Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 97
Berks County Gets Water Quality Funds jester Farming. Saturday, A P m 24.1993-05 LEESPORT (Berks Co.) Funds totaling $140,350 have been made available under the 1993 Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP) to implement con servation management practices in the Tulpehocken Watershed, according to Richard Troutman, chairman of the Berks County IN PENNSYLVANIA Allenwood, PA George Showers 717-538-1812 Berlin, PA Keith Leydig 814-267-5208 Cobum, PA Wendel Muster 814-349-5310 Columbia, PA James Charles 717-396-9672 ASC Committee. ‘The Water Quality Incentive Project (WQIP) provides both technical and financial assistance for producers to change manage ment systems to help solve re source problems associated with agricultural non-point source pol lution adversely affecting water Fleetwood, PA Lebanon. PA Mifflintown, PA Schellsburg, PA Stewartstown, PA Mike Charles Paul Martin Mervln Zendt Barry Lawery Tom Engle 215-264-8517 717-949-2381 717-436-6386 814-839-2044 717-993-6836 .f™*' City Linden, PA Nottingham, PA Sandy Lake, PA Mike Charles Larry Bower Sidney Peters P*ul Baxter 215-264-8517 717-323-9710 717-548-3662 412-376-3483 Intercourse, PA Mark Heckaman “titz, PA 717-768-7788 Wllmer Conrad ' 717-7334)094 Lawrence, Butler & Northern Beaver Nancy Dana 814-425-2838 quality,” he said. To participate, farming opera tions must be contributing or have the potential to contribute through their current management system, agricultural non-point source pollutants such as agricul tural chemicals, animal washes, or sediments to surface or groundwa Mitllinburg, PA Dave Beachy 717-966-1344 Utica, PA Gal* Dana 814-425-2838 Quarryville, PA Shippensburg, PA Paul Harr Wayn* Plpar 717-786-8171 717-532-4401 “Incentive payments will only be available for management prac tices,” Troutman said. The Tulpehocken Watershed covers a two-county area of about 43,300 acres. Spring City, PA Waynesboro, PA Bob Hewitt Don Koone 215-495-7927 717-762-4485 Thomasville, PA Ira Boyer 717-225-3758 Washington, PA Donald Devore 412-225-3773 “Agricultural producers in Berks and Lebanon Counties should be alert to this project,” said Troutman. “It is a good way to help solve a larger, community wide problem and the incentive payments gives producers a good opportunity to participate.” IN MARYLAND Keymar, MD Grantsville, MD Richard Bowser IN NEW JERSEY 301-895-5709 Hagerstown, MD Don Koons Port Murray, NJ 717-762-4485 Robert Kayhart 908-689-2605 Kennedyville, MD Woodstown, NJ Greg Rinker Mike Charles 301-478-2323 215-264-8517 Greg Rinker 301-478-2323 Lambertville, NJ Robert Fulper 609-397-4836