Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1993, Image 66
826-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993 Public Auction SUN. MAR. 28- 11AM Tall case dock, Kutztown, Pa. 1779 Peter Grifft 40" Dial Street Clock- Cherry Cor ner cupboard, Windsor comeback rocker, farm table. At Kern's Auction Gallery, Roosevelt St., Egypt Gust N. of Allentown) Pa. take Rt. 22 to Allentown then Rt. 145 N. for about 4 miles to Rt. 329 West, take the first right & follow signs. Tim Wotnng, John Pfeiffer, Jr., auct. MON. MAR. 29 - 9:3OAM Tractors, trucks, lumber, farm equip., Located at the Auction Bam in American Comer, Md. on Auction Rd. between Denton and Federalsburg, Md. A. Curtis Andrew Auction, Inc. MON. MAR. 29 - 9:3OAM, Bankruptcy Auction, Prop erty, liquor license & con tents Club 22 Restaurant and lounge will be sold at auction Located in Bradyu Township, Huntingdon County, approx 5 mile West of Mount Union and 6 miles east of Huntingdon, Pa. Along Route 22. Ronald J. Gilhgan, auct. MON MAR 29-3 PM Anti ques, household goods, Martin guitar, diesel box van, tools. Located at 224 E. Main St., Brownstown, Lane. Co., Pa. By Earl A Stump. Horst, aucts. MON. MAR 29 - 3:3OPM, Automobile, Antiques & Collectibles. Located 6294 High St, East Petersburg, Pa. Auction For, Estate Of Donald E Shaub. E M Murry Associates, Aucts. MON MAR 29 - 4PM Lawn and garden auction at Goods Auction, 111 N 1 Maple Ave., Leola, Pa Expect over 300 pieces MON. MAR. 29 - S:3OPM Toy Auction, Hess trucks, Ertl banks, model kits, Win ross, pressed steel & lots more. Located at Harry's Auction, 11 Graybill Road, Leola, Pa. (Lane. Co.) 8 miles East of Lancaster, just off Rt. 23 in the Village of Bareville, PA Turnpike to Exit 22, follow Rt. 23-10 miles to Leola. Randy Stolt zfus, Richard Harry, aucts. TUES. MAR. 30 - W. Win field Farm Supply Inventory Reduction Nice JO Farm & Lawn Equipment. Located Rt. 20 W. Winfield, N.Y. Roy Teitsworth. Inc. Sales Manager & Auct. TUES. MAR. 30 - 9AM Household goods, antiques & tools. Located one mile south of Intercourse, turn south at Best Western Motor Inn at 241 Queen Rd., Intercourse. Lane. Co., Pa. By Paul L. Fisher. Auct. Robert E & Jeffrey R. Marlin. WOOD’S 19th ANNUAL MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Located on the GORDON WOOD farm, Rt. 15. Across from FRED’S WOODSHED Restaurant. 2 miles from TIOGA, 5 miles from LAWRENCEVILLE, 10 miles from MANSFIELD, PA. SATURDAY, APRII 17 * watch for time Some early consignments: HD 11 Allis Dozer, 10’ blade; good running machine, good undercarriage; Hesston Field Queen 4000 self propelled chopper, 3160 Cat engine, w/3 row com and pickup heads, field ready: 1978 Dodge pickup, with nice tool box, covers complete pickup box; 1966 International truck w/old fertilizer spreader, runs okay; FBOO Ford Dump Truck w/16’ box and hoist, 4’ sides; IVECO truck - 18’ van body and HD loading tailgate; JD 4020 diesel tractor, wide front; M. Farmall, power steering; IHC 450 gas tractor, some fire damage as is. M. Farmall, need motor overhaul; Hesston big-bale shredder; While #598, 6 bottom semi mount plows; JD 5 bottom semi mount plows; JD 336 baler w/ kicker; JD 1327 9’2” diskbine; JD 16’ transport harrows; NH 880 chopper w/pickup and 2 row com head. Many, Many consignments coming in. For the most in advertising coverage get your consignments in early. For the past 18 years we have had Satisfied Customers both Buyer and Seller. Lunch plus the famous Chicken BBQ SALE MANAGED BY WOOD’S AUCTION SERVICE Mansfield, PA Ph. 717-549-4901 SALE BARN: 717-836-5857 Rpoicfpr Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. Keglalcl of eaci, week’s publication PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT - TRACTORS - BUTCHER EQUIPMENT RESCHEDULED TO WED., MARCH 31, 1993 9:30 AM LOCATED: Rt. 30 In Abbottstown (Adams Co.), turn north and keep straight onto Brough Road, go 1.7 mile to Stop sign, turn left onto Pine Run Road, go 4/10 mile to macadam lane on left. Watch for signs. Oliver 1550 D, 3 pt., P.S., 95% Rubber, Remote; Oliver 1600 D, 80% Rubber, 3 pt., P.S., Remote; J.D. 50 w/Remotc & Live PTO; John Deere Pedal Tractor, 1973 Int. 1600 Loadstar w/Grain Body & Hoist - 22,500 GVW; 2 Moritz 12’ Stock Trailers - LL:e New, Jacobson GTI2 Tractor with Mower, Plow, Disc & Rototillcr; New Holland 353 Grinder Mixer, N.H. 467 Haybine, N.H. 327 PTO Manure Spreader, N.H. 254 - 3 pt. Rake, N.H. 268 PTO Baler, Brillion 13’ Cultimul cher - (Wheels Mtd. inside); Bush Hog 13’ Heavy Transport Disk, Brillion 13’ Cultipack cr with Center Bearings, Oliver 4x16 Semi Mid. Plow, New Idea 2 Row Mtd. Com Picker with 8 Roll Husking Bed (Oliver Mtds), N.H. 38 Flail Chopper, J.D. FBB 15 Disc Drill, Zimmerman 40’ Elevator w/Elcclric Motor, Portable Elevator Drag with Motor, J.D, 350 - 5x16 Hyd. Reset Plow, Lillie Giant 40’ Eleva tor (Motor & PTO), Freeman 3 pt. 7’ Blade, 2 McCurdy Gravity Bins with N.H. Running Gears, 1 Flat Wagon, 1 Wagon with Sides, Vicon 3 pt. Fertilizer Seeder, TSC Trailer Sprayer with Pump & Booms, Polyester Tank, HiCo 6’ Pull Type Rotary Mower, Grain Auger 6”x20” with Carriage & Gas Motor, Grove 14’ Dump Wagon with Hay Rack Sides, V Snow Plow, Cement Mixer, 2 Row Culti. for J.D. 50, Hydraulic Cylinders, A.T. Ferrell & Co. Seed Cleaner. Enterprise 32 & 22 Meat Grinders, Butcher Ladles, Sausage Stuffcr, 200 Burlap Bags, 4 Farrmg Crates, 40’ Extension Ladder, Fire Engine Ladder, Tow Chains, Tractor & Truck Tire Chains, Screw Bam Jacks, Box of Black Smith Tools, Grinder, Cross Cut Saw, Pipe Vise & Threader, Hog Troughs, Misc. Farm Items Not Mentioned. NOTE: This equipment was well cared for and is in very good condition, always kept inside. Not a lot of small items so Please Be On Time! TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Seller: MR. & MRS. WILSON (BOOTS) LINEBAUGH 911 Pine Run Road Abbottstown, PA 717-624-8259 Auction Conducted By: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emlgsvllle, PA 717:764-641£ £A. Uc. JK63. PUBLIC AUCTION I the undersigned will sell at Public Auction. Located 3 miles North of Col umbiana, Ohio on State Route 164 to Blooser Rd. then left 1/10 mile to sale site (at the rear of Hartley’s Seed Clean ing) on SAL, APRIL 3, 1993 @ 11:00 A.M. SAW MILL AND EQUIPMENT Lane sawmill with 48 in. blade, MM 6 cylinder engine (engine and mill will be offered separate and together selling the way they bring the most); 54 inch saw blade; 56 inch saw blade; Hough gas payloader; Case (payloader) hi lift; Woodchuck chipper with 300 cu. in. 6 cylinder Ford industrial engine; Lickety Splitter 8 hp (Kohler) wood splitter, 2 Ford 300, 6 cylinder engines; air compressor; debarker for chain saw; 8 chain saws McCul lough and Husqvama; miscellaneous hand tools; hi-lift for parts; coal elevator, oil tanks; belt elevator; scrap pile; 1 lot miscellaneous items to numerous to mention. Timbers. PICKUP AND GOOSENECK 1983 Ford V* ton 4 WD pickup; Blair 7 ton 20 ft. gooseneck trailer; tandem axle trailer; untility trailer; ALLIS CHALMERS TRAC TORS 2-Allis Chalmers tractors with winches; steel wheels for Allis Chalmers: 1 lot A.C. parts. ELMER BURBICK, Owner 216-227-3236 / V N <vc JIM BAER AUCTIONEER - REALTY Mflp* KEN BAER AUCTIONEER - SALESMAN U ' GORDON KOEHLER AUCTIONEER BILL BAER APPRENTICE 216-227-3236 PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COLLECTIBLES, TOOLS, 2 GARDEN TRACTORS WED., MARCH 31, 1993 At 3 P.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center located at the corner of Rt, 322 & Durlach Rd. (approx 27> miles West of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA. FURNITURE Pine Blanket Chest (O.G. Bracket Feet), Grabber Lock); Cherry Dropleaf Table; Empire Butler's Desk; Empire Bureau, Rope Bed, Washstand; OAK: Dress er, Dropleaf Ext Table; Lamp stand; Depression Bedroom Suites; China Closet; One Drawer Stand; Windsor Chair; Set of Decorated Chairs; Victorian Platform Rocker; Footstool; Sewing Stand; Child's Potty Chair; Highchairs; Antique Cribs; Maple Dining Room Suite; Maple Bedroom Suite; Formica Breakfast Set; La-Z-Boy; Living Room Suite; Chest of Drawers. APPLIANCES Maytag Refrigerator; Freezer; Auto Washer, Microwave, Treadle Sewing Machine; Lamps, Alum. & S S. Cookware; MODERN GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK; Mantel Clock; Cuckoo Clock; B&H Ker osene Light; Griswold Waffle Iron; Enterprise Bolog na Sllcer; Agate. CHINA & GLASSWARE Gaudy Ironstone; Flow-Blue; Ironstone; Set of Noritake Azalea China; Earthen Bowls, German; Bavarian China; Blue Ridge; Pressed & Pattern Glass; Carnival; Punch Bowl Set; Opalescent, Candy Rabbit; Avon; Stoneware Jugs LINENS Coverlet (Schoolhouse Border); Counterpanes; Lap Robe; Fancywork; Blue Check & Homespun; 1876 PHILA. HANDKERCHIEF; Beaded Purse; Jewelry; Cast-iron Mail & Liberty Banks; Copper Dip per, Iron Bulldogs; Boot Jack; Brass Items BOOKS Mennomtes of Lancaster Conference, Postcards, R Atkinson Fox Print, Army Medals & Memorabilia TOOLS CUB CADET 1020 LAWN TRACTOR; JOHN DEERE 111 LAWN TRACTOR (11 H.P.); Battery Charger; Handy Man Jack; Auger Bits; Hand Saws; Planes, Wrenches, Drawing Knife; Lantern, Fishing Rods; Martin's Pretzel Can. Oyster Can GUNS Marlin Model 336 30/30; Remington Sportsman 48 12 Ga, Tasco Rifle; Smith & Wesson Pistol. No out of slate checks unless accompanied by a current bank letter or prior arrangement with auc tion service SALE FOR RHODA NOLI, EDNA WEAVER, PAULINE HORST & OTHERS Horst aucts. B AU43BL T. Glenn (717) #59-1331 • (7i7) tm-smo Timothy G. Fh I (717) 73#-21J2 Thomas A. ‘VOICES OF EXPERIENCE REAL ESTATE AUCTION BED & BREAKFAST 16 ROOMS * RESTAURANT * LOUNGE CIRCA 1780 FRIDAY, APRIL 23-11 A.M. THREE CENTER SQUARE INN MAYTOWN, PA INSPECTION: MONDAY, APRIL 12 - • A.M. - 1 P.M. BROKER PARTICIPATION • FINANCING FOR ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE A TERMS CONTACT tSTAHOHCO IN MM 1825 East Boston Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-2500 (215) 634-0496 Fax r GOING OUT OF BUSINESS I AUCTION I FRIDAY ; APRIL 2 (12 Noon) | k AND SATURDAY, APRIL 3 (9 AM) 1993 Held on the premises of Relchlin’s Inc., 961 Leister’s Church Road, West minster, MD 21157 (Off Rt. 482 Adja cent to Rt. 27 - 2 miles NE of Westmin ster) MASSEY FERGUSON & SNAPPER DEALER SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 37 YEARS EQUIPMENT: Massey Harris Pony w/Woods mower, MF 202 T/L/B Farmall Cub w/cultivators & plow, MF 2200 Forklift, MF 20C tractor/loader, Ferguson mtd. chisel plow, 500 gal Century sprayer, NH 450 sickle mower, flatbed wagons, 4 row cultivator w/side dressers, Sauder loaders & blade, Schwartz loader, plows, cultivator, harrows, mowers, planters, blades, rake, thrower, earner, woodsaw, snowmo biles, and tire chains, plus many other pieces of equipment NEW ft USED LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES; MF 7's, B's, 10/12's, 85. 1200's; SNAP PER Rear Engine Riders, Walk-behmd mowers, Bag-n -wagon; IH Cub Cadet, NEW Jacobsen 8 hp mower, Rally lawn mower, blades, blowers and accessories, other mow ers, plows, discs, and various items and attachments. VEHICLES: 1974 International 1800 w/Rollback (Vm #10682DHA28319), 1965 International 1800 A (Vm #FD73O67F), 1979 Chev ’/< ton pick-up w/toolboxes (Vm #CCL2498100869), 1979 Chevy full-size service van w/ electric winch (Vm #CGD2594128247), 1977 Chevy ’/, ton pick-up w/toolboxes (Vm #CCD1478153435), Snowco trailer (Vm #3856), and 14 ft Travel-matel travel trailer (vjn #6TSS34A) Inspec. Respons of purchaser NEW & USED PARTS & ACCESSORIES: for MASSEY FERUGSON tractors, combines, balers, lawn S garden and other implements; OLD ALLIS CHALMERS, NEW HOL- ! LAND; Ford, Badger, Bnllion, Woods, Lilliston, Caterpillar, j Sauder, Century, Danuser, Shaver, Brady, Grove, Pequea, I Snapper, Briggs & Stratton, Techumseh, Weedeater, Green ( Machine and other lines too numerous to mention: misc I parts for loaders, elevators, plows, mowers, rakes, planters, | barn cleaners, etc ; engine blocks, crankshafts, other engine I parts, electrical, hydraulic, pto and lift linkage parts plus , many more for MF tractors; Case/Wisconsm/Wico/FM mag netos, Weather guards and other canopies for Ag & L&G tractors, MF snowmobile parts, tractor weights, oil, grease, and many other parts available. SHOP EQUIPMENT; free standing drill press, tire chan ger w/air bead breaker, dynamometer, electric welder, 2 acetylene welding sets, hydroanalyzer, parts washer, hy draulic pressure gauge kit, 4-1 torque multiplier, portable air tanks, compression testers for gas and diesel engines, cooling systems, and an injector pop tester, timing lights, battery testers and chargers, trouble lights, pressure washer, vises, bench grinders, knife sharpener, electric hacksaw, valve and valve seat grinders, special application tools (or MASSEY FERGUSON, BRIGGS & STRATTON, AND TECHUMSEH; V 4 ” 4 ’/." drive impact gun, spray guns and other air tools, torque wrenches. ’/." drive socket set, pullers, ridge reamers, lacing tools/lacers, hammers, anvils, shop cranes, L4G tractor stands, come-alongs, floor jacks, jack stands, creepers, chain falls, fans, work benches, tables, diesel and kerosene tanks, barrel pumps and gear oil pumps, and many other shop tools and other items OTHER ITEMS: OFFICE FURNITURE 4 EQUIPMENT, desks, chairs, copier, cash registers, adding machines, tele phones, etc, 2-WAY RADIO SYSTEM, toys, hats, OLD COKE MACHINE and bottles, old typewriters, miscella neous plumbing and electncal items, some ANTIQUES ■ tools, toolboxes, addressograph, other items, scrap metal. t lumber, and many other interesting things to numerous to j mention I I INSPECTION: Week of Sale ONLY 8.00 am. - 5 p.m I TERMS; Cash or approved check on the day of sals, i 5% MD Ratal! Salas Tax will ba collided on non-farm I Kama. Visa or Mastercard accepted w/$3OO minimum. I Merchandise will be sold In an as-ls condition. The j current listing available for aala is subject to prior retail I eala. All merchandise must ba removed from the pre- I mlsas by April IS, 1993. < REICHLIN’S INC. 961 Leister's Church Rd. Westminster, MD 21157 410-848-4585/410-876*2121 For Info. Contact: T.R. O'Farrell, Inc. O'Farrall, Whltaon, & Conovar, Auctioneers 435 Sullivan Road, Westminster, MD 21157 410-848-1423/410-876-2333 Lunch Rights Reserved CUP-N-SAVE *-e-«^».a'^^»-e-«M>-e'4»-e-^^»-e-4»-e'