Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 01, 1993, Image 60
820-Uncutar mining, Saturday, May 1*1993 1 H' ’V HI-1 ’ ran sai i Commarial swimming pool equipment, 8 step high stand, IS ft. diving board, 15 ft. curved slide, all $lOOO.OO. Schuylkill 717-345-8367. 200 gal sprayer with John Bean pump, Briggs 6 hp. motor, needs work $150.00, Cumbeland Co. 717-530-1706. 1976 Glastron 18' Bow Rid er Fiber Glass Boat-with 65 hp Evenrude motor - 18 gal. inboard tank - Elec, start - elec, controls - Cus tom built trailer - All in excellent condition. Allen 607-292-3180. Five year old Standard bred mare, traffic safe and sound, 15 hands 2’ w/snap. Lane. Co. (717) 733-7424. Inti. 404 Tricyle tractor with 9' woods 208 mower, 3 pt, excellent shape, $3500. Balto Ct. 410-823-2640. Two 10x24 Firestore Ground grip (rears) old style tread; very usable; Chester County; (215) 963-3740 day. (215) 935-4945 nights; $50.00. Calf hutches calf shelter fence bo ares locust posts plywood feed bins baler twine binder tines, 717-442-8972, Lane. Co. New and used bee equip ment, hive bodies and hon ey, super good condition, Aaron Lapp, 473 Centervil le Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529. Free Nl #7 com picker for parts, New Holland, one row harvester, rusty, you haul away. 717-665-5719. Registered Suffolk ram, two years old, call after 4:00 p.m. Lane. Co. (717) 859-2953. Duo-Rate population rata changer and acre counter for JD 7000 planter, also Hobart Mig Welder 120 Handler, new condition. 2545 Mont Alto Rd. Cham bersburg, Pa 17201. 1980 (24 horsre) (Crafts man) (Garden) (Tractor) (Mower) (tiller) (Cultivator) (corn planter) (guil) (S' pointhitch) (Blade) (turf) and (bar) (tires), $4,000. Lancaster Co. Phone 717-367-3735. Westfalia milking parlor feeders and stainless steel feed bins, like new double 4 herringbone $2500. Ban gor, Northampton County, 215-588-4931. 60 HP Diesel engine com plete, Hough 4 W D, Load er Forks and Bucket, Air compressor 18 hp. Wiscon sin, Susquehanna Co 717-965-2314. 12 hp Gravley 40" mower snow plow rot. tiller RoT plow, cults. Ho. Md, 1-410-465-2538 8-cyl. in-line white superior diesel motor 1951-1956 Marine Model G.D.B 8 5% Bore 7’ stroke 1200 r.p.m. Make reasonable offer. 814-467-7423. Cultivators for Farmall Model A, call after 4 pm, Monroe Co. (717) 629-0676. J.D. 428 Elc. 32 ft, good condition $650.00, 410-457-4215, Harford Co., Md. Zimmerman 32' Elevator, #6l Bale Thrower with BAS engine, good condition, Oliver Drawbar Assembly; Dunham Disc. York Co. (717) 292-6275. Underwriters Laboratories \. Approved Master Labeled d. S Lightning Rod Systems TEATES PROTECTION L.P.I. Certified Master Installer Farm. Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES TIM SHAFFER P-O. BOX 136 (717) 374-7090 Freeburg, PA 17827 Winco PTO tractor driven generator, 35,000 watt on mobile power trailer with PTO shaft, like new Perry Co. 717-789-4375. Treated lumber dog runs, wire floors, four pens in each run; troughs included $2O each. Berks Co. 717-933-4929. AC D-14 P.S. N.F. w/trip bucket loader $2BOO, WD & D-17 loaders WD4S, WD, WC, & B parts & equip ment. Lane. Co. 717-284-2640. Western saddle-textan w/ breastplate $325, new Circle-Y show saddle 16’ light- $750, hunt seat, all purpose $75. York Co. 717-259-7721. #33 N.H. flail chopper. Lehigh Co. 215-285-6804 eves. Reg. Border collie puppies avail. mid-June, imported Int. trial champion blood lines, parents on premises, reserve yours now. Wayne Co. 717-676-9564. 15 large very nice Ist & 2nd calf heifers, some milking many bred for fall $16,000. Crawford Co. 814-694-2500. Manure spreader Nl model 14-A very good cond., $B5O. Fred. Co. Md. 21702. 301-662-1902. JD 60 must see $2000,12' EZ flow drill $2OO, 3 pth. Holland planter shoe txp. $2OO. Burl. Co. 609-235-7467, after 7 p.m. JD 248 2 row com planter dry or liq. fell. $325. Lane. Co. 717-665-5495 after 6 p.m. Nl 214 spreader, single beater, endgate, Muscovy breeding age drakes. Lane. Co. 717-626-5555. 1 row tobacco hoer on steel self-propelled, also 2 ton hyd. press like new. Lane. Co. 215-445-7117. 20’ Van Dale Magnum silo unloader includes motor, power cord, cable, winch, funnel chute, recently rebuilt blower & housing $l5OO. Adams Co. 717-334-1525. Water wheel transplanter $7OO, plastic layer $350, plastic lifter $350, 150 22 bu. apple boxes. Lyc. Co. 717-322-6526. 2 sire quality male llamas, 1 chocolate female, llama excel, conformation, fiber, reg. clean sheep fleeces, many colors. Dau. Co. 717-362-4315. 1964 King 2 horse trailer good cond., $1750, Rocky Mountain horse no papers 7 yrs old $l5OO. Lane Co 717-626-6615. 210 JD riding mower $1195, cash, Hawn eclipse self-propelled $llO, Sibe rian husky female $125. 717-733-0223. 1987 Chev. C-50 C&C 19,000 GVW 104" CA 4 spd., $5,500. Hunt. Co. 814-667-3761. Shoe repair equipment & ir sol access., les el come see it, make an offer. Cumb. Co. 717-530-8089. IH 56 complanter 4 row $585, skidloader $2975, Brillion 11' packer 4’ axle $685, Ml 752 hay crimper $375, JD 20 transport dis kharrow $495, wheel hay rake $295. 215-445-4348. 311 fast hitch 3 btm. plow w/coulters & cover boards, very good btms. 3x14" $l6O. Lane. Co. 215-267-2573. 330 bates bright oats straw, 175 bushels of oats, call (717) 546-5708 after 5 p.m. Lycoming County. 2’ tongue and groove bar flooring from S’ to 8’ wide. Poplar and oak S’xS’xl? and 14' long. 60 used flat belt pulleys. John S. King, RD #2, Box 64-1, Honey- Brook, Pa. 19344. Used Bee Equipment. Inverbrook Apiaries, RD2, Box 230, West Grove, Pa. 19390. 215-869-3353. MINI LOP RABBITS with papers, $25. Very loveable pets. NZW Rabbits with papers, $lO. Cecil Co., Mil, 301-885-2134. Outside calf hutches, $BO each. David B. Stoltzfus, 57 Grist Rd., Nottingham, PA. Take Brown Rd. at Little Britain, second road right. Lane. Co. Rock Oak, 1" to IV. Also. Cherry and Poplar. After 5 p.m.. 717-776-3239. 12 yr. QH, Bay trail horse. 12 yr. fl Arab, sharp, endur ance, competitive trail horse. Have shots, new shoes. 717-432-8282. BOOKS in all fields bought, sold, and appraised. Exp. Pennsylvania/Qerman. Call Ron. York. 717-235-2134 Fickes Silo, 26x70, con crete unloader, completely rebuilt, never used, electric wench. 609-235-3810. Purebred Yorkshire 8 White Crossbred boars, gilts, bred gilts w/ performance data, local delivery available. Cumber. Co. 717-732-5223. Old farm toys, pedal trac tors, misc. advertising, very large selection, shown by appointment prices negoti able. 717-866-4327 eves. Slate roofs repaired, also Penera) repairs dealer for iberdome products, fiberglass feed bins, calf hutches, feed carts, etc. 717-687-8069 after 6. Itelif, LANCASTER FARMING’S DAIRY ISSUE Reaching Over 50,000 Dairy & m ma Ml Phone 717-626-1164, 717-394-3047 or 717-733-6397 Lots of farm sales litera ture. All makes, very good selection. Call 717-866-7147 eves. Hipollto lantern sales & ser vice peerless storage bat teries 4 yr. guarantee very reasonable. Sharpening & Engine Service, Hidden Acres, Old RL 41, Atglen, Pa. 19310. Nylon horse halters, diffe rent colors & sizes. Also cow bands. John K. Stolt zfus, 277 Maple Shade Rd., Christiana, PA 17509. Registered miniature horses starting at $6OO. Miniature potbellied pigs 200-50. 302-653-5305. AC baler w/4 cyl. Wise, engine, needs a little repair, $6OO. John G. Esh, 243 Summit Hill Rd., Quarryvil le, Pa. 17566. Single trees 1-8 hitches, yokes, pokers, cup and pot hangers, wearier roasters, ice scrapers, shoe scrap ers. Chester Co. 215-273-2112. Fresh frozen meat for dogs and cats, call 215-286-9400 or 800-234-2697. 1950 Plym. Station wg. rare 61,000 orig. miles, orig. paint, 6 cyl„ radio, heater, super clean. Oliver 1940 tractor 60 series $B5O Montg. Co. 215-933-2469. Lots of Antiques and Col lectibles, will sell one or all. 1-703-636-6285 call after 7 p.m. Yorkshire & Hampshire boars & gilts, scan figures. Joel 8 Jeff Stem, York Co. 717-292-4634. 256 acres upstate NY 75A hay, 50A pasture, barn, also Frystown, Pa. 8 yr. old 2Vi story home, 2100 sq. ft, 2 acre garage $137,900. Leb. Co. 717-933-5648. Rabbits, Californians 8 Champagne’s for meat or show. Ed Hildebrand 985 Flohr's Ch. Rd„ Biglerville, Pa. 17307. Adams Co. 717-334-3984. ANNUAL June 5 • Special dairy stories and • What’s new in dairy research features • Marketing - Dairy’s future • Local Dairy Association news • Favorite dairy recipes 1960 Ford V-8 2 dr. com pletely restored, rebuilt motor, clutch, new paint A Interior, radio, ww tires reduced $7,900. Montg. Co. 215-933-2469. Top Quality Hay, Straw, Oats, Steer nay 140 per ton and up, mulch hay. Call before 7 AM or after 7 PM. 201-735-8389 or 201-735-8865. Case 600 loader in running condition, $2500, Oliver 62-T baler w/motor works 0.k., $750. Ben L. Stoltzfus, 5395 James Rd., Mecha nicsville, MD 20659. Specializing in pleasure Tennessee walkers. Always a good selection of trail '& show horses. Year lings, broodmares. Stud Service. Lester Weber Stables. 215-267-7311. Reg. Angus bulls and heif ers. Orange Gate Angus Farm, Maurertown, Va. 22644. 703-459-3414. Stauffere two row trans planter good working order (tank leaks) make offer. Leb. Co. 717-866-5204. Melvin K. Huber. Plasson waterere, 275 gal lon, fuel tank, one gallon chick waterers, 1 row Hol land transplanter, porter way tomato harvester. Lane. Co. 717-367-3242. Buggy new steel rubber two seat sleigh one seat cutter, Cayuga Co. 315-626-2488 call after 7 p.m. Divco milk delivery tank, smaller model 4-cyl. older restoration, runs ex., gray 8 red, George. 215-678-4394 Berks Co. Commercial step ladder as used in stores, seven steps, handrails, spring loaded rear wheels, asking $75. Berks Co. 215-369-0531. Ford tractor 671 with hydraulic loader, power steering, wheel weights, power adjusted wheels, low hours, good shape. Berks Co. 215-678-9326. EATURING... ADVERTISERS... Get Complete Coverage by Reserving Your Space Now In This Special Issue DEADLINE FOR ADS - MAT 28 OM pickup truck whoesl 88-93 6 lig 16* complete with trim rings and center caps, set of 4 $2OO. Berks Co. 215-683-3748. Pequea 710 hay tedder, Perry Co. 717-567-3591 good oond. Oliver transport disc, good shape $BOO or best offer. 479 Haybine, good shape, good rods $l5OO or best offer. Franklin Co. 717-762-2807. Toro grounds master 52’ deck power grass catcher $2200. BO Simplicity 17 HP tractor 46* deck, hydro $500.00. Middlesex Co. 908-249-2989. 1 black w/1 gray reg. Per sheron stud colts, halter broke. Call after 5:30 PM Centre Co. 814-466-7034. Case 3 pt. hitch, 12’ 2 btm. plow flatbed wagon. Lane. Co. 717-284-4924 for details. Case 310 F CLB partially rebuilt v.g. u-carriage 188 diesel motor $2500/060 or trade for hay equip. Cumb. N.J. 609-785-1729. 2 Singer knitting machines #155 & #7OO w/ribbers, books, table, accessories, extras, $1250, good oond. Lehigh Co. 215-395-6066. New farm wagon 6 ton run ning gear w/new tires quick hitch tongue. Burl. N.J. 609-654-4700. JO B.R. 1937 good oond., new tires & fenders $5OOO. Bucks Co. 215-536-2287. Good, nice, almond colored, wood coal, Elmira Sweetheart cookstove used 4 yre. Leon Hoover, Snyder Drive, New Hol land, Lane. Co. Pa. Saddlebred horse com ming 6 yr. old (a man's horse). Lane. Co. Steven M. Stoltzfus, Mondale Rd., Bird-In-Hand, Pa. 17505. Complete pony harness, light wt. 1 yr. old. David S. Weaver, 361 Iron Bridge Rd., East Earl, Pa. 17579. Lane. Co. 215-4^-7191. Farm Industry Readers Gleaner F 2 combine, A 430 opmhead, 13’ grain tfeid, 1«r Ilex head very good cbnd. Lehigh Cd. 215-296-2870. 2 seated rubber tire pony wagon excel. $450, childs or goat or dog wooden wagon $350. Lane. Co. 717-569-5150. 40’ alum, grain trailer 60' sides sliding tahdem roll tarp not a dump ready to go. Cecil Co. 410-398-5123. JD Model D excel, restored $4000,1936 unstyled B w/ both rubber & steel wheels $l9OO, 1950 Case D Wheatland excel, orig., $1875,1959 JD43OWP.S, weights & more, $3750. 703-694-6137. 10' Brush hog, JD transport drag/NH 477 haybine. Alle gany Co. 716-437-2796. 9'x7’ wooden garage doors non-folding track, springs, cable make offer. Lane. Co. 717-665-3679 eves. Simmental cows, pairs & heifers, quality, perfor mance oriented herd, popular sires, show quality, Gerlach simmentals. Lane Co. 717-898-97P3 NH 77 baler w/4 cyl. Wise, elect, start eng., $3OO, hammermill w/belt & screens $lOO. Adams Co. 717-528-4166. 1985 Skytrak hi-lift 35’ reach excel, cond., 4 wheel drive, Perkins diesel w/1100 hrs., $25,000. 717-768-3891 leave message. Sheep full Hampshire & full Corriedale 3Y pairs. $5O, also spring lambs. Lane. Co. 215-286-5012. Troy-Bilt tines, never used $2O. Chester Co. 215-383-5280. MH 17x7 double disc grain drill w/fert & grass seed attachments, excel, cond, $3250. Montour Co. 717-275-2529. 1978 Chevette 2 door for parts, Farmall C, $BOO. Cumber. Co. .717-766-4960. , (