Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 01, 1993, Image 21
Pennsylvania Dairy Hard Improvement Association W*l« L. Burrta, membenhip development, C»U 1-800-DHI-TEST for Infoem.tion. Infinity Is Repackaging Of Services STATE COLLEGE (Dauphin Co.) Infinity is a repackaging of our services with a brand name that is not specific to geography it conveys that this is an organiza tion operating across lines for many people’s benefit. Infinity is the way things will go in the future: more service, more choice, more flexibility, and more variety. Infinity System Module Dairy Management System (DMS) is a BIGGE BETT New Foil BFC New Foil® BFC bioinsecticide is re shaping Colorado potato beetle control. Ecogen has developed a new Foil strain that produces a crystal that is three times as large and three times more effective than the original Foil formulation. That's three times more toxin in every bite. BiSS*r is better. Added strength means that less Foil BFC is needed to do the job. Recommended application rates have been reduced from 3 quarts per acre with the original Foil 1 to 1 FOCUS national DHIA certified service and one of 10 service modules under Infinity. A “module” is a term for a sub package of services within a total system. Under the Infinity system, each of the 10 modules is designed to stand alone in providing a range of specific services, but the mod ules are also connected through the overall scope of Infinity system so that information can be transferred between modules as needed. New Foi BFC. Big Fat Crystab For Better Control. Ecogen Inc 2005 Cabot Boulevard West, Langhome, Pennsylvania 19047-1810 (215)757-1590 1-800-220 2135 Foil is a trademark of Ecogen Inc Copyright ©1993 Ecogen Inc Always read and follow label directions carefully The DMS module, for example, is a traditional, paper-based dairy herd management service provid ing the entire range of official and unofficial records services for dairy producers. It has a lot of flexibility and choices, and provides a full range of printed reports for dairymen to use in managing their milking and dry cows, herds and young stock. All reports and services are option al at the producer’s discretion, giv ing him control over the total cost of the service. The services are divided further into five sections or packages, for ease of promotion and choice making, but not to limit choices. Prices for the packages are dis counted from the total cost of those options selected individually. The five sections consist of a Basic Package Report for herd and cow management; three Advanced Reports (Levels I, II and III): and an Optional Reports Services. The Basic Package Report is 1/2 quarts per acre with Foil BFC. Reduced rates and increased efficacy combine to save you time and money. Best Choke For IMA. Lead-off your Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program with ECOEEn designed to give a dairyman the primary reports needed to manage all aspects of his dairy operation. Included in this package are a Monthly Cow Lactation Report, Herd Summary Report I or 11, Indi vidual Cow Page each lactation. Young Stock Listing, annual cow and herd production certificates, bam sheets, and direct automated billing. The three advanced level pack ages are laid out differently, depending on the need for information. Level I includes reports on reproductive management, soma tic cell management, and a report on an annual herd management awards, an annual herd profile, and one special report from a custom ized report list. Under the Level II section, included are a semiannual PTA report, semiannual report on potential identification problems, Foil BFC. You can't find a more effective Bt than Foil BFC Consultants agree that Bts can play a critical role in CRB control When properly timed, Foil BFC will stop the explosion of CRB larvae and permit a sensible rotation of insecticide classes. When the season starts put Foil BFC to work. It will save you time, money and a small piece of the environment for your future. Foil BFC is the best Bt you cun buy. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 1,1W3-A2l an annual listing of cows sold, and an optional special report. Under the Level 111 section, the DMS module provides 365-day lactation records, monthly record updates to a breed association for DIR, computer-generated registra tion applications, and an option special report. Among the stand-alone options which are individually prices, available options include ARIS on-line services, heifer manage ment system, herd performance evaluator service, a complete nutrition management system, bam cards, calf books, stable breeding cards, laboratory compo nent analysis reports, and young sire evaluations. A sample of the packaged reports can be obtained by calling the Pa.DHIA office at (8 14)-865-1 517, or 1-800-325-2720. s. L. The power of Infinity comes from the unique integra tion of individual service modules which permit infor amtion in one mod ule to be shared with other modules. While some modules rely on input of data from other modules, the overall design allows a DHIA or dairy producer to select only those modules needed. In addition to DMS, a systems overview of the 10 modules in Infinity includes: • OFS —On Farm System-Dairy Comp 305 and Dairy Plan. • OFS+ On- Farm System plus Genetic Evaluations and Young Sire Programs. • FSS Field Services System. • DES Data Entry System. • LCS Laboratory Control System. • EES Extension and Edu cation Service. • CS Consultant’s Service. • COM Communication System. • FPS Finance and Personnel Service.