Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1993, Image 139
✓, *** 11 Acre Farmette In The Beautiful Southern Tier of Upstate NY. Modem 3 BR split ranch w/2 full baths and attached garage located on hardtop road 8 miles from Corning, NY. Buildings include modern 4-bay steel barn, and a small cattle and hay barn w/attached machinery shed. $117,500 Adjoining acreage available at S3SO/Acre (607) 523-6669 WIMPLE ASSOCIATES STATELY 1837 BRICK HOME: has 10 rooms, slate roof, 2 marble fireplaces, nice center hall and new Kalamazoo furnace. Good 60 cow barn, cleaner, 2 silos. 40x50 pole barn, 30x60 carriage house, shop. Horse stalls and room for 30 heifers. $125,000 with 35 acres or $165,000 with 125 acres. Up to 250 acres available. BEAUTIFUL LAND..BEAUTIFUL FARM: 422 acres of excellent honeoye soil in a real pretty area. Newer 80 tie barn suitable for show cattle has knotty pine stable, 2” Surge pipeline, 1250 gallon tank. Built on slope so pipeline stays level. Heated shop in 38x104 machinery barn. Newer 3 bed room home. Excellent herd and equipment available. You'll like this one! Asking $399,000. Will divide. COMPLETE FARM IN AMISH AREA: 178 acres with 125 tillable, good soil area. Nice 52 stall barn with 30 stalls in wing, Patz cleaner, 3 silos. Good sized home with limestone foundation. INCLUDES: 50 milkers, young stock, 3 tractors and com plete machinery for $250,000. MORT WIMPLE ASSOCIATES SLOANSVILLE, N.Y. 518-875-6355 FAX: 875-6749 FREE DAIRY CATALOGUES Elden Strand Jim Strand Broker/Owner Salesman STRAND REALTY STRAND REALTY P.O. Box 143 Telephone P.O. Box 143 Telephone Miles City. MT 59301 (406) 232-6378 Miles City, MT 59301 (406) 232-6378 1980 Deeded acres 120 acres of B.L.M. located in the historic Powder River Badlands of Southeastern Montana. Remote, yet has good access provided by a county graveled road, only 12 miles from Ekalaka’s new 3800-ft. airport. Streams, beaver ponds, and several springs supply abundant water for deer, wild turkeys, coyotes, and fox. Scenic and rugged acreage offers excellent game hunting, horseback riding trails, ideal camping sites, and winter snowmobil ing. Indians camped in this area enroute to their confrontation with General Custer at the Little Big Horn. Own a piece of Mont, history $500,000. #1 -1600 +/- Deeded acres with 720 +/- acres of public lands, in Carter County on paved road. School bus route 20 miles +/- southeast of Ekala ka, Montana. Cash to buyers for the price of $175,000.00. #2 2319 +/- Deeded acres, with 160 +/- acres public lands. Joins the ranch above, these two units could be bought separate or as one unit. Contract for deed to buyers. Selling price of $232,000.00. Ask about details on these two units. Live a part of the Old West. *1 2,240 +/- Deeded acres, 640 acres lease, assume contract for deed @ TA % Int. On gravel road close to Interstate 1-94 within Dawson County. #2 2,280 +/- Deeded acres, assume contract for deed @ TA % int. these two listings join each other and are operated as one unit at the present time. They could be divided as they originally were. Be sure and ask about particulars on this package. Live and be a part of blue aky country. FARM FOR SALE Chance of a lifetime: 120 free stall barn with double six herringbone parlor. All milking equipment with 3,000 gallon bulk milk tank. Three silos - 20x50,22x60 and 24x80 with unloaders and traveling feeder. Machinery shed. 50x80 with 20x36 heated shop included. Two 1,000 bushel grain bins and large corn crib. Four bedroom house with 2 baths, modern kitchen and hot water heat. This is all located on 56 acres of valley land with neighboring farms available to rent or buy. This is early gravelly ground located near Lamoka Lake, 1 mile south of Tyrone, NY on State Route 226. The farm is located on the southern edge of a fast growing Mennonite area with a good milk market. All of this available for only $200,000.00. Owner: LAWRENCE HOWELL 3246 County Route 22 Bradford, NY 14815 (607) 292-3431 165 Acre former operating dairy farm, 3 bdrms, bath, kit, Dr, and Lr, machine sheds, bank barn, 24 V neck tie stalls, barn cleaner, box stalls, 14x40 silo, nice stream flowing thru pasture land, dream on at only. $132,000 #1248. Dairy Farm, 100 cow barn +l5O river bot tom acres, barn, milking parlor, 5 silos, machine shed, hay storage, main house has 3 bdrms, 2 baths, garage, inground pool + more, tenant house 4 bdrms, VA baths, etc. Much more on this once in a lifetime offering, asking $340,000 #1215. Operating Dairy Farm, 150 +- acres, nice 52 stall cow barn, 2 silos, good 2 sty 4 bdrm home, centrally located between Mansfield, Elmira, & Troy, asking $185,000 #1237. 148.41 Acres 40 ac. open land, bal. wooded, exc. perc site, Jackson. Twp, ask ing $120,000 #1241. Wellsboro, PA 16901 " 717-724-3500 Wjg rjpf REAL estate and insurance 200 Deeded acres plus 40 acres of 13 miles from Ekalaka, Mont. Mod ern 40x60 metal barn stock pens, flowing spring and water tank. Close to power and telephone, borders gravel road. Situated on edge of Powder River Bad lands and well fenced with good grass and water that will handle a few horses, cattle, or sheep. All for the price of $75,000. This property in Southeastern Montana is a private ranch nestled in the Hills of Carter County on the headwaters of Hackberry Creek. 35+/- miles southeast of Ekalaka, Montana. Embraced in a combination of beautifully sparce timber, open rolling ter rain to the meadows on Cottonwood Creek. 16,000 acres +/- of deeded and leased land makes this one of the finest available any where. Hunting of trophy mule deer, white tail, and pronghorn antelope along with sage-hens, grouse, and wild turkeys, makes this a hunters paradise. This 400 au +/- ranch priced at $900,000.00 Along with airs trip, hanger, old stone house built in 1929, make it one of the best available in Monta na. Own a piece of the west with all the fringes. Make Sure To Give Us A Call or Send Us A Letter. See You!!!! PONT BE SECOND BE FIRST WANTED TO BUT In Perry County Dairy farm w/some woods in back. Buyer would consider lease back of dairy operation at minimal cost. Call the Clarkes at ERA GARMAN REALTY 717-249-7200 or 717-258-0906 ~ V Contact: DON C. MYERS if irUTTArT Residence: (814) 422-8111 Ilfil " JLiiU lALrr KENNETH L HALL !“*] iKEAm croup incL. EiE Residence: (814) 387-6273 1525 Science St., State College, PA 16801 FARM 814-231-0101 & RURAL “FULL TIME. FULL SERVICE. PROPERTY EXPERIENCED." DIVISION 7%^/ THE ADVANTAGES OF LISTING VOUR FA"M WITH A RESIDENTIAL REALTOR; t J 8 8 8 THE ADVANTAGES OF LISTING WITH A PROFESSIONAL FARM AND RURAL PROPERTY DIVISION: 8 Quality Advertising 8 Computer Deed Plots 8 Professional Brochures 8 Measurement of ASCS Photos tJ Ag Progress Days Exposure Knowledgeable About Soils & PA Sportsman Show Display Maximizing YOUR return If you want the best professional farm real estate service available in Central PA, we would be pleased to be of service to you. Many farms, farmettes and land parcels available. Call or write for free lists, or see our bi-weekly Lancaster Farming Inventory ad in the April 17th issue. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA RURAL PROPERTIES BLAIR COUNTY TYRONE AREA • 171 WOODED ACRES fronting two township roads, small stream, possible owner financing Reduced to $85,900 BEDFORD COUNTY HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP -100-acre FARM with dairy facilities, 2 dwellings, large new implement shed (50'x132 ), stream frontage. Can be divided $325,000 CENTRE COUNTY (JUST LISTED) COLYER AREA -4± acres with 11 -stall horse barn in excellent condition, waterers in each stall, heated tack room, fenced pasture, scenic building site. $69,500 Owner financing possible (JUST LISTED) SPRING MILLS • 4.84 acres with 1860's, modernized 2-story house (featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, in-ground swimming pool with patio, 2-car garage, 2-story bam, shop and maintenance garage, horse bam with 6 stalls. $179,900. PENDING SPRING MILLS AREA - 4.8 -acre farmette featuring lovely old farm house (restored), large bam, large shop, pool, small stream. $179,900 CENTRE HALL - 10-acre farmette, two-story brick home, 8 rooms, 35'x60' bam. Excellent condition, plus 30'x50' shop/maintenance building. Lovely country setting. $155,000. MATTERNVILLE • Bi-level on 6 5 acres with 24'x40' barn, water from spring feeds 9,000 gallon storage Pnced at $llO,OOO CENTRE HALL - 10 555 State Forest land nearby. REBERSBURG - Two (2)3mSSEBSe WOODED PARCELS, excellent hunting, one parcel has 1 0xB M OfCI *J IClflith electric. Priced at $22,000 and $24,500. POE MOUNTAIN • 13 WOODED ACRES, good hunting $23,100 PENNS VALLEY - WOODED LOTS NEAR Poe Valley State Park, underground utilities. 5-acre lot priced at $35,000. 13-acre lot reduced to $69,000 SNOW SHOE AREA - 127± WOODED ACRES with stream, adjoins Sprout State Forest. $49,000. SNOW SHOE AREA - 102± WOODED ACRES with stream, good hunting, adjoins Sproul State Forest. $39,500. LEMON! AREA (Base Of Mt. Nittany) • Only 3 remaining 10-ACRE LOTS, horses allowed, State College Area School District, great view, underground utilities Prices start at $89,000. JULIAN PIKE - 24± ACRES, wooded and open. $133,800 HUNTINGDON COUNTY WARRIORS MARK AREA - Three (3) LOTS (5+ acres to 6.5+ acres), all open, great view, approximately 20 miles from State College $33,000 to $37,500 WARRIORS MARK AREA - 31± acre FARMETTE with 3-bedroom farmhouse, 2 bams, silo, feed bunk. Reduced to $136,500. OTHER LAND PARCELS AVAILABLE. CALL OR WRITE FOR A FREE LIST. WANTED: Rural land and farms. Have buyers, will list. Farm and Land Division Fred Strouse (814) 234-4000 Mel Rockey (814) 466-6688 Terry Gmgher (814) 466-2118 Th* Professionals In Farm Real Estate Service Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24. 1993-C47 ) Dairy Farm For Sale Brush Vallsy Csntrs Co. 60 stall dairy bam, 113 acras, no tillable NO REALTORS PLEASE! Call (717) 786-1146 245 South Allen Street State College, PA 16801 1-800-876-3395 (814) 234-4000