Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 22, 1993, Image 161
wiassey Ferguson LeoUl. PA 17540 Phone: (717) 656-2321 fr I I * 1 * ' THE HARVESTING SPECIALIST I I Tractors And Combines I Located: 4 miles West of New Holland on Rt. 23, 1% miles Northeast of Leola on the I No. Groffdale Rd., 1 mile on the right, opposite Groffdale Mennonlte Church. LATE MODEL MF USED COMBINES 1986 MF 860 With 91 IS Floating Grain Head & 1163 Com Head, 2400 Hn 1983 MF 860 With 91 IS Floating Grain Head & MF 1163 Com Head, 2800 Hn 1982 MF 860 With 91 IS Floating Grain Head & MF 1163 Cbm Head, 2860 Hn 1982 MF BSO With 9113 Floating Grain Head & MF 1163 Com Head, 4680 Hn MF 3660-4, 140 HP, 814 Hn MF 3525-2, 110 HP. 2882 Hn MF 2745-2. 143 HP. 2583 Hn MF 374-4 With Loader. 57 HP, 735 Hn, MF 1085. 82 HP. 3568 Hn MF 1085, 82 HP, 3980 Hn MF 1080. 82 HP, 5516 Hn MF 1020-4, 21 HP. 224 Hn MF 1030-2. 26 HP, 232 Hn MF 1030-4. 26 HP. 531 Hn MF 1035-2, 31 HP. 185 Hn MF 1045-2. 35 HP. 262 Hn MF 40 With Loader, 3170 Hn MF 30E With Loader, 668 Hn MF Loader Backhoe, 2956 Hn MF 35 With Loader SPRAYER E< Dcmco Sprayer 45' Boon, Hydraulic Drive, Ccntrifigal Pump, Foam Marker, 3 Yrs. Old Demo Vicon 151 IE 5x6 Round Baler Demo MF 3 Big Square Baler Used Vicon 1211 E 4x5 Round Baler DemO Vicon 321 Diic Mower Conditioner Demo Vicon 216 7 Ft Disc Mower Lucknow Tub Grinder Teagle Bale Shredder Vicon RS74O Tedder 24 Ft. 6 Like New 8x24 Ft Flat Wagons NH 851 Round Baler NH 489 Haybine PLOWS & TILLAGE Glenco 7 Tooth Soil Saver M&W 5 Tooth V-Rippcr. Vicon 18 Ft. Field Oiltivator. MF 2-16 Spring Trip 3 Pl Plow Dunham 14 Ft Cultipacker Yetter 3 PL Rotary Hoe Buffalo 6 Row Cultivator-Ridge-Till, Like New. Pequea 6 Row Cultivator MANURE ft feed mlmWnFmm NH 791 Tandem Axle Manure Spreader $2,700 Knight Mixer, Little Auggie $3,900 New Idea #244 With New Web $1,900 IH #540 Single Axle Spreader, Very Nice $1,700 ROTARY CUTTEjRS Wood HD 31S Hydraulic 15 Ft Bat Wing Mower.. $7,800 Hinicker Brady 12 Ft 1000 RPM Shredder $8,500 Wood! 60 HP Rated 8R.3P1 Blade $6BO Low Cost 7 Ft 3 PL Blade $3OB Sweepiter 3 Pt. 6 Ft Rotary Broom Myen Front Tractor Mtd. Snow Blade. Brady 7 Ft Flail Chopper Dan user 3 Pt. Pott Hole Digger Shaver 3 Pl Hydraulic Pott Drive Brady 12 Ft Hail Shredder NEW on '93 models “Smooth shifts” Hhul ■Metenev* > s Mai vvaaaa^wvvv “Reverse shuttle shitting" "Better apaad selection" “Low coat” M.M. WEAVER & SONS, INC. LEQLA, PA 17540 717-656-2321 552.000 $33,000 $34,000 $25,000 $52,000 $18,500 $12,000 $21,000 ...$8,500 ...$7,500 ...$5,000 ... $B,BOO ...$6,700 ...$B,OOO ... $7,600 ...$7,900 ....$4,700 .$lO,BOO ....$8,500 ....$4,500 IUIPMENT ..$ll,OOO 59,000 ..$36,000 56,300 ...$13,300 53,000 53,000 sl,ooo 54,500 .<® $1,200 54,280 53,900 $5,900 $5,700 $6,900 s6so $1,875 $2,695 $7,900 $2,100 ....$7OO $1,280 $2,800 s6Bo $2,800 $B,BOO What farmers like you told us you want in a powershift transmission. The transmission has to shift as smoothly as you can manually shift, without the jerks that can damage implements Dallvaf mors angina power to the wheels and PTO. Make synchronized shifts from forward to reverse The next powershift gear should never be more than 17% faster or slower. Make the benefits of powershiftmg more affordable to buy and maintain Self propelled forage harvesters for highest ~lth id 'I I Owners say: “Tight bales , fast, no trouble” ..jollity ,lgh mng quality _ .iighspetr.. of operation. This can be achieved with advanced technology and ful ly matured machinery. Today's farmers and contractors make com petent decisions, these professionals have made the CLAAS JAGUAR Europe's number one. I Thursday, June 3, 1993 -10AMto 2 PM ■ I HAY BALAGE DAY * The Enos Hoover Farm I ■ 371 Grist Mill rd., Near Martlndale I I DEMONSTRATIONS: Class Rollout Baler, Claas Quadrant Big ■ ! Square Baler, Kverneland Wrapper I I SEMINAR: Reps from Germany will be on hand to discuss * and demonstrate silage & haylage practices In Europe. CLAAS HARVESTER DAT Tuesday, July 13, 1993 More Details To Come Later! HfIUS THE HARVESTING SPECIALIST Q/fcon) m GREENLAND Forage harvesting with a GMR Mower tioner means: rapid crop drying as a result of roller conditioning and adjustable swath sha| preservation of nutritional value high harvesting capacity greater efficiency of next stage machim (tedder, swath rake, self-loading wagor baler, etc.) The GMR Mower-Conditioner has a long si life, is simple to operate and easy to mai STOP BY TO SEE T ALL NEW GMR DISC Kverneland BALE WRAPPERS Dynashift" Transmission for MF 3600 Series trac (NOW AVAILABLE^ S in / I MF 3140 \ { V 115 HP ‘fff^iokjuß. //-I hUANUFACWRimiHC. L- 1 S' SPRAYERS :ors DIMPLi RO LLC KEEP I TURNI STEEL SPHV INTO ASSIb RAKE PREVEt PLUGr MASSEY FERGUSON MOWERS / " \ YELLOW TAG SALE Look For The Yellow Tag Mark Downs On All Woods Mowers and Rotary Cutters As Well As All Leftover Distressed Equipment . Yellow Tag Prices Are Cash A Carry Only