Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1993, Image 77

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    59 ACRE FARM
SAT., APRIL 24, 1993
® 11 AM
LOCATED: So. York Co., Codoru* Twp. along Sunny
Slop* Hd.; Taka 216 3 ml. W el Gian Reck, paat Friend
ship School, LI. on Sunny Slope Rd., 'A ml. to farm.
Pnv.te countiy (citing; IV4 itory, 9 room, 1914 house solidly
built w/chettnut lumber, alum, siding, wrap around porch, full
basement w/lg. ground cellar A butcher fireplace, built in closets,
ituc 36'x52’ bank bam w/sublea, hay mows, machmery floor &
grainary & other outbuildings Nestled & well protected on the
summer side of the hill from which you have some beautiful
views Approx 35 acres tillable bal. pasture & woodland Would
make horse or sheep farm.
Sarung @ 9 AM also selling many nice orig antiques (Empire,
Victonan, Eastlake), household, farm equip. etc For complete
listing watch this paper on the 3rd & 17th of April.
TERMS: 10% down day of sale cash or good check, bal. in
(0 days.
INSPECTION; By appt. only, call auctioneer
Irvin Lau, axcc.
Hollmemay A Sammelman, atty
Auctioneer; Kannath K. Kaany
AU-2787-L 717-993-3448
9.-00 AM
LOCATED: Off Rt. 30 at Taco Bell north
on Susquehanna Trail VA mite to Still
meadow Lane, Turn left - Ist farm or Off
Interstate 83, Exit 11, off ramp, turn right
go to light on Susquehanna Trail, go south
VA mile to Stillmeadow Lane, turn right -
Ist farm.
Farmall 706 D with 2 pt. Hitch, P.S.,
Remote Control, 80% Rubber
Farmall 560 Diesel, P.S., Live PTO,
99% Rubber
Farmall 450 Gas, P.S., Remote,
90% Rubber
Farmall 340 Gas, P.S., 2 pt. Hitch,
Live PTO, 80% Rubber
Farmall H with Loader
1967 International 1700 Loadstar Truck
w/Grain Body & Hoist, 26000 GVW
Int. 4 X 16 Automatic Reset Semi Mtd.
Plow, Int. 3X16 Trip Back Trailer Plow,
Like New Glenco 7 Tooth Soil Saver, 14'
Int. Vibra Shank Harrow, Int. 234 Mtd.
Corn Picker (560 Mountings), International
37 - 28 Blade Transport Disc, 32 Blade Int.
Drag Disc, J.D. Spring Harrow, 12' Britlion
Cultipacker, Int. #lO 16 Double Disc Drill
w/Grass Seed Box, M.M. 1210 PTO Corn
Shelter w/Orag, J.D. 38' Elevator w/Drag,
New Idea Spinner Spreader, 2 pt. 8’ Heavy
Duty Scraper Blade, 2 Speedy Stalk Bea
ters, New Idea Rake on Low Rubber •
Rake or Tedd, Int. 4 Row Front Mtd. Culti.,
Int. Semi Mtd. 7’ Sickle Bar Mower, Tractor
Grass Seeder, Pull Type Fertilizer Spinner
Spreader, 20’ Thrower Wagon, Gravity Bin
Wagons, Front Unload Corn Wagon,
Grove Wagon w/Oump Bed, Flat Bed
Wagons, Int. Suite Case Weights,
Hydraulic Cylinders, Seed Cleaners, Plate
Mill, 275 gal. Tank & Pump, Wheelbarrow,
2 - 38" Tires & Rims, Platform Scales, Lad
ders, Reel of Electric Cord, Electric
Motors, 2 Electric Fuel Pumps, Misc. Lum
ber, Hog Troughs, Tow Chains, Tractor
Chains, Forks, Shovels. Forney Welder,
Aceteylene Torch, Anvil, Pedestal Drill
Press, Bench Grinder, Craftsman Table
Saw, Battery Chargers, Pedestal Grinder,
Hydraulic Jacks, Air & Electric Grease
Guns, Knife Sharpeners, Rope, Portable
Air Tank, Vertical Air Compressor, J.D.
Chain Saw, Post Vise, Butcher Furnace,
Deep Well Water Pumps, Open, Box End,
Sockets, & Adjustable Wrenches, Tool
Boxes, Metal Shelf, Single Tree, Large
Assortment of Bolts & Hardware found
around a farm.
NOTE: This equipment Is In very good
condition, field ready and well
Mr. ft Mrs. William Sprenkle
500 Stillmeadow Lane
York. PA
Auction Conducted By:
Rentiers Auction Service
Emlgsville, PA
PA Uc. #761
Public Auction
Of A 40+/- York County
Gentleman’s Farm
Antiques Tractors
Farm Machinery Household
Items Guns
Saturday, April 24, 1993
9:30 A.M.
Real Estate At 12:00 Noon
Directions From Exit One Of I-83 Go
East On 851 8/10 Mi. TR Or Tolna Then
2/10 Mi. TL On Deer Creek To Prop One
This high quality farm is immaculate.
The location would not be better. (1.8 mi.
from exit one). A 2 story farm home has 3
bedrooms and modern features and sits
overlooking a quiet valley that on rare
occasion you will catch a glimpse of the old
train going from Stewartstown to New
Freedom on a holiday run. A 36’x60’ bank
barn has stables below, (very usable
barn). There is a garage, machinery shed,
smokehouse, corn crib, & chicken house.
The farm is entered in the clean & green
program for low taxes and does have sub
division potential. Growing crops
Farm Machinery
Farmall 460 gas @ live PTO & hyd. H
Farmall @ mounted cultivators & new rub
ber (both kept inside & nice) Myers
snowplow for IH tractors Woods 7' rot
ary mower IH 3 bottom plow (fast hitch)
tractor chains flat bed wagon IH 2
wheel wagon IH 2 row corn planter
working order Clark drag disc Oliver
4 sec. harrow cultipacker 8' racks for
Ford PL) garden cart cast hog
troughs platform scales 32’ wood ext.
ladder log chains bag holder used
tin 200’ steel mesh wire 36’ wide roll
new screen wire —5” endless belt ste
pladders window sash grass trimmer
horse drawn wagon tongues 3
hydraulic cyls. hyd. hose shovels,
axes etc. lime spreader burlap bags
used tin misc. tools wheel horse
12 HP mower wheel horse wagon.
Antiques & Household & Guns
Grain cradle 2 wood grain rakes
wood tool box crock chicken waters
zink lined drysink(made 1942) iron skillets
crocks & jugs 4 matching plank bot
tom chairs wood butter churn glass
butter churn quilting frame 2 plank
bottom chairs cross cut saws wood
porch bench.
GunstA.J. Ambrey 12 gauge shot gun,
Hamilton 12 gauge shot gun, Kingstower
1865 Musket, Remington model 10-12
gauge shot gun, Springfield model 15-22
rifle, Crossman 140 Pellit gun, Daisy
Pump gun
Special Mention: Agriculture Almanacs
from John Baer's Sons Inc., Lancaster
Dated 1904 then 1917 through 1936
(1921 & 23 missing) old books oak
kitchen clock egg baskets steel
traps 2 buckeye brooder stoves 2
chicken coops single trees, double
trees & check lines wood pulleys
picnic table wood Ice cream freezer
Maytag auto washer & Maytag elec,
dryer (both like new) sofa break
fast set Other misc. items from attic
to the basement Coca Cola cooler,
To View The Real Estate: Open House
Sunday, March 28th and April 18th • 1-4
P.M. Or Call Owners Or Auctioneer for
Terms Of Real Estate: 10% day of auc
tion balance In 60 days personal
property full payment day of auction by
cash or check If known by owners or
Richard & Pearl Orwig
New Freedom, Pa.
C. Martin Heaps
Stanley Bucher
#2762 & 2642
—Lunch Will Be Sewed—
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Mood- JO P.M.
of each week's publication
SAT. APR. 3 -10 AM Spe
cial sale of Lambs and
Goats for Easter trade
Westminster Livestock
Auction, 3 miles SW. on
Rt 31.
SAT. APR 3 -10 AM,
Robert Miller Co. Inventory
Reduction Auction Of Farm
Equip. & Lawn & Garden.
Located At North Cohoc
tr N' York. P-
ion, .<ew York, .-'irrung
Aucts. Inc. 716-728-2520.
SAT. APR. 3 -10 AM, To
Settle The Estate Of Flor
ence Fogleman, House
hold Goods, Antiques,
Tools, Etc. Located Muncy,
Pa. Oscar Kirkner, Exe.
Fraley Auction Company.
Saturday, April 3, 1993
at 10:00 a.m.
In the Village of Richfield, PA (Juniata County), turn South
off Route 35 at the County Line Restaurant and go 3 miles to
the Village of Fogle Hill. In Fogle Hill, make a left on road to
Oriental and go 4 miles until you come to Laurel Hill Road.
Then make right onto Laurel Hill Road and travel 'A mile to site
of auction. (Located 1 mile Southwest of Hoffman’s Haymaker
Restaurant). Watch for auction signs off Route 35 at Richfield
and off Route 104.
Oliver 1650 Tractor w/3 Pt & WFE; Massey Ferguson 65, Fully
Equipped; Massey Ferguson Loader w/Hydraulic Bucket; Farmall Super
MTA; Farmall H Tractor; Farmall 450 w/Fast Hitch; Oliver 66 w/
Cultivators (Antique Collector); Oliver Loader, Fits 55 & 550; Wagner
Loader, Fits Ford & Ferguson; 1978 Chevy Truck w/Air Brakes, Cab &
Chassis (Good Farm Truck); JD 3 Pt. Model FI 350 5x16 Semi-Mounted
Plows; JD 4x16 Semi-Mounted Plows; JD 4x14 Semi-Mounted Plows;
Oliver Model 546 4x16 Semi-Mounted Plows; IH Model 710 3x16 Semi-
Mounted Plows; Oliver 3 Pt. 3x16 Plows; JD 3 Pt. 3x14 Plows; Super A
One Bottom Plow; Case 3 pL Chisel Plow; AC Sub Soiler; White Model
263 18’ Wing Disk (Like New); White 10’ Wheel Disk w/Dual Wheels;
White 10’ Wheel Disk; White Oliver 12’ Harrow; JD 12’ Harrow; IH
Model 453 3 Pt. Vibrashank Harrow; JD 3 PL Vibrashank Harrow; JD 3
pt. 10’ Vibrashank Harrow; IH 45 18’ Wing Pull Type Vibrashank Har
row (Like New); Briliion 14’ Transport Wheel Harrow w/Wings (Like
New); Midway 9’ Life Harrow; JD 14’ 3 Section Rotary Hoe; JD 12’
3-Section Rotary Hoe; IH IHC Model 53 3 Pt. 4 Row Cultivator; JD Mod
el RG 630 3 Pt. 6 Row Cultivator; IH 3 Pt. 4 Row Cultivator; (2) JD Mod
el RM 3 PL 6 Row Cultivator w/S Tines (1 Like New); IH 56 4 Row Com
Planter w/Disk Openers; JD 1240 4 Row Plateless Com Planter, White
Model 5400 4 Row Com Planter w/Disk Openers; IH 56 2 Row Com
Planter; JD 3 Pt. 2 Row Com Planter; NH Forage Box w/PTO; Dion Sil
age Blower; Com Drag: New Idea 323 1 Row Com Picker (Like New);
Massey Harris 1 Row Com Picker; Hesston PTM 7’ Haybine; JD 1209 9’
Haybine; New Holland 68 Baler; Hesston Model 5600 Round Baler
(Needs Repairs): Meyers Hay Crusher; NI Pull Type Sickle Bar Mower;
Oliver 3 Pt. Mower, Gehl 5’ Stalk Beater; MF 3 Pt. 5’ Rotary Cutter, Ford
3 Pt. Saw Buck w/Pully; IH 18 Double Disk No. 510 Grain Drill (Like
New); JD Van Brundt 12 Disk Grain Drill (Good for Steel Wheel Far
mer); Oliver?’ Cultipacker; Briliion 10’ Cultipacker; Briliion 11’ Culti
packer; 7’ Sauder Snow Blade; 3 Pt. 7’ Manure Blade; NI PTO Manure
Spreader: NH 354 Grinder Mixer; Kory 6 Ton Wagon w/Gravity Bin 185
Bushel; 150 Bushel Gravity Bin; 185 Bushel Gravity Bin: 12’ 5” Auger;
Cardall 12’ Elevator w/motor; Little Giant 24’ Elevator on Steel w/Motor;
Malky 24’ Elevator w/Motor; NH 24’ Elevator; The Following Items are
All Like New; 5 & 6 Ton Kory Wagons; 6’ King Cutter Rake; 6’ 3 Pt.
King Cutter Disk; 5’ 3 Pt. King Cutler Rotary Mower; 3 Pt. Booms; 7’
King Cutter Blade; IH 3 Pt. 16’ Spring Tooth Harrow; IHC Model 401 10’
Harrow; Baltic Matic 3 Pt. Fertilizer Spreader; Wheelbarrow; Wagon
Load of Misc. Parts & Asst. Tools & Toy Tractors (Some Collectors).
PLEASE NOTE: There definitely will be other pieces of machinery
that are not listed at this time.
(2) MF Hydrostatic Model 12 HP w/Mower; MF 7 Hp Gear w/Mower;
ID 112 w/Mower: The Following are All Cub Cadet Tractors w/Mowers:
106,124, (2) 1200 (1 Like New), 682 17 Hp., 102,125 Hydrostatic, 1450
Hydrostatic; Sears 16 HP w/Mower; and Other Lawn Equipment.
Remington Model 760 Gamemaster Pump 30-06 w/Scope; H&R 410
Single Shot; Savage 110-300 Winchester Mag; Savage 22 Bolt w/Clip;
Mossburg Pump; 12 Gauge; 16’ Fiberglass Boat.
TERMIS: Cash or PA Check (I.D. Required).
Lunch Stand
(717) 694-3360
Auctioneers: Roger A. Lauver
R.D. #3, Box 196-C Sellnsgrove, PA 17670
(717) 374-3793
Owners and Auctioneers Not Responsible For Accidents
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-837
SAT. APR. 3 -10 AM Anne
Aumdel Co. Young Far
mers 14th Annual auction,
located at the Davis Farm
on Rt. 424, Birdsville Rd n
Davidsonville, Md
SAT. APR 3-10 AM Liqui
dation of heating/sheet
metal contractor shop,
tools, heat pumps. 333 W.
King St, York Pa. Mark
Baranowski, auct.
SAT. APR. 3 -10 AM Anti
que tools, blacksmith arti
cles, child's hay wagon.
Held at Al Starr Firemen's
Building, Village of Willow
St., Lane. Co., Pa. By Mrs.
Lloyd Dorn bach. Howard
Shaub, auct
SAT. APR 3 -10.20 AM
Tractor, equip., lawn trac
tor. At RR2, Catawissa, Pa.
Dean E. Longacre
Follow aution sign off Rt. 42
(Catawissa-Numidia Hwy)
3 mi. S. of Catawissa and
follow auction signs
approx. 2 mi to the resi
dence of Gerald Yeager,
seller. Olen R Knecht,
SAT APR 3 -11 AM Real
estate auction, 505 N. 22nd
St, Leb , Pa. Era Ulrich
Realty Co. Jim McClellan,
auct Fernwood Auction
SAT APR 3 -11 AM, Saw
Mill & Equipment, Pick-Un
& Gooseneck, Located 3
Miles North Of Columbia
na, Ohio On State Road
164 To Blosser Rd. Then
Left 1/10 Mile To Sale Site
(At The Rear Of Hartley’s
Seed Cleaning Owner,
Elmer Burbick. Jim Baer &
Ken Baer, Aucts.
SAT. APR. 3 -12 Noon.
Estate coin auction. Held at
Redmen Pavilion, Rt. 472
Market St., East, Oxford
Boro. Ches. Co., Pa. Estate
of Harold M “Hick’’ Shivery.
Whiteside Auction Service