D6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24,1993 f.'All nox MARKET I F^SALE D AKC Labs males, females black or cream, shots, wormed, ready 4/19/93 so cute, call evenings, Priced to sell 717-933-5399. Leb. Co. JD 105 combine w/cab, needs engine or sell for parts. 23.1x26 Michlien R-3 95% $9OO, 28LX26 BP Goodrich, $450, Bradford 717-888-1280. Lime Trailer 3 Axle Steel Air Slide, call 717-442 4415 after 6 p.m. 1941 Ford 9N, good condi tion, good tires & 1953 Fer guson 30, good condition, new tires, Schuylkill Co. 717-682-9277. Rototillers, “Howard' Model 620 3 speed, 2 cyl., V.G C„ “Sears' 32* wide, fits on club cadet 1 cyl. G C., Camden Co. 609-561-4618. Perry County 1972 12x65 Indy 2-Bedroom, Utility room refrig., stove, kitchen table, GE washer & dryer, curtains. Must move, $5,200. 717-789-3433 Two 3-tiered rabbit pens, $25.00 each; three rolls snow fence, $10.00; 35 cockatiel nest boxes, $2.50 each. Lebanon County 717-866-2853. JD 24-T baler, parts or fix asking $2OO, JD #25 self powered combine, new clutch, new canvas, $5OO. Hunter. Co. 908-782-1725. Spotted jack donkey quiet cute likes people 12H 4 yr. old. Chester Co. 215-692-6059. S.L a* cmi %km FEED DUNKS ONE-SIDFD DUNKS $25.00 REBATE feed gunks d- u . On all other bunks Including /^/^rrTIVTT 4’ and 12 ’ Mlnl Bunks and — —l7 ///|\\\3J| Feed-a-bag Feeders. ' =sS '^!sC„' GET A CHECK DIRECTLY FROM S. I. FEEDERS OR FEED a BAG FEEDER . DEDUCT THE REBA TE FROM YOUR PURCHASE PRICEI ftl ij viiil &EEB &/tcLfccu/et’ Jjtl' > J / Schoßssaw; CH] 100-120 Lehigh Ave. • PO Box 928 Batavia, New York 14021-0928 716/343-5411 FAX 716/343-0346 Farmall H Tractor, good condition with mounted saw, Buck Oliver two bot tom 14" pull type plow $1,250.00 0.b.0. Berks Co. 215-562-7332 or 562-5924. Grafted English Walnut Trees, large bearing age named varieties. Tags lost, you dig $5.00 ea. or make offer. Dauphin county, 717-564-6176. 14x50 Brown tile stave silo 12x40 concrete stave silo, Free, you take down. Northampton County 215-252-1344 Suffolk sheep and lambs, Nbm goats and kids, Adams County, 717-624-7433. 36 ft New Holland elevator $3OO 3 8 ft sections, little giant elevator trough $5O, section phone 927-6248, York Co. 1986 Chev. Celebrity, 4 cyl. runs good, body excellent, AT, A.C., AM/FM, cruise, good tires, $1995.00 717-252-4817, York Co. Daytona Pickup 82, good running condition, not inspected, good ‘4 wheel er* for farm, air cond., Diesel, Lane. Co. 717-656-7270. J.D. 3,000 Corn Planter, this planter and fert. box insectide all in good condi tion, hy cylinder, Monerder goes. Berks Co. 717-9833-4721. NH TR 75 combine recon ditioned 1/91 with TRB6 rasp bars; Cat motor; 4 row (30") com head; 13 ft grain i head; $43,000 obo, call (703) 337-4430 FEEDERS '"''’MmS, file REBATES hEdAIES AHE IN EFFECT MARCH 1. 1093 TO JUNE 25, 1093 CUMMINGS and BRICKER, c Wholesale ‘Distributors Dorset ram reg. 4 yrs, old $l5O. York Co. 717-259-0553. Paris for 930 Case tractor including steel wheels & belt pulley assembly. Jacob S. Beiler. MF 62 3 pt. 4 bt. plow w/ extras $5OO, MF 468 4 row planter dry w/insect, $5OO, MF 33 grain drill $lBOO. Berks Co. 215-756-6068. MF 82 3 pt. 4 bt. plow w/ extras $5OO, MF 468 4 row planter w/insecticide, dry $5OO, MF 33 grain drill $lBOO. Berks Co. 215-756-6298. 311 McCormick fast hitch 3 btm. plow, 15' 12' 8' drag spring harrows, MH 7‘ mower. Schuyl. Co. 717-345-6204. JD 1240 plateless corn planter w/disc openers $BOO, Nl #2Ol triple beater manure spreader $9OO. Southern York Co. 717-235-6733. Oliver Superior drill 16 disc hi-steel wheels, working order $4OO 8.0. Adams Co. 717-677-8096 call after 8 p.m. 105 Cub Cadet hydro good cond., $4OO. Wanted wheel weights (or 1650 Cub Cadet. Lane. Co. 717-738-2044. Apr. 27th, Westminster Md. Livestock sale rag. black angus bred cows, heifers, n bulls to be sold dur uction Sale, eves. 1-410-775-7036. Used spring wagon on steel new bed 12 volt lights $lO5O, new spring wagon on rubber, also blue heeler puppies $lOO. Lane. Co. 717-859-3833. % 5150.00 REBATE on •* Ftodtr Wagons reqaidlsst of tit* $50.00 REBATE On all 10’, 15’, and 20’ Full Size Trailer Bunks And on 8’ & 20’ Mini Bunks. T<k fuilhof details, contact yotir nearest SI dealer or lha address below DISTRIBUTED BY: Branch; 100 Stover Drive Carlisle, PA 17013 717/249-6720 FAX 717/249-9384 Australian outback saddle $3OO, western show saddle $4OO, both new, trade for Jersey heifer calves. Bed ford Co. 814-356-3366 after 3 p.m. Oliver 1755 tractor w/dual hyds. 3 pth., powershift 2100 orig. hrs., $5750, 8 tooth chisel plow $lOOO. Chester Co. 215-932-0221. 4 row mechanical trans planter Farmall 2 pt. fast hitch. Cumb. Co. 717-243-8153 after 6 p.m. Alfalfa & mixed hay. Adams Co. 717-677-8981. Front & roar cults, for Far mall M w/hyd. cyls. good 360 Ford truck engine. York Co. 717-927-6967. 4 row 7000 JD com planter AC power unit. Lane. Co. Elmer S. Esh, 440 A Peters Rd., Gordonville, Pa. 17529. Case 1737 gas engine, complete w/carb, distribu tor, headwork, new short block less than 200 hrs., $2OOO. Lane. Co. 717-426-1501. NH #26 super lift blower, 2- 18' Badger thrower wagons. Lane. Co. 717-653-4086. Open front carriage fair cond., $5OO. Lane. Co. Jonas S. Esh, 307 A Queen Rd., Gordonville, Pa. 17529. 1971 Int tamden axle dig ger truck, all hyd. boom cracked at base $2500. Lewis Co. 304-269-3865. Magnatrack crawler, 16 HP, 4 spd. transmission, blade & rear hitch for plow, cultivators etc., very good cond., $2500. 717-265-6465. sans SSIP m * S 3 SEW rap m Inc. , ■ ■—l- '' ■ ■ GS T tickle bar mower 3 5 2-ton bridge crane* 60 extra pans excel, oond., alum, frame windows, 20 | SSO Col Co 30‘ 4 paddle fan's 3 metal 71 7-458-6633 eves office desk a. S.L. Stoltzfua, 3875 Old Phila. Pike, Gtor donviile, Pa. 17520 Sea green juniper 3'-4' B/B, $l2. Perry Co. 717-536-3265 after 6 p.m. Coonhounds brindle ptotts $125 picked up 6 mo. old started to tree. York Co. 717-266-3546 before 8 p.m. Ford 345-C, 52 H.P.D. loader tractor, shuttle trans., 3 pt., PTO, remote hyd. like new $18,500, B'x2l’ culvert tanks $240. Berks Co. 215-926-3841. NH 24' hay or grain eleva tor w/elect. motor excel, cond. York Co. 717-292-3172. Pygmy goat 4 pygmy-cross kids, affectionate, also spring lams, reasonable. Lane. Co, 717-548-3958 after 7 p.m. Automotive & Commercial Batteries Hi Tech's automotive battery Kne provides reliable starting power and maximum per formance. Our commercial batteries are specially designed to meet the tough demands of commercial service. Computer controlled manufacturing assures durability and performance under the most demanding conditions. HiTech batteries undergo over 250 quality control checks to assure maximum cranking power and life. WEAVERS MACHINE SHOP East Earl, PA (215) 445-SBM MOLTS AUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS Ephrata, PA Manheim, PA Fiveppintville, PA (717) 738-1171 (717) 865-3216 (717) 445-6714 BUILDINGS, INC. 3368 York Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325 717/624-3331 CHI or writ today for more Information 1 yr. mixed black lab. 21 highland 55 laying-hens, 6 wire rabbit cages w/ feeders, waters, best offer. Cumber. Co. 717-776-5878. Formica counter top w/ stainless sink 22x25, cabinets under 25d, 861, 36h, fixtures incl. good cond. Fairfax, Vac. 703-759-5281. Schuler feeder wagon w/J- Star scales very good cond., $3500 best offer. Wash. Co. 301-582-2277. Backhoe, Arps model 90 3 pt., digs 9 ft., PTO pump, very good cond., $2600. Berks Co. 215-562-3436. Ml elevator w/motor, swivel shuts, JD rear mounted T sickle bar mower on swivel wheel. Kermit F. Delong, 8556 Furnace Rd., Slating ton, Pa. 18080. DAVID C. HOOVER GAP WAMPLER DIESEL SERVICE REPAIR SHOP Chambersburg, PA Ronks, PA Kinzers, PA (717) 369-4983 (717) 656-3322 NOLTS Excellence Since 1903 CONTACT: 1-800-447-7436 7700 N hypro roKar pump $l5O, head air cleaner NF w/steering mechanidsm & other parts in good shape for 5000 Ford. Lane. Co. 717-738-2675. 2 story house, 3 bdrm., 2 acres, borders, 2 acres, borders state game lands, native fishing streams, seventeen miles North Wil liamsport, Lyc. Co. 717-634-2149. 1934 Pa. special issue hunting license $25, 1926 Pa. resident fishing license button $5O. Wayne Co. 717-785-3353. 19th Century log house completely disassembled w/all logs marked, extra logs & stone included. Northampton Co. 215-767-5976 after 6 p.m.' Wooden wheel wagon gear good cond. Wanted uni hydro 42-14 iron worker in good cond. will consider other makes. Lane. Co 717-354-2732. MAINTENANCE FREE NOLTS AUTO PARTS P.O. BOX 126, Philllpsburg, NJ 08865 908/454-7900 Mnofc only, call 1-MO-4M-86M
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