Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1993, Image 73
Spring Machinery Consignment Sale Cowanesque Valley Livestock Mark et, Route 49, Knoxville, Pa. Tioga Co. Sat. Apr. 10 We need your consignment early for advertising. Clyde Beard and Son, Knoxville, Pa. Ph. and FAX 814-326-4188 Lie. AU-000051-L Public Auction REAL ESTATE - FURNITURE - ANTIQUES - GUNS - TOOLS SATURDAY, APRIL 3, at 9:00 a.m. Located 4 'A Miles South Of Belleville, Pa., Or VA Miles North Of Allensville, Pa., Turn West Off Route 655 Onto Back Mt. Road, 'A Mile To Property. GUNS AND TOOLS Pa. muzzle loading 44 cal. rifle 37 in. barrel set trigger, made by H. Johnston from Dr. Miller collection, muzzle loading shotgun/44 cal. rifle, both w/some decorations, Win. model 1873 octagon barrel 38-40 rifle, Stevens 12 ga. double barrel, Chicopee Falls 12 ga. single barrel and bow and arrow set. Lawn Chief 10 h.p. tractor w/36 in. mower, Planet Jr. garden tractor w/att’s., Toro snow blower, Sears power sprayer, power mower, 2 wheelbarrows, digging iron, assorted lawn and garden tools, Craftsman radial saw, 6 in. joint er, band saw, jig saw, bench grinder, disk/belt sander, hand mitre saw, tool chest, assorted hand tools some old, dry pine and walnut lum ber, gluing clamps, wrenches, screw drivers, etc., stone cutters hammers, assorted blacks mith tools, old door hardware, 2 drain snakes, gas cans, 3 milk cans, old dinner bell and misc. items. FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Sears 12,000 BTU air cond., new Sears dehu midifier, Kalamazoo cook stove, Perfection 2 burner oil stove, wood heater (air tight) w/ blower, Sears oil heater w/2 tanks, good G.E. stove, Hotpoint ref., Sgeed Queen auto, washer good, Croslcy chest freezer, G.E. color T.V., Sylvania AM-FM stereo, Electrolux sweeper w/power nozzle, Emperor grand mother clock, mantle clock, old wall clock (from Cliff Rice), table, buffet, 2 square china closets (one oak), 2 low dry sinks, 2 pc. pine cupboard, walnut gate leg drop leaf tabic, oak 2 pc. cupboard w/glass doors, pie cupboard w/ tin doors, kitchen cabinet w/flour bin, jelly cupboard, tilt top table, server cupboard, table w/4 chairs, Chestnut planter w/liner, commode w/back, shaker repo sink, metal cabinet, new La-Z-Boy recliner, 2 pc. L.R. suite, heavy wooden rocker, small walnut rocker, cane seat chairs, piano stool, old church bench, cedar chest, Dutch safe cupboard, round top trunk, oak double pedestal desk, oak wash stand, spool bed, 4 single beds, large blanket chest, several chests of drawers, small oak showcase, book shelves, 3 pc. depression type B.R. suite, double seat school desk, bevel glass mirror, Crazy top and Tulip quilts, some bedding, hanging oil lamp from Fultz homestead, Glaz er Huntingdon dec. crock, other crocks, 2 meat grinders, meat saw, pressure cookers, large cooking kettles and more, Griswald no. 14 skillet, other skillets, Griswald no. 8 waffle iron, horse tie down, large yellowware bowl, 3 Bennington pitchers and nice bowl, oil lamps, cut and leaded glass, other glassware and dis hes, copper tub, brass bucket and items not listed. REAL ESTATE AT 11:00 A.M. A nice country home on acre ground, small orchard, mountain spring water, 3 B.R. on 2nd floor w/full bath, large kit, D.R., family room, laundry and full bath on Ist floor, attached greenhouse, electric or wood heat and new septic system, single car garage w/summer kitchen. A well kept property. For more detail s, see Deed Book 307, Page 307 or phone 935-2590 for appointment Terms 10 percent down, settlement within 30 days, reserve the right to reject any bids. SALE WILL START W/TOOLS, GUNS AT 11:00 A.M. J.N. AND C.L. ALLISON JOB JOHNNY - TENT IF NEEDED - FOOD STAND Mark Click- Auctioneer AU-349-L FOOD STAND ABSOLUTE AUCTION NEW BUFFALO RESTAURANT Along Busy Rts. 11/15 Just 1.5 Miles North Of 22/322 Interchange Near New Buffalo, Pa. SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1993 AT 2:00 P.M. 100 + Seat Restaurant Fully Equipped Situated On A 1.93 Acre Commercial Tract w/443 Ft. Frontage On Rts. 11/15. Fully Paved Parking Lot. High Visibility & Traffic Count. Open 7 Days A Week. Completely Furnished Full Line Of Equipment Is Included Right Down To The Dishes! Will Be Sold As A Complete Package To The Highest Bidder Without Reserve!! Private Sewer Plant & Well. Please Contact Auc tion Co. For A Complete List Of Equip. To Be Included And Financial Income Data Pertaining To This Opportunity. This Restaurant Is Currently Open & Ready For A New Owner!! TERMS: Deposit Of $10,000.00 In Cash, Cashier Or Certified Check Payable To Kerry Pae Auctioneer Day Of Auction, Balance Due In 45 Days At Settlement. Contact Us For Appointment To See Or Additional Info. Owners, NORMAN * CAROLINE WILLOW Kerry A. Pae, CAI, AU 1367 Jeffrey L. Knosp, CAI, AU 1710 L KERRY PAE ■f ■ AUCTIONEERS Harrisburg, PA (717)256-5752 T [ MARY W. LANDIS GREINER estate PUBLIC AUCTION OP LANCASTER COUNTY FARMLAND PENN TOWNSHIP SAT., APRIL 3, 1993 2:00 P.M. Located at: 313 Elm Road. Lititz. PA 17543. (Near the Village of Elm, PA). “OPEN HOUSE DATES” Thursday, March 11 7:00-9:00 P.M. Saturday, March 20 12:00-2.00 P.M. Saturday, March 27 12:00-2:00 P.M. For Additional Appointments Call 717-733-6614 PARCEL #1:7.1269 Acres, 700.43' road frontage. 2V4 story frame house w/aluminum siding, slate roof upstair outside balcony. Modem kitchen w/adjacent storage room area and built-in cabinets, elec. 4-burner stove, linoleum floors. Large living room w/hardwood floors w/built-in bookcases. Parlor or don or sitting room w/Wall to wall carpet w/V4 bathroom. 3 bedrooms w/hardwood floors. (1) with entrance to outside balcony. Full attic and basement. 2 year old furnace (oil hot air heat), new hot water heater. Large frame bank bam w/overhung forebay area, 3 drive-in bays, hay mows, etc., garage area with elec, opener. This fine county property is in excellent repair and well maintained and deserves your inspection. PARCEL#2:S.9463 Acres. Most of this land is cur rently being farmed and has rolling and flat terrain. PARCEL *3: 6.2736 Acres, 1153.84' road fron tago. Most of this land is currently being farmed but this tract also has some available woodland. TERMS: 10% down day of auction, balance within 45 days. Attorney: Young & Young 717-665-2207 I Auction For < MARY W. GREINER j ESTATE | FRED N. BUCH, EXT. J . 717-733-6614 J Auction Conducted By The; I J. Omar Landis Auction Ser. ! Jay M. Witman, AUOOII27L ; Box 501, Apple & Robert Sts. ; Ephrata, Pa. 17522 < 717-738-7900 or 717-665-5735 ; “Our Services Often Copied But Never Duplicated" j Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M: of each week’s publication 272± ACRE FARM AT AUCTION SAT. APRIL 10th, 1993 AT 12:00 NOON LOCATED: From Red Lion Square go Soulh on Rt.#74 approx. 1 mile turn left on Burkholder Rd. Farm land starts approx. Vx mile after you turn onto Burkholder Rd., Windsor Twp., York Co. PA., tax map HL, parcel XI, deed ref. 81F, page 333, some signs posted. This it one of the larger tingle traett of land with 200 Acret of farm ground. Approx. 3 milet of road frontage, dairy bam, bank bam and com crib for buildings (NO HOME). Looking at this farm you will agree that it is indeed tome of the niceit farm ground you will find. This farm has long planting fields, if fanning is not what your after thit farm is zoned Residential with the possibility of well over 500 lots. Survey’s posted on com bam. Strong spring on farm. Auction staff will be available to show boundaries on Sun. 14,21,28 of March from 1 ;00 to 3:00 PM. We will be at the farm or by Apt. call owner or Auctioneer. The owner has indicated to me to tell the people he would like to sell this properly, tell them to bring ihe down payment auction day. Farm is m Clean & Green. TERMS: 10% down on Auction day, balance In full «ilhin 90 days or possible owner financing with 20% down balance amortized over 20 years at 8% with a ballon payment In 5 years. If you are the buyer auction day, you will be able to plant your spring crops alt land Is available. It is true that there has never been a better time to buy Real Estate, be there. Sellers: KENNETH R. & GLADYS M. STOLTZFUS Ph; 717-244-7008 Attorney; George L. Eveler HI Auctioneer: Bradley K. Smith GRI, CRS, CAI, AARE Associate PA Real Estate Broker Lie. #B6O-L Ph: 717-927-6949 PUBLIC AUCTION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31ST, 1993 10 AM ON Premises Millhurst Mills, Freehold, NJ Directions: 3 miles west of Freehold Racetrack, 1 block off Route #33 Southside. BUILDING SUPPLIES VALUE $793,000.00 Inventory Brand New Inventory - Cabinets, Ceramic & Marble Tile, Lumber, Oak Flooring, Plywood, Roofing $200.000 GRANITE. MARBLE. OAK FLRG: 4 colors granite, 12 colors marble inc. green, black, raspberry, white, grey, 37,000 SF V I ” Oak, Teak & Ash, Clear & #1 25,000 SF 12x12 Bruce Parquet, 38,000 sf pref. White, Pecan & Natural plank to 8”. CERAMIC: 60,000 SF Fir & Wall Tile, 4,000 SF 12x12 Tambour, 14,000 SF Quarry Tile. VINYL TILE: 17,000 SF 12x12, including qty. Armstrong Solarian, 35 rolls vinyl flooring/linoleum - 12’, Ige. qty 1/8” solid vinyl tile. PLYWOOD; 1,860 pcs.'/. ” & '/* ”, 5/8” &54 ” ext. CDX plwyood & underlaymenL 2TI 2x4 to 2x12 - B’-20’, 1 truckload 2x6 & 2xB treated, various lengths, 100,000 SF 'A ” to 4” urethane insul., 275 pcs, wood paneling, 6,000 LF WP mldgsVcasing. ’HE) CAI 10 pcs. cherry, oak & white raised panel, 2,300 oak cabinet doors, 20,000 LF oak mldgs./access., 2,000’ counter tops, 150 Moen kit, faucets. asst. Eljer & SS kitchen and bath sinks, toilets, whirlpools, fiberglass tubs, ISO vanities & tops, toilet & bath accessories, medicine cabinets, 15 genuine marble tops. COMMERCIAL DOOR HARDWARE; includes panic bars, brass hardware, hinges & accessores - By Baldwin, Schlage, Sargeant. WINDOWS & DOORS; Qty. Anderson, Eagle, DH casement, etc., 130 PH ext. doors, 200 fire foors & frames, 400 - 6 panel WP colonial & double patio doors, 8 oak RP decor drs, qty. alum, storm doors. SKYLIGHTS: 275 glass & dome, clear & tinted, vented & stationary, up to sizes 48”x48”. CARPETS; 6,000 by Berger, comm. & Hvy. res. 12 oriental rugs. GARDEN ORNAMENTS; 75 pcs. bird baths, statues, pedestals, ums. planters. RDEN AND LAWN SUPPLIES: tools, etc. PAINT; 1 ,500 gal. ext/int, white & colors, deck paint & stains. OTHER ITEMS: 1,000 rolls single ply torchdown roofing, 300 ctns. comm/ioofing nails, 200 wood & vinyl shutters, 200 carbide blades. TERMS: $lOO refund. Dep. to register, (10% buyer’s prem). Cash or certified funds only, 25% deposit required day of sale. INSPECTION; 9 AM to 4 PM, Tuesday, March 30lh, 8 AM day of sale. Sale rain or shine. Food service available. PETER COSTANZO AUCTIONEERS, INC. Ocean Twp., (908) 531-6799 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-833 LOAD! includes fertilizer, marble chips, SAT. APR, 3-B:3OPM Anti que car parts. SO Wyoming Ave., Middletown, Pa. Car Parts, Model A Roadster. Rt. 283 take Harrisburg Air port Exit, then take Rt. 230 exit. At traffic light turn right and '/> block turn right on Wyoming Ave. to auction. By Lorette Amspacher. Zie gler Auction Co. SAT. APR. 3 - B:3OAM Sharp, Antiques, Winross & Ertl trucks & tractors, anti que tools, furniture, cast iron items, household goods. Held at Brickerville Fire Hall just off of Rt 322 West of Ephrata in the Vil lage of Bnckerville, Pa. By Mary Andes, Anna Mae Haldeman & Others. Snyd er’s Auction Service SAT. APR. 3 - B:3OAM Estate of Grace A. Miller, real estate, antiques & col lectibles, household items, Chrysler New Yorker. Located approx. 40 miles N. of Harrisburg, Pa, along Rt. 25 on Market St.. Ber rysburg, Sam S Leitzel, owner. Dockey, Oockey- Romberger, Deppen, aucts. SAT. APR. 3 - 9AM 14th annual cattle & machinery sale In Fulton Co., Pa, 5 miles S of Harrisonville and U.S. Route 30, or 5 miles N. of U.S. Route 522, on Upper Timber Ridge Rd. Vernon B. Leese, Charles W. Leese. Craig Knepper, Floyd Davis, auct. SAT. APR 3 - 9AM "The Amish Homestead of Lane Co., Pa" Rt. 462 2 miles E of Lane., Easttown Mall 2034 Lincoln Highway East. Harold K Keller, auct.