Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 01, 1993, Image 177
■ * - .. .. - -- ■-»/ >** ■ * *<m* r -»»wt-., ' <K. «y '■ r j s ; DISCBINE, RBBBTON 1080 Field Ready $2,800 410-833-9001 MfWMMWWWWWWMWWWVMMMMMMWWMWVWMWwU .k Leaman Tractor Parts j , 329 Brenneman Rd. ea»—A- GflV Willow street, pa 17584 BBCfi^Bk BHp 9 (Lancaster Co.) 717-464-2874 (Turn Left on Brenneman Rd. from 222 S at Refton) TORQUE AMPLIFIERS & CLUTCHES A New Wider Heavy Duty Super Sprag 1-1/32” Wide A B ir. Warranty Against Sprag Failure A Price $885.00 *S yr. • 100% parti A labor againat sprag ‘2 yr. -100% porta & labor on rtmalndar of unit Our standard heavy duty TA la still avallabls at $041.00 and carl as a *2 yr. • 100% parts I labor warranty. * Csnain raittrlctions apply and them will bs a maxi mum labor pay-out of $450.00 Wo also havs units A parts avallabls to rebuild old stylo TA'o, Including ramp A earrlor aals. NFW pries on ramps A carrlam - $200.00 COMBINE PARTS Final drives tor 6620 Hillside, •800, JD 7720, M2O We Alee Have unloading augers, straw walkera and other various parts lor JD and IH combines 1) ISF 750 complete, but will astl any part IH 815, for parts aim AvaHabta In 4'xt' and s'x«’ 12 , Start l ng At $995 ■ w/Oate $1,150 UTILITY (TILT OR GATE MODEL) Sins; SW. s'xiO'. SH-xlO 1 , .Wxia 1 , 3000# QVW 16' Starting At $1,595 w/Oate $1.895 UTILITY WITH GATE-SIZES; 1?x76", 14x76’. 16‘x76" IB’xTß’, 18'x81’, 7,000# GVW, 20’x81" 12,000# QVW Alm AvslkUs In Car Hsulm 11', ll' 7,000# GVW I FLAT BED: Size* 16'x76‘, 18'x78', IffxSr, B,ooo# GVW, ssH storing BO" long ramps • QUALITY USED PARTS We specialize in IH tractors but wo also havs Cass, AC, JO, Olivsr, Masssy and Whits trac tors In our Invsntory. Recent Addition! To Pattt: IH 1066, 1086, 886, 560, 966, 1468, 1566 IH 2424, 460, 706, $O6 IH 404 916, 884, 826, 856, 606,2606 IH 1066, IH 340, 1981 Model 986 IH 815 Combine JD 6620 Sidehill - MF 750 COLLECTORS MM QB, discs I, runs good JD 730 diesel, electric start, WF, 3 pt, 2 valves JD 720 diesel, converted to elec, start, 3 pt. hitch JD 720 LP gas, sharp MF 444 row crop, gas WF, good running condition We have coming in several JD Hl-crops Call for models and serial numbers Fax 717-464-4130 DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED Wood or SM Floor STARTING AT $608.00 Cw Polite International Farm Equipment • 1 & 2 Bottom Plows • Discs 4* - 8’ • Blades s’-8’ • Box Blades 4’-8’ • Stone Rakes s’*B’ • Post Hole Diggers • 1 Row Cultivators • Dirt Scoops • Boom Poles • Rear Carriers • Chlpper-Mulcher • Fertilizer Spreaders • Concrete Mixers • Field Cultivators • Potato Plows • Hay Rakes 6 Tedders • Rotary Mowers • 4'-7V4 ’ Finish Mowers • Bale Carriers • Sickle Mowers • Rototillers • Log Spotters • Truck Beds • 8* to 12’ Over 300 Trailers in Stock Starting At $495.00 SO Dlfftrtnt Mod#l« WANTED DEAL! USED TRACTORS IH 10W Hlnlekor cab. mw TA, 83" rubber IH 7W diesel, lander, 3 pt, dual PTO, dual valvaa . 19M Caaa HUM, cab, air, MFWD, duals, weightsfi9BSnont oond. lON IH SOM cab, air, duals, weights, HD front axle, good condition IH 400 power steering, last hitch, nice paint, good rubber IH BMTA gas, power steering, good oond. IH 15M cab, air, duals, vary nice condition IH 1250 3 pL, dual PTO, good condition IH 356 w/HHiioksr 1300, cab, WFE, 33" dree, good condition JD IHOinO loader, 900 hrs., excel, oon dMoOVWMO 30,950 AC 7020 eeb, 3 valves, power director trans mission, 4000 hrs., 37,900 Complete MFD axle to IH JD 5020 Complete MFD axle to lit 06 3 66 aeries IH tractors Haagey sprayer model 347, w/313 Chrysler engine, 4WD hydro, low usage, weath* ered 34.500 ENGINES IH D-232 fits SW, 350, 706 Perkins 640 cu. In. V 3, short block or long block Cummin# KTIA (1155), on# n#w block and 4 raeon h#ad« Cummin# 290 small cam, n—d# fbulll HIGHWAY HYDRAULIC DUMP 10’ Starting At $2,695 ALSO AVAILABLE M DROP AXLE IN 12’ TO It* _ L CONSTRUCTION (LOW DECK) 16’x76’. IB’xßf. 20K81” B,ooo# or 12.000# GVW Starting At $3696 w/4' fnjj GOOSENECK SIZES; 20'x8*, 12,000# GVW, 24'xS 1 18,000# GVW. 1 Alas: 18'xT 8 Ton, 20’ to 24'xr • A 10 Ton DECK-OVER CONSTRUCTION 16'x8’ 7000* GVW Ifl’xS* w/Tail 10,000# QVW ATTENTION FARMERS If you have deterior ating concrete masonary or stone walls, have it repaired with QUNITE* For Information and estimates call Martina Silo Repair (215) 445-9834 $2,688 $8,898 Uhcprty FUBtng, mm, m t, imm /gu> •Md ML $8,878 NEWGEHL MS3I2 Spreader .. . MSI7S Spreeder. $3,898 NEW BRnjjnw equipment BUS 6302 6R Cultivator $2,640 BSLP Grass Sssdsr $1,980 USED TRACTORS JD 1010 Gas w/Loadsr $4,998 JD 4250 $39,900 USED EQUIPMENT Whits 543 4R Plantar. s£97B JD 50 Box Scrapsr, 5% ’ $3BO JD 630, OR, 3 Pt. Cultlvstor $l,BOO Glsnoo 12’ field cultivator $1,398 NH 451 3 pt. mower. $1,798 Brilllon LQS 1441 12’ Pulverizer.s69B JD 483 MoCo $6BO JD 5200 SP Harvester w/Dura/Dmm w/3R Heads, T PU $29,900 JD 5440 self propelled harvester, w/4WD w/3R head, 7* pu Call Badger BNIO4O Blower $328 JD 336 Baler w/30 Ejector Call BGutshalls, Inc. Carlisle Loysvllle (717) (717) 249-2313 789-4343 E i \jQHW MIHI J uqstonh g & Turf, in C (t® '.homberaburg. Pa. l(j|{ i JOHN KMC JOHN DEERE Naw Tractors 7700 MFWD. CG. Cab 6300 MFWD 6200 MFWD, CG. Cab 5300 4255 PS. SG Compact Utility r Tractors (New) , 770 MFWD [ 855MFWD Spreaders ' JD 874 Tillage JO 675 4R & 6R Cult. Forage JO 5830 JD 3950 Harvester JD 3 Meter Hay Pickup Planter* JD 7200 6RN w/L fert. JO 7200 6RN w/O fert. 1 Drill* ’* 450 10- & 12' Baler* JO 328 JD 335 JD 348 JD 375 JD 435 Mower Conditioner* JD 1470 JD 1360 JD 1600, 14' iwaltewo miLLCR w STIHL SDS2S 3 ChLPA 71 *****lo3 Cham *!£*l rB ' PA 1-800-3T7-3040 JD 5440 w/new Power Mizer Cutter Head w/7* Pick-up & 3RN, (Sharp) Rotary Cutters JD 717 JD 503 Loaders 6 Blades JD 540 JD 640 JO 65 Blade BOBCAT NEW 753 Mlsc. New Miller 5100 Forage Boxes Farm Aid Mixer Wagons Dion Forage Boxes Kvemeland Plows USED JO 3 Bottom 3 Pt Hitch Plow JO 216 Flex head NH 850 Round Baler JO 336 w/30 Ejector JD 650 3 PTH Rake JO 3970 JO 3960 JD 4RN Head JD 1440 w/Ory Fert. JO 1209 NH 489 Haybine NH 499 Haybine Vicon KM32I 9N Ford w/Belly Mower GT Dump Wagon Used Lawn * Garden JD 318 w/46" JD 420 w'6o" 6428