Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 01, 1993, Image 124
C2B-L*nca*ttr Farrrtnfl, Saturdiy, May 1.1993 FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKUNGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT, ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY PUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO. FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FBFF CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS, SCKS? TURKEYS. GUINEAS. BANTAMS. PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS, SWANS. MEDI CATIONS. EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. GRATZ, PA 17030 Northeast Agrl Systems |y| Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR a selves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk iMd biro In ■ wfd* mMy ol capadtlro, lor any application. > • Qanuiro Chora-Hma FLEX-AUGER'* _. .1 load dallvary llaxlbla augar systama. • Brollar t brollar braadlng laadlng wfW y •yatama, Including tha naw Chora-Tlmo -iL / jroTPSro . \\ Modal 2000 and tha Modal C laadara. TIM • Faro S compMa vantllatlon ayttama, .Air jj 3MWB Including tha naw lan cadMor. • limovatlva CHOHE-TIME/SWISH watar- Ing (or any kind ct poultry application. • Chom-Tkrot aadualva MEAL-TME* pßle^xl pig and hog faading t wearing ayatama. • Chora-Tlma'a product lon-booating cow BL/jUHP laadlng ayatam (or dairy cparaticna. Mfltl A ■ Shenandoah space II 9 DISTRIBUTOR heaters Jkr Aj li BROODER^^^^** TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 Northeast Agri Systems, inc. ■ flyway business park 139 A Wen Airport Rd. Lida. PA 17543 (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 Sales & Service [try We Buy Po Weekly For Cash! Leghorn Fowl Spent Fowl White Plgeone Bento me Banlem Roosters Broilers Rabbits Guinea Hens Muscovy Ducks We Pick Up At The Farm Watkln’s Live Poultry 718-272-6712 bet. 7 AM & 6 PM 718-843-9302 After 7 PM Goslings, Ducklings, Guineas, Turkeys, Chicks, bantams, Pheasants, Chuckars, Quail, French Guineas and E Clearview Stock Porm & Hatchery Box 399 Grata, Pa. 17030 717-365-3234 Fax 717-365-3894 EH FEEDS, SEED WANTED; Damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans. 717/733-4516 Wheat, oats and barley straw, hay, feeding oats and dried shelled corn for sale. STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co. Wheat straw. $55/ton, 5000 bales. Lancaster Coun t y . & (717)665-7284. 'ill buy moldy grain )1-833-1847. TRIPLE-M-FARMS 1525 King Str., Lebanon, PA 17042 Sailing Buying Soybeans '■* Call Glenn @ iM9 M> 717-272-3225 Roaatad Grain* CUSTOMER FORMULA FEED MFG. BUYING EAR CORN Shelled Corn Soybeans Contract or Spot Purchase Plckad Up At Your Farm Or Dalivarad To Manhalm NOLL GRAIN 341 Weaver Rd., Manheim, PA (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 FEEDS SEED For Sale; Ist, 2nd, 3rd Cut ting Mixed Hay, Grass Hay. 717-272-5052. For Sale; Good quality Al falfa Brome mix, Alfalfa Or chard Grass mix, Timothy, and Straw. Will deliver 717-258-5224. For Sale; High Moisture Shelled Corn out of Harvestore silo. 717/872-5620. Giorgi Mushroom Co.: Year around buyers of quality mulch hay, Timothy and grasses. No clover or Alfalfa. Please call 215-926-2139 ext 634 for latest prices. Good quality Corn Silaga Delivered in your silo. Reasonable Prices. GARBER'S SILAGE SALES, Willow Street. 717-464-2894. Good quality hay, no rain. SI.2S/bale. Susquehanna County. (717)434-2103. HAY FOR SALE: Mixed hay suitable (or horses or cattle, $75/ton at the farm. 717/859-2103. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. Over 35 years of business. Refer ence in your area upon re quest. We deliver. No or ders too large. L. J. Hay, Inc. 1-800-622-9902. Hay, Good Quality, Alfalfa and Alfalfa Orchard Mixed, No Rain. No AM Calls. 410-374-6088. Haylage for sale, 21% pro ,tein, 58% moisture. Deliv ery available. Myerstown, 'Lebanon Co 1717-866-2738. iHay for Sale! 717/862-3213; '717/927-9483 Hay, straw, baled shav ings. baled shredded paper- Storage Problems? Use our vans, 30 day free use. Shredded paper, $2O/lon and up. SUNRISE FARMS, York Springs, PA. (800)634-0987 High moisture shelled corn from Harvestore silo. Treated w/Silo King. (717)367-3550. Improved open pollinated seed corn $26-$29 bushel. Ned Place, 21600 Conant, WapaKoneta, OH 45895 (419)657-6727 Will Ship. High Protein. New Crop RYELAGE FOR SALE out of field, available 4/93, $l5/ton. Delivery available. 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. Nice heavy barley and oats, will deliver. Also straw, square bales and land Farm, Berks Co 215/488-1965. Seed Pota- Now Cuttini toes, By Snyder 717-694-3670. ppointment County SEED OATS FOR SALE. Stump Acres, 717/792-3216 York Co. Soybeans, state tested, 05% germination, high yielding, cleaned, bagged. reasons (717)432-4865. FOR SALE: Harvesters ■ g-r —. - ‘-z-- haylage, available protein dry basis, 25% ADF 31%. £°m. $BO a Ton. Clinton Call 215/926-5869. County. (717) 726-7378. EAR CORN WANTED Picked up or delivered. Prompt Pay. Kreider ft Fails. Farms Mervin M. Kreider Ammon 717-033-8943 Daniel 717-033-8473 No Sunday Celle BEDDING STRIPS A4 ShndCM 5/1" Wide • Beds like straw but absorbs 60% •60 Lb. A 700 Lb. Bale* Available ***** M • AD products arc hand sorted • Shredded Into 5/8 stnp _ u ~ „ , . . • Order with or without bep 1 D,B « red •» «*»'>> «*>««' We DaUmr OotaMa Local Atm - Good Mem 0 AG-BECYCLING 215-38341320 c/o Leon Lapp HtgMwh Capon* Cm* • 733 Pw Omm ***** 107 » ConwviUt. PA 19320 Wood Shavings & Sawdust Bulk, Bags or Bales. Delivered or pteked up. Also Mushroom Mulch PennAg* Products VI II j 403 S. Custor Av«. Naw Holland, PA 17557 Ph. 717-354-4174 ■K.IAIPGT 1225 Y Colebrook Rd. BUYING BAR CORN,- BHBUJai CORN ft WHEAT (717) 683-2510 1 (800) 654-2810 Spot or contract prices available BAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM KEYSTONE MILLS tSlluinq Buying Shelled Corn Also Buying Wheat and Barley During Harveet Seaaon Call 717/354-4616 or 717/738-4251 XJEN6ERQSS Rheems, PA 17570 B "BUYING i’SELUNG' ■> Shelled Corn Ij #3 Barley l| 48% Soybean Meal ■l Feed Ingredients ■■■■Call 1-800-692-6001 Marietta, PA 17847 HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE Can Deliver Harvey Heller Middle Earth Farm is looking for suppliers of quality timothy - timothy/ alfalfa mix and bright wheat or barley straw. (215) 932 5968 WANTED TO BUT: Organic Com, Soybeans Barley or Wheat Must Be All Chemical and Commercial Fertilizer Free For At Least Last 3 Years Afiadavlt Required Paying Premium Prices CORNERSTONE GRAIN 215-693-5027 NELSON L. ROHRBR Extruded * Soybeans Bagged 80 lb. or Bulk Shelled Com, Ear Com and ■ Soybeans - Barley & Wheat k Buying - Drying - Contracting (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdusts Shavings Hay & Straw Bulk-Bagged-Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-2552 For Sale Peanut Hulls, Peanut Skins Bag or Bulk, Delivery Anywhere Special Price For The Month On Bulk Loads 717/758-3108 Bags 717/758-2223 Bulk