Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 156
016-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24,1993 NH 1495 Haybine, Gas $6200. (717) 423-6188 NH 256 hay rate, rubber teeth, new paint, field ready, $1,200 (301)898-7426 NH 273 Baler, new plun ger. $2OOO 717/532-5871 between 6 00 & 8 00pm NH 273 baler w/54 thrower, very good condition, $2,800 IH 460 gas, hydro, live RIO, draw bar. w/quick hitch, $2,200 IH Farmall Super AV hi/clear, row crow w/cultivators and liq uid fertilizer attachments, $3,500. JD 210 disc har row, 12', new blades, $1,500. IH McCormick side delivery hay rate on rub ber, good condition, $9OO IH 295 soybean and corn planter, BR, on Spttoo) bar, fiberglass boxes, $1,500 Sweet corn wagon w/sides and gate, self-unloading, green color, floatation tires on HO gear, $950. Hay wa gon, oak deck $575. IH 1957 14' flatbed truck, 5+2, w/sides and 10 00x20 tires, good running condition, $1,500. MF 3pt cultivators, 2R, w/fertilizer attachment, $450 IH 3 bottom plow, manual reset, pull-type, $350 (609)267-6071. NH 495 haybme, good con dition, $2500 215/932-2767. NH 718 chopper, 2 heads, excellent, all inside, $4200 804-784-3131 NH 718 forage harvester, 2 heads, excellent, $3OOO West Moreland Co, PA 412-925-7829 NH 770-W pickup head, super sweep, $3OO. rani 1898-7426. Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-394-3047 or Lilltz 717-526-1184 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tuas., Wed. & Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, The following categories are available for your classified advertising. In Section D. Deadline- Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1- Farm Equipment la- Construction Equipment 2- Farm Eq. Wanted 3- Silos and Unloaders The following categories are available In your classified advertising. In Section C. Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication. 4- Building and Supplies 5- Grain Equipment 6- Dairy Equipment 7- Livestock Equipment 8- Cattle 9- Horses & Mutes 10- Sheep & Goats 11- Swine 12- Artificial Breeding 13- Hog Eq. & Supplies 14- Poultry & Supplies 15- Feed & Seed 16- Fertilizer 17- Plants 18- Fruits A Vegetables 19- Nursery 20- Lawn t Garden 21- Services Offered 22- Custom Work 23- Help Wanted 24- Situations Wanted 25- Business Opportunities 26- Household 27- Pets 28- Lost 29- Found 30- Computers 31- Notice 32- Miscellaneous 33- Recreational Vehicles 34- Autos 35- Trucks & Trailers 36- Real Estate New CAT power unit w/ clutch, 27 hrs , model #0330, 4 cycle, 4.5 bore, 5 5 stroke, 1925 RPM, full load engine 1800 rack set ting .095, HPR 115.5 412-397-2300, 412-397-9154 Stoltzfus Fertilizer spreader, stainless steel booms, $3950, Hiboy sprayer w/dropped nozzles $lOOO, B'-cap, 7'-high $2OO 908-454-0889, 859-3730. T 340 International w/ loader, $2500, JD A field ready, good condition, $1800; IH 14’ vibra shank field cultivator w/2' wings on side $l3OO, round steel corn crib w/roof $5OO, good condition 717-354-4430 Tanco Bale Wrapper Trail Model w/Loader, Special Price. 1 Only 717-222-9020 Nl Drop Spreader. B', A 1 Shape. 717-222-9090. Taylorway 12' cutting disc offset, field ready, $2,500 ’426 TILLER SIDE WINDER 15', variable width, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 TR-70 combine, 850 NH roll baler. 357 NH grinder/ mixer, 12' Bushhog chisel plow (717)642-8580 Two 6 ton running gears, MF and Grove Both are wide track $275/ea S' Ca tagory 1, chisle plow/field cultivator, 3 pth , new con dition, $3OO. 3 btm Oliver Raydex plow, 3 pth., $350 20' Snowco hay elevator $250. All items are in good shape. 215-536-9672 CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mall Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Address Zip Please startin' Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. SECTION C • WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D • THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION Rhino 5 tooth coulter chisle plow; Int 12' disc, Brilhon 12/i' field cultivator wtih Midwest coil tine harrow, Bnllion 14', 4" axle culti packer, 57'x8" grain auger 717-367-3242, 717-361-8747 ROTOVATORS Howard 5' 4 B', $ 1,000/each 410-833-9091 Round Bale Wrapper, trailer type with lift arm, used IV4 seasons, $5OOO Wrap available 717/530-1684 Schuler F 3175 feed wa gon, excellent condition, al ways stored inside (410)848-0203 Set of Bolt on Duals, 20 838 Cane 4 Rice Tires, 65% Tread. 215-445-8532 No Sunday Calls Shaver Post Drivers HDB $1095, HDIO $1695 Ta neytown Farm 4 Hard- ware, Skidloader backhoe rental hp perkins diesel, good Yours broken 9 Rent ours l condition. (717)485-3619 $7O-$BO half day. Anytime, except Sundays Ruhl's (717)367-8434 Slurry Store 1461, 15 HP electric motor and pump, (3) Harvestore, 2080, 2060, 2027 w/unloaders, Reception pit 30 HP chop per and pump, Roller mill and auger, 3 HP motor, Surge 2" low line and re ception jar 717-727-2015 Steiger Cougar ST2SI, Case IH 1660 combine w/4WD, 6R corn head, Krause 4927 A, 25' wing disc: Krause 2700 18' of fset disc; Case IH 900 6R corn planter, Case model 700 on-land 6b 18’ plow 914-876-6614 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY Phone (. üblish m with the I enclose DEADLINES: Now Cutting Seed Pota toes, By Appointment Snyder County 717-694-3670 OLIVER 1550, diesel, util ity, power steering, 1 PTO, outlets, good rubber, $3,500 Loader Available 410-633-9091 Oliver 10' transport disc, VG condition, $750; MF 3 bottom 3 pt trip plow w/ detachable 4th bottom $3OO. 215-942-4829. Oliver 1950 T, 3,100 Hours, Good Condition; NH 479 Haybine 717-243-4677 Oliver 252 30 disc harrow, JD 4" axle 10' cultipacker 717-665-4743 Oliver 4R cultivator, $450 Axel duals for MF 2705, $5OO. (717)867-4896. Oliver Grain Drill, Nice Shape, 717-222-9090. OMC 445 skid loader, 45 Patz 155 A material mov ers, 140 ft. w/three drives. Very good condition (814)632-5935 PLOW JD 4200 roll-over. 4 btm , $l,BOO 410-833-9091 PLOW MF 4 btm , roll over, $9OO 410-833-9091 Planter, AC 6R, no-till, soy bean plates, field ready, $600; cultipacker. B', dou ble. 410-692-5048 Pneumatic tire, towmotor, forklift, 4000#; aluminum 4’ irngiation pipe and fittings, Race & Race 609-561-5279 M-F, 5-BPM PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. State word ad times issue. Classify under (Phone Numbers Count As One Word* POTATO PLANTER- McConnell 2 row potato planter plus Gandy insecti cide box Good condition 717-532-9108 Porterway tomato harves ter, 36" disc header, hy draulic leveling, high ca pacity oil cooler, swing back elevator, and setup for electronic sort, $5,500 (717)872-8508 Pressure Washer, 3000 PSI Futra, 11 hp Honda motor, hot and cold water, 150 foot hose, two wands, $2600 or best offer, Trailer, Cargo King, 6'x9', $l5OO 215/488-6404 after 5. FISHER’S FARM SHOP RR 1 • Box 114 Lincoln Univ., PA 19352 218-860-4477 Call Between 9:15 A 9:30 Monday 4 Thursday Reconditioned Welders 2 - 225 Amp Lincoln 2 - 225 Amp Hobart CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 360 per 300 per word per week - 1 or word per week - 3 or 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 3.96 7.92 4.32 8.64 4.68 9.36 5.04 10.08 5.40 10.80 5.76 11.52 6.12 12.24 6.48 12.96 6.84 13.68 7.20 14.40 Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 "Call Us For Your New Equipment Ask About Our Program Options. USED EQUIPMENT MH 101 Junior Ford 2N very good condition Ford Jubilee very nice Ford 4000 dieeel Farmali Cub Cultivator & Plow IH 656 Hydro NHL-555 Skid Steer loader, nice Athens 12’6” Model 131 disc NH 80 round bale mover w/push Gehl 170 grinder mixer (3) NH 320 w/thrower NH 275 baler w/thrower (2) NH 273 baler w/thrower NH 315 w/70 thrower NH 513 w/endgate NH 512, very good condition NH 479 hayblne NH 489 hayblne Gehl 2R forage head NH 717 W/2R head Badger forage box Papec forage box NH 890 2R com head 3 pt. wheel rake Kelly Ryan platform fdr. used 3 tli 76 Dodge 800 w/rollback, 30,000 ( Landscapers 2 Harley Power Rakes TR 38, $5,800 ffij IU TR 36. $3,200 || KB Part* Shipped UPS Dally Si (717) 243-2686 R & W EQUIPMEN 35 E. Willow St., Carlisle, Pa. 1701 Nmi »l 2 times more times 3 Times 9.90 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.40 15.30 16.20 17.10 18.00