A34-L«ncMter Farming, Saturday, May 22, 1993 Casey Signs Nutrient Act, ig Board Law (Continued from Pago A 1) industry a lack of mist between the two forces that each will be responsible to the other in carrying out its responsibilities. The Nutrient Management Act (reproduced in its entirety in the May 8 issue of Lancaster Farm ing) sets into place a regulatory system for the application of nutri ents which result in non-point pol lution. The act is not a final docu ment and eventually is to expand beyond the scope of manure appli cations into residential sources of non-point nutrient contamination of water. The actual regulatory limits are to be created and constantly reviewed by the State Conserva tion Commission, which is an existing agency independent of, but financed by the state Depart ment of Environmental Resources and chaired by the secretary of DER. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication MAY SAT. MAY 22 - B:3OAM, Real Estate, Camper, Truck, Appliances. Furni ture, Antiques, Glassware & China & Misc., Mowers & Tools. Located 530 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Bart Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. (Dir.: From Quarryville, Take Rte. 372 East Approx. 4 Miles To Mt. Pleasant Rd. Turn Left And Continue Approx. IV4 Miles To Sale; OR. Rte. 222 South To New Providence. Turn Left Onto White Oak Rd. Con tinue Approx. 5 Miles To Mt. Pleasant Rd. Turn Right And Follow Approx. 2 Miles To Sale). Sale By, Guyles Bechtold Estate (Dot Bechtold). Roy & Eric Probst, Aucts. SAT. MAY 22 - 9AM 1988 Ford pickup truck, 1984 GMC pickup trucks, 1983 Ford Van, 40' storage trail ers, sheet metaf shop equipment, power tools, plumbing tools & equip ment, pipe fittings, copper, ssteel, pvc, office equip. 286 Locust St., New Hol land, Lancaster Co, Pa. (Corner of Locust St & Oili er Avenue) ByTheWitmer Co. Howard Shaub, Inc, auct SAT MAY 22 - 9 30AM, Househotd Goods, Anti ques, Old License Plates, 1990 Ford Escort 12,000 Miles, John Deere Riding Mower New '92. Located On Site In Southern Lan caster County, Pa., 4 Miles South Of Willow Street. From Route 272 Go West On Byerland Church Road At Produce Stand. Owner, James H. & Anna S. Hess. Steve £ Steve Jr Peter sheim, Auct. SAT. MAY 22 -10 AM, Farm Machinery & Con struction Equip. Located At The Sheperd Farm, Wood bury, CT. From US Rto. 6, Woodbury, Turn West On Conn. Rte. 47,2 Blocks To Washington Ave., Turn South 1/4 Mile To Site. D. Luther Auctioneer, Appraiser. SAT. MAY 22 -10 AM, Joe Lombardo Farm & General Auction. Located At The Former Girod Farm on T-762 IVi Miles South Of Leraysville - From Leray sville And Route 467 Go South Take Ist. Dirt Road To The West To Ist. Dirt Road Left (South) To Farm. Owner, Joe Lombardo. The Nutrient Management Act mandates nutrient management plans for livestock producers who raise more than a certain number of animals per acre. It is voluntary for others and offers the benefit of some protection from prosecution under the state’s Clean Streams Act. The law also nullifies local ordinances concerning nutrient management. The specifics of the act, other than outlining what is to be done, are to be worked out by the Con servation Commission and a 15-member Nutrient Management Advisory Board, which is to review and comment on proposed regulations. By design, the board is to be sea ted by a majority representation of those with agricultural interests. The board was added to the act as a compromise by environmentalists over the fact that DER has been mistrusted by agriculture. The other law Casey signed establishes a permanent agency within DER which is to serve basi cally as a watchdog group on behalf of agricultural interests. The creation of a 22-membcr DER Ag Advisory Board was done Howard W. Visscher, Sales Manager & Auct. WED. MAY 26 - 9:3OAM, Partial Liquidation Of Equipment & Trucks No Longer Needed In Bar Dick Construction Corp.'s Cur rent Operation. Located From D.C. Take 495 To Route 66 West To Hay market Exit (Rt. 15 S.), Cross Overpass Of Route 66 To Light At The Junction Of Route 15 & Route 55, Turn Left. Sale On Immedi ate Right Wolfe Industrial Auctions, Inc. THURS. MAY 27 - SPM, Val. Real Estate, House hold Goods, Antiques, 2 Guns, Etc. Located On Pre mises At 11 Bower St., Montgomery, Pa. Owners. Another *** Public Auction Absolute Auction SELLING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER NO RESERVES APPROX. 4 ACRE SALVAGE YARD WITH IMPROVEMENTS TUES. EVE., JUNE 8, 1993 AT 6 PM Located at R.D. 2, Box 512, Strlckler stown Loop, Newmanstown, PA, Millcreek Twp, Lebanon Co. 1 mi W of Newmanstown on Rt. 419 turn left onto Kleinfeltersvltle Rd. Go 1 block, turn left onto Strlcklerstown Rd. About 1 mi turn right onto the Loop. Proper ty on left. REAL ESTATE FEATURES: Approx. 4 acre salvage yard with improvements being a IVs story frame house, 34x47’ 2 story shop building, 29x38’ 2 bay garage. Property has great potential in the salvage yard business. TERMS: 15% down day of auction, balance within 30 days Atty: Phillip Feather Auction For Terrence D. Frattaroli 717-867-4722 or 717-867-5173 Auction Conducted By The J. Omar Landis Auct Serv Jay M. Witman AU001127-L 1605 Apple Street Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-7900. 665-5735 to secure a review by agriculture of all regulations considered by DER which may affect agriculture. The board was seen as being needed in order to provide DER with better insight into the conse quences and full impact of its reg ulations to the state’s agricultural industry. While the authority of the board appears limited in the proposal, the influence of the board is expected to be considerable. In proposing legislation for the creation of a 22-member DER Agricultural Adivsory Board, the state General Assembly had stated the importance of agriculture to the Pennsylvania economy and to its environment. The proposed law introduced by Sen. Patrick Staple ton, D-Indianna, Sen. Robert Mel low, D-Peckville, and Sen. Wil liam Stewart, D-Johnstown states, “The family farmers of this Commonwealth (sic) have a deep and rich history of responsible land Tienry & tlizabeth Kehler. Fraley Auction Co. SAT. MAY 89 -9AM, Anti ques, Glassware, Furni ture, Tools,' Air Compres sor, Farm Collectibles, Car riage, Market Wagon And Cart. Located At 2956 Church Road Bird-In-Hand, Pa. Route 340 East Of Lan caster Past Bird-In-Hand To N. Weavertown Road. Turn Left IV4 Miles To Church Road. Follow Auc tion Sign*. Terms By, Melinda F. Petersheim. Ron Funk & Gordon Ressler, Aucts. SAT. MAY 29- 10AM, Real Estate, Household, Anti ques. Located In West Chil lisquaque Township, Northumberland Co. In The Village Of Montandon, PA. From Route 147 Go West On Route 45 To Blinker Light And Turn Left To Auc tion Or From Lewisburg Go East On 45 To Blinker Light And Turn Right. Watch For Auction Signs. Spurgeon W. Reichenbaugh, Estate. James C. Young & Terry R. Ranck, Aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION ■aKijeVfßl sat. JUNE 5 - 1993 ESTATE 0 1984 Mercury Marquis, Antiques, H.H. Goods A Furniture Lee.: 3979 Main Street, Town of Censatega, Cones* toga Twp., Lancaster County, PA. REAL ESTATE: Lg. 3 Bdrm, Brick Ranch House on Ig. nicely matured quiet 2.75 acre deep lot. Full basement. Lg. kitchen. 10% down. 45 day settlamont. Real Estate aeld at 1:00 P.M. Open House by appt. Food served. Not responsible for accidents day of sals. Sals by CLYDE R. HUBER T. ROBERTS APPEL, ATTORNEY ROY & ERIC PROBST, Auets. AUOOO73OL, Ph. (717) 464-3190 LANDIS Tnf ABSOtUTE AUCTION Everything Selling to the Highest Bidder DANIEL G. FORRY ANTIQUES - PERSONAL PROPERTY - HOUSEHOLD GOODS THURS., JUNE 3, 1993 Starting at 3 PM Located at: 900 Ivy Drive, Lancaster, PA. (In the Village of Silver Spring) Go west on Marietta Pike from Lancaster to Ivy Drive, continue to auction site (close to Silver Spring Fireball). #l4O John Deere riding mower; 2 refrigera tors; chest freezer; Maytag washer; GE dryer; microwave; walnut slant top desk; dovetailed blanket chest; 5’ round cherry table; Dyna mark power mower; JD utility cart; Winco PTO generator; grandmothers clock; double barrel & single gauge shotguns; 2 strings of sleigh bells; PRR lanterns; set of 12 Promise Land plates; Shirley Temple dolls by Ideal; Shirley Temple pitcher & bowl & mug; Madame Alexander dolls; milk cans; 1000 lb. chain hoist; Ig. col. of carpenter tools; kitchen appliances, battery charger, air compressor; cider press Ik new; BROOM MAKING MACHINE & EQUIPMENT. Sherbets, carni val bowls; Mt. Joy bell; 1906 Newcomer Map; fishing rods; quilts; books; hooked rugs; table lights; baskets, quilts & comforters; office swivel chairs; red coverlet; pressed back rocker, oak kitchen chairs; various side chairs; sofas; many other items. Terms: Cash or approved check. Food by Sonlight School. Auction for DANIEL G. FORRY Elmer Forry POA Auction Conducted By The J. Omar Landis Auct. Serev. Jay M. Wltman AU001127-L 1605 Apple Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-7900, 665-5735 stewardship. This Common wealth’s first environmentalists were farmers. State agencies must be more mindful of the impact that certain policies, rules and regula tions impose upon the family far mers of this Commonwealth.” The board is to be comprised of one representative each from the the Pennsylvania State Grange, the Pennsylvania Farmers Association (Farm Bureau), and the Pennsylva nia Farmers Union; a dairy produc ers, a livestock producer, a poultry producers, a grain producer, a fruit producer, a vegetable producer, a representative of the ornamental horticulture industry, a producer using sustainable agriculture, a representative of the agricultural industry; a representative from the state Association of Conservation District Directors, one from Penn State University; one each from the USDA Soil Conservation Ser vice and the USDA Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service; one each from the state PUBLIC AUCTION Department of Agriculture and DER; and the majority and minori ty chairmen of the Senate and House Agricultural and Rural Affairs committees. Under the proposal, DER would be required to notify the board of the “development of any regulat ory proposal which would regulate agriculture as early as possible, but not less than 120 days prior to the date the Environmental Quality Board meets to initially consider any proposed rule making ...” Further, the proposal grants that the board can request (within 30 days of being notified by DER that it is considering regulations affect ing agriculture) a meeting with DER to discuss the forming of reg ulations and then the board may then submit written comments; and those comments are to be included in any proposal package DER sends to the Environmental Quality Board. The chairman of the board is to rotate among all members, unlike the chair position within the State Conservation Commission. Sat., May 29, 1993 W 9:00 A.M. Located at 2956 Church Road, Blrd-ln- Hand, PA. Route 340 East of Lancaster past Blrd-ln-Hand to N. Weavertown Road. Turn Left VA Miles to Church Road. Follow Auction Signs. ANTIQUES, GLASSWARE, FURNITURE, TOOLS. AIR COMPRESSOR. FARM COLLECTABLES, CARRIAGE. MARKET WAGON AND CART. Terms By: Melinda F. Petersheim 2956 Church Road Blrd-ln-Hand, PA .AUCTIONEERS "APPRAISERS' RON FUNK GORDON RESSLER AU-314-L AU-1575-L Paradise. 442-4279 Paradise. 687-7402/ ★ AUCTION SERVICE SINCE 1961 * For free confidential auction estimate calk 7171442-4279 or 687-7402 1 ■— PUBLIC lands REAL ESTATE AUCTION Approximately 3,200 Acres Of Pennsylvania Land Located In Sullivan, Bradford & Lycoming Counties, To Be Sold In 32 Parcels SAT., JUNE 19, 1993 At Precisely 11:00 A.M. AUCTION FOR THE KATHRYN D. FLYNN ESTATE Mildred, Pennsylvania To Be Held At The: SWISS CHALET LODGE & RESTAURANT n?OinrURTHEinNFORMATION TO INSPECT REAL ESTATE, CALL Edward J. Flynn, Executor Day _ (717) 265-3047 • Evening (717) 265-4006 Or Ray McCarty (717) 946-7531 ATTORNEYS: John J. Griffin 101 Main Stmt • Towanda, Pennsylvania 18848 TERMS: Buyer shall pay 15% of purchase price down day of auction. Balance to be paid within 45 days of auction. For complete Brochure write or call auction firm for Brochure #lO . AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE JAY M. WITMAN - J. OMAR LANDIS, AU001127-L 1605 Apple Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-7900 or (717) 665-5735 FAX (717) 738-7930
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