TRACTORS JD 1020 gas w/ioader IH 454 w/loader IH 504 w/loader, coming in Ford 641 w/loader, coming In Ford 4000 diesel Farmall 350, gas MF 175 diesel JD 4255, cab, air, quad range, 20.8x38 tires, heavy 3 pt. hitch, 700 hours, like new MF 360-2 w/cab, less than 300 hours MF 670 4 WD, cab & air, like new MF 690 4WD, cab, air, low hours MF 3545 4WD, cab, air, 20.8x38 tires, 950 hours, excellent condition MF 3660 2WD, cab, air, 20.8x38 tires, 60 hours IH 886 4 post ROPS, excellent condition TILLAGE Brillion 10’ Chisel Plow Brilllon Soli Finisher, New Dyna drive power harrow 15’, good condition Krause bifold disc harrow, excellent@cmdition, new blades MF 880 5 Bottom hydraulic reset trailer plow, like new Kewanee 12* offset disc harrow PLANTERS JD 15 mnfcWiM drill New Kinze 4R, w/dry fertilizer IH 800 6RN planter w/llquld fertilizer Moore (GT) 10' no till drill MF 33 15 run grain drill SKTDSTRER Gehl 4610 Diesel Gehl 3610 Diesel Gehl 3510 Gas HAY EQUIPMENT (2) NH 630 round balers, 1 baled less than 50 bales, like new; 1 only 2 years old, both excellent condition NH 467, T mower conditioner Hesston 1091 Mower Conditioner, excellent condition NH 1499 12’ self-propelled mower con ditioner, diesel, cab & air, 650 hours, excellent condition Longenecker’s Inc. Williamsburg, PA 16693 814-793-3731 IH 33888353 IH 1086 w/ROPS IH 806 w/fast hitch IH 706, gas JD 4010 USED EQUIPMENT IH 315 cultimulcher, very nice IH 145, 3F rollover, auto, reset IH 540 plow, 4 btm. IH 560 plow, 6 btm. Oliver 4 btm. mounted plow, 16” JD 845 3 btm. roll over plow JD 16’ transport harrow 1 - Stoll tedder rake j New Vlcon Seeders In Stock ] ►ADERS Gehl 99 blower NH Super 55 rake NH 469 hayblne to Q'rorir NH 315 ba,er w/thrower AW Badger 2600 Harvester w/2 row corn head w/2 row snapper head w/5’ hay pickup 52,500 Eckroth Bros. Farm Equipment RD 2 Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-943-2131 7:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 7:30-4:00 Sat. EQUIPMENT (2) Long 2610 Tractors, 65 HP, 2 Whtsl & 4 Wheal Drive w/aehutt1e............. Coming In (2) Long 2360, 2 & 4 Wheel Drive ....Coming In 4' * S' Rotary Cutters w/1 pL fast hitch for IH A, 100,140, etc Call (2) Long 2510 DTC 4WD tractors 50 HP w/Shuttle Call (2) Tonuttl Hay Teddera, 2 rotor, 1 left ....$1,350 Long 15S0C Loader attachment, w/72" bucket, PTO pump, 1 left $3,650 (4) Long 72" 3 PL rotary cultera w/allp clutch A laminated tall whee 1........ 6850/Ba. Hardee 6’ heavy duty box acrapar $495 Hardee 5V4' 3PL Heavy Duty Disc Hsrrow $1,270 New Manure Spreader for compact tractors, spprox. 45 sq. ft., pto drive $1,600 Long 60" 3 pt. rotary cutters w/sllp clutch 4' 3 pt. MD Rotary Cutter S' 3 pt. MD Ro raySSfttar, 2 Left (3) 10'/.' Pull Type Rotary Cutter, Heavy Dr Resli Hardi New USED EQUIPMENT Ford 1210 compact diesel tractor, hydrostatic, 905 hrs., excellent|igjE#w/Woods belly mower., 'art* & Accessories In Stock For Long Tractors and Equipment J& M TRACTOR 410-756-4036 Tanoytown, MD 410-756-6277 Evas. Authorized Long Tractor & Equipment Deoler Large Long Parts Inventory GRAIN HARVESTING JD 6600 Combine w/15’ flex head, 4 row narrow corn head Gleaner Model G Combine, diesel w/4 row narrow head & grain head IH 810 15’ head McCurdy 230 gravity boxes McCurdy 275 gravity box Case IH Model 1660 Combine w/Speclalty Rotor, 300 Hrs., Excellent Condition WRAPPING AROUND BALES THIS YEAR?? Check Out The New Beaudoin In Line Wrapper! 5675 s4oo 5475 13,950 FOB $4OO 1,900 ,86.800 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24,1993-D27
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