Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 80
840-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week’s publication SAT. MAY 8 - 9 30AM, Kilts Farm All Day Auction. Located Bath, New York Pirrung Aucts , Inc 716-728-2520. SAT MAY 8 - 9 30AM, Antiquesw & Collectibles, Furniture, Household, Yard. Located At 304 E Market St., Danville, Pa Seller, Sally A. Irving Estate. George J. Henry & George R. Henry, Aucts. SAT MAY 8 - 10 30 AM - 13.5 acres of open land located along Koons Road, Milford Twp , Quakertown, Bucks Co Inspection April 22nd from 5 00-6 30 PM Terms by Denise L Baud er Horning Farm Agency, Inc SAT MAY $ -11 AM, 65+ acre farm 2108 Whiteford Road, Md Rt 136, White ford, Md Rigdon Aucts SAT MAY 3 -11 AM Holly Hill Farm Corp, Cow/Calf Pairs, Open & Bred Heif ers. Service Age Bulls Cul peper Agricultural Enter prises, Inc., Culpeper, Va. Coleman Sales, Inc SAT. MAY 8 -11 AM, 9+ Acres Multi-Zoned Parcel Ideated NE Comer Rt. 176 PUBLIC * * * AUCTION * * * Friday, April 30, 3:00 p.m. QUILTS * COVERLETS * JEWELRY * STAMPS * TOOLS &TOYS * FURNITURE * COINS * CARS * QUILTS & COVERLETS - Green/white Interlocking Circle; 9 Patch, Crazies; Bow Tie; signed Fehr & Kech; Emmaus, Henry Oberly; Wol melsdorf Boston Town; Double Woven Snowballs; Pine Tree Borders, and others. ART GLASS & POTTERY - cameo glass vases; signed, set of 3 pulled feather Quezel shades; Quezal gold irridescent; IV* ” Handel shades; Rookwood vases; Loetz vase; asst’d stoneware & crocks; Staf fordshire; Ironstone; Depression glass; etc. JEWELRY - American Indian silver & turquoise rings-bracelets - jawclaws - squashblossoms - many signed; Rings 10 ct. Ruby w/9 dia monds; 14 ct. w/topaz; 14 ct. emerald; 10 ct. ruby-diamonds; many other pcs. and designer costume; POCKET WATCHES: Illinois, Hampton, Yankee, etc. FURNITURE: Walnut Burl Front Viet. Slant top desk, Assayer’s desk; Oak & Wicker cradle, Oak: sideboard, dresser, vanity, file cabinet; 5 leg drop leaf table; treadle sewing machine; asst’d chairs; rockers; plank bottoms: morris chair, etc. OLD TOOLS: Grain cradle; nail maker’s bench; schnitzelbank; augers; axes; routers; guages; levels; planes; some Stanley, etc. OLD TOYS: Child’s wooden wagon; hi-lo wagon; lots of marbles - some shooters - Hess Trucks; Buddy-L Tanker; Hubley Truck; Winross trucks: pedal car; child’s blue willow tea set; school desk & chair; doll trunk; Scout cap pistol; blocks; books; blackboards; etc. COINS: Over 100 lots mint sets; proof sets; Morgan and other silver dollars; Barber halves; dimes; nickels; cents and some foreign; etc. OLD MISC: German Baptismal Certificate 1818; Hunting & fishing licenses; postcards; fishing creel; political buttons; baseball cards; milk botdes; Spruce Villa Dairy, etc.; STAMP COLLECTION - 50 lots and volumes, some Hiller Germany; old carriage parts - hitches, turning gears; buggy lantern, wheels; old books; decoys; golf clubs; agateware; picture frames; porcelain. NEW - USED - HOUSEHOLD: 10 bicycles (some 10 speed) Peu geot, Schwinn, Higgins, etc., Kawasaki, Yamaha motorcycles; 78 Honda 450,67 Honda 300 Dream; lawn mowers; TOOLS: pipe wrenches; sock ets; table saw; grinder; circ. saw; chain saw; router & table; drills; jig saws; FURNITURE: Oak conference table w/6 chairs; sofa bed; porch rockers; new wickers; wicker children’s sets; piano; organ; 19 in. color T.V.; elec, hospital bed; microwaves; lamps; etc. MANY BOX LOTS - books, records; linens; dishes; toys; games; tools; TOO MUCH TO LIST!! Vehicles 63 Mercury Met.; 82 Pontiac Gran Prix; 72 Winnebago 24’; Golf Cart; all running condition. Auctioneer’s Note: INSPECTION @1:00 p.m. Over 600 lots! Auction starts in lower room with box lots and household goods. Antiques and col lectibles at 4 p.m. in the main hall. Two auctioneers selling throughout the evening. Everything must be sold! For additional information call 717-235-0693 or 717-334-8869. C.A. CARLE, AUCTIONEER AU-001670-L 427 Baltimore St. Gettysburg, Pa. 17325 717-334-8869 & Rte. 23, Morgantown, Caernarvon Twp, Berks County, Pa. Kenneth A. Geyer, Auct. SAT. MAYS- 11AM, Real Estate & Land Auction. Located At Farmette From Rt. 83 Take Rt. 1 Shrews bury 851 E IV4 Mi Turn Left On Sawmill Rd. Go 1 V 4 Mi. To Auction Sign On Right. Keesey & Company. SAT. MAY 8-7 PM, Annual Spnng Grass Cattle Sales. Located At Friend’s Stock yard, ’/» Mile South Of Key sets Ridge On Rt. 219, Accident, Md 21520. MON MAY 10-4 PM, Real Estate, Antiques & House hold Goods Located At 1006 Mam St., Akron, Lane Co., Pa Sale For, Clayton R. Huber Estate Horst Aucts TUES MAY 11 - 9AM Con tractor Tools & Supplies located off Rt 23 along Grove Rd approx 2 miles east of Elverson, Chester Co Terms by Ray F Wel comer. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. TUES. MAY 11 - 3PM, Household Goods, Anti ques, Coins, Tools & Car. Located VS Mile West Of BRICKERVILLE FIRE HALL, LITITZ, PA. Hopeland Rd., Just Off Rt. 322, West of Ephrata New Holland, Turn Off Rt. 23 At Good's Furniture Store On North Shirk Rd., Second St., Left To 726 Walnut St., Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By, Susanna Heller. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Mar tin, Aucts. WED MAY 12 - Arnold's Hog production sale, Leba non Area Fairgrounds. Har ry H. Bachman, auct. THURS. MAY 13 - 9AM, 100 Acre Farm & Antiques Located In West Cain Township, East Of Com pass, Pa At The Traffic Light & Turkey Hill Minit Market Follow Rt. 10 Approx. % Mile. First Rd To Right & Follow Signs Along Leary Rd. Provisions Will Be Made For Parking At Top Of Hill Along Leary Rd. The Cairns Family. Ira & Dale Stoltzfus, Aucts. WED MAY 12 -10 AM, Steuben County Tax Prop erty Auction Located Bath, New York Pirrung Aucts Inc WED MAY 12-3 PM, Anti ques, Household Goods, Guns & Tools Located At The Horst Auction Center At The Corner Of Rt 322 & Durlach Rd (Approx 2VS Miles West Of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster Coun ty, Pa. Sale For, Rachel Baron Estate, Mr. & Mrs Frank Eckhart. Horst Aucts. er Cattle Sale. Located At New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa. THURS. MAY 13-S:3OPM. The Estate Of Ernest H. Weyand Complete Liquida tion Of Plumbing & Heating Business, Tools, Vehicles, And Inventory. Located Homell (Steuben Co.) New York. Pirrung Aucts. Inc. 716-728-2520. FRI. MAY 14 - SAM Farm Equip. & Supplies, A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., New Hol land. Alan Diffenbach, auct. FRI MAY 14 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 13, South Off 1-81, Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. 717-249-4511. MARTIN SIERK FARM AUCTION FRI., APR. 30, 1993 At 9:00 A.M. Darien Center, NY Located at 1765 Broadway (Rt. 20), VA mi. east of Darien Center, 5 mi. west of Ale xander, 7 ml. east of Alden, 7 ml. south of the Pembroke exit of NYS Thruway. 350 HEAD OF TOP GRADE HOLSTEINS 200 cows, 50 bred heifers, balance open heifers and calves. March '93 DHI-AP average: 21,323 3.7 790 3.0 650. This top freestall herd has been deve loped through 45 years of Eastern AI breeding (no herd bulls since 1952). A tremendous herd, bred for milk production and high fat and protein. The qual ity runs from the cows straight through to the exceptional groups of well-grown heifers and calves. If you milk for a living, this is the right kind to buy. Vet checked for pregnancy, calfhood vacci nated, and shipping-fever innoculated. Out-of-state cattle will be blood tested immediately following the sale. A FULL UNE OF FARM MACHINERY 1992 JD 5730 SP forage harvester w/4-row (belt), 30” com head, 7' hay head, and 175 hrs; 1990 Case IH 7120 Magnum tractor w/945 hrs, cab, 18.4x42 radial tires & hub-mtd duals; Case IH 5120 Maxxum tractor w/723 hrs., cab, creeper gear, & 3 hyd valves, 18.4x34 radial tires; White Field-Boss 4-180 w/3208 Cat. 3-pt. 1000-RPM, PTO nearly new rubber, 18.4x38, duals, and 3111 hrs; 2 INT 1066 Hydro tractors (1 w/cab) & direct axle duals; INT 1026 Hydro tractor; INT 2450 Mount-A-Matic loader and 8' bucket; Case 8145 D skid loader; 1989 NH L-55 skidloader; 1992 Knight Reel-Augie #2300 mixer wagon w/electronic scales; 1992 Gehl Scavenger II ST 22 spreader; 1990 White 5100 8-row planter w/hyd. foldup, liquid fert., & insecti cide units; Case 1800 14-shank 3-pt. chisel plow; Case F2l hyd. wing disc; Brillion 15’ cullimulcher; INT 700 6-btm 16” plow w/on-land hitch; Case #4OO 6-btm 18” plow w/on-land hitch; 800-gal sprayer tandem axle w/elec valve & 60’ hyd. booms; 8-row 30” Danish line hyd. fold cultivator; 7' hyd stone picker; Century side saddle (2) 200-gal tanks; JD 17x7 disc drill w/fert. & grass seeder; Anhydrouys 500-gal. tank; INT. 400 8-row Cyclo planter (or parts; NH 499 haybine; NH 320 baler w/ quarter-turn chute; IH #l5 rake; NH 1034 bale stacker wagon; 3-pt. Arps 105 backhoe w/16” buck et; 25 KW generator 1000-RPM; JD 450 Hydra push spreader; Jamesway 75' belt conveyor; 3 flatbed wagons & racks; Jamesway 60’ conveyor; Case Nl4 blower; NI 4-row 30" Snapper head; Jamesway 150’ shuttle stroke feeder; eight L-161 16x5 tires & rims; 1982 Ford Fl5O pickup (rebuilt engine); 4 Motorola HT-90 portable radios, 4-watt rechargeable; homemade cattle trailer; new HD head-lock gale; 110 gal. gas tank and pump; 50-hp 3-phase motor & PTO; 4 Dion wagons 3-btr w/ roofs, 2 w/tandem gear; Brock 16-ton steel grain bin w/30’ auger; 10-ply wood calf hutches; quantity of misc. parts & eq. SALE ORDER: Machinery sells 9:00 AM SHARP, Cattle to follow. TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale with ID, nothing to be removed until settled for. Out of-State buyers must bring Bank Letter of Credit. FARM FOR SALE At Private Treaty; 440 Acres; 340 tillable. 90% alfalfa & com ground, silt loam & gravel. 1967 158-freestall bam w/center bunk; 10-on-a-side herringbone Surge parlor. Bunk and silos. Shop/commodity bam, 200-stall heifer and calf barn. Free natural gas to house, bam and shop. 3-4 BR modern home. MARTIN SIERK, Owner Ph. 716-547-9223 SAT. MAY 14 5:30 & SAT. MAY 15 & 22 SAM, Real estate, household goods, antiques, glassware, col lectibles, tools, car & riding mower. On West side of East Petersburg turn off Rt 72 on 722 west or State St. at 1615 State St. in Bor ough of East Petersburg, East Hempfield Two. Lane. Co., Pa. By Henry B. Goch nauer. Robert E & Jeffrey R. Martin, aucts. SAT. MAY 15 - Farm machinery, antiques, col lectibles and farm related items. Located at RD2 Loganton, Pa Mrs. Fronie Overdorf & Mrs. Martha Imes, owners. Bryan D. Imes, auct. PUBLIC AUCTION OF 42 acres of land Tuesday, May 25, 1993 at 7 P.M. Located along Bollinger Rd., West Nant meal Twp., Chester County. From Elverson take Rt. 82 South turn right on Bollinger Rd., go approximately one mile to property on left. PROPERTY CONSISTS OF: 42 acres of land, 1/2 wooded, 1/2 open land. Large 6 acre stocked lake. Terrain Is sloping. One of the most beautiful home sites in rural Chester County. INSPECTION: Saturday, April 24th from 1 - 4 P.M. TERMS: 10% day of sale; settlement on or before July 15, 1993. TERMS BY; Ruth Houck HORNING & MILLER AUCTION CO. Affiliated with Horning Farm Agency, Inc. Alvin Horning, AU-0433-L George Miller, IV Main Street, Morgantown (215) 286-5183 PUBLIC AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES & COINS THUR., MAY 6, 1993 Sale at 9:00 A.M. Located 2 miles southeast of Millersville, turn on West Frederick St at Millersville University turn off South Duke St. to Stehman Rd . take Stehman Rd. then right on Long Lane Sale at 1097 Long Lane Rd., Lane Co, PA Attention - Attention Furniture sold first at 9:00 A.M Coins at 1:00 P.M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Old Rosewood Extension Table, 6 Bamboo Plank Bottom Chairs, Oak China Closet & Bookcase Bowed Beveled Glass Front Claw Feet & Mirror, Dovetailed Blanket Chest, Grained Dovetailed Double Wood Box, Empire Bureau, Washstand, Old Small Grained Pine Cup board, Oxford Kitchen Cabinet, Wicker Rocker, Maple Chest of Drawers, Cedar Chest, Oak Center Table, Oak Clothes Tree, Small Oak Finger Tailed Chest, Chest of Drawers, Martha Washington Sew ing Cabinet, Wooden Wardrobe, Metal Bed, Metal Cabinet, 2 pc. Living Room Suite, Round Card Table, Base Cabinet, Metal Shelving, Davis Drop Head Treadle Sewing Machine, 12 Pane Modem Corner Cupboard, Clothes Drying Rack, Pictures Floor & Table Lamps, Shadow Box Frame, Small Walnut Chest, Rush Bottom Stool, Oak Cane Seated Chair, Pressed Oak Shelf Clock, Whatnot Shelf, Wood Folding Chairs, Bench, Lawn Chairs, 2’ Aluminum Step Stool, Christmas Items, Flexible Flyer Sled, Wood Wagon OLD QUILTS, Counterpane, Bedding, Lap Robe, Linen Bags, Show Towels. GLASSWARE Depression, Pressed, Frosted Glass, German, Bavarian China, Bone China Cup & Saucers, Relish Dish, Pink Lustre, China & Glass Cake Plates, Glass Baskets, Bone Dish, Cambridge Plate, Dinner Set, Compote, Lifton China, Noritake Sun Set Dish, Vintage Plate, 16 pc. Luncheon Set, Peanut Butter Glasses, Individual Salts, 8 Cake Plates, Earthen Pitchers w/Fish Decor, Earthen Bowl, Sherbets, Milk Bottles - Miller Bro., Pensu preme, Morres, Agateware, Wood Spice Box, Small Bisque Doll SOI2B, Finger Coal Oil Light, Rogers Flatware Service for 12, Tupperware, Small Appliances, 3 Fans, Scoop Scales, Baskets, A.B.C. Blocks, National Washboard, Echo Mouth Organ. COINS Silver all before 1964 - Dimes, Quar ters, Halves & Dollars, 2'A dollar gold pcs. 1881-1908 -1909 & 1911. Silver dollars 1878 - 80-86-,89-91-99-1901-02-04-21-22-24 4 1925, 1863 10e paper note, half dollars - 1893, 1903-01-07-12, 'A dimes -1842-53 & 1854, and foreign coins, many other items not mentioned. Coins sold at 1.00 P.M Terms by MARY E. SHENK Auct. - Robert E & Jeffrey R Martin 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Randall L Ranck App. No out of state checks Lunch available %jti A