"**■*— fxmi ’ smm - m 24 ' 1893 Everything You Need To Know S i To A Cut Flower Business ’ll FRIDAY HARBOR, Wash. tions: How to get into the cut flow- collecting flowers and greenery ***" l411 1 with 1116 cut flower business gel- er business, wWhat to grow that’s from the wild. JM I I ting bigger every year, many gar- saleable, where to sell what you The book also includes intcr- I deners are curious about how to grow. views with flower growers, buy [ market homegrown flowers. Detailed planes are offered for ers, and sellers in three different i j | A newly-released book written starting a supermarket bouquet states. These include Saturday | | for small or beginning cut-flower business, which incules selling, Market flowers sellers to interna || market gardeners has 200 pages pricing, display, equipment, tional flower brokers, from U-pick r I i packed with information. “Flow- harvest and conditioning tech- flower farms to one grower who I ers For Sale” answers the ques- niques, business and tax details, makes $650,000 on less than an I acre of flower production. Mi 11 Included is an extensive listing J y -j/ of the varieties of perennials, nnnnnaaa| _ a| _ |: - | * i-jir. ■ --- -£ annuals, bulbs, tubers, trees, vines, ¥ . , . □□□□□□□□□□oot ITV I I shrubs and herbs that can be used Little surprises dropping into tics, Butch strolls along the tops of If i“ " 1 * 1 successfully in growing flowers our everyday lives are the sprink- their pen gates. And. when r m li j /T\\ 1 7T? T> C commercially, les on the ice-cream-cone of life, washing bottles at the sink, Butch fJ H I W The author Lee Sturdivant Some provide momentary hops up on a bucket of lime kept 1/ A T W writes from first-hand experience, flashes of joy and memories to be handy for disinfecring pens and CAT T* She lives on a I2oxlBo-fecl town savored- a bouquet of dandelions paws my knee if I haven’t yet fed |H ff I|c /X I H lot, where she started a cut flower lovingly offered in die chubby him and his fe iine pals their T V/1V KJI IM JM J business a few years ago. Sturdiv hands of a beloved child, a whiff of breakfast. ant writes that ' on a typica i June mint stirred while walking in the Butch accompanies us to the day> she can cut and sdl 2 0 blue meadow, a falling star some spe- ponds, to the garden and hangs Ornwino- anil Mfli-Wfiiitr delphiniums for $2O. 10 mixed cial thoughtfulness of a friend. around the shop with whoever s \if growing ana IVlarKeting bouquets for $4O, 40 stems Sweet Other surprises physically 1m- WO rking there, often perching him- p llt Flnw<»rc William for $7, and two wedding ger for longer periods of time- the se if high up on a tractor seat to \*UX F IOWCFS bouquets for $35. Mother’s Day climbing rosebush observe the proceedings-and the _ , _ That is more than $lOO worth of now eight-feet tall and growing, an sparrows in the rafters. Backyard to flowers a day from a small lot. If unexpected wax-job for the car, Late one evening last week, a , Small Acreage trends continue, the cut flower the geese that accept us as neigh- newborn bull calf still in the calv- , & business will gel even more profit bors during their six-month annual , ng area 0 f the old bank bam > 1L able. People are willing to pay visit at the pond, a cluster of red needed to be fed a bottle of fresh, more for flowers than for fresh tulips you forgot you planted last warm milk. I crawled through the fruit and vegetables. fall - , gates, roused the baby from his maMEYou should leam how to arrange And then there s Butch. snoozing spot in a pile of soft hay, \ flowers to increase appeal. It is of Butch nearly got stepped on the and began feeding him supper. rellßWpgßiprime importance to protect cut first time we met. I was high- Suddenly, a loud cat scream- flowers from premature willing, tailing it around the comer of the and u was a scream- split the quiet All the little details to set up a pro garage, late for morning calf feed- of the barn at dusk. Tomcat fight, I / f m fitable business and the pitfalls to samc H co^L ha a 8 fi , gurcd- Unt ‘! movemcnt sevcral / W avoid are given in the 200-pagc showed up on farm Something was struggling in the mBUBIBHBBHK I book is written in an cas>- from good question He s never midd i e of a pile of ralher wel man . to-read slylc from a first . pc rson shared that secret of his past; we urc between two rows of old stalls. perspective, suspect some cowardly pet owner Something furry and darkish- To order a copy of “Flowers For who couldn l bother spaying their co i ored an d very unhappy. Sale,” send $14.95 plus $1 for cat dropped off this donation. Butch. Stuck in a cat’s version postage to San Juan Naturals, PO When I reached down to pick us 0 f q U i c ksand. \'l' * >' Box M 2 s, Friday Harbor, WA ihis fcw-ounce, mewing, bundle of The ca )f g ot a b o ulc break while 98250. striped dark tiger kitten, he j climbed over another gale and snuggled against my neck. Rubbed retrieved one very messy, very . ___ tf / closfd Sundays nfw vfab my check. And promptly stole my smelly, VERY irritated cat. TOWN AND COUNTRY EASTER MONDAY, ASCENSION DAY, hcarl - t( Which, in his haste to flee this pre- POURED WALLS WHIT MONDAY, OCT. 11, THANKSGIVING, Butch is a ‘people cal; he dicament, left me with a scratched sr-W nii.iiiiif CHRISTMAS»DECEMBER 26m hasn’t yet met a human he doesn’t and bleeding hand. . Manure Pits -Afi jL 1 like. Solomon the dog tangles with Once safe, Butch paraded back • Retaining Walls CTfiKlff FISHER’S FURNITURE INC him on occasion. And he’ll slip t 0 where the bottle feeding had • House Basements \ into the house any chance he gets resumed, wanting to be petted and • Trench SilO Walls MEW USED FURNITURE to intimidate Monk, the housecat, comforted . What he go t, instead, into hiding behind the couch while W as a bath in the lukewarm, soapy yr-fl COUNTRY FURNITURE & ANTIQUES he chows down her catfood. water left after bottles were I (215) 593-5794 I BUS. HRS: BOX 57 Even while a kitten, Butch c i caned up . Ask p or | ke MON.-THURS. 8-5 1129 GEORGETOWN RD. established his reputation as a B utch has since forgiven me. fri. 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART, PA 17503 busybody and a climber. If I m when I knelt to pel Solomon this throwing down hay for heifers, morning, he hopped up on my knee ta“^n W ;LtoymS g Sl lh . e »q..l au»m,o„; GOOD FOOD OUTLET STORES “Ty knts .S b"e J*£K TSSSttmSS. See Our Original line Of Golden Barrel Products Plus All Kinds down next, and parks himself on u. Butch the Cat. Keeping hie full Of Beans, Candies, Dried Fruit, Snack Mixes, Etc. At Reduced Prices When the calves arc getting bot- 0 f surprises. * baking molasses * maple syrup * pancake & waffle _______^__ *'■->, * BARBADOS MOLASSES * PANCAKE & WAFFLE MIX 4 "ikAfcl * BLACKSTRAP SYRUPS * ASSORTMENT OF ■ ' ' ' I MOLASSES * SORGHUM SYRUP CANDIES ACORN SYRUPS A LIQUID & DRY SUGARS A DRIED FRUTF wV/A HIGH FRUCTOSE A CANOLA OIL A SNACK MIXES ,>T*. SYRUPS A COCONUT OIL A BEANS mm mm v A CORN OIL A HONEY /r a cottonseed oil a peanui butter SrITRV Vf, hh If your local store * O UVE OIL A BAUMAN APPLE vV does not have it, * PEANUT OIL BUTTERS _. '-Smm A VEGETABLE OIL * SHOO-FLY PIE MIX A SPRING GLEN RELISHES IIfFIAI ITI 1 dC ( SPECIALS FOR THE T mmWm mm ■■mBIH ■ I Ppneake ft Waffle Mix & Shoofly Pie Mix MONTH OF APRIL ■ ■ ■■ ■ rnon mon mixt f-t golden barrel baking AMn Evrcec can -MH, GOOD FOOD OUTLET molasses an AN Neural i 0 Da >V Located At Good Food. Inc. 32 Ol ‘' Kc ££ r %* 2 - 69 WHM dll «II iNdiuirti \ 100% Money V W. Main St.. Box 160, Honay Brook. PA 19344 NOW & Safe Product Back < 215-273-3776 1-800-327-4406 GOLDEN BARREL PEANUT OIL LOSE UP TO 30 LBS. X _ Located At L & S Sweeteners * G,llon -gSfflL 92 * IN 30 DAYS! sea E. Main St, Leola, PA 17540 NOW $2.59 •32.95 -1 MONTH SUPPLY 717-686-3486 1-800-633-2676 GOLDEN BARREL HIGH SLENDER YOU OF LEOLA __ -we ups daily - FRUCTOSE ie oz. 93 W. Main St.. Leola, PA 17540 _____ t Liquid Sweetener - For More Information 1-800-252-4900 717-656-6408 IlißHill Ple.ee Write or Call - Regularly $1.59 Toil-Frea# Fraa Dallvaryl mtm HHH now $1.09