UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Following are results of the 1993 Spring Judging Contest sponsored by the Penn State Block and Bridle Club: IMS BLOCK AND BRIDLE BHBNQ JUDONNQ CONTEST CoOaglala Prafaaaianal Raauha: High I mt Individuate: I. Frvd Want, X JuImMOwmII, 3. HmyZaby. High ShMp Indi viduals: I. Frad Warn, Hairy Zeihy, 3. Erie Smith; High Swine Individual*: 1. Doug Muaiar, 2. Carol Griffith, 3. Brian Baam; High Individual Raaaona: I. Fiad Waaw, Julia Mikaaall, 3. Brian Beam; High Individual OvanU: I. Frad Waaver. X Haniy Zarfcy, 3. Erie Smith. Celiaglela Aauteiir Raauitar High Baaf Individuate: I. Andy Mdntira, X Jonathon Lori. 3. Bryan Dam; High Sheap Indi viduate: t. Tea Gainey, X Miehaia Ruffing; 3. Bryan Dean; High Swine Individuate; 1. Tom Camay, X Jonathon Lori. 3. Michele Ruffing; High Individuate Overall: 1. Tom Oihnay, X Jonathon Lori, 3. Miehaia Ruffing. High Team: 1 WASHINGTON COUNTY 4-H 2 WAYNE COUNTY 4-H 3 CAPTAIN JACK FFA. POLE or STEEL building concept ■9H BH IB OR A TOTAL STEEL BUILDING by established and trusted names in the metal building industry are a large part of our business tool YOU NEED A ] UILI >ING! WE HAVE THE RIGHT BUILDING TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. 1 PHONE ' 717-432-9738 r -r -■ FAX ■ , 717-432-8389 sLcnsGDfp. 1248 S. Mountain Rd„ Dillsburg, PA 17019 COMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL • RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS / • 1 8 YEARS EX. E..IENCE « F UNDATI N CREWS * E..ECTI N CREWS I V S' High Individuate: 1. GERALD BOYD, LAN CASTER 4-H; X HUBART CARR, KINZUA COWPOKES; 3. ANN BARNETTE. LENAPE FFA. High Taama-SHEEP: 1, BUTLER COUNTY LIVESTOCK CLUB; X CAPTAIN JACK FFA; 3, WASHINGTON COUNTY 4-H High Individuate-SHEEP; 1. KEITH CARLI SLE, WASHINGTON 4-H; X KAREN REED, WESTMORELAND CO: 3. MIKE MELL, WEST FERRY. Ugh Taama • SWINE: 1. WESTMORE LAND CO; X KUTZTOWN FFA; 3. WAYNE COUNTY 4-H High Individuate - SWINE; I, JANELLE CURTIS. WAYNE COUNTY 4-H X GERALD BOYD, LANCASTER 4-H 3. ANN BARNET TE, LENAPE FFA. High Taama - BEEP: 1, WASHINGTON COUNTY 4-H X BUTLER COUNTY 4-H LVST. CLUB; 3, CAPTAIN JACK FFA. High Individuate - BEEF: 1, GERALD BOYD, LANCASTER 4-H X BEN CROSS, VENANGO CO. MAINPOINTERS; 3. MICHELLE MELVIN, MERCER COUNTY 4-H High Teama: 1, YORK COUNTY 4-H; X LEBANON COUNTY 4-H 3, YORK COUNTY 4-H/B. ■ h' T they discovered the cost saving efficiencies two-way radio provides. Access your personnel readily, reduce costly delays, and react immediately to emergency needs from any location. Don't get caught short in your busy season without good communications. See why so many are adding a Clearchannel mobile system. Call Triangle Communications for a demonstration in September and become eligible for a Bahamas vacation. TRIANGLE COMMUNICATIONS .. . . Naw Holland Reading INC. (717) •54*2211 (218) 828-4211 1-800-828-7718 Spring Contest Announces Results I T T <S/ T MANY ADDING TWO-WAY MOBILES? “We added a two-way mobile radio ayatem to Improve our overall aervlce. Avoiding coatly downtime makea our cuatomera, and ua, more productive. With our Clearchannel ayatem our aervlce technielana are never out of touch. “ Phil Wimer Partner/Parts Manager Landis Bros. Inc. Why are more and more farms and businesses adding Clearchannel* mobile communications? Because High bdMduala - Overall Omuai; 1. MATT SELLERS. YORK COUNTY 4-H X MATT TROSTLE, YORK COUNTY 4-H 3. ADAM Labs Pre pare COLUMBUS. C Effective July 1, the regnlstory level for somatic cell counts (SCC) in Grade A bulk tank milk will drop from a million per milliter down to 750,000. DHIA laboratories are prepared to accu rately measure individu al cow SCC levels to determine which cows are increasing the total tank level. Due to the increasing need for accurate cell counting, National DHIA developed the Quality Certification Program. DHIA labs must participate in monthly tests of blind or unknown samples to measure the accuracy of the instrument measurement. The accuracy level of instruments nationwide has steadily improved for SCC. fat and protein reading. Instrument sensitivi ty is such that allowable tolerance variation is down to 'A of what it had been just a few years ago. Further incentive for reduction of SCC is that it has been shown through research that milk and milk compo nent production con tinues to increase as SCC drops below the 150,000 SCC level. This was indicated in a study conducted by Heald, et al. Contact the local DHIA affiliate for more information on the fiMIA'SCC program. WE KEEP BUSINESS TALKING SELLERS, YORK COUNTY 4-HA. High Tumi; CROSSBRED HEIFERS 7R. MARKET HOOSTR. DORSET FALL EWE LAMBS/R; I. YORK COUNTY 4-H; 2, LEBA NON COUNTY 4-H; S, YORK COUNTY 4-H/B. High Individual!: CROSSBRED HEIFERS/R, DORSET FALL EWE LAMBS/R: I, MATT SELLERS, YORK COUNTY 4-H; 2, JON lIARNISII, LEBANON COUNTY 4-H: 3, JEN NIFER ALTOBELLE, YORK COUNTY 4-H/B. High Teona - SHEEP; I. YORK COUNTY 4-H; 2. YORK COUNTY 4-11/B: 3. BERKS COUNTY 4-H. High Individuala - SHEEP: 1, MATT TROSTLE. YORK COUNTY 4-H; 2, MATT Needed immediately: 60* x 496’ ASP breeder house • Contract commercial breeder houses for American Selected Products, Milton, Pa. • Preferable within 60 miles of Selinsgrove, Pa • New housing • Remodeled existing housing • Single story, deep pit or high rise • Automatic feeding, ventilation and egg gathering Call: Tom Weidman Northeast Agri Systems 1-800-673-2580 Call Northeast Agri Systems For information on new contracts being offered by other local feed and livestock companies Contracts available for • Tom & hen turkeys: 7,200-15,000 birds TWo 50’x620’ tom turkey houses Contracts available for • Hog finishing: 1,000*3,000 head • Sow units: 200-1,800 sows w ■ : - * - *'*** * * 5 * -rnrn-i-i-ir g» ’ -- - ...» -n&m Ioi’x245 > 3000 head tunnel ventilated hog finishing house Contracts available for • Layer houses: 90,000-126,000 birds 108,864 bird layer house with ULTRAFLO® feeding ■ Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK "SP M 139 A West Airport Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 ■*“ (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 SB moat* wwminßmmay,4tty i, mum SELLERS, YORK COUNTY 4-R 3. JON iIARNISH, LEBANON COUNTY 4-R High Twnu. SWINE: I. YORK COUNTY 4-H: 2, LEBANON COUNTY 4-H; 3. CHES TER COUNTY 4-H. High Individuals —SWINE;!. MATT SELL ERS, YORK COUNTY 4-H: 2. JONATHAN HOWE, CHESTER COUNTY 4-H; 3, BRIAN MCALLISTER, CENTRE CO 4-R High Team - BEEF: I, YORK COUNTY 4-H; 2, LEBANON COUNTY 4-R 3. YORK COUNTY 4-H/B. High Individuals - BEEF: 1. lON HARNISH, LEBANON COUNTY 4-R 2. BRIAN KREID ER. LEBANON COUNTY 4-R 3, MATT SELLERS, YORK COUNTY 4-R /'V/
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