Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 159
. mACTOWfI MF 108 S Diesel, good tractor MF 1080, complete engine & hyd. overhaul MF 275 dieiel w/38" rubber MF 2SS, new rubber, sharp MF 175 diesel wAnulti power MF 165 diesel, 28” rubber, new paint Deutz 7007 Tractor MF 235 Diesel with engine overhaul NH 489 9* h.ybine yflUlPMßWT Athens 11 Vi' disc harrow Int. 510 7xlB double disc drill #lO Int. 7x16 double disc drill JD FBB 7x17 Double disc dill JD 325 3 Dt-flajUsim hyd. reset MF 4 bottom, semi mount plow MF 880 4 bottom hyd. reset plow IH 510 4 bottonßW Bslck plow, like new 36' Little Giant elevator w/molor or PTO drive 8 tooth chisel plow S tooth chisel plow, Bnllion packers Com cultivators dif. makes & dif. sizes 4R-8R JD 10’ cultimulcher IH 12’ Cultimulcher Used Btillion cultipacker and cultimulcher parts New farm and corral gates MF Tractor Parts Dismantling; 20,30, 35,40, SO, 65, 85, 90.135,150,165,175,178,180,1080,1085,1100,1130. 1135, 1150 w/cab, 1155, MH 44. NH 785 skid Idr. and Case 1835 C skid Idr. for parts. 403 Cantarvllla tfcCNawvllla, PA 17241 (717) 776-6242 No Sunday Calls No Out-Of-State Personal Chocks Wo Ship UPS TRACTORS JD 4030 4 post w/quad, 2 remote, 80 H P. TILLAGE Oliver 16' transport disc, good cond. IH 55 10T, Concert-Till Pull Type Chisel Plow Glenco B’, 7T Pull Type Chisel Plow JD 3 Pt 4x16 Plow Brillion 1V Cultipacker 4" Axle White 546 Semi-Mount Auto Reset, 4x16 Plow, Nice IH 3 Bottom, 3x14,2 Pt, Semi-Mount Plow w/Gauge Wheel JD 3x16 3 Pt Plow IH 510 4x16 plow, gauge wheel, side hill hitch White 5400 no-till 6R com planter dry fertilizer, insecticide NH #7O bale thrower NH Super 717 harvester w/grass head JD FBB 7x15, SO gram dnll, fertilizer & seed Oliver 3 pt. 2R com planter 7’ Pull Type Rotary Cutler Ottowana 117 Grinder Mixer, Big Capacity Mill (Same As IH 1250) NH 467 7' Haybine, Good NH 56 Rake w/Dolty Wheels IH #5 Flail Chopper NH 489 haybine, $2,200 IH 110 Forage Wagon, 3 beater w/Rbof, Nice $1,250 40' drop deck sth wheel trailer, elec brakes Balers 4 Haybines For Parts KBITER’S USED FARM MACHINERY Robert L. Kelter Halifax, PA 17032 (Carsonvllle) 25 Miles North of Harrisburg (717) 362-9096 We Ship UPS! BURKETT TRAILERS Manns Choice, PA 814-623-8696 or 814-623-9696 Fax 814-623-7995 ■PiVW ' *V"' ft-** * * i 1 16 Ft. Wm-SMOQ 18 Ft. Wu')9|BQQ~. NOW $5,400 Free Remote Control & Free Delivery Until April 30th 1993 We Custom Build To Meet Tour Working Needs. MISC. JD 348 Baler For Parte, Hyd. Tenelon Bxl6' Gooseneck Dumps Highway Dumps All Sizes Self Contained Rollbacke On Sale Now NOW $4,900 IH 1486, cab & air $16,900 (2) IH 1086, cab & air $16,900 IH 454 w/loader $6,700 IH 856, new TA & clutch $8,700 IH 656 hydro $6,500 JD 3020 dsl $6,200 IH 1566, cab, air, black stripe, duals 2300 hours, new paint $12,900 IH Hydro 70 $lO,OOO IH 4 post w/roof $550 IH 684 $9,500 IH 1086, 4 post, new rubber, new TA $12,900 (7) IH 1066 $lO,OOO to $12,500 IH 1568, cab & air, super sharp w/new TA $12,000 Case IH 685 orchard tractor, 1900 hours $11,500 IH Hydro 84, 2700 hours, showroom condition $9,500 (3) IH 766, new rubber, excellent condition $9,500 Financing Available 717-776-5291 JEFF SHOWAKER Exit 11, Rt. 81 Clean off-the-farm, field tested tractors Most Reconditioned And Sold With Warranty ;w JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT JD 375 round baler $11,195 JD 450 17x7.5 Grain Drill w/grass seed att $5,875 JD 148 Loader w/85” Bucket... $4,300 NEW BRILLION EQUIPMENT BBS 6302 6R Cultivator .. $2,640 SSLP Grass Seeder $1,950 USED TRACTORS JD 1010 Gas w/Loader.. JD 4250 USED EQUIPMENT White 543 4R Planter $1,975 JD 50 Box Scraper, 5Vi ’ $350 JO 630, 6R, 3 Pt. Cultivator $1,500 Glenco 12’ field cultivator $1,395 NH 451 3 pt. mower $1,795 Brllllon LGS 1441 12’ Pulverizer.s69s JD 483 MOCO $650 JD 5200 SP Harvester w/Dura/Drum w/3R Heads, 7’ PU $29,900 JD 5440 self propelled harvester, w/4WD w/3R head, 7’ pu Call Badger BNIO4O Blower $325 JD 336 Baler w/30 Ejector Call BGutshalls, Inc. , Carlisle Loysville (717) (717) 249-2313 789-4343 54,995 ...$39,900 Lancaster Arming, Saturday, April 24,1993-Dl9 FARM I EQUIPMENT