Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1993, Image 128
C32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993 IfeJ POULTRY i JACKSON AVE. SUPPLIES LIVE POULTRY f Sell direct to usT"? I for cash. \ * Fowl j * Pigeons l * Bantams We buy poultry t * PUNets tor top cash. I I * Capons * Leghorn Fowl } * Rabbits • Spen* Fowl : * ftnineac ' Whl,e p, Beons • Guineas . Bantams CnUkarS • Bantam Roosters * Turkeys * Broilers * I am he ' Guinea Hens . 5 • Muscovy Ducks Goats We pick up at the farm JACK MINTZ (718) 665-1441 DAI || TDV between 7 am - 5 pm TUUL mi OVER 35 yeira jn the trea 215-267-4784 Moyer's chicks, inc. Baby Chicks Jt Started Pullets J!r Moyer's Broilers Brown & White Layers PHONE (215) 536-3155 266 E. PALETOWN RD. QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951 FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT, ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS. EMBDEN GOSLINGS FRFF CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS, CHICKS, TURKEYS, GUINEAS, BANTAMS. PHEASANTS, QUAIL. CHUKARS, SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. GRATZ, PA 17030 STARTED CAPONS AND CAPONIZIN G Receive healthy f 3/ ’ week ol ** •urgically caponlzed chicks '•Km 0R j ffMsjjip We will come to your 1 ' (arm to caponlze your chicks SCHOPF BROS. HIHHBBI 3493 Marietta Ave. Sat Gene or Jim Great Money Maker SCHOPF BROS. FREE CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexlinks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, Barred Rocks, Guineas, Pheasants, Ducks, Goslings, Plus Fancy Bantams, Buff Orpingtons, Araucans, Black Australorps Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze Turkeys. Poults Special Wholesale Prices Write or Phone For Free Catalog Today We Guarantee You The Best Quality And Lowest Prices Anywhere PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks. 301-833-1840 Forklift, good shape, LP. excellent for warehouse work, $9OO 717/442/9548 No Sunday Calls ■* New Egg Room Temperature Regulations Now In Effect! EGG ROOM COOLING 7 TO MEET t NEEDS! J^P Call For Free inspection And Analysis Of Your Operation! Serving Your Refrigeration And Cooling Needs For 45 Years... RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION ■ * Southern Service Center 76 Pumping Sta. Rd. Quarryvllte, Pa. 717-786-1617 Vic Lalnlngar Chukara 66e Ea. • 1000 Quail 23e Ea. ■ 1000 Pheasant 74c Ea. - 1000 Silkies 89c Ea • 1000 Cfiukar - Bobwhlte Rlnaneck $ 4B 50 $3O SO $52 50 $BO 100 $3B 100 $B4 100 $lB2 250 $BB 250 $205 250 $345 500 $145 500 $395 ggg $660 1000 $230 1000 $740 1000 Silkies $55 50 / $99 100 i sl72 250 $465 500 $B9O 1000 DOUBLE R ITADUrC Chicks Shipped f aKJMLo Anywhsra In USA. RD #2 Box 92 Guaranteed Live Delivery. Templeton, PA 16259 Chukars Available 412-868-2173 Year-Round Northeast Agri r^J Systems M|| Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk teed bln* In a wlda varlaty of capacities, lor any application. . • Ganulna Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER’ __ I feed delivery flexible auger aystema • Broiler & broiler breeding feeding 4 ayttema. Including the new Chore-Tlmo ▼*«, / \ i Model 2000 and the Model C feeders. A . YPiMSIm • Fans A completa ventilation syttema, iS mL. Including the new fan oscillator • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH wafer- Ing lor any kind of poultry application • Chore-Tima'a exdutlva MEAL-TIME* pig and hog feeding & watering aystema. • Chore-Time's production-boosting cow pL/ja^Fji leading system tor dairy operations. ImPligi I Shenandoah space | 3IR DISTRIBUTOR heaters incinerators 1 £1 Tfi feat* mjd BROODERS f W* TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1 ■BOO-673-2580 Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. 3 flyway business park ■ 139 A West Airport Rd. Liutz. PA 17543 IQ (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 ■ Sales & Service RAY EAGER & SONS CUSTOM BROILER HOUSE CLEANING. Wash down, sweep out. even complete clean outs Short on help? Need a vacation or equipment breaks down Give me a call' 717-949-3212 These Commercial Units Can Handle Your Cooling Needs To Meet The New Stricter Federal Regulations! MAIN OFFICE 1048 North Penryn Rd. Manhelm, Pa. 17545 717-665-3525 Ken or Ed Brubaker ft EMU jma info. Kid Atlantic LL Emu Finn PA (215) 255*5191 MD (410) 398*2432 Northern Service Center 541 Fryatown Rd. Myaratown, Pa. 717-933-4711 Ken Kopp IW FEED i WtM SEED Hay, straw, baled shav ings, baled shredded paper- Storage Problems? Use our vans, 30 day free use. Shredded paper, $2O/ton and up. SUNRISE FARMS, York Springs, PA, (800)634-0987 High moisture shelled corn from Harvestore silo. Treated w/Silo King (717)367-3550 High moisture corn from Harvestore silo. Franklin Co. 717-352-8866, 717-352-2380. Lancaster County Home Grown Pennscott Clover Seed. State Tested, 99.27% Pure, 91% Germ. S7S/bu. 717-529-2723. Large round hay and straw stored inside. Delivery available. Monroe. (215)381-3043 Corn Silage, 60% mois ture, $23/ton at farm. Can arrange delivery. Cochran ville, PA. 215-932-3722. Corn silage in silo, $22 ton Can deliver. Lancaster. 717-664-4235. Early cut Timothy and Or chard Grass. $9O/per ton 215-593-5665. 215-593-2751 Early cut hay, large bales, timothy mixed SI.2S/bale. Susquehanna County. (717)434-2103. I Feed by-products, sweet [corn silage $l4/ton. Also .silage mixture 10% protein 1524/ton. Clyde H Kreider, Lancaster, PA 717-898-8927 First & second cutting al falfa and mixed hay, $B5 & $125 Picked up at farm 607/359-3921. FOR SALE: Bright clean Wheat Straw. NO Rain. Le high Co. 215-298-2993. FOR SALE: Corn, Soy beans, Hay and Straw Berks Co 215-488-7027. FOR SALE: Corn silage stored in AG Bag. Lancas ter County. 717-786-7143. FOR SALE: Hay and Corn Silage Hauling available 215-932-8999. For Sale 50 ton wheat straw, large square bales stored, $45 per ton For Sale: Good quality Al falfa Brome mix, Alfalfa Or chard Grass mix, Timothy, and Straw Will deliver (717)258-5224 Giorgi Mushroom Co Year around buyers of quality mulch hay, Timothy and grasses No clover or Alfalfa Please call 215-926-2139 ext 634 for latest prices GOOD QUALITY AL FALFA HAY Christ K Stoltzfus, 234 C N Harvest Road. Rooks, PA 17572, 215/649-2954 Prior Sat 7am-6pm Good quality Alfalfa and grass hay Ist, 2nd, 3rd cuttings, NO Ram, $lOO/per ton, square bales. 717-836-1754. GRASS/ALFALFA HAY, 7001 b round bales, good for dry cow & heifer hay, no ram 215/286-0168, 215/286-0706 HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. Over 35 years of business Refer ence in your area upon re quest We deliver. No or ders too large. L. J. Hay, Inc 1-800-622-9902 Haylage for sale, 21% pro tein, 58% moisture. Deliv ery available. Myerstown, Lebanon Co 717-866-2738. Hay for Sale l 71 7/862-3213, 717/927-9483 Wheat Straw, large round bales, dairy quality 717-632-2413 No Sunday Calls Will buy moldy gram 301-833-1847. [RISSER GRAIN T Buying & Selling | j I Ear & Shelled Corn, < i Wheat, Barley & Soybeans. ! Roasted Soybeans For Sale. 1 1 Holtwood, PA i! 1 717-284-4628 ; 717-284-3362 J WHOLE COTTON SEED KILN DRIED SHAVINGS January Thru August Contracts Available HERSHBY FARMS 338 Sunnyburn Rd. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-665-7284 BUYING EAR CORN H Shelled Corn r I Soybeans | | Contract or Spot Purchase / ) Plcktd Up At Your Farm j \ Or Dallvared To Manhelm I { NOLL GRAIN ' 341 Weaver Rd., Manhelm, PA (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 [J B KEYSTONE MILLS iStunnq fqucuCtuic Buying Shelled Com Also Buying Whoat and Barlay During parvsst Season Call 717/354-4616 or 717/738-4251 Mixed grass hay for sale, no ram (215)385-6486. New Crop RYELAGE FOR SALE out of field, available 4/93, $l5/ton. Delivery available 717/872-9152 717/872-4058 Nice heavy barley and oats, will deliver Also straw, square bales and large round bales. Stump land Farm, Berks Co 215/488-1965. Peanut hulls for sale, $3.00 per bag. Phone 717-944-8912 anytime Quality Grass-Mixed Hay, made young, at barn 717/653-5675 Lancaster Co. ROUND BALE CLOSE OUTI Good grass, tight bales, under cover, about 700#s 4’X4’/!' make offer 908-534-4644 SEED OATS FOR SALE Stump Acres. 717/792-3216 York Co. Soybeans cleaned, germa tion tested-96 from last years certified bush type XL4IS Order now l (717)866-2406 Timothy, Orchard Hay, green color, made young, $lO5/ton 717-345-4109 Eves. TOBACCO grow your own Turkish and Broadleaf Bur ley (mild) for smoking or chewing Send $5 for 200 seed pkt. Tobacco, P O Box 190, New Waterford, OH 44445 Wheat, oats and barley straw, hay, feeding oats and dried shelled corn for sale. STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co.