Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 66
826-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1993 Solanco FFA Holds Annual Awards Banquet The Solanco Chapter of the FFA recently held its annual awards banquet honoring several chapter members for their achievements in the many areas of agriculture. Five chapter members received Star awards during the evening ceremony. Star Greenhand went to Andrea Kreider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kreider, Quarry ville. Scott Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner, Quarryville, was named the Star Chapter Member. Star Red Rose in Agribusiness was presented to Mark Fry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fry, Sr., of Holtwood; and Star Red Rose in Agriculture Pro duction went to Tim Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Craig, Not tingham. Matt Welk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welk, Peach Bot tom, was named Star Keystone Farmer. The Octorara Watershed Asso ciation was the recipient of the Honorary Chapter Fanner Degree. Officials at the Octorara Watershed helped the Solanco FFA with the Building Our American Communities (BOAC) project as well as the Adopt-A- Stream project. They also helped with the coordination of the Cook’s Question (Continued from Page B 8) ANSWER F.T.C. wanted a recipe for raisin pie with lots of “goo,” with a custard base made with milk. Thanks to Bon nie Martin, Narvon, and Patti Cockell, Henderson, Md., for sending recipes. 1 cup raisins 1 '/z cups milk 2 egg yolks 1 / 2 cup sugar 2 tablespoon cornstarch '/• teaspoon salt 9-mch baked pie shell Simmer raisins in water for 10 minutes; dram; set aside. Combine sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Beat together egg yolks and milk. Stir slowly into sugar and cornstarch mixture Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil 1 minute Remove from heat and stir in raisins Pour into pie shell Chill Serve topped with whipped cream 2 cups raisins 'h cup sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon grated orange peel 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts IVz cups boiling water 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel 1 tablespoon orange juice Bring water to a boil and cook raisins 5 minutes to reconsti tute Mix together sugar and cornstarch Add sugar mixture to raisins and cook until thickened Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients. Stir to blend. Pour into prepared pie shell. Cover with second crust and crimp together edges. Prick holes with a fork to allow steam to escape while baking. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. Cool and glaze with con fectioners’ icing. Icing 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Dash salt Light cream Combine sugar and salt in a bowl, add cream, one tables poon at a time, blending until desired consistency is obtained Add vanilla, blend and spoon onto top crust, avoiding the edges. ANSWER Mrs. John Snyder Jr. asked what is MSG, which was requested in a recent recipe. MSG is an abbrevia tion for monosodium glutamate, a crystalme salt used for sea soning food. It is a flavor enhancer that does not taste salty but has the same function. Check spice racks at large grocery stores and oriental food stores if you want to purchase it Stream Bank Stabilization Project which they did on the north bank of the Octorara. Receiving Greenhand Degrees, which are presented to the first year FFA members in Agricultural Education, are Jamie Adams, Amos Barr 111, Mike Blounts, Jen nifer Burkhart, Rene Chambers, Naomi Cowart, Joe Devonshire, Jason Geiger, Brian Henry, Tracy Hershock, Steve Hess, Nate Hoover, Ann Keefer, Tom Kegel, Andrea Kreider, Josh Kreider, Diane Landis, Bobby Lefever, Clint Metz, Lorie Morris, Joe Niewiadomski, Todd Pell, Jennif er Reves, Jennifer Riley, Connie Stanley, Daryl Supplee, Jeremy Tomlinson, William Trout, Gary Welk, Robert Wimer, Joy Young, Andy Young, and Kristin Zocrman. All fust year FFA members who were in attendance at the FFA banquet also received a free t-shirt which was designed by FFA member Jill Hamish. Chapter Degrees are awarded to second year members who received the Greenhand Degree and completed a project book. The recipients are: Donnie Ammer man, Billy Bare, Bill Davis, Matthew Fry, Paul Hill, Jason Jones, John Kiser, Steve Martinez, Billie Jo McCauley, Andrew Mor- Raisin Custard Pie Raisin Pie risen, Shawn Perry, Dave Roland, Matthew Strickler, Scott Wagner, and Dave Young. Red Rose Degrees are pre sented by the Lancaster County Red Rose FFA to 8 percent of the total county FFA membership. It is awarded to third year members who have submitted an applica tion to be considered for this degree. Recipients are Jamie Welk, Tom Herr, Brad Linton, Mark Fry, and Tim Craig. Keystone Farmer Degrees were presented to four Solanco FFA members. They are the highest degree awarded by the State FFA organization. Applicants are judged on leadership, involvement in county organizations and activi ties, their project program, and FFA activities. Recipients of this award are Matt Welk, Jill Hamish, Tody England, and Rodney Althoff. Proficiency awards are awarded by the National FFA to chapter members who show proficiency in certain project program areas. The following are Proficiency Award Winners in their respective categories: Agricultural Mechan ics - Tim Craig: Beef Production - Jim Landis: Dairy Production - Sheri Bollinger; Diversified Crop Production - Scott Wagner; Diver sified Livestock Production - Jill Hamish; Feed Grain Production - Loading, haying, field work...the John Deere 3255 Tractor has the power and efficiency to handle your schedule. For top performance, the 100-hp engine features high-ring pistons that prevent compression losses and reduce friction. The result: more power to the drive wheels, reduced fuel consumption, and longer life. SEE ONE OF THESE DEALERS FOR A DEMONSTRATION: ADAMSTOWN CLUGSTON AG EVERGREEN EQUIPMENT INC. & TURF, INC. TRACTOR CO., INC. Mohnton, PA Chambarmburg, PA Uabanon, PA (naar Adamatown) 717-263-4103 717-272-4641 215-484-4391 nlOT „ u DEERFIELD AG & p BARTRON turf CENTER, INC. SUPPLY, INC. Wataonlown, PA Tunkhannock, PA 717-538-3557 717-836-4011 CARLYLE & MARTIN, INC. Hagarstown, MD 301-733-1873 CLUGSTON FARM ENFIELD EQUIPMENT E^MENTINC. Naadmora, PA is 2 5252 717-573-2215 301-452-5252 The efficient way to handle a heavy work schedule DUNKLE & GRIEB INC. Mill Hall, PA 717-726-3115 Kris Wilkinson; Forage Produc tion - Scott Wagner; Placement in Agriculture Production - Mark Fry; Sheep Production - Scott Wagner; Soil and Water Manage ment - Sheri Bollinger; Public Speaking - Joy Young, Jennifer Reyes, and Andrea Kreider; and Swine Production - Jody England. Com Production Awards were presented in two categories; grain and silage. The Grain Production Award, sponsored by A.L. Herr & Brothers, Inc., was presented to the top three students with the highest yields. First place was Kris Wilkinson (182.8 bushels/ acre); second place went to Matt Mellinger (175.2 bushels/acre); and third place was Emily Zug (169.6 bushels/acre). The Silage Production Award is sponsored bv Fowl’s Feed Ser vice. First place went to Jarnie Welk (28.3 tons); second place was Scott Wagner (26 tons); and third place went to Brian Zug (25.7 tons). Recipients of other awards include; • Farm Women No. 20 Award, which is given to an outstanding FFA member, went to Sheri Bollinger. • The Paul Risk Associates, Inc. award is presented to a stu dent who has exhibited initiative in making the most of the oppor- Plus, this engine’s steep torque rise increases drawbar pull up to 24 percent at just 80 percent of rated engine speed. You’ll spend less time shifting through tough spots while saving fuel every hour. Exclusive Caster/Action'” MFWD boosts traction under slick conditions for added pulling power...engage or disengage as you need it, on the go. And you can’t beat the tight turning radius, FINCH SERVICES HANOVER INC. Hanovar, PA 717-832-2345 A.B.C. GROFF, INC. Naw Holland, PA 717-354-4191 GUTSHALL'S INC. RD 82 Box 74-A Loyavllla, PA f '. 7.\ £ I r / r (Fh -v - ms? (unities available to him. Rodney Althoff was the recipient. • The Ross H. Rohrer & Son Dairy Award is given to a studc it who has excelled in dairy produ i tion and who has contributed p the dairy industry in the local are The recipient of this award is Mi p Welk. • The Farm Credit Reco d Book Award is given by the Fai m Credit Association to a stude/it who maintains quality record keeping books. Jill Harnijh received this award. • The Past Presidents Award is j sponsored by the Keystone Farm j Credit, ACA, Quarryville Office, j and is presented to the immediate i past president of the Solamo ! Chapter of the FFA, which wjs J Jill Hamish. , • The Dairy Calf Award is 1 available to 9th or 10th graje 1 members who have made (n I application and went through in s interview to be considered for t' [is award. The recipient of the da calf is Andrea Kreider GUTSHALL’S INC. Carlisla, PA 717-249-2313 KERMIT K. KISTLER INC, Lynnport, PA 215-298-2011 LANDIS BROS. INC. Laneastar, PA 717-291-1046 LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT Wascosvllla, PA 215-398-2553 LONE MAPLE SALES & SERVICE Naw Alaxandar, PA 412-668-7172 I* ! sel Spi fot SJ CREEI FLEMENT «d Mills, T-463-2161 MiUEj fJ MILfo-LAKE K'vin., Pi F-935-2331 [S EQUIP ! #1 Rt. 66 *unt CKy, OXF«JD greei IJuford, PA [5-932-275 P 5-932-275 Nille pent k W, PA r 917-6277