming Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name And address. Attach your check, $19.75 per year or $37.50 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas • $30.00 per year, $58.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thurs day 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ►- ■>“ ““ *• ““ ““ ““ ““ """ ““ *” ’*” ** ! When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancas- I ter Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: □ $19.75- 1 YEAR O $37.50- 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP+ 4 project were distributed. The quilt was made by members throughout the county and will be given away at the convention. Another quilt is being made with 34 blocks representing 34 groups and will be given away at the county picnic in July at the 4-H center. Chances for this quilt were distributed also. The pro ceeds from the quilt will be used to host the Stale Spring Rally in 1994 in York Co. The program committee, Mildred Bupp and Chrystal Bren neman conducted an auction of donated items of baked goods and hand-crafted items. The May meeting will be hosted by Alice Krout. • RENEWALS (Chock Appropriate Boxes) STATE COUNTY NON-REFUNOABLE The Lancaster County Farm Women’s Society #l9 visited Abner Zook’s 3-D carvings dis play on May 8. The lunch stop was Risser’s Restaurant. Oberholtzcr’s Green Houses was the next slop for members to Mary Jane Schneider was guest speaker when Berks County Soci ety of Farm Women Group 4 met in the Boycrtown RD 4 home of Feme Kulp. She spoke on “Mid Winter Mourning,” a book she wrote on the Opera House fire in Boyertown. The April meeting of Berks speaker of the evening was Arlene County Society of Farm Women Hafer, a nurse at a local nursing Group 1 was held at the home of home. Pauline Hartman in Oley. Presi- Fifteen members will attend the dent Ruth Walters presided at the annual Spring Rally in Hager meeting with 18 members answer- stown, Maryland on May 26. ing roll call. A new member, Ger- Joan Haas will host the May aldine Marsteller, was welcomed meeting at which counted cross into the group. The featured stitch will be demonstrated. Orthodox religion both here in this Twenty-two members of Farm area and overseas in Russia. Fol- Women #24 met recently at the lowing this the group enjoyed a Lancaster Farm and Home Center, salad dessert treat, and each guest Lancaster for their April meeting, received a flower plant as a favor. The group entertained guests from in May, the society will hold Farm Women #8 and the county their next meeting at the home of officers. The program of the even- Anna Mae Snadcr, Leola, when ing featured Pearl Veronis from (j, c program will be presented by the Greek Orthodox church, who Peggy Atkins, a Cataract Support lectured on the history of the counselor. _ J □ $30.00-1 YEAR □ $59.00- 2 YEARS Lancaster Society 19 Berks Society 4 Berks Society 1 Lancaster Society 24 Extension Sponsored Singles Convention BLOOMSBURG (Columbia Co.) Bejou Merry, a words mith experienced on-page and on-stage, will be the keynote pre senter at the third annual Pennsylvania Singles Convention ban quet, according to Shirley Bixby, convention organizer and coordinator. Merry will use her talents as columnist, entertainer and TV talk show host to create an upbeat, practical guide for dating in the millennium. Her 30 years of active research and field work in singlehood serve as the background for her empowering keynote presentation entitled “Happy New Year 1999 - AAARGGHHH or AHH?” Bejou Merry is known in Central Pennsylvania as a professor of comedy writing and com munication at Harrisburg Area Community College and Bloomsburg University. Slated for June 11 through 13,1993 the convention theme of “Living, Learning and Laughing” will be evident throughout the weekend activities. Participants will live and dine on campus, learn from more than 25 workshops, and laugh at an improvisa tional theater production focusing on issues of singlcdom. Infor mal discussions, country dance instruction, a banquet and dance CONTACT US For • DOUBLE CHAIN PIT ELEVATORS HYD. TILT AVAILABLE • COBIPACT ROTO BEATERS • WISCONSIN ft ALLIS CHALKIER POWER UNITS • HAND-O-BIATIC BUNK FEEDERS • COMBINATION MOWER AND CRIMPER UNITS • 455 AND 456 MOWERS • NEW IDEA CRUSHERS • LARGE SHOP LATHE 40 TON PUNCH PRESS • CRIMPING ROLLS TO FIT TOUR NEW IDEA CRUSHER SMUCKER WELDING ft MANUFACTURING 2110 Rookval* Road, Lane., PA 17602 enjoy and pick up flowers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Naomi Spahr, June 12. Members will go to Conestoga View May 20th to play bingo with the guests. Eighteen members are going to the Spring Rally in Hagerstown May 26. In observance of Mothers Day each one received 9 plants and a poem, “Angels in Disguise,” was read. The June meeting will be at the Powdermili Hollow Road home of Elsie Rothenbcrger where a pound auction will be held. Lancaster Finning, Saturday, May 22.1999*817 Berks Executive Berks County Society of Farm Women executive board meeting was held at the Agricultural Cen ter on May 3 with 16 members present Group #1 held devotions with Ruth Walters reading a poem “Extra Prayer,” followed by The Lord’s Prayer and flag salute. How did you cope with the Bliz zard of 1993 was the roll call question of the evening; but to get us thinking spring. President Phil lipy read a poem “Mother’s Gar den." The bingo party was held at Berks Heim on April 8, and the volunteer dinner was held on April 21. Scenic River Days this year will be July 29. 30. 31 and Aug. 1. Plans are being made to have an other successful year. Berks County's bus to Hagers town, Maryland is filled and will be on its way to the spring rally on May 26, leaving Klein’s at Doug lasville 6 a.m., Bethel 7 a.m. Lad ies don’t forget your hat and gloves. Dorothy Strieker, state first vice presidents reported one bus has gone on their trip to Holland, Michigan. Next year’s trip is plan ned for the Canadian Rockies in June 1994. Congratulations to Group #8 on their 2Sth anniversary celebration at the Shartlesvillc Grange on April 30. Group #2 was saddened with the death of member Betty Slump on April 1. Tickets were distributed by Sandy Rauenzahn, chairperson, for the quilt project for Berks County. A motion was made to give a monetary gift to the Dairy Prin cess Pageant promotion com mittee. Next executive board meeting is on June 28 at the Agricultural Center. Note change of date; due to the 4lh of July holiday. complete the agenda and make this “the best convention ever” according to Bixby of Penn State Extension. Challenged to provide varied opportunities for self development and social interac tion for single adults. More than 25. Bixby commends the conven tion planning committee for its outstanding job. Whether single by virtue of divorce, separation, death of a spouse or by choice, the conven tion offers something of interest for everyone. Workshop presen ters are experienced professionals who are donating their time to pre sent workshops. Topics range from serious legal and sexual issues related to being single to the more light hearted issues of travel and dating. Registration fees offer full weekend resident and commuter options as well as a special one day registration alternative. The convention is jointly sponsored by Bloomsburg University’s School of Extended Programs, Penn State Cooperative Extension, and the 0.A.5.1.5. singles organization. For information and registration, contact The Magee Center, 700 West Main Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 or phone (717) 389-4420. t’.’A.i fIOX r.'ARKEI 1 rOR SALE ) JD-B cyclone on steel w/ cult., $l2OO. IH TD6 trees Free 24’ by 45’ shed to be & final drive parts $2OO tore down & removed. 080.. Lane. Co. Lane. Co. 717-653-5119. 215-445-6345. 1969 17* volunteer camp- Plastic sheets % ’ to 1" ing trailer, fully equipped, thick, B’long colors, mostly water heater broken, 12 or black left, Neo Mastiff pups 110 volt $BOO. Lane. Co. for sale. Susq. Co. 717-665-7843. 717-222-4657. Board
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