Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 01, 1993, Image 128
C32-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, May 1, 1993 Wl « MWWHIiy< I «VHIiWfIMWH| priced' Distance is no prob- CUSTOM leml (717)944-6996. WORK Warner Liquid Transport. Liquid Manure Spreading, Septic, Water. (717)464-0841 after 5.00. Save Time - Save Soil ' Minimum or no-tlll drilled soybeans. Custom planted or rent. Great Plains no-tlll drill. Ed Breneman (717) 464-3697 NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Flatbed Trailer Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 nontn’S um, SUPPLY % P.O. Box 821. Brownslown, PA 17508 717-656-6508 We Deliver 1.3 Point Hitch Balo Agrl-Pae Naw A Uaad Wrappara Bagging Machlnaa / Agrl 2. Bala Wrap Pac Sllaga Bag* OBERHOLTZER’S GRAIN ROASTING on your firm 2743 Vallay Viaw Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (215) 286-2062 Bagging7 y. Contact < ( Blam Rutt \ 8 Foot Bags / ) 717-626-4072 / j Will Travel 100 Miles \ Skid loader work or man ure handling. Reasonably / in ■ rufifr iW*S NO-TIL SOYBEAN SEEDING Great Plains Drill, So. Franklin & No. Washington Co. Don’t Sacrifice Alfalfa QUALITY Let me seed the BEANS • You make the hay VOLUME DISCOUNTS (717) 328-2336 ’ 'uflMU' • I if if I I i 1 I ,1 i —— 2 Wit SOfef SMC w ‘SOK )M£ >oB< >MOiSMI “We Want Your Business" CUSTOM BAGGING Contact CHARVIN FARM 717-668-7471 1 (800) 352-3785 “Bagging With Experience" ■ Custom or Rent Self-Loading Round Bale Wagon Hauls 10 Bales Per Load Also Custom Round Bale Wrapping ft Baling Lee-Mar Farm Morgantown, Pa. (215) 286-9052 Corn Planting 6x30 in i No-Till Or Conv. Silo Filling w/Dump Wagon and Box Mounted On Truck Round Baling. Dry and Silage w/Net or Twine Excellent Equipment At Reasonable Rates York, Adams Counties 717/259-8406 Anytime Kelly Ryan OCNTCnLIHD> V|P BIG BAGGER® ” AUKER’S CUSTOM BAGGING 2 Kelly Ryan Centerline Will Travel Up To 60 Miles Strictly Power Take Off Fermentalon aid available NC+ hybrids “A tighter pack for a better ferment” JOHN S. AUKER, PROP. Myftown. PA 717-933-5224 Custom Tub Grinding Pallets, Slab Wood and Bark, Township and Demolition Type Material, Any Type of Wood Waste, One of the Biggest Grinders in Pennsylvania - Perry Co. Recycling Corporation Newport, PA (717) 567-6782 f a k Silver Creek Supply^ Authorized Distributor Card 9 Stretch FHm Dealer Inquiries Welcomeo • BALE GARD® STRETCH FILM J-4J Quality guaranteed product I at unbeatable prlcea "12 month warranty on all alzaa Black <> White " Available Black or White 20"x5000'x1 mil • 414/roll • 32 rolla/akld 20"x6000'xl mil - AMUroll • 24 rolla/akld 30"xS000'x1 mfr; 61#/rOII • 24 roHe/ekld GRO TUFF HAY BAGS ft SLEEVES © lID Bag namators Slaava Dlamatara Made in the USA - Buy American-made Products and Support Our Country. We pay shipping on full skid orders. Additional discounts for multi skid orders. Truck load pricing available. Ask us sbout our now Inllns wrsppsr usss spprox. 50% loss wrap'. To ordsr call eolltcl: * (717) 374-8010 (717) 374-8071 Fax Or Writs To Us At: RD *l, Box 70, Port Travorton, PA 17U4 53" - 59" - 55" • 72" 48" . 50" - 65” • 72" HELP WANTED Part-Time Help - Lancaster Area. Dairy Equipment Sales, Dairy Equipment Instal lation, Approx. 30 Hrs. Per Week. LANCASTER DAIRY FARM AUTOMATION 1-800-422-4587 HELP WANTED Oklahoma Custom Harvester Needs Truck Or Com bine Operators For May Thru October Wheat Harvest. JOHN OOSIfET 405-237-3452 tihcßß HelßWJbilti 405*237-3000 Looking for famfwo^ Farmers' Association can computer-match your qualifications and experience to its members' employment needs No fee is charged. If interested, send self-addressed, stamped envelope to; PFA, Ag Employment Opportunities P.O. Box 8730, Camp Hill, PA 17001-8736 $35,000/YEAR PART TIME. Ag Related Field. For Free Information Please Call 206-733-2323, or write A.S.A.A. Box 186. Twin Falls, Idaho. 83303 '93 harvest help wanted, combine operators and truck drivers, CDL pre ferred, Mark, (316)585-2405 Assist Owner with General Dairy Farming, must be ex perienced with milking, non-smoker, non-drinker. Good salary, housing. 410/472-2623. Christian man preferred to work on dairy farm in the Myerstown area. Housing available. Must have ex perience w/farming. Refer ences required. After BPM. (717)856-4993 Dairy farmer wanted. Good job for person working on dairy farm. Call Reuben Greenberg, Inc, Colum bus, NJ, (609)298-1021. Dairy herdsperson for 75 cow parlor and free stall system in SE York Co. Re ferences required. (410)452-5901 evenings. Equipment demonstrators wanted to show revolution ary new automatic wagon hitch to local farmers and equipment dealers. Must have farm background. Age no barrier. Full time, part time. Start at once, 1-800-SSHITCH. EXPERIENCED FARM WORKER needed for 70 cow dairy. References re quired. Jefferson Co 814/326-2951. Experienced dairy help wanted. References a must. WRITE: POB 493, Wellsboro, PA 16901. Experienced Setup Man to run a crew in Arizona set ting double-wides. 60-day minimum. Longer, better Tools helpful. Travel ex penses furnished, 301/582-4738 leave message. Experienced Dairy Farm Help. Milking and generaf farm work. House and. usual privileges. 71 7/456-7285 or 717/456-5854 after 7pm. Experienced farm help for 3000 acre farm, vegetables only, able to operate targe machinery. Good pay and benefits. Send resume to. Goosp Valley Farm, 12504 Augustine Herman Hwy, Kennedyville, MD 21645 Individual needed for fun time position on small MO dairy. Duties center around cows, milking, feeding, etc Housing plus salary lor starters. (410)357-5239 Live-in housekeeper and cook in a Christian home for the elderly, nice clean home in the country. If in terested 215-689-5360 Milking general farm work position opening June 26, 1993. 110 grade Hols tein's, 10 stall parlor. Hous ing benefits included Must be experienced with 3 re ferences. Send resume to' Box 398, Unionville, PA 19375.