imssm ■ , • S' L f (d * 4 JdSLEj* * -- ; f — - - Can Be Used For Cold Storage Inside Or Outside 14’-22’ Boxes Starting $3500 And Up 201-663-0243 WWWWW%I Replac Bodies Standard Faati Induda: Haadboard (Squara or Taparad), Stake Pockata, RubraH, Diamond Plata or 2* Wood Floor, Haavy Duly Condruetlon Lsnath Width Fmms Width Prlca 7 Ft. 66 or 78’ 34, 36 or 46' $5OB 8% Ft. 80 or 90' 34 or 38’ $5OB 10 Ft. 90" 34 or 38' $725 11 Ft. 90' 34 or 38' «950 12 Ft. 90’ 34 or 38' $OOB 14 Ft. 90" 34 or 38" $llOO 16 Ft. 90" 34 or 38' $l3OO 16 Ft. 90" 34 or 38" $l5OO 20 Ft. 90" 34 or 38’ sl*oo Plastic B Goose Truck Wood | Nack [H Tool Slats For X-S'K* BaU " Boxes lody Racks Hitches Trailer Hitches ~ Ringo Hill Farms Equipment Co. 1624 Rout* 212 Quakcnown, PA 18951 219*346-7340 Fax 215-346-8041 Write For A Free Catalog JONES ■ Goodwrench HEADQU QM GOOSWRENCH 3SO VS 1073-SS Part Number 10067353 New Engine - Not Rebuilt 36 Month or 60,000 Mile Werrenty SU99~ New Engine - No Cere Fee Specie! Price Call 394-0711 for prices on other New or Remanufactured Goodwrench Engines. 2.5 Liter thru 454 cld. Gas and Diesel Chevrolet - Pontiac - Olds - Buick - Cadillac - GMC JONES GM PARTS CENTER 1335 Manhelm Pike, Lancaster, PA 17604- Hours: Mon.-Frl. 7:30*5 (717) 394-0711 mu Now Available Through KEENS SERVICES. INC. CONTAINER BOXES (40' x 8) Salt and Secure • GraundLtvtl • ForitUlAcctMiblt • Cott Effecttv* Storagt • Also Available: 20 Storage Trailers For Sale ■ $750 to $1,500 • Also Storage Trailers For Rent By The Month! (717) 626-5420 CENTER IS YOUR Steel Grain Bodies Standard Faaluraa Induda; “4 Mile From State Game Lands. 717-835-5138. Veal Farm For Rent, 265 Stalls. Franklin Co., PA. Phone 717-530-1773. 1-800-336-5253 1-301-387-5702 AflcA Realty P.O. Box SIS McHenry, MD 21541 Dairy or crop farm centrally located batman Syracuse and Rochester. 300 acres, several goad bams, 4 silos, 4 BR home w/private dead and road. Will divide. Call Marjorie Baker, Broker SI 5-568-8663 at Baker Real Estate. Diary barn for rent, 42 tie stalls on pipeline, 2 heifer bams, calf barn, 20 acres pasture, 2 bedroom mobile home available. Former Dairy of Distinction. Wells boro, Tioga Co. 717-724-5284. FARMETTE: 7.5 acres. 4BR farmhouse, barn, shed, workshop, big one car garage, deck, $200,000. Lancaster Co.. PA 717/665-6555. FARMETTE: 10A, 2 story, 4BR house w/attached summerhouse. Permas lone sided, new kitchen, di ning room, new EFM fur nace. 3-car garage, three additional buildings. Satel lite TV system. $175,000. 717-866-7214. FARM FOR SALE- South Christian Co., Kentucky, Old Order Amish Area: 160 A, 1 bam; 166 A, 7 room house, 2 car garage, grain bins, tobacco barn; 79A w/ spring and branch, no buildings; 35A, 1 barn. For more information call or write: STANLEY FRITZ REAL ESTATE & AUC TION. 1506 S. Virginia St., Hopkinsville, KY 42240 OR Mornings and Night be tween the hours 7-9, PA time. STANLEY FRITZ 502-886-4216; Office No. 502-885-3117. FARMS WANTED: Are you planning on buying, relo cating or selling your farm or land(s)? Give the exper ienced people at HEY WORTH REALTY a call. We are QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED in farm/ land sales and have all types of farms for sale. For information Call or Write; Lawrence Stouffer, HEY WORTH REALTY. 13008 Dual Highway, Hager stown, MD 21740. 301-733-3701 Office: 717-597-2584 Eves..' FOR RENT: 120 cowdairy tarn tie stalls w/pipeline, 20x40 high moisture corn harvestore, 20x60 silo, bulk tanks, tarn cleaner, silo unloader. 717-297-4796. FOR RENT; 150 acre dairy farm, includes house, tarn 2 large silos, 4 stall milking parlor, suitable for 30 to 50 cows. Additonal land avail able. Located in the north western part of Garrett County near Accident, MD. Call 301-334-4018 after 6PM. FOR RENT: 48 stall, pipe line tarn, with 3 bedroom trailer. Also farm machin ery for sale. Juniata Co. 717-694-3017. FOR RENT: Barn and pas ture land including hay field, Norrisville, MD (410)692-2729. FOR RENT: Pole Barn 60x70, like new, Ephrata Area. Call evenings. (717)733-9538. WANTED: Dairy farm ar ound 150 Acres, must be set up for dairy. Write; R-6S, %Lancaster Farm ing, ROB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. WANTED TO BUY: Moun tain farm in Amish vicinity of Penns Valley, Nittany Valley, White Deer, etc. with preferably 50-t- acres open ground for intensive grazing danry herd. Send resume to; Box R-11, % Lancaster Farming, POB 609, Ephrata. PA 17522. Wanted to Rent: 46R house in country by Men nonite family. Lancaster County or nearby county. (215)261-0257 after 6 p.m.. WISCONSIN DAIRY FARMS. 30 cow to 150 cow, Up. Excellent Prices & Terms for Spring Pos session. Call nowl L.L. STEWART. Realtors. 2007 Hogeboom, Eau Claire, Wl 54701, 715/834-6664. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 1,19M-C43 FOR SALE: 17+ acres, woodland, solid 16'x30' ca bin, paved Highway fron tage, propane gas facili ties, spring-fed streams, absolute privacy. Lower Northumberland. $35,000. 717-602-3038. FOR SALE: 3000 so. ft. commercial repair shop, 160 A farm, barn, silo, 3 metal bins, 3 bedroom house, other building, $90,000. 218-436-2980, 218-436-2219. FOR SALE; 75 acre farm, 45 acres tillable, 9 room house, bam, shed, 2 car garage, 7,000 Christmas trees. Mineral rights to settle estate. Clearfield Co., Frenchville. 814-263-4658. GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM $1 (U repair). Delin quent tax property. Repos sessions. Your area (1) 805 962-8000 Ext. GH-4156 for current repo list. Luzerne County PA, 227 acre working dairy (arm. 2 hornet, 60 tie stalls, box stalls, heifer sheds, thou sand gallon .bulk tank, pipe line, 20X64 silo with un loader, bam cleaner, ma chinery available. Call (717)864-2215. Luzerne County; Hunting cabin, remote, surrounded by gameland and state park, S minute walk to stocked lake. Need 4x4 to access cabin refurbished with oak floors, fireplace, open-beam ceiling, new kitchen, no utilities, $37,500. (717)957-4554. Lycoming County Farm' 200 acres river bottom land w/additional land available Remodeled house, barn, outbuildings, silos and feeding equipment Write Gll2 Lancaster Farming, P.0.80x 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. MARYLAND WATER FRONT PROPERTIES. Open Sunday. Call Elsie, Grempler Realty Inc EHOB 1-800-876-1901 NbftWsrrfNew York, Water town Area- Rutland Excel lent operating dairy, 200 acres, 92 tie stalls, pens, manure handling system, pipeline, loam soil, $198,000 terms. Other farms available. Lois Lang, Broker, 315/649-2774 Oley Valley Farm; 88 acres of tillable, flat, prime farm land. Large farm house, bank barn, combine and truck storage and grain silo. All in top notch condi tion. $B,OOO. Call for ap pointment, B. Wagner, M. Carim. Coldwell Banker, Real Estate Professionals. (215)372-3200. PERRY COUNTY. Specta cular view on this 107 acre working beef farm. 11 year old 25x50 2 story house in cludes: 3 large bedrooms, 3 fireplaces, attached 2 car garage, country kitchen, finished basement, 3 baths. In-ground swimming pool. 6 year old 50x110 block machine shed; di vided into shop, machine storage & cattle area w/silo & bunk feed system in lot. 45x70 bank barn in good shape w/silo. Pasture di vided w/high tensile sys tem. Owner can retain 70 tillable acres if needed. Must be seen. $400,000. 717/582-8066 Potter County: 300+ acres Exchange or sale 1/3 till able, 1/3 pasture. Dairy bam, house, house trailer, $210,000 or exchange. 215-348-1493. Rodman, NY- Adorable 2-room camp. 14 acres w/ stream. For privacy, hunt ing or get-away, $12,900 Lois Lang, Broker. 315/649-2774. 63 ACRE FARM with subdivision possibilities. Large 5 bedroom, 2 bath farmhouse with family room PLUS bam, summer house, implement shed & more. East. Reduced to $249,900 #207835. Call CENTURY 21 Dale Realty Co. 1 (800) 735*3253 **4Bo Acres, MHasburg area, mountain land, stream, 2 miles from 1-80, frontage. **2l acres, Miles burg area, 3.5 miles from f-80, steam, ideal hunting camp site. Call Eunice Leh man), KINGS WAY RE ALTY. 717-669-8701 or home 717-284-2906. 4W- acres, house w/4BR, enclosed porch, 2-car gar age attached, 2-car garage detached, horse stable w/ com crib and other out building. Well and septic. Being sold by owner. (717)243-0975. 4BR home, kitchen/dining, LR, FR. IV4 baths, laun dry, well and septic on 3/4-A lot nestled in farming country between McVey town and Mt. Union Priced in the low 90's. (717)899-7572. 50+A, Juniata Co., Farm/ Hunting-Camp/Vacation/ Residence, Woods, Fields, Stream. 3-Bdr. Home, Standard Septic, Bam, Pri vacy, Hunting, $75,000. 717-673-4507. 86 acres, 30 tillable, rest woodland and pasture. 2% story, 3BR home, w/oil and/or coal heat TV dish, 2 car shed, 30x40 barn, large pond. $159,900. INTE GRITY REAL ESTATE, 717-966-3851. Beautiful brown stone cape cod 4BR, 2 bath, oak trim, hardwood floors through out, CAC, heated inground pool, 30x40 pole building, great for kids and animals. 3.25 acres. $129,900 York County, PA (717)252-2063. By Owner Investment Op portunity, Large, Beautiful. Picturesque Dairy Farm in Northern New York, Adir ondack Foot Hills Dairy of Distinction, Super Milk and Quality Awards. 220 Hols tein Cows and Heifers Plus All Machinery 2-3 Homes, 450 Acres of Ex cellent Soil w/Woods, Streams Resident Mana ger Will Stay and Operate for Absentee Owner. Ask ing $595,000 315-688-4477. Car Lot and Residence' 1/2 acre, 1,600 sq ft office/ garage, 2,000 sq. ft home York $89,900 (717)792-3860 Cattle ranch, Western PA 1 hour from Pittsburgh, 2 hours Penn State Gor g e o u s country, 1400 acres (1100 deeded), 300 animal units Rotational grazing, excel lent working corrals, 7 barns, 5 lovely houses, tennis court, swimming, great hunting, fishing. Top manager available. $1,500,000. Call retiring owner. 814-257-8707. Brokers welcome CLINTON COUNTY near Hanneyville 5 acre beauti ful level wooded lot. Perc /electric/dnveway and adjacent public hunting land. Owner Financing $18,900 717-769-6445 Days 717-769-6035 Evenings. COUNTRY RETREAT, 145 acres, 2 acre pond house w/SBR, fireplace, satellite TV, adjacent 1600 acres PA Game Lands. Re spond to' PO Box 301, Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Columbia County, PA; 50 acre farm in Benton School District 3BR house, 3 bay equipment shed, barn, 40x36 block garage, $162,000, negotiable. (717)752-4129 CUMBERLAND COUNTY Dairy Farm, 2 barns, 2 si los, double four milking parlor, 4 bedroom, 2 bath house. More information 717-776-3535