Engines Detroit 671 GMC 478 Magnum 72 GMC Tan dem 14' Steel dump IHIBF44R Tandem Ford 68 F5OO 1950 AC Oloiver 350 IH Tractor, Backhoe, Ches ter Co. 302-762-2791. Registered T.W.H. Chest nut Gelding 15 H Ex Trail Goes anywhere $1200.00; Blk Western Saddle $150.00. Allegany. Md. 301-264-4769. Two 40 ft Storage Trailers (both $1200.00) will sell separate; 1957 Fruehauf flatbed 40 ft $200.00. Here ford County, 410-838-7953. Plow Oliver 3 pt with gauge wheel adjustable wide 12-16 $6OO firm. Fast Hitch off 460 Complete $125 firm, 410-721-2897. Used Amish carriage, Ph, 717-656-0038, Lane. Cty. Call 7 to 9 a.m. Farm Wagon, new bed wheels and springs, heavy duty gear $975. Aaron Smucker, 101 Strubel Rd., Strasburg, PA 17579. White $543 4-row no-till corn-planter-dry fertilizer/ insecticide. Van Dale Sil age Transport Cart. Both shed kept, very good condi tion 410-398-3879. Cecil Co ■rifediesel Performance specialists, a summsw ornoEL power supply .1 N. SHIRK RD. - NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Specializing In Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines SALES - SERVICE - PARTS 354-4801 Of 354-21 MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our Please NO PHONE CALLS (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale MF 1130 Cab with MF 246 Loader Ex. motor. Bradford Co. 717-358-3742. Pick-up Bed for full-size Dodge, no-rust w/rear axle Spare tire on rim 8.75-16 5 It load Range D 6-ply rat ing, best offer. York Co. after 7 p.m. 717-993-3350 Ford 8000 with Turbo is in use, come and try it $4,500 Franklin Co. Phone 717-369-5064. Two bottom Ford Plow 14". 3 pt hook up. Call (717) 533-2081, Hershey, Pa. Dauphin Co. RH Bathtub $15.00, 3-74- porch posts $15.00, hot water heat pump, 1,3,5, h.p. Refrigeration compres sors. After 6:00 p.m. Lane. 717-367-5822. NH 1496 Haybine, .12' head, cab and air, diesel, hydrostatic huntingdon Co. 814-447-3713. Registered Alpine doe milk mg one gallon dally $175.00 2 registered Alpine buck kids with papers $50.00 without $25.00. 814-448-2541 Hunt. Co. Pallet forks to fit 2000 load er, VG $250, 16' wooden bale body. Franklin Co. 717-328-2336, Must sell, divorce. Int. 504 utility, 3 pt. sprayer, 3 bot tom plow. 8 ft offset frans. disk, make offer. Warren 908-475-3067. NGI mailbox markets, Check One: Notice 2 Amish carriages,- one very good condition Fiberglass body. One fair condition. 717-656-0038 before 9:00 a m Lane Co McCormick two horse culti vator. Papec Ensilabe Cul ler Style N 3 13" 24' Bale Elevator. Luzerne Co 717-824-7087. Case Vac Tractor, runs good but block cracked. New radiator 10x34 tires $350 Wyoming County 717-836-2744. 18' V 4 T. Swinging Gantry $4OO ea. HL Hough Pay loader w/w-9 engine, excel lent, Sherman 10ft Back hoe attachment, New Castle, 302-239-5684 Horse drawn tobacco plant er $4OO. Electric clipper $B5. Amos E. Stoltzfus, 201 Memorial Rd, Lltltz, Pa. 17543. Lane. Co. Heavy Duty Spring Wagon $5OO. Misc. Engines 4 hp new way, also some parts, Maytags Briggs Clinton Wise, others, Aaron S. King 155 Herb Rd., Ronks, Pa 17572. NH Bale Thrower B/O Elam R. Stoltzfus, RR2 Box 547, Jersey Shore, Pa 17740. Lycoming co. A-C Dl7 Diesel 90% rub ber, 4x16 trip bottom plow, AC model 2300 transport disc. All excellent $4000.00, 412-329-4651, Fayette Co. Travel trailer 17' 1964 vol unter, water heater cracked, everything else very good condition, $BOO.OO, 0.b.0. Lane. County. 717-665-7842. WANTED For Stealing Feedlot Profits ‘Shifty Starting’ ‘Blackie Blackbird’ Avitrol treated gram baits have been proven successful year after year in removing pest birds from feedlota * ERA Approved HESS AGRI RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE MARKETING A^l/aI 21* Rockpolnt Road # %W# 111 Ml Marietta, PA 17547 (717) 426-3135 Wanted 20 rioMh '■ «• tweeter flNmln&’Mufdf ft* 4MMHF 199MJ3 Qasslooo 00 D6-BUDoz- ov ? rhaul on ongine, nice ~ ' An #lO pant, on almost now steel Of $3500.00 #l2 Grader wheels Ift" nnen renters $lOOO.OO. 201-827-7555, v 08 Tv c..»»aw Yates Co., NY Sussex Only. 607-243-5873 Equipment Trailer 12 Ton 22' Beaver Tail $2200.00 0.b.0.; 1954 Ford F-250 Pickup 8 cyl. $750.00-1937 GMC C&C $BOO.OO 215-461-9985. Del. Co. Horse Trailer, Custom Deluxe 4-Horse Tag-along, Valley used 5 times like new, garage kept, tack compt. Padded stalls, $4,995. ‘■l9B6'' (Berks Co. 215-845-3707). Farmall M and Oliver 415 7 ft. Sickle Bar mowe; also with sawbuck, everything together $2500. Berks Co 215-856-5091. 2 20' stoke bodys, good wood floors steel bulk heads, one rusted $625 and $225. Berks Co. 215-286-5311. Feeder cattle 3 steers, 2 heifers, Angus Holstein Cross. York co. 717-225-5153. JD 2440 Hi-Lo Indept. PTO, JD 3020 diesel N.F.E., Nobie 4 R cultiva tor, JD off set disc. 8 ft. Cut. Berks. 215-777-4272. 1977 Prowler RVTrailor 23' good condition, $2750.00, 4xB utility trailer $350.00, 410-374-2361 Baltimore County. AV Farmall cultivating trac tor with cultivators, vacuum lift, drawbar. Runs good, $1,000.00. Salem County, N.J. 609-769-2158. 18 Gutter Orates 16"x5’ used 1 yr, make offer, phone 717-322-0031. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMI Requirements; t) Subscribers allowed ‘one’ free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. “ The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Mark ets that do not meet these requirements. ** Mall To; Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets P.O. Box 609 1 E. Main SL Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phene Call Plsasel Heavy Duty impact doors $5O, dock cushion seals s2s,24'refrig produce dis play $5O, 8’ deli display $2O, Berks (215) 589-4374 1953 Studebaker pickup, runs well, needs restoration plus 2nd parts truck. IVS hp domestic engine with pump, restored. Mor. Co 908-571-8627. 7 celing fans w/belts, hydraulic motor, $BOO.OO, 4’ floor fan Honda engine, good cond. $400.00. Lane Co. 717-733-4231. Int. UDIB engine, parts or repair heads v.g.c. Brad ford Co 717-265-3161. IH 45 Vibra Shank 3 pt. field cultivator 10' $375 00, 10' Harrow $225.00. Lane Co. 717-355-0596. A.C. crawler with bucket and forks. Has a lot of pow er. Also 1 ton Hyster Prop ane forklift. Ira J. Stoltzfus, 339 Spring Garden Rd, Kinzer, PA. 717-442-9622 (7:00). Spring Wagon with hydraulic brakes, good condition, $650.00. Coun try Lane Coach Shop, 700 Country Lane, Paradise, Pa 17562 32 ft. Zimmerman elevator, good condition, $750 David L. Click, 78 Old Holt waood Rd„ Holtwood, Pa 17532. Lancaster Co. Maytag auto. Washers, 1 apartment size 1 full size need little repair $5O each York County, 717-456-5851. 150 Ford truck with Cap, 1976 High Miles, needs body work, $3OO 00 obo Lancaster Co 215-286-5088 Cool cell unit complete 84' long, like new, $6OO Lane Co (717) 733-1309 Lancaster Farming Subscription Service * Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $19.00 per year or $36.00 for two years in PA. MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $29.00 per year, $56.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thurs day 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancas ter Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164.0 r 717-394-3047 1 ' PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING □ $19.00- 1 YEAR a $36.00- 2 YEARS n NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAME ADDRESS CITY. ZIP + 4 Black, also white face Ewes, two to 6 yrs old $75.00 each Chev Short Van, 4 captains & bed $lOOO.OO. Berks Co 215-488-6084. AC 3 bottom plow fits Dl5 quick hitch, Eve, Litchfield Co., 203 485-1452 (Connecticut) Market Wagon fiberglass box, good cond. Jonas Stoltzfus, HCR Box 10, Rebersburg, Pa 16872 Centre Co. Four Crossbred steers $1075. For all Chester Co. 215-869-2791 Manuel potato grader $25.00, wanted' rabbit waterers and tubing. Men no Stoltzfus, RD 1, Box 373, Loganton, Pa. 17747 Clinton Co 410-Gas Massey Combine 12’ head hume type reel cab w/heat $2500.11 ‘ Bus ter Bar $3OO. Col Co. 717-799-5425 (evenings). Agri-metal feed cart, Honda engine, hydrostatic, very good condition. Chester Co. 215-932-8170 NH 5717 Harvester w/ pickup head, IH 550 Harvester w/pickup and direct cut heads. IH Vibra shank and disk. Frederick Co 301-371 6429 1940 Farmall H with Hyd front-end loader. Manual Dump Bucket and Straight Blade $ll5O. Warren Co , NJ 908-689-3332 18 4x38 Firestone tires, 15-20% tread for duals $2O each. Chester co 215-593-6927. Welsh 210 Gallon sprayer 3 pt Hitch Pig Crates w/ feed and water dishes Feeder cattle wire rabbit pens (215) 249-3900 Car trailer $1299. 6 Ply' tires, brakes, ramps, tongue jack, safety chain, 7000 lbs g v w. New Castle Del 302-368-9534 • RENEWALS 1 (Check Appropriate Boxes) NON-REFUNDABLE J.D. KBA Disc Transport $300.00 Brillion 9' culti pacKer 4* Axle Ex. Cond $500.00 215-445-4309 Farmall H P.S. Remote hydralics Kalamazoo metal band saw 1984 1.9 Escort GT Eng & trans. Lane Co 717-355-9437 or 354-3195 Tobacco press, good $6O 00 Write RM Services, P.O. Box 171, Stevens, Pa 17578 or call (717) 665-5912 Free delivery Lane Co. 1952 International pickup motor apart, complete with spare motor $350/o.b o. solid body (410) 741-9541 AKC Basset Hound pup pies, Tri Color Male and Females, champion blood lines, Gloucester County, N.J. Call (609) 423-2786 $250.00. 8 week old neutered Billy goats, good pets, 1973 Dodge Comet, 1970 Ford 3/4 ton Pick-up truck, both run. Lane Co. 717-627-0786. 1939 Standard Ford four door, 44,000 miles, all ongi nal, runs great, no rust $6OOO 00. Kevin Fehr, 407 Chestnut Ave., North field, NJ 08225. 609-641-5910 12x20 insulated horse bam, lined with tach & stor age area, $lO5O or best offer Lancaster Co (717) 442-4259 10x12 A-Frame Dog Ken nel w-runs 6xB roadside stand 10-20 Brown laying hens. Ervin K Stoltzfus, 5996 Buena Vista Rd., Gap. Pa 17527. 205 Combine $500.00 203 + 503 combines for parts $200.00 each or 0.b.0 Snow blade for Farmall H $50.00 York County, (717) 229-2082 16 9-30 6 ply tires 60% Tread on power adjust rims $175 Lane Co 717-354-9368 □ $29.00-1 YEAR □ $56.00- 2 YEARS STATE
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