How To Replace Window Screens Now may be a good time to repair or replace window and door screens. Peter Miranda, executive director of the Insect Screening Weavers Association, points out that screens not only are a home’s first line of defense against flying insects, they also are important in natural ventilation—helping keep down air conditioning bills—and with proper upkeep, can make a home more attractive. Here are some tips from the Association to help keep your repair or replacement of window screens simple. Replacing Screens Inexpensive, Easy “There are two popular types of screening, aluminum and fiber glass,” Mr. Miranda says. “Both are corrosion resistant—unlike old galvanized steel screens—and inexpensive. “And, even if you are all thumbs around the house, it is easy to replace old, worn-out screens, or make new ones, using common household tools and some inexpensive materials.” All you need to put new alumi num or fiber glass screens on existing frames is a new piece of screening, a screwdriver, utility knife or tin snips, concave hand roller tool and vinyl-coated replacement spline. Spline is the rubbery strip that anchors screen ing to the frame: the hand roller is a special tool used to install spline. Easy Installation After gathering the materials, your first step in replacing screen ing in an aluminum frame for a single or double-hung window is removal of the old screening. Lay (he screen on a flat surface, with •|he spline channel up, and use a wumeim mar mm sm Jnioader The Badger Frost Buste It FINANCING • ■ NEWI Simple, trouble-free collector ring redesigned lor greater ease of service. ■ NEWI Vertical control guide wheel on auger's outer end adds stability when raising the unloader | ■ NEWI Three-year limited warranty | ■ High strength, extra-heavy angle iron frame ■ Heavy-duty double wall reinforced drive ring ' ■ Super tough chipper wheel shaves silo wall clean ■ Rugged 10’ auger with heat treated Zinc Dichromated knives and double flighting on outer end LOW RATE FINANCING AVAILABLE: 4.9%-24 MO*. 7.9%-38 Mo*. MANURE TANKS ■ 3 sue units - up to 3260 gallons ■ High capacity vacuum pump (or last fj fjf' Q/l ■ Heavy inlanor steal bafttss lor extra ■ 540 or 1000 RPM heavy duly PTO * Tandem walking axles on 3 largest ■ Available with 3,4, or 5-shank |y y ) />• / / ■ Full complement of options available screwdriver to start pulling out the spline. Next, place the new screening on the frame, with a 1-in. overlap around the sides. Then, starting at any comer of the frame, use the concave hand roller to secure the screening and spline in the chan nel, making sure the screening is taut completely around the frame. To finish, just trim off the excess screening and the repaired screen is ready to install. If you are working with wood frames, you will need a work bench, wood blocks and two C clamps to make sure the screening is taut Start by removing the molding over the spline channel, if one is present This should be done care fully, with a wide chisel or putty knife. Next detach the old screen ing as you would with an alumi num frame and cut a new piece slightly larger than the area to be covered. Staple or tack the new screening to one end of the frame and place the frame on the work bench with 2 X 4 in. wood blocks under each end. Fasten the C clamp along each side of the screen to bow the frame, then pull the screening taut and tack down the second end. After the ends are secured, remove the clamps and blocks and use new spline and the concave roller to fasten the screen. If the screen has a center rail, put it back on, then just trim off the excess screening and replace the decora tive molding. If you find that the wooden frames are weakening with age, a little preventive repair can help stretch their life. To straighten and stiffen weakened corners, try L®®K TO BADGER FOR ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS ? & /SAFETY! \ m NEWI Center mounted blower allows for further travel between doors screwing L-shaped metal braces on each side of the frame. If either wood or metal screens are bent out of shape, though, the best bet is to buy or build new frames. Screen Doors For Full Beneft When checking window screens, be sure not to overlook front and back door screens. And, of course, homeowners with slid ing screen doors should pay extra attention to the door tracks. Any kinks in the bottom track should be straightened to help the doors roll smoothly. “Ventilating your home natur ally by making full use of window and door screens improves air cir culation, making the home more comfortable and reducing electric bills for homeowners with air con ditioning,” Mr. Miranda says. “Home handymen can buy standard-mesh aluminum or fiber glass screening at hardware stores and home supply centers, along with replacement spline and hand rollers,” he continues. “Rolls of screening are generally available in widths up to 84 in. and often can be cut to order, so be sure to have the measurements of the screens you need to replace.” Mr. Miranda also notes that many rescreening packages are offered with easy do-it-yourself instructions. “If you are still not convinced it’s easy to replace old screens,” he says, “you can call a local screening dealer for installation service. They are usually listed in the Yellow Pages under ‘Screens —Door and Window’ and can meet all your home screening needs.” •e I Pack Drive 9m Silo Unloader Heavy duty chipper wheel shaves silo wall clean ■ High strength, iron frame extra-heavy angle ■ Rugged 10’ auger with double flighting on outer end equipped with heat treated Zinc Dichromated knives ■ Center-mounted blower allows for further travel between doors. ■ Simple, trouble-free collector ring designed for greater ease of service ■ Quick installation and low cost, the ideal replacement unit SPECIAL SAVINGS on Barn Cleaner Chains DURAFORGED AND rSfgC? I HOOKLOK [tggg?7 CHAIN “ Duraforgad Chain 3M' wm< wmi Hmi Hook Lok Chain - y*** l y? P* ddl * ■Patantad locking fsatura aatlly connect*/ dlioonnaet* only whan ■ you want 1110 Urtk" connaclcr'fot " tail asaathbly/dla- _ , “X r ut 2523 s*» uncoupling B tShST ■ST,n i&idger jSStffM Forage Boxes... p3|W Built for the Sgfflfjf Long Haul! 0% - 12 Mos. Or 5 Month Waiver Of Finance 4.9% -24 Mos. 7.9% -36 Mos. HAPPENINGS Gum Tree 4-H Gymkhana Results The Gum Tree 4-H Annual Gymkhana was held recently at Derby Down Farm in Kennett Square, courtesy of Mary Warner Brown and Louise Serio and their families. Cochampions in Division A for younger and/or newer 4-H mem bers were Jesse Vanderhoff of Cochranville and Andy Triboletti of Kemblesville. The reserve champion was Wesley Promnitz of R.D., West Grove. Division B champion (older and/or more experienced riders) was Jimmy Healy of New Lon don. The reserve champion was Jennifer Knox of West Chester. There was a large turnout and many classes were split. Winners of individual classes were: Barrel Race - Open: 1. T.R. Ser io; 2. Jimmy Healy; 3. Jennifer Knox. Barrel Race - Adults and Older 4-Hers - 1. Rod Vanderhoff; 2. Bill Wunsch; 3. Lisa Freeman. Pole Bending - Trotting; 1. Ashley Singleton; 2. Lauren Dag gett; 3. Andy Triboletti. Pole Bending - Open: 1. T.R. Serio; 2. Jimmy Healy; 3. Mi chelle Stanton. Pole Bending - Adult and older 4-H’ers: 1. Rod Vanderhoff; 2. Bill Wunsch: 3. Laura Orpncck. Father’s Shoes - Division A: 1. See Your Local Badger Dealer HONESDALE SPREADING SERVICE INC. SOS Cliff St Honesdtle, PA 10431 (717) 253-2410 CHIDESTER FARMS RD 2. Box 75 Kingsley. PA 16826 (717) 289 4260 MELVIN G. MILLER RT 2 Spring Mills, PA 16875 (814) 422-8279 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. RT 2. day. PA 19547 (215) 987-6277 BHM FARM EQUIP. INC. RR 1. Annville. PA 17003 (717) 867-2211 SHOW EASE STALL CO. 573 Willow Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 299-2536 DEERFIELD AG & TURF CENTER, INC. RD 2, Box 212 Watsoniown. PA 17777 (717) 538-3557 HEFLIN SALES I SERVICE 12312 Oak Hill Ad Woodsboro, MO 21798 (301) 698-3233 CHAMBERSBURG FARM SERVICE 975 S Mam St Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-3533 SOMERSET BARN EQ. RD #5 Somerset. PA 15501 (814) 445-SSSS McMILLEN BROS. RD 1 Box 134 Loysville. PA 17047 (717) 760-3961 HESS' EQUIPMENT Salts & Service RR 3, Mifflmburg, PA 17644 (717) 066*2720 066-1996 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-819 Jimmy Healy; 2. Alan McCabe; 3. Chrissy Serio. Musical Bags - Division A: 1. Jesse Vanderhoff; 2. Lauren Dag get; 3. Johnathan Posey. Musical Bags - Division B: 1. Adrian Farrar; 2. Zubair Hamir; 3. Jennifer Knox. Egg on a Spoon - Division A: 1. Chastity Moran; 2. Jennifer Earll; 3. Tammy Riveria. Egg on a Spoon - Division B: 1. Stephanie McAvaney; 2. Sarah Wilison; 3. Beatrix Kinvin. Egg on a Spoon - Division C: 1. Andy Triboletli; 2. Jimmy Healy; 3. Chrystal Coffelt. Egg on a Spoon - Division D: 1. Michelle Cusick; 2. Brooke Cold iron; 3. Michelle Stanton. Keyhole Race - Trot: 1. Beatrix Kirwin; 2. Andy Triboletti; 3. Jes sica Posey. Keyhole Race - Open; 1. Jimmy Healy: 2. Jennifer Knox; 3. Mi chelle Stanton. Keyhole Race - Adult and Old er 4-H’ers: 1. Rod Vanderhoff; 2. Martin Georgeson; 3. Bill Wunsch. Apple Race - Division A; 1. Jessica Farrell; 2. Wes Promnitz; 3. Chastity Moran. Apple Race - Division B: 1. Jimmy Healy; 2. Jennifer Knox; 3. Michelle Stanton. Dollar Bareback: 1. Jimmy Healy; 2. Lauren Daggett; 3. Zu bair Hamir. ROPE IN SOME EXTRA #« Lf CASH! fflf Advertise With A ' \ | SjjSS u Lancaster Farming '1 U\ CLASSIFIED AD... 44 Phone; 717-394-3047 Jti or 717-626-1164 /l\ v- All-Plant LIQUID PLANT FOOD 9-18-9 PLUS OTHERS' • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric $ acid. Made in USA. £ • Non-corrosive Won’t settle. • Top quality. Excellent service • Newest equipment. • Financially sound, .and growing l 1 Big Demand Requires | More Distributors! | I sell to farmers. How do I become your distributor’ I’m a farmer. What’s the price? Where do I get it? CALL or SEND FOR FACTS: Phone 814-364-1349 ALL-PLANT LIQUID PLANT FOOD, INC. 821 State Rd. 511 N..RFD3. Ashland, Ohio 44805
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