Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1993, Image 67

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Tuesday, April 6, 1993
At 9:30 A.M.
Keen & Co., Inc. is discontinuing Its entire
plumbing end electrical operation.
DIRECTIONS: The Keen & Co. business Is
located along Route 23, near Route 345, 1 mile
east of Elverson, Chester Co.
OFFICE EQUIP: Vidor comb. fir. safe, pal 1904, 4
drawer file cabinet; swivel chairs; wooden desk; arm
chairs; Silver Reed elect, typewriter; metal fir. cabinets;
calculators; m-out boxes; telephones; invoice file boxes;
staplers; Sharp cash register; file boxes; NEBS check
write system; Pure label gun; register counter, metal draw
ers; label and pricing tab hooks; Gondola display shelves
(like new); metal storage shelving; plus many other office
TOOLS: A-frame wooden ladders; saw horses; grind'
mg machine; large 2'/< -4 inch pipe threaders; 1 & 3 ton
chain hoists; pipe rack; Milwaukee rt. angle drill; tripod
pipe vises; Johnson bar. 2 come-a-longs; 2 sets of radiator
dollies; hand truck; Acetylene torches; bench vises; smoke
pipe crimping machine; elec, chain saw; duct board cut
ters; 30” metal shears; lead pot, laddie, etc.; gas generator,
SO” hand sewer rods; SO" hand powered drain cleaner,
'/> ”; various hand tools; 2 & 4” pipe cutters; 2” pipe ream
ers; 36” & 48” pipe wrenches; 48” comb, wrench; cast
iron pipe culler & puller; 2 power sewage machines; sheet
metal working tools; gas powered water pump & hoses;
elect, pipe thawing machine.
wtler heaters; assorted pipe, steel, block. Cooper, galvan
ize; faucet stems; water Alters; acid neutralizer products;
pump system repair parts; toilet & sink repair parts; asst.
Delta faucets; plumbing fixtures; urinals; toilets; bowls;
sink Attings; heating controls; heating repair parts; water
heater elements; circulator pumps; low voltage wire, plas
tic drain connections; PVC, galvanize. Cooper and plastic
pipe fittings; circuit breakers; 200 amp boxes; various wir
ing; plus much more.
MISC: Antique plumbers part box; Reading space sav
er cap for long bed; kerosene heater; Aorescent lights, util
ity trailer, plus many more items not listed
Note Many useful Hems for the home, farm and/or
Terms: Payment sale day, cash or guaranteed funds.
Alvin Horning AU-0433-L
George Miller AU-3073-L
Main Street, Morgantown
Sensenlg’s Spring
Consignment Sale
Tues., March 30
9:30 A.M.
Location: Cumb. Co., Pa. • Traveling
181 take exit 11 (Newvllle) onto Rt. 233
south to Rt. 174 west. Follow to sale
approx. 2 miles from 1-81.
Farm Equip. & Misc. Items
1494 Case D Tractor; 856 Int. D tractor
w/2350 InL loader; JD 5020 D WF - good rub
ber; AC 190XT D WF tractor, very nice (Ph.
776-3872); IH 1066 w/cab, black stripe T.A.
(if not sold prior to sale); Oliver 770 D, row
crop; IH 1206 tractor; JD 55 combine, sq.
back; Heads for Uni-system-813 flexhead
grain platform 13’, 763 3 row com head; JD 35
2 row forage harvester w/grass head; JD 34 1
row forage harvester w/5’ grass head; JD 3
sec. lever harrow; Zook 24’ manure elevator;
Brillion 12’ cultipacker, nice; Brillion 9’ culti
packcr; JD 400 15’ rotary; JD 640 hay rake;
Killbro. 300 bin wagon w/JD gear; EZ 250 bin
wagon w/jb gear; Jamesway 20’ silo unload
er, ring drive: pressure washer, 5 hp, 1200 PSI
w/50’ hose; White 6 row complanter, NI 300
compicker 2 RW; NH 352 grinder mixer, Int.
46 baler w/thrower; NH 461 haybine; Int. 55 7
tooth chisel plow; JD 10 tooth chisel plow;
41’6” grain auger; 3 pt 3 bottom plow; 12’
transport disc; flatbed wagon; 34’ elevator; 4
bottom plow; 1,500 gal. plast. fert. tank; (2)
1600 gal. plast. fert tank; 12 wooden calf
hutches; wagon load small items.
Conducted by:
Newvllle, Pa.
Ph. 717-776*5054
Auct. Nevin Martin
Clerks: Eberly & Weaver
Lie. #lO7B-L
Terms - Cash or good check - not respon
sible for accidents - food stand.
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M,
of each week’s publication
@ 10:00 A.M. WATERLOO, N.Y.
NOTICE: Finger Lakes Tractor's annual
auction has always been an excellent
place to buy reliable used equipment. This
year White's Farm Supply, J.D. Buckley &
Sons, Monroe Tree as well as some bank
owned equipment help to make this an
auction'you don't want to miss.
(315)-539-7000 Craig or John.
RoyTeitsworth, Inc. .
Sales Manager & Auctioneer
6502 Barber Hill Rd.,
Geneseo, N.Y. 14454 £ :
Selling At Auction - Contents
“The Amish Homestead of
Lancaster County PA”
Rt. 462 2 Mile* E of Lancaster at Easttown Mall
2034 Lincoln Highway East
Saturday, April 3, 1993 • 9:00a.m.
After 35 years the Robert Flory Family closed this famous educational tourist attraction
o and offer the unique country furnishings to the public. The contents include benches as used
0 m Church Meetings, to Carnages & Oak Bedroom Suites For location See ADC Map
1 -41-E-6.
Two-story RED BARN 36x24 ft. to be removed by buyer. Barn has stal
St fore bay. Possible uses: Home, Horses, Shop, or Gift Store.
Also 12x20 Utility Shed; small Lean-To horse shed.
Two Amish Carriages, Courting Buggy & Spring Wagon used
2 Deacon Benches & 9-Spindle Windsor Arm Chair
ftrace back to Dr. Treichlcr of Elizabethtown. PA)
Maytag Washer with B/S engine, Kohler Wood Stove, full-size ornate Valley Novelty
Iron Cook Stove, Black Columbia Gas Cook Stove, 2 Singer Treadle Sewing Machines,
black Quality Gas Stove, brown enamel Hcatrola, 2 large Copper Apple Butter Kettles
2-man four-wheel Wagon ■ 4 foot L Box - 26” rear wheels, original. (Add a shaft for
a goat wagon)
Nice oak high-back Rocker - 2 small Kleland Paintings - big Iron Dinner Bell
Montgomery Ward Wood or Coal Stove w/four plates - Fool Stools - Oak Flat-Top Desk - 2
large Gram Scoops & 3 old Chairs from Ronks Mill - 2 Spittoons - 3 Straps of Sleigh Bells
Milk Cans - 4 old. long Porch Benches - 9'A ' Iron Watering Trough - 3 Iron Pots - Marietta
Tea Kellie - cast Gnddle & Waffle Iron - Jugs - Crocks- Agate Basin - 2 Cream Cans - iron
Butcher Kettle & 3 fools - Lard Press - Butcher Block - Bologna Sheer - Meal Grinder -
Enterprise Sausage Sluffer - Kraut Cutter - Coffee Grinder - Oil Lamps - Homemade Amish
Carpet (about 10 lengths) - 2 Oak Gingerbread Clocks - Claw Fool Oak Square Table
Quilts - Wood Box - 2 Jade Plants.
Another Square Table- Early Tin “Window Insert” Food Cooler - Decorated Bedroom
Suite - Wash Bowl set - Several Blanket Chests - Deacon Bench & 6 Chairs - Library Table
2 School Desks ■ High Chair & Offering Plate from Pittsburg Valley Church - Cross Stitch
Peafowl - Misc. Benches, 8 - S’ Brunswick Hotel Printing Cuts & Blocks - Snitz Dryer -
8-4’ Benches - Oak Library Table - Cane Rocker ■ Chip Carved Bed & Dresser - 2 Letter
Racks - Plank Chairs. 4 Arrow Back & 4 Half Spindle - Chamber Pols - Wash Stand Oak
Bed - 3-Piece Oak Bedroom Suite w/Wash Stand - Oak Rocker - Bowls & Pitcher Sets
Book Shelf - Melal/Onyx Piano Table - Ornate Lamp Table
2 Old Servcl Gas Refrigerators, as is - 2 Express Wagons - Old Golf Clubs - Flexible
Fryer & Antique Child’s Sled - 2 Electric NCR & 2 Burroughs Cash Registers - 6’ Jewelry
Case - 2-year-old G.E. Refrigerator - 3 Data Checker D T.S. Cash Registers - AMC - G E
Window Air Conditioner - Garden Way Cart - Misc. Desks - 2 Colored Glass Lamp Shades
- Tnvet Lamp - 5 lb. Fan Scales - 2 Office Desks - 12 Hand painted 36" Hex Signs - 8-8’
Picnic Tables - Western Saddle - Remodeled Office Building w/10 new Replacement
Windows - 12 Decorated counter/Bms from Garvin’s Dept Store - Pair Wagon Wheels
Hay Hook - Early Log Hewing Holder - Com Sheller - Feed Chest - 6 - 55 gal Drums
Wood Shutters - TA hp Engine on Portable Irrigation Pump - 2 Tobacco Balers- Farrowing
Crate - Oliver Plow - Wood Barrels - Nail Kegs - Baskets - Small Hand-Crant Gram
Cleaning Mill - Other Miscellaneous Items not listed
Good Homemade Food & Pics by the parents of Students of 3 Amish Schools, all
working together.
Adam B. Helsay, Jr., Emmett Murphy
& Harold K. Keller, Auctioneers
Come Join The “FROLIC” - everything Sells - iMnd Is Sold.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-827
TUES. MAR. 30 -9.30 AM
Consignment Sale Loca-
for a Kodak Commercial.
268 Marietta Avenue
Mount Joy, PA
AUO476L 653-8871
tion: Cumb. Co., Pa
Traveling 1-81 take exit 11
(Newville) onto Rt. 233
south to Rt 17r west Fol
low to sale approx 2 miles
from 1-81. Conducted By
Melvin Sensemg Nevm
Martin, auct
TUES MAR. 30 -10 AM,
Farm Equipment, Trucks,
Harvestore Silo, Grain
Bins, Skid Loader. Located
Exit Off Rt. 80 At Columbia,
Blairstown Exit 4, Travel 8
Mi., On Rt. 94 Toward
Blairstown, N.J. Ordered
By, Walnut Valley Dairy
Farms- Walter & John
Jones. Ralph W. Zettle
moyer Auction Co., Inc.
TUES. MAR. 30 - I:3OPM
Short notice emergency
bred sow & gilt sale 100
bred sows and gilts at Keis
ter’s Middleburg Auction
Shady Rill Farm
Feeder CAttle Sale, Carli
sle Livestock Market, Inc
Exit 12 South off 1-81
WED. MAR. 31 - Holstein
dairy herd dispersal River
Valley Farm, at New Hol
land Sales Stables, just off
rt 23 New Holland, Pa Riv
er Valley Farm Managed
By New Holland Sales
WED. MAR. 31, Easter,
Lamb & Goat Sale. Located
Belleville Livestock Market,
Belleville, Pa. For More
Information Call Eugene
WED. MAR. 31 -10 AM,
Complete Farm Dispersal
Cattle And Modem Farm
Machinery. Located West
field. (Tioga Co.) Penna.
Owners, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin
G Hartman Pirrung Auc
ts. Inc 716-728-2520.
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