happenings Twin Valley FFA odncy The 33rd annual awards ban quet of the Twin Valley FFA was held on March 31. More than 150 members, parents, and guests attended this annual function. Sc Son .ludc it »rodu t ited p al are (i Litz then presented checks to Berks County record book contest winners: Pleasure horse records, first Tracey Putt and second Julie Wilson; on-farm work records - first Steve Harrop; Home Improvement - first Mike Reed; Rabbits - first Marcie Baker and second Missy Tyson; Poultry - first Sarah Mantz and second Michelle Powell; Aquaculture - first Ben Dodd; Wildlife - second Jason Hess; Pets - first Heather Dougherty and second Amanda Scott: Swine - first Ryan Marshall and second Marcie Baker; Crops - first Brian McGowan; Bees - first Ryan Marshall; Skills and Tasks - first Jason Brooks and second Brian McGowan; Off-Farm Work Records - first Ryan Marshall and second Haether Dougherty. Ronald Frederick, FFA Advis er, presented state record book awards to Ryan Marshall - gold is Mi (i teco'd ie Fai m student record larmsh ward is e Farm Office, mediate iolarViO ich wps vard js l gra fle ade in 3ugh kn 1 for l' {is he da ky .es of 1 ing rnr. lius. >aler The 2-wheel-drive, 92-hp 3055 Tractor also harnesses plenty of power through a reliable John Deere engine and a top-shaft-synchronized (TSS) transmission. You get a selection of 16 forward and 8 reverse speeds, plus exclusive shuttle-shift for quick back-and-fbrth movement to speed loader work. L « K CREEK i Foment OiU M Mills, PA ? f-463-2161 MILLE S EQUIPMENT Rt 66 F«in CKy, PA MUtel-UKE INC. Skills. PA |N-935-2335 OXF( JD GREENLINE Oxford, Pa 11-932.2753 15*932-2754 SEVILLE JMENT INC, pa *•917-6277 Cut your costs with sharp JHHH savings on high-quality John Deere parts. No matter what brand of mo/co or combine head you own, we can help you get a clean, smooth cuL.with parts at very competitive prices. Ask about economical Match Plus® parts and the JD Cross+Search® system that matches John Deere parts to other makes of equipment. Hold-Down Clip... $4. 95 * For Case IH, Massey, and Gleaner combine platforms, and New Holland, Hesston, and Gehl mower/conditioners. (AH140750) Chrome Knife Sections for Mower/Conditioners... as low as $6. M * per package of 10 Part No. Fits AH140728 New Holland Mower/Conditioners $6.68 AH140631 Gehl and Hesston Mower/Conditioners $7.94 AH140726 New Holland Mower/Conditioners $7.94 Chrome Knife Sections for Combine Platforms... as low as $8. 56 per package of 10 Part No. Fits Price* AH140740 Case IH Combines $9.27 AH140742 Massey Combines $8.56 AH140747 A/C Gleaner Combines $9.53 * John Deere dealers are independent retailers who determine their own prices so actual selling price may vary from the prices shown Offer good through April3o 1993 eo o sllk V c E orp. E'mor, NJ H.HUxPA 609-358-2880 7u'^3132 SCHEFFEL EQUIPMENT CO. PA 15501 814-445-6500 GEORGE V. SEIPLE & SON Easton, PA 215-258-7146 SMITH’S IMPLEMENTS, INC Marcsrsburg, PA 717-328-2244 SOLLENBERGER EQUIPMENT Evsrstt, PA 814-652-5223 and Melissa Makrls. Back, Andy Mast and Ryan Marshall. medals in swine finishing, bee keeping and work experience. Silver medals to Tiffany King - dog breeding, Steve Harrop - work experience, Robert Sauder - wild life, Heather Dougherty - small animals, Carla Kurtz - work experience; Ben Dodd - aquacul ture; and Becky Kurtz - small ani mals. Bronze awards were pre sented to: Amanda Scott for small animal records; Andrew Mast for dairy herd records; Andrew Par sons for swine finishing and shop experience records; Ann Haag for pet records; Brian McGowan for All-make cutting parts at prices you 11 like WALTEMYER’S SALES & SERVICE Rsd Lion, PA 717-244-4168 WINELAND EQUIPMENT, INC. Martlnsburg, PA 814-793-2109 M.S. YEARSLEY & SONS Wsst Chsstsr, PA 215-696-2990 field com, swine finishing, work experience and shop experience records; Chad Steffy for wildlife; Ned Gardner for wildlife; Jason Hess for Wildlife; Jason Mantz for work experience: Marcie Baker for swine finishing and rabbits; Malt Kurtz for work records; Mis sy Tyson for work records; Michelle Jacobs for pel records; Michelle Powell for poultry records; Tara Plewa for wildlife records; and Tracey Putt for plea sure horse and work records. Robert Prall from the Pennsyl vania Game Commission then Price* Watch for the beat parts values Every day, you’ll see a different parts value from John Deere on the Data Transmission Network. So check your DTN screen daily, then check with yourjohn Deere dealer. presented a check to Robert Saud er as the wildlife conservation record winner for the southeastern division of the Game Commis sion. David Stutzman presented a check to Ryan Marshall as the Berks County Farm Credit record book winner. Heather Dougherty and Tracey Putt presented greenhand pins to Tom Dalton, Sandra Calvert, Ann Marie Haag, Heidi Rissel, Tracey Schildt, Rachel Slouch, Cory Wal ter, Megan Mcßride, Kyle Ripka, Lee Whitmoyer, Jeff Doran, John Errington, Chris Horton, Jeff Kupp, Tom Lakeman, Greg Lund, Richard Seidel, Richard Wood, Daniel Wunderlich, Renee Baum, Natalie Beckwith, Ramona •Gra ziul, Nathan Messner, Beth Pecht, Tavia Rapak, Kim Solowski, Jason Tolley, Meri Brennan, Kira Davis, Robert Davis 111, Justin Fisher, Becky Kurtz, Jason Losey, Melissa Makris, Harry Moore, Jared Moyer, Adrienne Neff, Dan ni Niblick, Crystal Peterson, Tara Plewa, Brandy Ream, Rose Samo jeden, Amanda Test, Mike Wil son, Joe Wertz, David Hall, Jr., Nikki Kurtz. Andy Mast and Jason Mantz represented chapter pins to Chey ney Arters, Steve Harrop, Matt Kurtz, Mike Reed, Andy Risbon, Michelle Jacobs, Tiffany King, for dairy proficiency; Cory Walter for diversified livestock; Ollie VonGcrbig for diversified livestock and floriculture; Ryan Mar shall for extemporaneous speaking; Chad Slcffy for wildlife and forestry management; Tara Plewa and Kyle Ripka for wildlife man agement; Tracey Schildl and Nikki Kurtz for floriculture; Ned Gardner and Jason Brooks for forest management; Tracey Putt for fruit and vegetable proficiency; Nathan Mcssncr, Rose Samojeden and Ramona Graziul for horse proficiency; Robert Saudcr and Jason Hess for nursery proficiency; Michelle Powell and Michelle Steve for Outdoor recreation; Mike Reed for placement in agricul tural production: Melissa Makris for poultry production: Jared Moyer for sheep production; Andy Mast for soil and water manage ment; Matt Kurtz for speciality animals; Larry Medaglia and Sarah Mantz for Speciality crops and Rachel Slouch for speciality animals. Frederick then presented a special sales award to Ryan Marshall who was the high salesperson in the citrus sale with more than 52.000 in sales. Scholarship pins were presented to: Justin Fisher, Jennifer Hannum, Melissa Makris, Crystal Peterson, Tavia Rapak, Becky Kurtz, Danni Niblick, Jason Brooks, Heather Dougherty, Ray Dymond, Michelle Powell, Missy Tyson, Ned Gardner, Ryan Marshall, Ollie VonGerbig, Richard Wood, Megan Mcßride, Tara Plcwa, Amanda Scott, Tracey Schildt, Natalie Beckwith, Carla Kurtz, Matt Kurtz, Cory Walter, Nikki Kurtz. Eric Marshall presented retiring ofliccr pins to Andy Mast, Ryan Marshall, and Jason Mantz. Cory Waller presented the FFA Creed. Coulson, superintendent of Twin Valley School District, named the chapter stars for 1993. This year the club has three star green hands: Natalie Beckwith, Melissa Makris, and Tara Plewa. Natalie is the daughter of Ms. Holly Beckwith of Mountaineer Village. Natalie has been involved with the Hay Creek Fall and apple festi vals, the southeast Pennsylvania wildlife contest, and the Made for Excellence conference of the state FFA. Natalie has also served as thejumor advisor this year. Melissa is the daughter of Margaret Ful mer of Icedale. Melissa has been very involved with the Pel Ther apy programs at Tel-Hai and Hickory House. She participated in the Food for America program and the fall and apple festivals at Hay Creek. Tara Plewa is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plcwa of Honey Brook. Tara has participated in die Food for America prog rams on Christmas trees, water quality and plant foods. She attended the Made for Excellence conference and the southeastern Pennsylvania wildlife contest. She participated in the county green hand contest and the county and slate record book contests. This year two chapter stars were named. Ryan Marshall is the son of Mr.- and Mrs. Richard Readinger of Remholds. Ryan is a tuition student at Twin Valley High school. Ryan has been involved in many activities on the county and area level. Ryan has a work experience project as well as raising market hogs to show at the Pennsylvania Farm Show and a bee keeping project. Ryan serves as President of the Berks County FFA and a chapter vice-president. He participated in the county envirothon contest, won the area sales contest, and was the high salesperson in the citrus sale with over $2,000 in sales. He received three gold medals in the state record book contest and placed first in the county extemporaneous speak ing contest. He has exhibited honey at local fairs and the Pennsylva nia Farm Show Andy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mast of El verson. As you can see by looking at the program, Andy has been very active this year, and since enter ing FFA. Andy’s projects include dairy herd and working on a dairy larm. He served as chairperson of the com and soybean test plots. He participates in the Pet-Therapy and Food for America Programs. He attended FFA Week at Penn Slate, Made for Excellence, and the county FFA leadership program. He has attended both the Pennsyl vania Cooperative Institute and the American Institute of Coopera- A Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1993-827 Carla Kurtz, Maggie Pavlesich, Amanda Scott, Julie Wilson, Michelle Powell, Chad Steffy, Michelle Steve, Sarah Mentz, Lar ry Medaglia. Dennis Krauss pre sented pins to the 1992 Keystone Degree winners - Andrew Mast, Jason Mantz, Ryan Marshall, Ned Gardner and Robert Sauder. County FFA President Ryan Mar shall and Vice-President pre sented plaques to winners of coun ty FFA contests: wildlife - third - Jason Hess, fourth Robert Sauder, and fifth Chad Steffy; Forestry - second Robert Sauder, third Ned Gardner and fourth Jason Brooks; Pleasure Horse Judging - second Nathan Messner and third Tracey Putt; Greg Lund for third in the greenhand contest; Heather Dougherty for first place in land judging; Ryan Marshall for first in sales and Carla for second in the chapter contest. Dave Henry, chairperson of the agriculture advisory committee, presented proficiency awards to Steve Harrop for Agriculture mechanics and placement in agri culture production; Brian McGo wan for agriculture mechanics and placement in agriculture produc tion; Heather Dougherty for agri culture processing and soil and water management; Marcie Baker for agriculture processing and dairy proficiency; Jason Mantz