MfIILO X MARKET F R SALE s 1 1970 Int Masons Dump Four Wheel drive tool box es, 29,000 mi., $l9OO. Limoge Circa 1900 12 Place Bowls, Platters Sus sex 201-948-6296 Approx 300 bu Rye $2 25 per bu , approx 500 bu oafs $1 75 per bu, 6 miles north of Hamburg 717-943-2331 Sch Co No Sunday Calls Nubian - Alpine female goat, 10 months old, $4O or make offer Lane Co 717-442-4733 Reg Jersey Bull Sire, Schultz performing legend, Perry Co. 717-789-3586. JD 24T Baler with type EO2BE Thrower-Field Rdy, barn kept of course - $lOOO.OO. Bucks Co 215-968-2649. C.B. HOOBER & SON, INC Intercourse, PA (717) 768-8231 FOR CASE IH $3.54 $3.62 $3.66 $3.99 WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via FED. EXP. - UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT, ETC. Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-S^PM^Sat.: 7 AM-Noon 111 CALL US... a«"™ It CouU Be We Have If UPS Station MAILBOX MAR AD FORM Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our Please NO PHONE CALLS (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale 17 600 bales alfalfa hay, good color SO lb. bales $2 each. 60 ft 4" pipe, gate valve 4' plate welder to pite $6O Pond Bucks Co 215-862-2506 Unico side ventilator sys tem 250, weathered tongue and groove 1"x8" siding from 4' to 8' long, 250 pcs poplar 3"x s”xl2' 3-B"xB’x34’ I-beams John S King, RD #2 Box 64-1 Hon ey Brook. Pa, 19344. Five started calves beef/ dairy crosses nice $695. takes all. Reg. Simmental cow open ready to breed $BOO. York Co 717-428-3124 4 Angus steers, 6 Angus heifers about 400 to 500 lbs Berks Co 215-286-5422 25T good quality hay, no ram, good color @ $BB a ton Call after 6 PM Sch Co 717-345-4489 IHWHIFD HOOBER EQUIPMENT, INC, wHHMMHHHNHHHHHHHHHI Middletown, de • TWO LOCATIONS (302) 378-9555 The Saving Place SlVEgp - 198063912 -4” - 157095C1 - 1980640C2 -6” - 1547096C1 - 1980641C2 - I'A ” - 1547097C1 - 1980642C2 -9” - 1547098C1 mailbox markets Check One: Notice 14 Receiver hitch fits late model Ford pickup $45 Dauphin Co 717-469-7248 Dairy Kool 800 gal tank with washer. Lehigh belt compressor. $3975. Leb Co. 717-865-5340. Dogs, adults and puppies, male and female, Labs and Huskys, call for price and color. Leb. Co 717-865-5772. 24'/j ” TEW absorber new rollers & sponges, 3 /< HP engine mounted $325 David F Lapp, Rt 2, Box 272, Myerstown, Pa 17067 Leb Co Two JD A tractors, MM Z model, Oliver 70 all used last year Carl Plock, 717-458-5341 Col Co JD three bottom 16" plow, fully mounted, model 1250 Union Co 717-922-1313 KET Wanted 20 Hit & Miss engines 214 HP Galloway 2 'A HP economy 1V« HP Nelson Bros. Priced right. Eves. Carbon Co 717-386-4310. Cardboard barrels $1.50 ea can deliver in 70-barrel loads for 1 25 per loaded mile from Susquehanna Co. 717-222-3881 Handsome 16.3 h dk. bay TB gelding. 12 yo nice mover, good jumper Inter mediate rider $3500 Lane Co 717-392-0250 JD 24T baler $2OO McCor mick Int'l Mow-con $250 Two IHC soil pulverizers Sprayer, discs, cultivator, more Cheap! Hunterdon Co 908-782-1725. 1976 Chev pickup front end wrecked for parts, good cab, doors, 8' bed, motor, transmission, make offer. Lane. Co. 717-653-1109. FOR OTHER BRANDS $3.54 $3.62 $3.66 $3.99 \yput St Up Your lone And ice Your Parts Order >jl FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PHASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMI Requirement*: 1) Subscribers allowed ‘one’ free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit; 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff haa the right to reject any Mailbox Mark ets that do not meat these requirements. ** Mall To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets P.O. Box 609 1 E. Main SI. Ephrata. PA 17522 No Phone Call Please! 3 antique solid wood 6 panel doors, Case side delivery rake, Bee supplies hive, bodies and super 6 free gas brooders York Co. 717-252-2666 335 Cummins with Jake $1450. HT 750 Allison auto $lB5O 4 foot vibrashank International with midwest harrow $B5O. 717-866-7213 Leb. Co. Two pigmy goats grey female may be bred, car amel Billy make nice pets. Lane. Co. 717-738-4117. Pig equip 16 Tri-County crates, 7 pcs clear span flooring, preg tester, sever al SS fans, nursery pen partitions, feeders More. Berks Co. 215-926-3167. JD L with cultivator DU caterpillar blade and pump IH Hammermill 10C Lane Co 717-626-5678 Corn silage stored in ag bag Lane Co 717-786-7143 1977 F Model Mack, 5 speed, 237 w/13,000 miles on overhaul, good 10 00-20 rubber, $3500 Adams Co 717-359-4779 or evenings 410-346-7411 Walsh 165 gallon field sprayer, 3 pt hool Co 215-593-6553 Farmall SuperA Rebuilt Engine, runs good $1600.00 0.b.0. Lancaster County 717-367-1880 or 717-285-3363. International 3 bottom Fast hitch plows with cover boards, caulders and hydraulic trail wheel Exo condition $3OO 00 Cumb County 717-697-9788 JD 350 Dozer manual 6 wat Blade gas, very good $4900 00, JD 3508 Dozer 6 wat Blade, excellent $9200 00 717-275-4252 Ford Auto reset 3 BTM plow, Ford 110 2 BTM Plow, like new, please call after 5 p.m. Lane. Co. 717-898-7058. Lancaster Farming Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $19.00 per year or $36.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $29.00 per year, $56.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on ail renewals,please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. * OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thurs day 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancas ter Farming mailing label here and mail the wiiole form to: LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone; 717-626-1164.0 r 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING O $19.00- 1 YEAR a $36.00- 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAME ADDRESS CITY. ZIP + 4. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27,1993-03 Frick sawmill steel 45' track, 4 head block carriage edger, rollers, 52” blade, log turner A A Co Md 301-855-8155 301-855-4023 Wild turkeys, ready to breed $75 pair Chester Co 215-383-7368 2 pair 18.4x38 8 ply Goo dyear bias tractor tires 1 pr. 60% no breaks with tubes $275 each, other 3070 thread no breaks $lOO. Huntderdon Co 908-782-3671. 1954 Studebaker Champ ion. New paint and chrome only 35,000 orig. miles. All orig. parts. Available to see 215-755-1727 leave message Pygmy goats, registered show quality animals at wholesale prices Herd reduction Bucks, does, adults and kits Breeding avail Chester Co 215-970-0292 Top buggy on rubber, hyd. brakes, good cond $l2OO Clipper No 9 belt lacer on stand $75. Lane Co 717-733-8434. Allis Chalmers B w/ cultivator, runs good, good tires 215-495-7523 $950 Motor for AC W/D45, WC parts tractor 1936, front end loader WC, IH 45 baler painted, works good, Oliver 70 has 318 engine Hunt Co 814 627-5149 706 Int row crop diesel, good cond , also bright clean wheat straw, most any quantity avail Adams Co 717-359-5869 JD3pt 3x16 trip back plow high clearance, w. depth wheel, field ready $550 York Co 717-235-2032 Hard wood flooring, good cond. about 900 sq. ft. Chester Co. Christ Fisher, #2 Box 157 AA, Honey Brook, Pa. 19344. * RENEWALS 1 (Check Appropriate Boxes) COUNTY NON-RFFUNDABLE 1985 Pontiac Fiero, auto, air cond., power windows, stereo, garage kept, non smokers car, looks & runs perfect. Asking $2200. 215-358-5839. Reg. Nubian does, 1 doe kid, 1 bred doe CAE nega tive, show quality animalsl $2OO firm each Jarrettsville Md. 410-692-5274. Lambs bottle fed different colors, also goat kids pygmy/Nubian cross $5O each Cumb Co 717-776-3624 John Deere Killefer #5lO 10' disc harrow $2OO Col umbia Co 717-784-9688 1939 Ford 44,000 orig. miles, all orig. $6OOO. Call Kevin Fehr 407 Chestnut Aug., Northfield NJ 08225 609-641-5910. 3 Angus cows due April, May $7OO each. Luzerne Co. 717-864-3770. OMC 1000 skid steer load er $1450 080. Lane. Co 717-656-6863 6-7 AM-PM 1979 Subaru SW 3 spd auto, very good engine & drive tram, body has rust Make offer Cordwood saw/ blade Chester Co 215-268-8627 NH 770 with 2 row corn head narrow hay head $2500 Wanted 3-18 roll over plow Jefferson Co 814-371-2289 Matched team, Sorrel Mor gan geldings, 15H, 7-10 Y.O. proven endurance for long trips, drive single, dou ble, work or nde. Lane Co 215-286-0290. Round bale weagon 16' long x 8' wide, brand new -all steel construction $575 York Co after 7 PM 717-993-3350. Hardback novels from '6os, nice selection, your choice $1 00 ea $l5 talks all six boxes □ $29.00-1 YEAR D $56.00- 2 YEARS STATE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers