Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 22, 1993, Image 155
New Holland 1495 Haybine, Gas, Varl Drive, 12' Cut Runs Good, $4,795. TRACTORS IH 1086, cab, 2WD, rebuilt TA.... Case 1410, cab. 80 H.P Oliver 1550, gas, WFE SKID STEERS/BACKHOES Case 18358, diesel - reduced IH 32008, gas Skat Trek, 40 H.P. diesel Case 580 D, 2WD, HOPS HAY & FORAGE NH 479 Haybine NH 488 Haybine NH 489 Haybine NH 489 Haybine Qehl 1090 Haybine JD 1327 Discbine Hesston 1014 Haybine NH 31S baler w/thrawer New Holland 25 & 27 forage blowers New Holland 1495 self-propelled, gas Qehl HA9OO hay head 9' Qehl TR6BO, 2RW row crop Qehl 1560 forage blower New Idea 456 round baler, 5x6 New Idea 5407 disc mower, 3 pt T cut PLANTERS/MISCELLANEOUS MF 52, transport disk, 12* Brillion 9 tooth chisel plow, hi clearance New Idea 323 com picker, 1 row JD 8350 grain driH, 18x7 w/grass seed and fertilizer IH 800 com planter. 4 RN- reduced $2,900 Ag Tech 665 loader for small diesel tractor Kidd, small bale chopper, 3 pt. Dual wheels for IH 66 series, 18.4x34 $3OO GMC, V 6, diesel engine, overhauled, $1,995 MANURE SPREADERS Martin 1678 Scavenger, $2,400 Ml 360, endgale, 150 bu. Ml 3626 endgale. 260 bu. Nl 3639, 10 ton, endgate The I & J Cultivator CULTIVATORS: 3 point or horso drawn avail- MOWERS: 3 point or trailing faaluroa: guards A abls In 1-2-3- or 4 rows can bo ussd as a (laid blads, movo back and forth outs llks a scissors, cultivator with a few attachmsnts. Groat for vsg- virtually no plugging. stablss. Ws can custom build. Options: rolling shields, disc hlllsrs, liquid side dresssrs, row tracking system. RAKES: available in ground drlva or PTO alaal whaala or rubbar tlraa Faaturaa: forma a vary fluffy windrow, can alao ba uaad aa a windrow Invortar. Doaa not ropa hay. A real laat aavar. I & J .$15,000 ...17,700 .$ 3,300 .$ 0,500 .3 3,300 .$ 7,900 .$13,000 .$2,000 $1,500 .$1,500 .$2,000 $2,800 .$5,500 $1,300 We Also Carry Flex Tine Harrows MANUFACTURING Dept. LF, 5302 Amish Road • Gap, PA 17527 717-442-9451 (Call Between 8:45-9:00 AM. Weekday Aak For Jake) if rfe) uort yjotmoumJ a Ag & Turf,i,c. Mil Chambersburg, Pa. \/|| ( \ JD 5440 w/new Power Mizer Cutter Head w IT Pick-up & 3RN, (Sharp) I JOHN MEM JOHN DEERE New Tractors 6300 MFWD 6200 MFWD, CG. Cab 5300 4255 PS. SG Compact Utility Tractors (New) 770 Spreaders JD 874 Ullage JD 875 4R Cult. Forage JD 5830 JD 3950 Harvester JD 3 Meter Hay Pickup Planters JD 7200 6RN w/L fert. JD 7200 6RN w/D fert. Drills 450 10' & 12' Balers JD 328 JD 335 JD 348 JD 375 JD 435 Mower Conditioners JD 1470 JD 1360 JD 1600, 14’ WETLAND SDSSM snm: 3213 Black Gap Rd. _ 2fi , Chambersburg, PA /i™ 17201 1-800-377-3040 2% OFF ALL CULTIVATORS BOUGHT UP TO 5-31-93 DEEP TILL SUTTER: Available In 1 or 2 ahanka. optional hydraulics. Corn binders: gat your orders In by June 1. Rotary Cutters JD 717 JD 503 Loaders & Blades JD 540 JD 640 JD 65 Blade BOBCAT NEW 753 6428 Misc. New Miller 5100 Forage Boxes Farm Aid Mixer Wagons Dion Forage Boxes Kvemeland Plows USED JD 3 Bottom 3 Pt Hitch Plow JD 216 Flex head NH 650 Round Baler JD 336 w/30 Ejector JD 650 3 PTH Rake JD 3970 JD 3960 JD 4RN Head JD 1440 w/Dry Fert JD 1209 NH 489 Haybine NH 499 Haybine JD 7000 6RN w/Dry Fertilizer Vicon KM32I 9N Ford w/Belly Mower GT Dump Wagon 743 Bobcat Uaed Lawn & Garden JD 318 w/46’ JD 420 w/60 miLL€R if I —i * ngDDDf TRACTORS Cat* 1(90 (L) Maaaay Harris 101 JR. SPREADERS NH SIS Spreadar NH SIS Spreadar HI 384 w/Pan f NORMAN D. CLARK ft SON mm Homy Grove, pa 17035 UflaU 717-734-3682 aa | 'wt Ship P«rts Dally U.P.S~| W& Located 14 Milas South of Port Royal on Rt. 75 Lancaster Firming, Saturday, May 22, 1993-D23 WPHMIIiW lAUBIfc MAY TOOL* M2B NH MS Round Balor !*SAiMwii NH 275 8,1,r w/Throwar W" % SW MB NH 326 Balor w/Throwar Ford YT 12.8 NH 1499 Hayblna Simplicity 4211 Lawn Tractor NH 1495 Salf-Propallad Hay w/Mewar blna (L) Cub Cadat 106 NH 411 Olaebino <L) JDIII w/baggar NH 4M Hayblna (L) 2nd Location Loysville, PA 717-789-3117 (L) Indicates aqulpmant at Loysvilla location.