Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 22, 1993, Image 44

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    88-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 22, 1993
If you are looking for a recipe but cant find it, send
your recipe request to Lou Ann Good, Cook’s Question
Corner, in care of Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Eph
rata, PA 17522. There’s no need to send a SASE. If we re*
celve an answer to your question, we will publish it as
soon as possible.
Answers to recipe requests should be sent to the same
QUESTION Mae Pugh would like a recipe for chicken
rice soup like that served at Ponderosa.
QUESTION Mrs. Kenneth Ulmer, Waymart, wants a
recipe to can a mixture of mushrooms, onions, green pep
pers, and oil in pint jars.
QUESTION R. Smith, Jonestown, heard about hunter
green pumpkins, not squash or gourds, sold at a roadside
market in Lancaster County and would like to know where to
buy the seeds.
QUESTION —May Ozinek, Remington, N.J., wrote that on
a recent trip to Rorida, she and her husband ate at Shoney's
the whole way down and back. At the breakfast buffet, Sho
ney's serves a delicious sheet cake that is spicy and filled with
raisins and chunks of apples. The cake has a crumb topping
and is very moist. Does anyone have a recipe?
QUESTION Gloria Fready, Mount Joy, would like to
know how to make French fried sweet potatoes. She tried
making them, but they tasted soggy.
QUESTION Evelyn Reinfeld, Halifax, would like recipes
using buckwheat flour without yeast.
QUESTION Patricia Corked. Henderson, Md., would
like a recipe for pickled garlic.
QUESTlON—Patricia Davis, Dillsburg, would like a recipe
for hard sugar cookies like those made by Archway.
QUESTION Patricia Davis, Dillsburg, wants to know
where to buy pasteurized egg whites.
QUESTION A reader from Potter County would like a
recipe for fudge made out of goat's milk.
QUESTION Karen Yourga is looking for a recipe to can
strawberries in a glaze that can be poured right from the jar
onto a cake. She has tried several recipes that bleed and turn
pink. She would like one with a dark red color in which the
strawberries are not mushy.
QUESTION Sue Pardo, Jarrettsville, Md., would like
recipes to use in a bread machine.
QUESTION —Sherry Craner, Bridgeton, N. J., would like a
recipe for chocolate pasta, made with wheat flour. It is used
for a dessert topped with sauteed strawberries and white
QUESTION Cissy McKeon, Birdsboro, would like a
recipe for hand-dipped chocolate-covered strawberries such
as those sold at Kaufman’s in Pittsburgh. Cissy writes that it
appears as if a layer of cream is between the strawberry and
the chocolate.
QUESTION Lisa Kerrigan, Bath, would like a recipe for
Kosher Dill pickles that taste like the Claussen pickles that are
stored in the refrigerator.
QUESTION Peg Koser, Lancaster, wrote that in this col
umn she learned how to make a tea concentrate using spear
mint leaves and freezing for later use. She asks if there is a
similar way to make a concentrate using fresh blue grapes?
QUESTION Mary Lehman, Elizabethtown, would like
recipes for rhubarb and a cookbook on rhubarb. One, that I'm
aware of is “Rhubarb Cooking for All Seasons." For a copy,
send $6 to Rhubarb Cookbook, Box 392, Hopkins. Minnesota
55343. It is small, but has 150 recipes in it.
QUESTION L. Weaver, Ephrata, would like recipes or
Ideas to prepare cubed steak
QUESTION Maureen Wheeler, Kirkwood, would like a
lemon pudding cake v recipe. She said her mother made it
before cake mixes were invented. She remembers her
mother poking holes in the top of the warm cake, just removed
from the oven, with a toothpick and drizzling lemon glaze over
the top. When the cake cooled, the lemon glaze hardened and
“was mighty tasty.”
QUESTION Melanie Kozlowski, Kingsby, would like a
recipe for chocolate muffins, a deep, dark chocolate muffin
that is very heavy and moist.
QUESTION Melanie Kozlowski, Kingsby, would like a
recipe for mousse such as that served at Ponderosa.
QUESTION Jeanette Babson, Ottsville, would like a
recipe for salt pickles, which uses rock salt and grape leaves.
The original recipe was made in a barrel and the pickles were
very crisp and sour.
QUESTION Jessie Mayall, Mansfield, would like a good
recipe for a potato bun that has frosting drizzle on top. Jessie
remembers when she was little, a friend’s mother always had
a big plate of these on the table.
ANSWER—Mark Kopp, Tower City, wanted to know what
happened to sauerkraut. She said today it is shredded Cab
bage rather than the kraut she remembers. Thanks to Fran
Pierman, Stockton, N.J., and Margaret Hill, Apalachin, N.Y.,
for sending recipes. Fran writes that the best sauerkraut is
homemade and that it is simple to do. Get a container like a
crock that is big enough to hold at least 5 gallons. The cab
bage must be freshly picked so when you shred it and press it,
it produces lots of juice because it must stew and ferment in its
own juice. Take 3 tablespoons pickling salt (not iodized salt)
for every 5 pounds of shredded cabbage. Mix salt and cab
bage thoroughly then press it hard with your hands a little at a
time until it is covered with its own juice.
When shredding cabbage, cut out the core and throw
away. Shred finely about the thickness of a dime. You can do
this with a butcher knife or with a wooden cutting board, but an
old time slaw cutter makes it go a lot faster. You can usually
find a slaw cutter at a flea market.
After cabbage is covered with its own juice, put a weight on
top to keep the cabbage covered. It needs to be covered suffi
ciently to keep the air from the surface. The top layer may turn
brown if the air hits it. If it does turn brown, throw away the off
colored part. If you need more juice, you can add salted water.
Allow the kraut to ferment at room temperature until it begins
making gas bubbles the next day. Fermenting takes about 2
to 6 weeks, depending on the weather. When the mixture
stops bubbling, it is finished. Refrigerate or pack it into jars.
Process 30 minutes in boiling water bath.
Ratio of 3Vi tablespoons pickling salt to 5 pounds shredded
Place shredded cabbage and salt in large pan. Mix well by
hand. Pack gently (do not pound) in crock using a potato
masher to press down. Repeat until, crock if filled within 5
inches of top. Firmly press down cabbage with potato masher
to extract enough juice to cover cabbage. Cover with clean
cloth. Place a plate on top and weight it down with a jar filled
with water. Keep crock at 65 degrees to ferment. Check kraut
daily. Remove scum as it forms. Wash and scald cloth often to
keep it free from scum and mold. Fermentation Twill be com
plete in 10 to 15 days. If no bubbles rise, fermentation has
ANSWER —Maureen Wheeler. Kirkwood, wanted a yum
my recipe for baked beans that appeared in a 70s Rival Crock
Pot recipe booklet. Thanks to Vivian Plasterer, Newburg;
Maryann Patten. Clayton, N.J.; Janice Haas, Monocay Sta
tion: Suetta High, Reinholds: B. Davis, Coatesville; Nancy
Smeal, Houtzdale; Ann Chapman, Vester, and others for
sending recipes
New England Style Baked Beans
1 % pounds dry navy beans
1 pound smoked ham or ham hocks OR
Vi pound cubed salt pork
'A cup chopped onion
Vi cup packed brown sugar
Vi cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dry mustard
Completely soften beans by simmering in three times their
volume of unsalted water for 30 minutes in a saucepan. Allow
to stand covered for VA hours or until softened: drain and
reserve 1 cup liquid.
Put beans in crackpot. Add remaining ingredients along
with the 1 cup reserved bean liquid: mix well. Cover and cook
on low 10 to 12 hours or on high for 4to 5 hours, stirring occa
sionally. Cut ham from bone and return to crackpot. If thicker
beans are desired, uncover, and turn to high during last hour.
Variation: stir in % cup catsup and 2 tablespoons prepared
mustard during last hour.
New England Baked Beans
I'A pounds dry navy beans
1 cup catsup
1 cup brown sugar
1 additional cup water
2 teaspoons dry mustard
2 tablespoons dark molasses
1 tablespoon salt
% pound salt pork, ground or diced
Cook dry beans in water three times their volume in a
saucepan until softened. Drain and put in crock pot. Add
remaining ingredients and mix well. Cover and cook on low 10
to 12 hours or on high 4 to 6 hours, stirring occasionally.
Beans should be soft before adding sugar or molasses.
ANSWER For the reader who requested a grits recipe,
here is one from F.R. of Indiana.
Cheese Grits Souffle
1 cup quick-cooking grits
1 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons butter
1 roll garlic cheese
2 eggs, beaten
V* cup milk
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup cornflake crumbs
2 tablespoons melted butter
Cook grits with salt and 4Vi cups water in saucepan until
water is absorbed. Add 6 tablespoons butter and cheese until
well blended. Cool. Mix eggs and milk in a bowl. Season with
salt and pepper. Add to grits and mix well. Spoon into
1 Vi quarts dish buttered. Top with buttered flakes. Bake cov
ered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
(Turn to Pag# B 9)
(Continued from Pig* B 7)
3-ounce Ramen Oriental noodle
mix, broken into chunks
10-ounce package frozen stir
fry vegetables
6 eggs, slightly beaten
VA cups water, divided into 1
cup and 'A cup
1 tablespoon cornstarch
Set aside seasoning packets. In
10-inch omelet pan or skillet with
ovenproof handle, combine noo
dles and 1 cup water. (You can
ovenproof a skillet handle by
wrapping it completely with alu
minum foil). Cover the noodles
and bring to a boil over high heat.
Reduce heat to low and simmer 2
minutes, stirring once or twice,
until noodles are soft. Add veget
ables; cover and cook until
thawed, about 1 minute.
Meanwhile, stir together corn
starch and seasoning packets. Adel
remaining 'A cup water to mixture
and blend into eggs.
Uncover vegetable-noodle mix
ture and continue to cook, stirring
over medium heat until liquid eva
porates, about 1 minute. Add egg
mixture, cover and reduce heat.
When eggs are set, place skillet
under broiler 6 inches from heat to
lightly brown. Cut into wedges ana
serve from pan or slide onto serv
ing platter.
Cut 2 boned and split chicken
breasts into bite-sized pieces or
thin strips. Marinate at least 30
minutes in the following:
1 teaspoon peanut oil
1 tablespoon lite soy sauce
1 teaspoon fresh ginger,
chopped or 'A teaspoon ground
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
Slice or chop: 1
2-3 carrots, peeled, thinly sliced'
/> cup mushrooms
2-3 stalks celery, sliced at
4 small yellow onion, sliced
1-2 stalks broccoli, chopped
1 green pepper, sliced julienne
Snow peas
Heat wok or large fry pan. Add
peanut oil. Drain chicken, reserve
marinade. Brown chicken quickly
and remove from pan. Keep warm
in oven. Stir-fry onion, carrots, and
broccoli. Add pepper and celery.
Mix 1 teaspoon cornstarch with
'A cup cold water or chicken broth.
Add to wok with marinade. Return
chicken to wok. Add mushrooms
and snow peas. Simmer until juice
thickens. Serve over rice.
Sue Pardo
20-ounce can pineapple slices in
4 boneless, skinless chicken
breast halves
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 large cloves garlic, pressed
1 teaspoon thyme, crumbled
1 tablespoon cornstarch
'A cup honey
'/< cup Dijon mustard
Drain pineapple, reserve juice.
Sprinkle chicken with salt and pep
per to taste. Rub with garlic and
thyme. Brown in hot oil in non
stick skillet.
Combine 2 tablespoons
reserved juice with cornstarch.
Combine honey and mustard, stir
into skillet with remaining pineap
ple juice. Spoon sauce over chick
en. Cover and simmer 15 minutes.
Stir cornstarch mixture into pan
juices. Add pineapple. Cook, stir
ring uptil sauce boils and thickens.
Serves 4.
Tammy Forbes
Lancaster, N.H.