Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 144
M’Lrihfeaster ftrinlnj,' Safatdaf, 'April 44; 1493 1985 Ford Ranger Pick-up, 4 cyl E.F I. 5 spd AC, PS, PB. Tool Box MD. Inspected, very clean, $2,450 0.b.0. Cecil County 410-658-9417. S S Camping lifetime member ship Honeyßrook all sea sons' and Coast to coast membership, may be willed Delco. 215-521-2729 Large assortment Lumber (all kinds), panels, bricks, cement blocks, tiles, chains, shopping carts, chairs, pinch bars, exting uishers, new refng. 19.6 cu ft. Phila (215) 544-2424, best 7 to 9 a m 310 NH Baler, good condi tion, with or without engine John G. King, 486 Mapleshade Road, Kirk wood, Pa 17536. Lancaster County used bee equip. 18 supers and misc. items, good cond. $450 00 Lancaster Co (717) 687-7288. 50 M Bu Grain Bin 10 M Bu Grain Bin 2 M Bu Grain Bin 75' & 50’ Elevator Leg, package only. Lane. Co 717-653-1765. Chains fit cub Farmall like new $25.00 M.F. suitcase weight $30.00 2 bottom trailer plow $65.00, York Co. 717-235-2032. IH 454 Utility tractor with 1850 loader 1480 hrs dual hyd 75% rubber, good cond. York County, 717-764-5874. John Deere 24T Baler, good condition, Monroe County (215) 681-4305. Complanter, gandy insecti cide boxes, minimum til liage attachment, $450. Wanted; 3 pt implements and spare parts for Ford BN-9N, Northampton (215) 837-6454. 79 Pinto S.W. runs good, needs some body work. $150.00 Luz. 717-542-4540. AKC Siberian Husky pups, shots, wormed, ready to go, $135 Frystown (717) 933-8764 McCormick Deenng Cream Separator, excellent condi tion, hand cranked or motorized $2OO 00. Call 717-865-6943. Leb. Co. Berthoud M4OO Cannon type Air blast sprayer, good condition, $3OOO. ACIBO 35' axle clearance rebuilt eng Lane. Co 738-2675. New Jet Pump mounted on 12 gallon tank Sears cen trifugal pump w/one horse power electric motor. Both for $125 00 (717) 755-8068. York Kawasaki Jet Skis (3)-300, 440, 550, one wedge set and cart. All excellent con dition Carroll Co , Md (410) 876-1746 Leave message Soybeans, state tested 95% germination, cleaned, bagged, high yielding, easy loading. York County, 717-432-4865 John Deere wire baler $95 00, Internal Hay Crim per, $95 00, Adult turkeys & Geese $lO 00, Morgan Colts $1,250 York County, 717-229-2218 Keeshond AKC Female loves people, not house broken, needs room to run, $45 00. Lancaster County, 717-653-4931 David Bradley Garden Tractor 6 hp with reverse cultivators, plow disc 24” rotary mower snow blade snowblower, 717-259-9759 after 4 00 Adams County | Home raised gilts f C ISM control; « | health f quality | uniformity I I q cost. 5 a Nobody's better q | at it than you | dMike Cherchuck | * (717) 258-1056 { New 8' spinner tedder $lO5O. Rebuilt Gehl 1000 Grasshead with new wheels $650.00. VA yrold Holstein bull with excellent records $ll5O 00 Lane. Co. 343 Christiana Pike, Christiana, Pa 17509 Registered Jersey Heifer calves, ideal youth dairy club projects. Excellent show, winning bloodlines, service age, Jersey Bull, Centre Co 814-466-6669. Two 2-bottom plows to fit I.H. tractors excellent con dition, $250 each 302-994-2996 after 6pm 20x60 Harvestore silo, good condition, $3900. Can give a price moved Ches ter County 215-269-3442. Dismantling 16’ 3 bebter Dion Forage box for parts Leb. Co 717-865-4517 or 865-0589 t J I’V i, 'jJ k I « : wSvZ* T,h mon^ s wW a 10 GUTSHALL'S, INC. RD 2 Rta BSOW Loyavilla, PA and 1201 Spring Rd. Caiiiala, PA HINES EQUIPMENT PO Box 5, Rt. 22 Crosaon, PA HR 03, Bex 550, AHoona (Ball wood) Reduced-runabout $3OO spring wagon $6OO, good condition. 717-532-3253, Cumberland County Also Harness $75.00 William H. Donovan, 2239 Pine Rd., Newville, Pa 17241. F-20 round spoke wheels, I Beams 21'xl 2"x5 1 /* ", 717-264-8814. 7 Reg. Holstein Heifers, due soon, calf vac. T.B Bangs, brucellosis, leuko sis, free out of DHIA Herd Juniata Co. 717-694-3684. Polled Hereford cows with calfs at side 5 breeding bulls. Call deliver phone 717-345-2488. Free dog: Cocolate Labra dor wilh papers. Lane. Co. 215-445-6142. Woods three point 42" rot ary mower, good cond. $300.00. Lane. Co. 717-626-6805. New belts. 510 International 18 disk Grain Dnll made from fac tory, all grain, no fertilizer, high truck wheels $B5O 00, Berks Co 717-933-4721. Stretch your equipment purchase dollars with €ehl Finance. Talk to your participating Gehl dealer about our current programs Waiver of finance _ __ on all Gehl LOW APR* equipment until 0 % {qt jg monthg September 1. 1993 5.9% for 36 months Then standard rate “UK" - financing 9.9% for up 6.9 /o tOT 48 months to 36 months after that OR CASH 1 REBATES certain restnaions mac apple See vour participating oiht dealer tor complete details oehl companc reserces the nght to interpi modiK or cancel these programs at am time without pnor notice Available From Your Local Participating Dealer MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RR 01 Stauffer Rd. Bachtolavllla, PA LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO., INC. 700 E. Llndan SI. Richland, PA A.L HERR & BRO. ickES FARM SUPPLY 312 Park Ava. Rt. 1 Hwy Waal Quarryvllla, PA Oatarburg, PA Golf Cart - Yamaha, 4-wheel-gas engine $475.00; Call (215) 269-6777 before 5:00 p.m. Chester Co., Pa. Commercial walk behind mower 48" 12.5 Kaw. well maintained, $1150.00 Del. Co. 215-399-3359. Duroc Boars, Service Age, Price resonable, from vali dated herd Also Suffolk Lambs, would make excel lent show prospects. Cum berland County 717-243-0772. 44-8 ft. Shenandoah waters for Broiler's, Juniata Co. Call 717-694-3584 after 8 p.m. 1971 Pontiac T-37 Coupe, Woods RM9O 3 point, 6-cyl. At 36,800 one owner mower 3 blades, 7.5' cut miles since new, $1,500.00 $1500.00, Howard Price, 0.b.0. Fred Serfass, R.D.4, 180 Model 4w drive, diesel, Box 185, Boyertown, PA 15'cut, $14,000. Del Coun -19512. 215-369-1394. ty 215-358-0725. Bee supplies & Equipment HB Smith Hand fired coal Pkg Bees & Queens, Buy boiler 100,000 BID 8 yrs. Beeswax cash or trade, old, excellent condition; Rainbow Apiaries, 1000 gallon fuel tank, 215-445-6674, Lane. Schuylkill County, (717) County. 467-3540 after 8:00. EHL STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1066 Lincoln Way Waal Chambartburg, PA ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RR 02, Box 24A Naw Ringgold, PA Leyland 'Nufleld pulley, 1 new, never used, M-FlO Baler for parts, Pittsburg 14' Disc. Steuben Co. eve. (607) 698-4137. Utility Golf cart, 4 wheels, gas, steel body 1989, excellent cond. $1,800.00 Grasshopper Diesel Mow er, 60" cut, $2500.00 Ches ter County 215-793-1970. Two year old wild turkey hens, ready for breeding Also, wild turkey poults. Berks (215) 385-3973. Feeder steers & Heifers chartais & Simmental cross 400 to 600 lbs. Also 3 yr. old Charlais Bull shown 2 yrs, gentle. Call 717-244-9381. CHOP IT DOWN Gehl forage harvesters get the job done faster with these performance features BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rethavllla Station Rd. Lltltz, PA 6 month old rhea chicks gray split to white, also rown shea and emu eggs, Berks Co. 215-987-3020. Roll guard for 666-656 far mall A.C.B. w/belly mow ers, 1650 Cub Cadet, Union Co., Pa. 717-568-4752. Outside Dog Kennel 10x10, Dog box and patio blocks, 717-865-4420 John Deere 443 Corn Head, good cond. No rea sonable offer refused. Berks Co. 215-944-9276. 1987 Ford F-150- XLT Lar iat 4x4, 5,0 L V 8 AT. PS. PB, AC, Am-Fm Cass., PW, PDL, 2-tone blue & tan, $57,000 mi. Ex. Cond. Call after 8 p.m. (717) 998-9525. New Hyd. Pump for J.D. 2-cylinder tractor goes behind magneto after 8:30 p.m. 814-448-2910, Box 25, 3 Springs, Hunt. Co. Pa. 17264. Truck Cap fits Ford Ran ger, long bed, all aluminum $lOO.OO Fred. Co.. Md. 301-898-3966. \ mm Exclusive Auto-Max Load-Sensing System - Increase capacity by up to 20% Lets you operate at top capacity without the fear of downtime due to overloading. Metal-Stop Metal Detector - Prevents machine damage and hardware disease. m In-head Hydraulic Knife Sharpener - Lets you sharpen knives in the field. Patented One-Sided Cutterbar Adjustment - Makes adjusting the cutterbar quick and easy. w Three Models To Choose From - Including the largest capacity pull-type forage harvester on the market. I fl 00* f ° T 18 m St****?** 1 * 6 ‘ 9%f 0r 4fi m ° n *ha m °ntba UMBERGER’S OF FONTANA RR 04 (Fontana) Labanon, PA MILLER-LAKE RR 02, Box 273 A Ballavilla, PA SmitrOomprwwsr model ’ Ido 1983 Ford gas engine, very good condition, $2950.00 Crown Pallet truck, excellent $225.00 (215) 326-4969, Berks Co. Belt Drive Generator 2.5 kw like new $l5O, shop built, wood lathe 20" swing 10’ bed $3OO. Berks Co. 215-856-7856. Oxy-Acetyline outfit. Tanks, torch, gauges and cart $375.00 Oliver Radex plow 3 Btm, 3 Pth, good shape $350. 215-536-6672. Bucks Co. Would like to buy several hundred tomato cages or smaller quantities, York Co. 717-755-7274. Boston Terrier pups, 1 male $75.00, 3 female $lOO.OO each. Ready by May 3 (717) 354-7423, Lane. Co. 1975 22% ft Chevy Midas mini home, new radial tires & refrigerator air & Pod on top, 24,000 mi, stored inside. Franklin Co $8900.00 0.b.0. 717-762-5005. m togT/Sr 2*72t <<W2 Gehl Cqi D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. Main Location SI4B Cap Stlna Rd. Frederick, MO Taylorsville, Md. (Bob's Welding) HOUGHTAUNG GARAGE RR 02 Middlabury Canter, PA TOM DUNLAP Rt. 220 - Main St. Jersey Shore, PA