Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 22, 1993, Image 39
Penn State To Help You LEBANON (Lebanon Co.) According to the USDA’s 1992 Yearbook of Agriculture, over half of all new packaged consum er products introduced each year are foods and beverages. Moving from the design board, to small consumer “focus lups,” on the way to grocery shelves, there are often far more casualties than there are successes. Between March 1989 and March 1990 alone, 197 new candy products, 170 tomato and other sauces, and S 3 cheeses were introduced to the marketplace! Sell Food For Profit You may be wondering, is there room on those shelves for “Aunt Sue's Black Raspberry Jam?" on June 1 and 8, Penn State Coopera tive Extension will be offering you a way to discover the answer at their Food for Profit workshop. This two-evening short course of Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 22, IM3-B3 fers an overview of how to start a food product business, covering health regulations, sanitary food preparation methods, marketing, packaging, pricing, record keep ing and business planning basics. The sessions will be held at the Lancaster Farm & Home Center, Arcadia Road, Lancaster, from 7 to 10; a registration fee of $2O covers all materials and breaks. Advance registration (prior to May 28(h) is required; for more information, contact Winifred McGee at the Lebanon County Extension Office, (717) 270-4391.