Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 94
Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1993 QUARRYVILLE (Lancaster Co.) The Solanco Young Far mers held their 14th annual awards banquet recently, honoring Dairy award winners are, from lei man and Joseph Graybeal. It's a fact! Contaminated water can have a costly effect on your livestock and poultry performance. Our years of experience plus hundreds of farm related treatment systems has proven the validity and practicality of correcting contaminated water. WATER SYSTEMS Call us today for treatment of: ♦ Nitrates, *Bacteria *lron *Su\fates *pH Alkalinity 548 New Holland Ave. Lancaster, PA 17602 (717)393-3612 Along Rte. 23 Young Farmers Hold Awards Banquet several local fanners for their achievements. Joseph Graybeal of Peach Bot tom was recognized as the Out- * si Water Quality An IMPORTANT Ingredient in estock Management Martin Water Conditioning Co. SPECIALISTS IN FARM WATER TREATMENT Willis Sharp 740 E. Lincoln Ave. Somerset, PA & Myerstown, PA 17067 Surrounding Counties (717) 866-7555 (814)-893-5081 Along Rte. 422 standing Young farmer over 30. Graybeal is in partnership with his brother on a 900-acre farm with 380 Holstein cows. The Active Member award was presented to A. Dale Herr of Kirk wood. Herr has been a past chap ter officer and is currently serving his second term as secretary for the Pennsylvania Young Farmers Association. This year’s Chapter Apprecia tion award was presented to Little Britain Agri Sup-ply, Quarryville, for their support of the Young Far mer program. Little Britain Supp ly is working closely with chapter members in conducting their crop demonstration plots on ground at the Swift Middle School and has also donated some of the mater ials. Little Britain Supply received an engraved plaque in apprecia tion of their support. The following corn awards were presented to winners in the annual com production contest If you’re looking for a small tractor that gets you through tough spots, you’ll like the new 4*wheel drive Belarus 310 It’s a simple, economical 36-hp tractor with the 4-wheel advantage that gives you extra traction on rough, wet ground. You’ll like the fuel efficiency and low maintenance of the 310. And its low price is another real advantage. Stop in and see us for all your farm equipment needs and take a look at the Belarus 310. MARYLAND SCHROCK FARM EQUIPMENT Route 1, Box 2568 Oakland, MD COULSON ENTERPRISES, INC. 178 Oliver Shop Road La Rata, Md ANDERSON TRACTOR SALES 4600 Breldenßaugh Lane (Off 12200 Manor Rd.) Glenarm, Md. STARKEY FARM CO. Rt. 213, PO Box 250 Galena, Md. Rick Brenncman, Quarryville, produced 182 bushels of shelled com per acre to win the grain divi sion. Ed Hamish, Christiana, was second with 174 bushels, and Her bert Weaver, Quarryville, was third with 169 bushels per acre. Brenneman received the award for (he highest grain yield average for the past three years with 169.8 bushels. In the com silage division, Lar ry Aaron, Quarryville, placed first with 27.9 tons per acre of 65 per cent moisture com silage. Ed Zug, Aument, Larry Aaron, Rick Brenneman, and Ed Harnlsh NEW YORK ADDISON FARM SUPPLY, INC. BROWN’S TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. RR 2, Box 118, Jackson Hill Rd. Bonnville, NY CLYMER FARM SUPPLIES, INC. 8631 East Main St. Clymer, NY DARROWS USED TRACTORS RRI, 1726 Route 13 Sheds, NY Belarus Sensible, Down-To-Earth Tractors Peach Bottom, was second with 27.1 tons per acre, and Steve Aument, Quarryville, placed third with 24.8 tons per acre. Zug and Aaron each received a trophy for the highest silage yield average for the past three years with 2S.S tons per acre. Four dairy production awards were also awarded. Rick and Mim Brenneman, Quarryville, received the top Holstein herd award with 26,636 pounds of milk, 843 pounds of butterfat, and 696 (Turn to Pag* C 4) lyum E Route 415 Bath. NY *: LARRY WILHELM Route 1, Box 38A Reynoldsville, PA ROVENDALE ACr & BARN EQUIPME i‘ RD 2, Box 210 Watsontown, PA ANDERSON TRACTOR SALI 636 B S. Main St. Shrewsbury, PA LUBINIECKI WELDING & EQUIPMENT RD 2, Box 160 Meadville, PA