Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1993, Image 22
A22-lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993 (Continued from Page At) prevent BST from ever being approved. Representatives of the National Farmers Union, the Consumers Union and the National Family Farm Coalition, reportedly met with members of the staff to Vice President A 1 Gore to plead for intervention in what the organiza tions forsee as pending FDA approval. There is no indication of how much influence on FDA’s decision the White House could make. Also, the Clinton Administration’s position on BST is also not known. There was no media announce ment of a public hearing on BST coming from FDA. The March 5 memorandum that notifies of the meeting was apparently not intended for the media. According to the memorandum, the Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee (VMAC) to the FDA has scheduled the meeting to run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a period set from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. to allow for public comment. According to the news release, “During the open committee dis cussion (from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and from 3 p.m. to 3 p.m.), VMAC will discuss whether the increased incidence of mastitis in dairy cows treated with Monsanto Company’s bovine somatotropin product Sometribove-zinc complex (Sometribove) as an aid in increasing milk production, and the potential concomitant increase in antibiotic use, repre sents a risk to human health." However, the memorandum also states that the CVM has already determined that the con- LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT Earl Huber, Right With Son Ted, Left Grand Prize Winner s2ooo°° Worth Of Jamesway Parts Ist PRIZE - Carl Savage - Pottstown, PA 2nd PRIZE - Millie Windeman - Oxford, PA Microwave Oven 3rd PRIZE - Daniel King - Paradise, PA A Hearty Thank You To Everyone Who Helped Make Our Open House A Big Success From All Of Us At N EQUIPMENT A LAPP’S B. 6935 OU> PHILADELPHIA PIKE, GAP, PA 17627 -SjAMifnß PHONE: 717-442-8134 F^=l fjjjPaß WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL fungi tSST Vm _ Radio Dlapatchad Trucka l^T^/ FDA’s VMAC cem for human health is not mer ited. Though the agency did note that it did not treat the issue raised by the GAO frivolously in making its assessment. “Data in the New Animal Drug Application for Sometribove and in the published literature shows that the increase in mastitis for Sometribove-treated cows is much less than the normal variation in mastitis incidence related to phys iological and environmental changes: nevertheless, any increase in mastitis could still result in an overall increase of anti biotic use that could pose a risk to human health if it raised beyond lawful levels, the amount of anti biotics found in milk or meat “In this particular case, howev er, the Center for Veterinary Medi cine has reached an initial conclu sion that concern regarding poten tial additional risk to humans resulting from an increased inci dence of mastitis due to Sometri bove is not warranted. The basis for the center’s conclusion will be discussed with the advisory committee.” It is too late for those who have not already registered with the CVM to make public comment. According to Gary E. Stefan, with the Center for Veterinary Medicine, as of the March 24 deadline, he had already received more requests to address the VMAC than there is scheduled time to allow. The CVM also would not release a list of those scheduled to speak during the hearing, because of a policy it follows to protect the scheduled speakers from uneces sary harassment or approach. Congratulates EARL HUBER Conestoga, PA OTHER WINNERS Tool Box With Tools J-Star Clock Sets Public Hearing On BST The anti-BST organizations reported on their efforts to gain the interest of the White House. According to a news release from the NFU, “The Food and Drug Administration’ apparent willing ness to approve a controversial growth hormone for dairy cows could seriously damage American dairy farmers by undermining con sumer confidence in milk quality.” According to the release, “Polls have shown that consumers do not want to buy dairy products pro duced from cows injected with the synthetic hormone. “In addition, the government’s investigative agency, the General Accounting Office (GAO), earlier this month repeated its concern that the FDA has not answered all of the questions surrounding the impact of synthetic (BST) on dairy herds.” The Farmers Union has opposed BST because its members perceive a devastating impact on the dairy economy, based on consumers' reaction to the drug. There are also those who oppose approval out of fear that BST will drive family farmers out of busi ness, because they suspect use of the drug will cause a glut of milk and lower on-the-farm milk prices. These people can’t see any reason for using a product that makes the cow work harder than she already Join the list of satisfied users remodel with chore-time cages You Can Have More Birds, Better Performance, More Income And Less Maintenance With A New Chore-Time Duratrim You got more room In our top cage for extra bird! Note the extra wire in partitions, backs and tops for added strength ULTRAFLO® goes -80 feet per minute has a 5 year warrai Special wire on cai floors Is welded bet being galvanized. Thi gives stronger weldf and better coating, one more reason why Chore-Time outlasts other systems Remodel with Chore-Time and you can have more birds, better performance and less maintenance. Chore-Time’s 4 tier, 20 inch deep Duratrim is the same width as 3 tier dropping board systems and 4 tier reverse cages. Go from 60,000 birds to 80,000 birds. ULTRAFLO® saves feed. Birds can’t pick over feed while the feeder is running. When they eat the auger stops birds from piling feed and flinging feed. WHY NOT CHECK OUT THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF? Contact us now - or ask any producer who owns ULTRAFLO® trough and not on the floor or In the pit Northeast Agrl Systems is Pennsylvania’s Authorized SOD Master Distributor THTISSS agr! systems As a hormone, BST acts within the body of the cow to direct nutri ents to the milk-making area of the cows, resulting in the manufacture by the cow, of more milk. Nutri tional requirements by the cow also increase with the manufacture of more milk. There is no method to detect the difference between milk from a NORTH CORNWALL (Leba non Co.) March 29 is the dead line to order seedlings and wildlife packets from Lebanon County’s only bareroot seedling sale. Sponsored by the Lebanon County Conservation District, proceeds support district environ mental programs. Applicants can select from seven species of ever-greens, four species of hardwoods, two types of azaleas, and crown vetch for ground cover and/or erosion con trol. Wildlife packets offering a Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. ■ FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK JiNw, SU.-USYl*® 139 A Wen Airport Rd. ikvice numieii Km Pi | Lmtz, PA 17543 1-800-673-2580 Seedling Order Deadline Soon HEALTH KICK Chore-Time’s Popular ULTRAFLO* Cage Feeding System Is Now Even More Outstanding! We've developed and tested the ______ second generation of ULTRAFLO® aiflp feeders and named It the ULTRAFLO® II A A ULTRAFLO® II offers you even greater reUablllty, durability. and outstanding feed-savmg SSIijSS? performance - up to 1 gram of cohheotok. feed per bird per day - over the Allows fast and original ULTRAFLO®, And even the simple Installation, original ULTRAFLO® was beating 3180 <l ui <i k and eas y our competition In feed savings! repair of auger If So, Join the cage feeding ever necessary leader Contact us today Find Auger and trough out how Chore-Time and see both warranted ULTRAFLO® II can help you be 5 fnll years Chain a leader, too! feeders are not cow treated with BST and milk from a cow not treated. In some cases, groups have sought to bypass this lack of ability to make a distinction between the milks. One group has recom mended forcing dairies to put con sumer warning labels on milk con tainers if they use any milk coming from farms where BST is used. mix of nine hardwoods and everg reens arc being offered for the first time at ten dollars a packet. Applications are available at the Lebanon County Conservation District Office, 2120 Cornwall Road, Suite 5, Lebanon, PA 17042. Seedling forms can also be obtained at Zweier’s (Lebanon), Dutchway (Schaefferstown and Myerstown), Wertz Candies (Lebanon), Leed’s Comer (Camp belltown), Jonestown Market, and Collin’s Market (Colcbrook). /ear warranty cages. Call or id for a copy ig tray Is out isr to provont egg Jam-ups is extra high Ip on the egg ' saves eggs tvallable with !4”x20” cages 6”x20” cages jet 33% more Is because It inly 73” wide IF YOU ARE THINKING OF REMODELING OR FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL OUR TOLL-FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: