r.’flll BOX MARK FI FOR SALE-' Reg, T.W.H. black 15 hands goes English or western excel, bloodlines, both sides or trade for Andelusian baby, $2OOO. Col Co. 717-784-8193. DP Lifestrider treadmill, elect. 3 yrs. old, measures pulse, speed, cadence, calories distance, etc. Call Marlene, Hunt. Co. N.J. 908-782-3072. Late model MF 6 bar rub ber teeth rollabar rake, model 424 Weaverline cart stainless nice. Bedford Co. 814-766-3591. Brillion 6-30 row danish tine cult, rolling shields excel, cond., $1250. Berks Co. 215-683-6278 after 6 p.m. 1975 JD 4430 powershift, CAH, AM/FM cassette, 20 Bx3B radials, JD rebuilt engine, under 200 hrs., 3-sets hyd. outlets, 14,000 firm. Sussex Co. 201-579-2628. 1957 Chev. dump GVW 16,000 14' steel bed cab, good. York Co, 717-382-4450. Better Built 3150 liq. spreader, rebuilt JD 4440 engine, wrecked 1980 jeep Laredo $1,200 080. York Co 717-266-5558 eves. Flock reduction: Border Leicester & Border Leices ter crosses, lams, and 1,2, 3 yr. old ewes, black & white, $75 & up. Southern York Co. 717-235-5140. 10' sheet metal brake, Pittsburg machine 3’ & 6' shears, 3’ rolls, cleat ben der, barfolders stakes, plates, etc. York Co. 717-792-9282. 2- 1973 & up Int. pickup doors R&L sides complete v good cond., no rust, $B5, for the pair, '/» ton 83-6 M rear $5O. Schuyl. Co. 717-386-3143. Small 4-bumer gas stove, great for cabin, works, $5O. Centre Co. Menno Stolt zfus, PO Box 219 Aarons burg, Pa. 16820 (Water Gap Rd.). L©sK TO BADGER FOB ALL v° "rv VOIIR pniIIPMFMT “■*■ I Badger s got exactly what you need in a forage box performance backed fay durability The BNIOSO offers increased strength with fast high capacity unloading and a lifetime warranty on sides and decks' ■ High strength alloy steel frame ■ 23-1/2* wide high speed cross conveyor ■ Three slant back spiral beaters ■ Galvanized roof with multiple reinforced cross ties and knee braces ■ Available in 14' 16' or IB models Badger Liquid Manure Pumps, Spreader Tanks and Box • 5 Months Waiver OR Low Rate Financing jjv fK * * Nigh c * p4aty v,cuum pum P ,0f *•*' /> -Jy* ■ Heavy interior steel baffles tor extra ■ 540 or 1000 RPM heavy duty PTO /X Ji f\t ■ Heavy duly T frame draw bar y Mmmn* J / J ■ Available with 34,0 r 5 shank ■Full complement of options available X ■ to year limited warranty Drive The Bad 9 er Frost Busters! Silo Unloader Pack Drive < allows for further Silo Unloader ■ NEW* Simple, JfttjjtortttSnL ooffeetor ring re- CNm£ designed (or grester • Jew > ease of service ePSWWe ■ NEWI Vertical control guide wheel on auger's outer end £ adds stability whan raising the unloader i'*l***”''***Jy ■ IjBIQ Three-year limited warranty ■ High strength, extra-heavy angle Iron frame ■ Heavy-duty double wall reinforced drive nng ■ Super lough chipper wheel shaves silo wall dean ■ Hogged itr auger with heat treated Zinc Dichromated hnlvea and double flighting on outer end Irrigation equipment German-Rupp pump McDowell 4" pipe fittings, also 24 acre farmette, brick farmhouse, barn, imple ment shed, 3 car garage Western Berks Co. 717-933-8134. 1976 24' camper sleeps 8 air full bath stove refrig, double sink heat spare tire excel, cond. Berks Co. 215-670-1260. 770 NH forage harvester w/770W grass head field ready good cond., $l5OO. Lane. Co. 215-445-6775. Littleford black top spread er drag box very good $9OO. Mayfield, Pa. 717-282-5080. 2 antique Fordson tractors to restore must sell farm sold only $5OO, parts from 1935 Chevy dump trk. rear trans. & lift cyl. Montg. Co. 215-539-5045 Hay & grain elevator, Zim merman 36' w/oom chutes, $575 or offer. 717-432-4058. IH 140, mid sickle mower $2lOO, Ford 6V4' flail mow er $650, 'B2 Kawasaki 750 LTD cycle 4500 miles, $lO5O. Leb. Co. 717-865-3673. JD turbo AR69583 new $550, Novo 2 cyl. engine $325, Marx train track 23 pc. 2 manual 2 elect, switch tracks $35. Mr. Snyder. 1981 Mercury Cougar XR7 no rust runs good. Lane. Co. 215-593-2634. Fqx 3000 chopper, new knives, built In sharpner, 1000 RPM shaft ready for work $BOO. Cumb. Co. 717-532-7030. Top water tank for JD 60 radiator w/o PS good shape. Cumb. Co. 717-697-8363 leave message. Oats about 60 bu. $2 per bu. Cumber. Co. 717-238-3994. JD B tractor w/com workers early 1940's model in good working cond. in Perry Co, $lOOO or best offer. 717-789-3575. ifldgsr Badger’s Forage box and Running Gear are the right combination 4 Gears to keep your box rolling and rolling and rolling l The perfect match for any box wrth ■ Bolted rear spindles - replaceable without a torch ■ Quick Hitch standard' ■ Long adjustable hitch -standard' ■ High strength alloy steel -standard' ■ 8 5-10 5 ton single axle —or — big tough 12 5 ton and 145 ton with unique ‘walking tandems for your farm & 3 pair yellow golden pheas ants, 3 amherst roosters, 5 red golden roosters, 1 silver rooster 91-92 hatch. Franklin Co. 1-800-868-4489. Brillion chisel plow 3 pt. 7 shank hi-clearance kept inside $650, NH 850 round baler $2500. North'd. Co. 717-286-9380. IH truck s. series 1754 25,000 QVW long wheel base DT466 engine. Leb Co. 717-865-3869. 15 HP motor, $5O, stainless steel covered cart $l5, mortar mixer $125, mobile home tires, floor, window fans. Dau. Co. 717-944-2468. Smedley hog feeders S.S. btm. good, Shenandoah brooders excel, timers & thermostats good. Dau. Co. 717-534-3741. JD 2x16 3 pt. plow Cat 11, $275, JD 23T com picker parts or too use no eleva tor . Dau. Co. 717-692-3827. Honda HRI73 lawnmower rear bag discharge used for only 2 hrs., new cond., $l5O. Mercer Co. 609-771-3664. 1977 1850 Int diesel 19' alum, dump, 1971 1600 Int. gas w/18' cattle body. Leb. Co. 717-865-2228. Pony saddle $BO, antique rug loom 1974 Monte-Carlo 350C1 $500,1979 Chrysler 31 SCI motor & transmis sion $779. Chester Co. 215-932-2453. 1971 C-60 Chevy grain truck 366 engine- new hyd. hoist- 16’ box $3OOO 410-357-5969 after 6 p.m. Lane, silo 48" fan w/Honda engine, JD #22 crimper w/ steel rolls. Lane. Co Benuel Blank Jr., 506 Para dise Lane, Paradise, Pa. 17562. Pathway school reading books used 5 yrs 1-4 grades. Lane. Co. Aquilla Blank, 5757 Old Phila. Pike. Gap, Pa. 17527. Solid wood picnic table & 2 benches, good cond. Lane. Co. 717-394-4219. m* time* _ siaantt* 44%. 24 Me* 45H WWW Of 74%-3«Moeu Flnanee! Spreaders / SAFETY I \ 1980 VW rabbit diesel good shape no rust inspt. till 1/94 for inspt. Union Co. 717-538-1855. Hydro Mac skidloader $lB5O, Oliver com picker for parts $5O. Lane. Co. 717-354-6657. 6 tires 9:50x16.5, 8 & 10 ply, 8 lug 16.5 wheels, all $25. Dau. Co. 717-533-7051. 25 connecter links, 1 comer wheel for clay bam cleaner. Juniata Co. 717-463-3162. Witlowware blue & pink 6 cherry dining room chairs child desk. Monmouth Co. Howell, N.J. 908-938-5726. F-350 dually 1988 gas 351 EFI 29,000 miles $11,900, swap for 2-4 horse gooseneck trailer & money for difference truck is ready to go w/2 hitches. Del. Co. 215-566-1339. 2 NH 9V4 ' rolabar rakes, 1 w/dolly wheels other w/jack both w/155 rubber teeth. Susque. Co. 717-289-4234. NH 770 forage harvester 1000 PTO, N 2 com head, grass pickup, excel, cond., 2- Bxl6 bale wagons w/ racks, $l7OO for pair. Union Co. 717-966-1388. 1 polled hereford bred to polled hereford due around 8-9-93 $6OO, possible delivery. Lehigh Co. 215-767-4735. 36’ wooden ext. ladder 20' & 24' wooden hedders lawnboy mower 21” cut all in good cond Lane. Co 215-267-7049. Farmall #lOO tractor w/lnt. 60" rotary belly mower, new rubber, very good cond., will separate $3OOO. CT. 203-265-6012. Bucyrus Erie 22 B shovel front other Bucyrus Erie parts antique sterling truck rough as is. Somerset Co 412-593-6198 eves. JD A 1951 ex. cond., 3 pt. hitch, 8F scraper blade $lBOO. 215-942-2848. 3 piece front end wts. for JD 2 cyl. tractor $5OO. Centre Co. 814-422-8209 after 4;30. BN 2054 540 RPM FORAGE BLOWER High threw capacity wHh an aflariahia price! Blow em high and blow cm big Badger s 540 rpm Blower can take all you give it For forage or gram this is the best performing best priced blower you can buy Check out these features ■ Cupped piddle design I rm fiCl for high throw capability with minimum horsepower FT "SvvZji ■ High strength Cor Ten steel r 1 1 yA band ■ Shear bar design prevents feed carryover ■ Simple trouble free shaker pan-fewer moving parts ■ 54" high capacity (an ■ Hopper magnet option removes tramp metal Pump Jt/f Does it All fflQTlk For Less! aMtUls-aoMas. pumps, ■ Fii 3000 gaftm tank in V 1 If R" ' ona mkiuti ■ Ptrtomunct options to < msst^xirntods [I v ■ Mtal lor dairy, hog or \aMy Post optntions ■ Bum to last! IT'S COLOSSR SPECIAL SAVINGSI ijgt Bam Cleaner Chain ■ Tin biggist. loughist bam clianer / chain around / d ■ HiaMnatid 1045 Stall forgings f /s A with mon still in critical wiar k VcJ /( anas ■ largi diamittr. alloy still pins STlnjkA* otfirgnatir rivibng strength _ |/ T ■ Thickast, wldM sidi tUmSS bars mr ■ AmlabHwltti I 1-3/4’or 3-1/4' NN' widi mar ’ (mis Blue peafowl '92 hatch, male & female. Leb. Co 717-949-3162. 79 Arndt 4 horse stock trailer $9OO. Chester Co 215-273-3800. Gandy applicator boxes for 4 row 56 IH com pi an ter. Call after 5:30 pm. Lane. Co. 717-626-5159. 7 ceiling fans w/belts hydraulic motor $BOO. 4' floor fan Honda engine, good cond. $4OO. Lane. Co. 717-733-4231. Jenny Waste Oil Heater 110,000 BTU Floor model, excellent condition, paid $1,600.00; $1,250 0.b.0. (1 >-410-398-8535. Bushog rotary mower mod el 105 3 pth $425.00 Drag Harrow 12 ft Hyd-set, needs runner $25.00, 2nd alf, $l.BO/Bale, York co. 717-292-6441. Farmall Cub, sickle bar mower, plow, cultivator, good cond. 4‘ belly mower, good cond. No Sunday calls 717-672-9890 Cultivators Disc and harrow for Cub Tractor with fast hitch, Carroll Co. 410-848-8437. 8 ft. double cultipacker. AC WC tractor runs good. 3-N-H 880-R2 com heads. Honda 90 trail bike-good shape. Cecil Co. 410-658-6447. Mixed hay at bam $1.50 per bale, Carbon County 717-427-4003 8 ft steel field roller. Lane. Co. 121 Gap Road, Christ iana, Pa 17509. New Idea 290 Haybine, new knife bar & belts, ready for field and 290 J.D. com planter, ready to work (717) 382-4383 York Co. For sale 5 stainless steel hog feeders 5 holes per side, good condition, $150.00 each, all for $700.00 Phone (717) 944-1007. Reg. Recorded Grade Nubian Goats; also 2 otter Rex Bucks; Dav. Co. 469-2715 Grantville, Pa. DS See Tour Local Badger Dealer HONESDALE SPREADING SERVICE INC. 505 Cliff St. Hontidalt, PA 18431 (717) 253*2410 CHIOESTER FARMS RO 2, Box 75 Kmgslty. PA 18826 (717) 289*4260 MELVIN G. MILLER RT 2, Spring Mill, PA 16875 (814) 422*8279 Check out the rest then PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. nr 2. Oey. PA 19547 (215) 987*6277 buy the best Badger l BHM FARM EQUIP. INC. RR 1. Annvtlio, PA 17003 (717) 867*2211 SHOW EASE STALL CO. 573 Willow Rd Llncisnr, PA 17601 (717) 299-2536 DEERFIELD AG & TURF CENTER, INC. RO 2, Box 212 Wiisontown. PA 17777 (717) 536-3557 HEFLIN SALES A SERVICE 12312 Oak Hill Rd Woodsboro. MD 21798 (301) 896-3233 CHAMBERSBURG FARM SERVICE 975 S Mam Si Chambiriburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-3533 SOMERSET BARN EQ. RD *5 Somarsal, PA 15501 (814) 443-5555 McMtLLEN BROS. RD 1 Box 134 loysvllla, PA 17047 (717) 769*3961 HESS’ EQUIPMENT Salts 6 Sarvice RR 3. Mfflmburg. PA 17644 (717) 966*2720 966*1996 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24,1993-D7 Volvo Penta stemdrive unit complete engine & outdrive $350, Woods Cadet 60" Brush Hog mower pull type $550. North. Co. 215-837-6454. 1963 Ford Fairiane 500, FricK 2 saw edger, Case construction King backhoe/ extend-a-hoe, 1963 Ford FlOO 4x4. Lehigh Co. 215-767-9385. AC 13 tractor w/cult, nice tires, runs good, $B5O 215-495-7523. 1983 Weekender travel trailer living room bath bunks sleeps 8 awning real nice cond., make an offer. Leb. Co. 717-866-5215 Oliver 70 runs good looks nice, Farmall F-12 runs, very nice, side covers for Oliver 88. Bucks Co 215-822-9501. Toro grounds master 52" deck power grass catcher $2200 8.0., Simplicity 17 HP tractor 48” deck hydro, $5OO. Middlesex Co 908-249-2984. MC #9 7’ grass mower reconditioned looks like new trailer reg gear make offer. Isaac E Fisher. Starlme roller mill good cond., also liq delivery truck w/2- 800 gal poly tanks good working order. Lane. Co. 717-354-4996. IHC 16' double roll culti packer, excel., $75. IHC 3 bar' hay rake-tedder on steel, excel., $75. Blair Co. 814-793-3573 Property for sale by owner 3.97 acres private bids accepted. Abner Fisher. Sheep-11 ewes. 1- ram, 18- lambs, Suffolk, dorset polypay crosses, healthy shots up to date $l5OO Perry Co 717-567-9235 6' Int. bar mower- belt driven- 3 pt -hitch. Alvin Stoltzfus. MF 540 combine, 13' grain head, 44 corn head, 1,194 hr., good cond . NH 489 haybine. Union Co 717-966-3965. Thrashing machine Belle City v.g. 22x40 #2 Hart ware 10' long adj height feeder on rubber, $7OO Mifflin Co. Jonas Peachey. Silos: 10,000 gal. vertical steel tanks, no rust, also 20,000 gal. horiz. tank, no rust, free. Balt. Co 410-823-2640. 16.9x24 tires, 50% or more tread. 717-272-2352. 54' taper board feeder w/ flip board $750,30' convey or $295, 12’ conveyor, $2OO, motors included North'd. Co. 717-758-6284. J( ib she**' 'tibf Jacob sheep: reg lambs, excel, bloodlines, also Jacob cross ewes & lambs, wonderful spinning wool, sweet lean meat. Leb Co. 717-866-4678 Snapper rear engine rider like new, rear bagger elec start $B5O, New Parker sweeper pull type 36" $3OO. Lane. Co 717-354-4209 Tobacco rails 40 = 4x6x22', 50 = 3x6xlB’, 40 = 4x4xl4’ only reasonable offers accepted Lane Co 717-733-1682 Pygmy goats non reg does dealings $lOO, ducklings $5O, diff. colors, also west ern saddles pony, adult $75 ea. Lane Co 717-665-4089 Front tine rototiller, $75 Lane Co 717-733-7855 after 4 30 p m CL3O Ford skid-loader hydro $3900, NH 315 baler like new baled $3500, bales 70 angles thrower super sweep $4975, Nl trailer mower $275, Farmall H tractor $ 1 295 717-354-0266 Gehl OMC round baler hyd tie field ready Bedford Co 814-224-2778 Monarch lathe 12x36 quick change gearshead, tooling, oak toolbox. Oliver 8” crim per interlocking steel rolls 1000' cherry lumber Leb Co 717-865-0503 Troy Built rototHtor 8 hp., Kohler Magnum elec, start w/hiller furrower bumper excel, cond., $l4OO. Lane. Co. 215-484-0983. JD 336 wire baler very nice $2OOO. Susq. Co. 717-222-4295. JD Van Brunt grain drill, ready for the field, $l5O. Dau. Co. 717-566-2958. 8 wk. lamb for sale very tame bottle fed must go to good home, are asking $35. 717-442-9559. Antique pony bo tee excel, cond., $650 cash, new pair buggy shafts $4O. West minster Md. 21157. 1-410-848-0926. Purebred golden retriever puppies, fat, frisky, frolicky, friendly, farm raised pups, $lOO ea„ ready to go. Franklin Co 717-375-4684, Ford PU bed fits 87-91 dark red 8' style side $650. Mon mouth Co. 717-536-1390 day, 717-566-3457 night. 1969 Dodge 350 cattle truck ebby body 60,000 miles, 318 engine 4 speed, very good cond , $lOOO. 410-329-2151 Refrigerated deli & meat cases without compres sors, meat rails from butch er shop Cecil Co Md 410-287-5277 Railroad crossing cross buck w/pole for outside your layout room’ $5O Paulsboro N.J 609-423-7245 eves Mute male swan or trade for mute female or black female Wanted female rhea deliver to N H Sales. CT 203-564-2579 JD 1219 haybine $2,500, good cond 908-537-2085 Old bricks from smoke house, many are in good cond , also JD rotary hoe. Leb Co. 717-933-5370 2 purebred Charolais bulls, smooth polled, sired by The Great Houdini, born 6/2/92, $BOO, born 7/28/92 $7OO New York. 315-735-2044. Pontiac 1977 Catalina sedan V 8 AT, AC, PB. PS, black good tires dean no rust, inspect., $4OO 080. Leb. Co. 717-865-6220. Holstein bull Gambler son dam tony dtr. 365 d. 39,603 4.1% EX9I, 2nd Dam 365 39,260 3.9% proven breed er. Lane Co Amos E. Stoltzfus, RD 335 Millwood, Gap, Pa 4 yr. old Amencan sad dlebred style snap, needs more road. Leon H. Hoov er, 231 Snyder Drive, New Holland. Pa. 17557. NH 469 haybine. Lane. Co 717-367-7831. 1989 GMC SLE ’/, ton loaded, excel, cond , $6,500. Berks Co 215-589-4818. Hobart 80 qt mixer, elect 110, GE convection ovens, single phase, other bakery items avail., closing bakery Leb Co 717-933-5569. Motorola HT6OO UHF 2 way radios w/rapid char gers $750 ea, electric fuel pump $2OO, reg polled hereford yearling bull large frame heavy muscled, good disposition, $llOO, straw chopper for JD 6600 combine, $525 717-866-4185 520 JD sprayer centnfugal pump, good cond , $BOO Western Berks Co 215-589-4308 84 Coachman limited edi tion travel trailer 23'/: ' sleeps 6 full bath w/shower, awning, battery reserve, excel, cond , single family ownership, must see Lane Co 717-560-8894 Angora goat mother w/ baby at her side, both reg animals. Mon Co 609-259-1102 leave message Steel cable, % " will cut to length, 50' (new), 4"x8", 4 sided planer, round head, roller hearing $l5OO Lane Co 717-354-0192
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