Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1993, Image 61

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    Sale Reports
A Public Sale of 430
milk bottles was held
March 20 at the Brick
erville Fire Hall, west
of Ephrata off Route
322, Lane. Co., Pa.
There were buyers re
gistered from New
York, Vermont, Conn.,
Maryland, New Jersey,
Virginia and Pa.
Some prices includ
ed: Frankhouser bottles,
Honeybrook, Pa. $57 to
$6O ea.. Cloister Dairies
$2B to $55 ea., Queen
Dairies $4B to $52 ea..
White Oak, Terre Hill
$65, Alexandria Dairy,
Va. $42, H.E. Shealer,
Stevens $l5O, Cedar
Lawn Farms $9O,
Spruce Villa Dairy, Lit
itz $155, SL Lawrence
Queen Top, Reading
$64, Kriebels Dairy,
Hereford, Pa. $2O to
$46 ea., F.M. Stauffer,
Blue Ball $l7O and 3
half-pint Queen Dairy
crates $33 each.
Paul & Michael Sny
der were the auction
A Public Auction of
antiques was held
March 20 for the estate
of Helen Gassert, 'A
mile east on old 22 in
Bethel, Berks Co., Pa.
Some prices received
were: fracturs $6O to
$320 each, large green
pill bottle $llO, small
jug w/blue design $220,
flow blue cup, saucer &
plate $l3O, slaw cutter
$125, old ledger $105,3
piece oak bedroom suite
$875, oak jelly cup
board $450, oak chest
of drawers $3OO, oak
server $375 and oak
square extension table
Dwight D. Miller
was the auctioneer.
A Public Sale of 78
cows and 17 bred heif
ers was held March 16
at Clover Leaf farm by
John Z. and Naomi
Stoltzfus, east of Ken
nedyville, Kent Co.,
The average of the
:ows was $1448 and the
average of the whole
herd was $1365. The
top prices for registered
and grade Holsteins
were $2500, $2400,
52425 and $2200. Heif-
Jrs sold for $l7OO,
$1450, $1350 and
Steve and Steve Jr.
Pctersheim were the
A Public Sale of real
estate was held March
10 by Mrs. George
'Corrine) D. Wolfgang,
1 miles west of Klinger
own, Jordan Twp.,
'lonhumberland Co.,
i a.
The 153-acre farm
wth farm buildings was
■old for $310,000.
Mark J. Jones was
he auctioneer.
livengood sale
A Public Auction of
arm equipment was
teld March 20 by Paul
J. and Elva W. Liven
;ood and Lester E. and
<aren Livengood, 1729
Boyer Run Road, Man
heim. Lane. Co., Pa.
Some prices were:
A.C. 190 tractor $4900,
A.C. 185 tractor $5250,
A.C. D 17 tractor
$1575, A.C. WD tractor
$lOOO, 4 hay wagons
$375 to $490,2 bin wa
gons $450 each, 3 pt 7
tooth chisel $450,
White C-B roll-over
plow $2325, 3 pt. field
cultivator $650, NJL
310 baler $2600, Hess
ton haybine $llOO,
Pequea hay tedder
$7OO, J.D. 1240 4-row
com planter $BOO, Riss
ler feed cart $3BOO,
Mueller 800 gal. milk
tank $3450, Surge pipe
line system $2BOO, milk
cans $l7 to $2O each,
cast iron implement seat
$64, walking plow
$135, old N.H. plate
mill $325 and old
Gould belt-driven water
pump $l4O.
The sale was man
aged by John D. Stauf
A Public Sale of real
estate and machinery
was held March 18 by
Bonnie Fisher, R.D. 2,
New Enterprise, Bed
ford Co., Pa. along Rt.
868. There were 365
reg. bidders.
The 80-acre farm
with a house and bam
was sold for $152,500.
Some other items
sold were: J.D. 4020
tractor $9OOO, grain wa
gons $9OO to $llOO,
feeder wagons $525 to
$1375, J.D. 730 tractor
$3500 and J.D. 7200
com planter $BOOO.
Claycomb, Mishler
& Assoc, conducted the
A Public Sale of farm
equipment was held
March 20 by Josie J.
and Roy L. Keller, west
of Waynesboro, Pa.
Some prices were:
J.D. 4020 tractor w/cab
$9900, J.D. 2750 tractor
$16,100, Bol) Cat skid
steer #533 $4600, 2
Artsway Dion forage
wagons $3200 each,
J.D. 3940 forage har
vester $6300, 2-row
narrow corn head
$l9OO, J.D. 16A flail
chopper $l4OO, N.H.
276 hay "baler $3350,
J.D. rotary mower con
ditioner $5lOO, 12 foot
Rhino heavy disc
$2200, J.D. 12 ft. roller
harrow $2200, Oliver
548 semi-mounted
4-bottom plow $2150
and J.D. 780 hydro
manure spreader $6200.
Kling’s Auction Ser
vice conducted the sale.
A Public Sale of anti
ques was held march 17
by Amelia Gawryla of
Harrisburg, Pa. at
Penny-Andrews Auc
tion Centre, Inc., 3
miles north of the Read
ing Airport.
Some prices were:
vanity bench $220, oak
china closet $440,5 pc.
pineapple bedroom
suite $1430, 9 pc. ma
hogany dining room
suite $1455, needle
point stool $llO, slant
front desk $385, oak
stack bookcase $330,
marble top table $2OO,
pair Japanese vases
$230 and Royal Bonn
china clock $330.
Auctioneers were
Cathy M. Pennypacker-
Andrews and Luke R.
A Public Auction of
merchandise owned by
several persons was
held March 17 at the
Ml Pleasant Mills Fire
Dept. Social Hall.
Some prices received
were; sulfide marble
$5O, dancing black doll
$75, pitcher & glasses
$2O, cupboard top $7O,
table (rough) $25. oak
dresser $lOO, quilt top
$45 and scales $37.50.
Kenneth E. Hassing
er and Neil A. Courtney
were the auctioneers.
Sale Dates
John A. Lutz Sale on March
15 and 16 was rescheduled
for March 29 and 30.
Harold G. Heck Sale on
March 13 was rescheduled
for March 27.'
Dale W. & Susan Hoover
Sale on March 16 was
rescheduled for March 30.
Charles M. Getz Sale on
March 20 was rescheduled
to April 10.
Annual Spring Consign
ment Auction at Juniata
Markets Sale on March 20
rescheduled for April 2.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shalon
go Sale on March 17 to
April 7.
Tim Mummert Sale on
March 13 rescheduled to
March 28.
Richard S. Albertson and
Highland Orchard Sale on
March 13 was rescheduled
to March 30.
Eric Vey Sale on March 13
was rescheduled to March
Melvin Sensenig Sale on
March 19 was rescheduled
to March 30.
Knouse Construction Sale
on March 13 was resche
duled to April 2 & 3.
Mabel Hoffer Sale on
March 13 was rescheduled
for March 27.
Samuel E. & Elva H. Martin
Sale on March 13 was
rescheduled for April 19.
Lester P. Boyer Sale on
March 15 was rescheduled
for March 30.
Edward & Louise Shuey
Sale on March 13 was
rescheduled for April 10.
Estate of Raymond M.
Weaver from Homing Farm
Agency, Inc. was mis
printed the Sate is on
March 27, 1993.
Fernwood Auction Co.
2139 Quarry Rd„ Lebanon
Rescheduled From March
13 to April 3 at 2 P.M.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson (Boots)
Linebaugh, rescheduled
from March 20 until March
A Public Sale of tools
was held March 20 by
Stella B. Martin for the
estate of Aaron H. Mar
tin, one mile south of
Schaefferslown on
Route 419, Lebanon
Co., Pa. There were 245
registered bidders at the
Some prices includ
ed: steel chain saw
$230, Snap-On wrench
set $l9O, Snap-On tool
cabinet $3lO, Winches
ter .22 rifle $l5O, cam
corder $375, 4 accor-
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
SAT. MAR. 27 -10 AM,
Large Absolute Auction
Sale. Located Mullins,
S.C., 30 Miles East Of Flor
ence. S.C. Directions To
Sale From Mullins Take
Hwy. 41 Southeast 7 Miles,
Sale On Right. Owner,
Baxley Farms. Lloyd Meo
kins & Sons Realty & Auc
tion Co.
SAT. MAR. 27-10 AM Col
lectibles, antiques, Hum
mel's. Precious Moments,
collector dolls, Louis I cart
collection, steins, depress
ion, carnival, pattern, glass
ware, general giftware,
advertising items. Schultz
Auction House, Rte. 209,
Zerbe, Sch. Co., Pa.
Schultz Auction Service.
SAT. MAR. 27 -10 AM, 40
Holstein Heifers, Guns &
Farm Machinery. Located
In Mifflin Co., 2 Miles East
Of Mt. Union, Pa., Turn Off
Rt. 22, Vi Mile S.W. Of
Newton Hamilton, Pa.
Owners, Albert & Frances
Bowser. Mark Click, Auct.
SAT. MAR. 27 -10 AM,
Tools & Equipment.
Located Along Rt. 897,1/2
Mile South Of Swartzville &
Rt. 272, Brecknock Town
ship, Lane. Co. Terms By,
Estate Of Raymond M.
Weaver, Betty Jane Weav
er, Executrix. Homing Farm
Agency, Inc
SAT. MAR. 27 -10 AM,
Farm Machinery Auction.
Located In Cumberland Co.
From Newville Off Route
641, Take Mt. Rock Road
Past Big Spring High
School, 2.3 Miles To Farm -
Or Off Route 11 South Of
Carlisle, Take Mt. Rock
Road To Right, 2 Miles To
Farm. C. Richard Fahnes
tock Estate. Sale Managed
By: Kling's Auctions, Inc.
SAT. MAR. 27 -10 AM,
Farm Machinery. Located 3
Miles South Of Blairsville
Off Route 217, & 5 Miles
North Of Derry Off Route
217, Westmoreland Co.
Pa.. Follow Signs. Owner,
Frank Barkley. Claycomb &
Michtar a Assoc. Aucts.
SAT. MAR. 27 -10 AM
Farm Equipment. 13812
Burnt Mill Rd., Shippens
burg, Pa. 696 N. from Ship
pensburg to Middle Spring
Rd.; turn left onto Maclays
Mill Road, approx. 1 mile to
farm on right. For Mr. &
Mrs. Jay E. Chamberlin.
Terry L, Kelly A. Shelter,
SAT. MAR. 27 -10 AM,
Farm Equipment & Anti
ques. Located High Hill
Rd„ Swedesboro, N J. For
Mr. Anthony Gattuso Sr.
dians $55 to $625, torch
kit $250, radial arm saw
$2OO, band saw $240,
air compressor $l9O,
comer cupboard $270,
10 KW generator
$lOOO, 1986 Ford Van
$3350, trailer $675,
1991 Ford 4x4 pickup
truck $12,250, Long
#460 D tractor w/loadcr
$3OOO, tractor tire
chains $290 and rubber
door mat machine
Paul G. Martin Auc
tion Service conducted
the sale.
Ralph D. Hughes, Auct.
SAT. MAR. 27 - 10:30AM,
Farm Auction. Located
Between Addison, N.Y.
And Elkland, Pa. On Coun
ty Route 112, Just Off
Route 86. Follow Auction
Arrows From Elkland Or Off
Route 417 Between Addi
son And Woodhull, N.Y.
Owners, Joe Boom & Clyde
Beard. Beards Auct.
SAT. MAR. 27 - 10:45AM,
Sale #1- Farm Machinery
Auctions, 6 Tractors, Milk
Eq., Forage & Farm Eq. For
John Hahola Jr.- Whitehall
Rd„ 1 Mi. N.W. Of Pitts
town N.J., From Rt. 78-
Clinton, N.J. (Exit 15) To
Rt. 513-S To Whitehall Rd.
To Sale) Sale Conducted
By Col. Fred R. Daniel Auc
tioneers, Inc.
SAT. MAR. 27-11 AM Real
Estate of George E. Wis
ner, Sr. Located along
Cherry Run Road, RD #2
Glen Rockl, Pa off of Rt.
616 between Glen Rock
and Seven Valleys or off of
Shaffer Church Road.
Charles L. Wehrly, auct.
SAT. MAR. 27- 11AM Real
estate lot 1 is 2.134 acres
approved building lot Lot 2
2.312 acre track w/2V4
story home and bank barn.
Located 1 mile North of
Schoeneck along Cocalico
Road. Terms by Ivan Z.
Stauffer. Paul E. Martin,
SAT. MAR. 27 - 11:30AM
Estate auction, between
the Villages of Feamot and
Erdman, along the Sac
ramento to Klingerstown
Rd., Western Schuylkill
Co., Pa. 20 miles W of I-81,
■ exit 34. Estate of Mary A
Klinger, Mike, George
Delbert, aucts.
SAT. MAR. 27- 11:30AM,
Pennsylvania Angus
Association- Show Heifers,
Cows, Bred Heifers, (40
Quality Lots). Located
State College, Pa. Harry H.
Bachman, Auct.
SAT. MAR. 27 - IPM, 73
Acre Union Co. Pa. Farm.
Located Along Rt. 45 Just
East Of Vicksburg This
Farm Has Approx. 2000' Of
Frontage On Rt. 45 And
1800' Ft Of Frontage On
Beaver Run Road. Owners,
Alvin & Ada Martin. Ken
neth E. Hassinger & Neil A.
Courtney, Aucts.
SAT. MAR. 27 - IPM 2%
Story stone home. Located
along Rt. 222 & Walnut
Pa. or approx. 5 miles N. of
Quarryville in Strasburg
Twp. Estate of Joseph G.
Hess. Ron Runk, Gordon
Ressler, aucts.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-821
{ „
New Holland, PA
44 Milk Cows, good young herd with pleas
ing udders. 10 fresh past 6 weeks, 4 due April,
balance in all stages. Several bred for August,
Sept, and Oct. Cattle have all necessary health
shots and vet checked for pregnancy.
Also Selling March 31
18 cows from the Marcus C. Martin Herd.
Being sold due to bam fire.
Cows in all stages of production. Pregnancy
checked, milk weights announced sale day.
See Page 854 for More Details
err-i «. public
V Estate of Mark A. Lahr
Saturday, April 10, 1993
9:00 a.m.
Located in the Village of Seven Points
along Lahr Road. Turn East off Route
890 at Wolf’s Crossroads. Approxi
mately 5 miles Southeast of Sunbury,
Oak Quarter Sawed Dresser, Chest of
Drawers w/Mirror, Vanity and Stool; Oak
Rockers: Mahogany Game Table; Oak
Childs Rockers: Wooden Floor Lamp; Lin
coln Horse Clock; Homer Laughlin Dishes;
Oak Swing: Wooden Pulleys: Milk Cans:
Hess Red Fire Truck by Marx; Display
Case w/Approx. 50 Arrow Heads; Hess
Tractor Trailer Tanker; 3 Pc. Bedroom
w/3 Pt. W.F.E. with Sauder Loader, Nice;
3R.7 Blade; 3 Pt. 3 x 14" J.D. Plow; 3 Pt.
Row Marker; Wards 12’ Sea King Boat; Wards
Sea King 7.5 H.P. Motor; Fishing Rods; Com
pound Bow; Etc.
Wards 10” Table Saw w/Extensions;
Craftsman 6” Jointer; Dremel 4” Table
Saw; Edison #3210 Wood Lathe: Shop
craft 4” Belt Sander: Craftsman #315 Rou
ter; B&D 6” Bench Grinder; 1/4", 3/8” and
1/2” Drills; 7 1/4” Skil Saw; Sabre Saw;
Scroll Saw; Large Selection of Hand Car
penter Tools: C and Bar Clamps; Pipe
Vise; Taps and Dyes; Pipe Threader:
Extension Cords: Wrenches; Files; Block
Planes: 15 Drawer Organizers; Bench
Vise; Floor Jack; Miscellaneous Lumber;
TERMS: Cash or PA Check
John A. Lahr
Treva A. Dockey
ATTORNEY: Apfelbaum ■ Apfelbaum -
Phone: 717-286-0052 • License #AU 1595-L
• License #AU 3043-L
SALE ORDER: Household - Antiaues -
Carpenter Tools -
Tractor, Ip.m. - Lawn JKiSI UjTjl
Equipment TSpsr