Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 01, 1993, Image 122

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    C26-LancaBttr Firming, Saturday, May 1, 1993
B— — (3) Duroc boars and (3)
3 SHEEP & qualMy. swaffi(Be? nal II ATTENTION HOG FARMERS II
i ° OATS Packers Want Lean Hogs
angora goat herd 215-285-6581. Improve Your Herd Genetics By Colling
REDUCTION —Purebred Duroc bred gilts, Y/H bred TUOIUI£C D£Klh D£KIKI
and whites carrying color gilts, Hampshire boars, I Dvlll/ r Vltini
genes, kids, adults, open gilts. Four Oaks iav A/’MAimcrrc uadct
215-257-8847 Evenings. Farm (717)528-8831 JAY * VAAUUtIIt nUKdI
e-.- n v . .. — _ M . 410 Valley View Rd., P.O. Box 83
SSXn-SSSi ";?!*•£•«'!"“ nk
EWES TO CHOOSE Boar” Open and 717-949-3381 *
your’ SS&svufarh Br !? P lll3 ' C jL v l l l L “® rus YORKSHIRE. HAMPSHIRE, DUROC. LANDRACE & HYBRID
Im U h R u, P Jf K *“'“s* OHEEOTNG STOCK
804/922-7676. 18052 215 799 3375 or CANADA'S LARGEST PUREBRED ROP TESTING HERD
SALE Apri130,1993.4-H& FOR SALE-Yorkshire
FFA members- a chance to Service Boars. Elwood E. |— "T* * JTT T* 1
select both lamb and pig Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., J Psrlett * HollOWiy 6th CIUD I
from a sale that has a his- Lebanon, PA 17042. I Pltf ft Lamb Sole I
tory of selling many win- 717-272-5798 or " ‘*e w ** v !
ners for a long period of 273-2921. I Soiling 100 Club PlflS ORd I
time. 717/757-6062. ——; i » on rkinv ■ amh« t
Registered Hampshire i iO &10 IWIIv LOmDS |
Dorset ram lamb born in Boars, Qualified Herd. Do- I SOIORCO Fairground*, Quanyvlile, PA J
P®ce | I | ber, $lOO. livery Available. $350 to 1 a IOQQ a 7DM I
(717)597-5816. $4OO. Four Oaks Farm f fllfty Of 1993 ® • » M f
FLOCK REDUCTION: 30 717-528-8831. j * * FINAL REMINDER ★ ★ )
p?i^ br .« d c fi u, rlm Yorkshire ® nd Hampshire ! Henry Holloway Jim Paiiett j
Ewes Priced to sell Tim boa rs and gilts from I Mn Airuilia da "
Hall, Lauden Acres, healthy and productive a DSlilnOtOHj MD AlrVlliO, PA *
717-758-8542. herd, Delivery available | (410) 457-4960 (717) 862-3610 I
SSVt.'SSS" I K *" •
lian, PA 16844. Centre I (215) 696-7655 _J
——— County. (814)355-1647. ,JL ■*" -l- 1
duroc* !■!!;
BOARS & GILTS ■ HHV - nvmmt ij ■
J 0 Large Shelter V /I,
Also Commercial *l 1 mr «r ,ua*. B poh-a-Hu* \m ■!
Whiteline Gilts W ByPort-A-Hut
Torl-J Farm ■ J Ji
Abtenaown! pa'iSoi ! ! Individual Farrowing and r. u% t£Z J ■
717.9R0.7AAA i! Calf Hut by Port-A-Hut wi. fidmp. Appnudmaly 2 hours at ip tins.
• 4. » "Aotr-/O'* 1 * . 8 AU ttal ~_.ut.iv *> will pnMcton UM on iiuMa. OpSaal Sent 8 _
Delivery Available ! ■ '*'??•• ■ uiU . f " H.”* o** 0 **- “ Ml f “ • 1 ‘ n0 • 1 8 !
2 > |A 23lll. wh TLuJZi , 8
"‘l{i nUlMMen*pickup. .[
FEEDER PIGS ■ I LEMMON FARM, 855 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 J I
For Sale [■ (717)249-8434 ■ ■
Pseudorabies ,
Free Herds lew"*' yyy e e rf w w w w w v
615-364^7050 j 3O head April - May service. Duroc, Hamp-]
. shire, Yorkshire & Blackllne. Real Time Ultrasound,
, Scan by Mike Cherchuck 717-258-1056. Last scan 42,
holluwai Boars averaged 252 lbs., .71 BF, 5.64 Loin. Back Fat,
DUROCS , on this group of boars as low as .47. ,
Your local source of the (OPEN GILTSL 40 to 50 head monthlv.
Nations Top Duroc > 9 <
Genetics Available , 1 3RED GILTSL Due late May, early June. J
DeIiVC DAVE d °° “ IPROJBCT feeder pigs]
717 : 235-6966 , NEXT SALE SATURDAY. JUNE 12.1993. Selling 125 <
glenro“ X pa 2 ' head Bred Gilts, Open Gilts & Boars.
i Free Delivery To Ithaca New York Early May
===== ► <
'" . All animals vaccinated for rhinitis, erysipelas, <
™u r s ß a,^: Ch ® ster Jepto & parvo. Validated brucellosis &<
'& cStf wkh ► pseudorabies free herds. Tested monthly.
Excellent Scan Fig ► Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1-800-222-4084 PA Only .
ures By Real Time. * Others. <
Jim Parlett > Yorkshlres-Landrace Hampshlre-DUfOCS <
& Son ‘ Leon L. Arnold Lawrence Arnold -
rd#2 Box 176 : ‘ 355 Schaeffer Rd. R.D. 1, Box 309 <
Airviik, Pa. 17302 ’ Lebanon, PA 17042 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 *
(717) 862-3610 * 717-273-5880 717-933-8153 -
= ===== ; lifc A 4AAA A
-- -■ t * Purebred
Thn Pig Of Tomorrow At Oar Him Todoyl I __ . ,
v Hampsiure
40 yoaro Landme* I j and Yorkshire 1
l T r CPiVL SSm Boars and
iresi . GUtB ..
rA Fir jvt s Guaranteed to m/mm
delivery, BMPHENT
Write Or Phone For Your Needs. , Clark Farms SUPPLIES
n i P.O. 60X 362, SSSBBBB^SSBS
| Cortlflod Brucollotla and Poeudowbloo Fro# Hrrd | f Houttontown, PA 17229 Concrete hog ties, in sin-
Smenrom. P-ritTh-na. MwKSWhr \ 717-987-3273
(TIDHMDI (717)«M544 (7171.5.-7007 \ . ( 32 72) IOW Mifflktown PA
RD#l, ear DO • BMWtown, PA 17.18 W'X , -r , , , - - M,nl,n,own - PA
24 5x7 Farrowing Units
complete with feeders and
walerers. 717/966-4702.
Manure Pump
with Agitation and
Suction Fittings
Make Offer
(800) 222-2948
UnrTl The Best ln Woven Wire Flooring
Superior, skld-fiM fooling. Fowor
Injuria*. Eulor to elMn. Availablo
in 5/ir, 3-giu and frga.
Northeast Agri Systems, inc.
V v flyway business park
139 A Wat Airport RA, Utitz, PA 17543
(717)569-2702 1-800-673-2580
Houle'manure agitate;
1500 gal. Honey wagon;
S.S. feeders; (4) Chore
time auoer systems; Feed
bins 3,9, 12 ton; Smidley
sow headgata; Water lines
and nipples.
SOFt High Pressure Hose
with Male and Female
Ends. 750p.5.i. Never
Used. (717)&3-9773.
90‘-4' rigid auger, used
only a short time
(2) 7 feed bins, 12 ton ca<
padty. Call (717)665-6329.
2 Poultry/Tor key Barm
w/40,000 Sq. Ft. Equipped,
Ready to Go. Wits
Acreage. For More Infor
mation Call 717-359-4975,
Baby Chicks hatching
weekly, brown & white egg
layers, cornuish cross, ca
pons, turkeys, pheasants
and quail, started pullets,
ducks, goslings and much
more. For free brochure
write or phone: Parks
Hatchery, RDI Box 222,
Sidman, PA IS9SS.
Broiler feeder, 480' long,
early model, C-pan, Chore
time, $BOO. 717-426-1395.
Cash for Chucker, Quail,
Squab, Silky, Rabbits,
Muscovy Ducks, Mallard
718-386-1117 Sam-Spm.
Ducklings; French selected
hybrid muscovy ducklings
available year 'round. Call
Doug Weinhold for pricing.
Days (7 1 7)3 54-4 4 24;
evenings (215)445-7303.
Farmer Automatic, Cags
systems for pullets and lay
ers, 4-5-6 decks,
Kuhl Egg Washer, 15 cast/
hour, Model EGO-12-15D,
$475. 717/568-8144.
Poultry operation: cages,
feeders, waterers, etc
Beet offer. (717)677-6114
down, sweep out, e\«j
complete clean outs. SMt
on help? Need a vacdjn
or equipment breaks doMfi.
Give me a caHI
717-949-3212. r
SilKie chicks frdm bta£
tested flock. 200-1000
each. 1009 arflTdver S.W
each. Vaccination and dd
liwafy free. C|H
To Buy
Chukars, Silkies,
Quail & Rabbits
Highest Prices
Richard & Son
(412) 868-2801
Bobwhße Quail,
Chukers and
Wild Turkeys.
Eggs, Chicks,
Started and
Game Birds
P.O. Bex 127,
RlehfMd, Pa 17086
Ph (717) 684-5551